For this lovely, first week of the beginning of the school year - as every September - the kids of all ages - will be - refreshingly - out of all the public places. Anyway - this time we shall comment - again - on some things going on at our talk radio station with the customary disclaimer - of course - that "any similarity to real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental".
A few months ago, the station - suddenly fired a radio host who has been with them close to 14 years (evidently quite a few listeners must have liked his "style"). Our group of neighbors mostly disliked his "microphone" style for a lot of reasons - the main one being that he - customarily - went on - way too long on any subject - especially - his family members were talked about - on the air - a lot more than anybody would be interested to hear - secondly -he stuck to the topic like a proverbial "chewing gum to the shoe sole" - way too long.
Still - the way they fired him was amazing - his name was quickly taken off the schedule; then after a few weeks - a short notice on their website stated something short - in response to many listeners asking about him; the station informed the listeners in a short statement to the effect that "whenever the station fires anybody - it's to save funds." They would never do it like this - had he been a minority or gay.
Speaking of which - another radio host was given a "royal to the max" - send off - with a proverbial "red carpet and orchestra" treatment - with all the station bosses doing the lengthy "tributes to their vast accomplishments while working for the station". It needs to be emphasized - however - that they were only with the station - for two short years - with no outstanding accomplishments of record - of any sort.
In any event - everybody will have a super good new week, and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!
Copyright@ L. Hadley and the Associates 2024
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