Thursday, August 10, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 18 - 2023 through Fri. Aug. 25 - 2023!

            For this rainy and cool but beautiful week of August 2023 - we shall continue with the radio talk shows' - the callers and the hosts. Again - as every week - the disclaimer is in place - "Any similarity to real people - purely coincidental".          

      As we mentioned before - some callers are obsessed with calling certain radio hosts - but they call the other ones as well - at the aforementioned big talk radio station which we are not naming. The listeners - in the meantime - get very familiar with the steady callers and their political agendas.

          There is a certain woman caller - constantly calling the station's - talk radio hosts - wanting to share her "three cents worth" of her political theories - with a big radio audience. Her political agenda changes - however. Recently - she was totally fixated on comparing the state of Israel to Nazi dictatorship by quoting some obscure anti-Semitic, anti-Israel - books and articles - no doubt - written to support hers and other anti-Semitic, crazy conspiracy theories of many sorts. She was obsessed with maligning the state of Israel - for quite a while - which subsided a bit - in recent weeks. Many people pointed out to her that her anti-Semitic "activity"/fixation - is as obvious as a proverbial "nose on her face."

      Lately - though - she has been vigorously propagating for her big political goal of - not re-electing Pres. Biden for the U.S. presidency in 2024. Needless to say - her intense calls get on many listeners - nerves - galore - not necessarily - just the Jews who might not be thrilled to listen to her "spewing her anti-Semitic, conspiracy theories." It needs to be noted - however - that she also - frequently "works the nerves" of other talk radio hosts as well as the nerves of many listeners who frequently state so - when they talk to the radio hosts. Nothing seems to discourage her - though. She is deeply dedicated.

        Recently - a relatively new gentleman caller - "arrived onto the scene" of talk radio. He "spews" another sort of hostility to the vast radio audiences. He loudly proclaims his strong hatred of ex-president Trump - which also gets on the nerves on many listeners - as well as on the nerves of many talk radio hosts. Many listeners who call the talk radio - inform the hosts about it.         

       It's not that they are necessarily - "Trumpers" or anything like that - but the aforementioned caller's abrasive voice and long, long lectures - will "work" - anybody's nerves. Many of the listeners - confirm that - when they talk to the radio hosts about various subjects - but mostly about politics which had always been divided but the divisions came to the surface with the massive use of social media platforms - in the recent years.

      In any event - everybody will have a very good week and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

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