Monday, October 30, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 01 - 2023 through Fri. Dec. 08 - 2023!

          For this cold and rainy week of the beginning of the winter 2023 - we shall continue a bit with our talk radio - personalities - thus the disclaimer is in place as every week: "Any similarity to real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental."

      Last time we mentioned an obsessed woman - caller/listener to the local talk radio station who calls the station all the time - with most of this radio station's talk radio hosts - politely but quickly - disposing of her calls - after a brief verbal exchange; the notable exception being - of one of the talk radio hosts - who is of the obvious Leftist slanted - political persuasion - thus - his anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, anti-Jewish values - are identical to those of the compulsive/obsessive woman caller - we are highlighting; therefore - their hating onto the Jews and Israel - under the pretext that both of them love the Palestinian people - all sound phony, disingenuous and insincere. 

       Both of them falsely claim that while they despise - the Zionism and Israel - they do "like the Jewish people". That's what all the haters proclaim - now a days and always - actually. Those two - must be sharpening their fangs and claws - galore - this time of the year - each time - before they get onto the airwaves! Halloween 2023 Season - must be their favorite national holiday!

       We promised to give you a profile of a new - caller/hater with a raspy/abrasive/ugly tone of voice who started calling the station recently - with a slightly different sort of a disgusting and skewered - political propaganda. His political "mini speeches/rants" - however - have many shades of the hostility towards the Republicans and blind love for the Democrats thus his - alleged -"facts" are frequently skewered and manipulated to support his phony political arguments. 

       However - many truly knowledgeable callers/listeners - frequently - knock down and effectively - repudiate - his bombastic and - often - ridiculous - political arguments - which always last - way too long - each time he gets his raspy/abrasive voice onto the airwaves. 

      At any rate - stay tuned - everybody - for some other "profiles" who disgrace this area! Next time we will "sprinkle" some local Leftist politicians into this "witches' brew" mix - with many of them becoming truly - a national embarrassment to this area!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 24 - 2023 through Fri. Dec. 01 - 2023!

          For this beautiful, fall 2023 week - close to Thanksgiving 2023 - we shall continue to comment upon the various callers/listeners to the local talk radio station - for a change - since we touched upon some talk radio hosts of this talk radio station which we will not be naming. We shall focus a bit on various compulsive callers/listeners who call obsessively to our local talk radio station's - talk radio hosts - with the disclaimer firmly in place which reads: "Any similarity to real people or circumstances are purely coincidental." 

      Anyway - for quite a few years a certain woman/caller keeps calling many talk radio hosts of this station. Most of them will take her calls - then get rid of her - politely - from the air waves; they know her political conspiracy theories - almost all of which - come down to her - obvious - hateful attitude towards the state of Israel and the Jews - by extension. 

      In addition - she - however - is not averse to talk about her personal life - to the variety of the radio hosts - most of whom - don't give a "rat's pajama" about the details of her personal life's events - the details of which do not belong on the air waves - anyway - especially if they are of the gruesome and disgusting nature.

     As we mentioned before - most of the radio hosts - politely - get rid of her calls but she is a persistent type - not easily dissuaded by many other callers to the station who state that they "can't stand her - with her air of superiority permeating her calls -  thus they find her calls - annoying to the maximum."

     At any rate - since the Oct. 07 - 2023 - Israeli/Hamas conflict started - her favorite talk radio host - also an anti-Israel, anti-Jewish political advocate - an apologist for Hamas's political agenda - simply adores her calls to no end - since her hostile, anti-Semitic propaganda spewing - evidently - sounds like "music to his ears". She - loves to call his talk radio shift - like a fly loves a sweet honey strip.

     There is another talk radio host - not an anti-Semitic type or anti-Israel proponent - who - for some mysterious reasons - kowtows - to her calls to his talk radio shift. When she talks to him - on the air waves - which seems to be one of the biggest "big highs" of her existence - she tempers a bit her anti-Semitic, anti-Israel rhetoric - but she still manages to "spray" some of her anti-Israel, anti-Jewish political venom - nevertheless.

     Stay tuned because next time we shall profile a bit - a new, compulsive/obsessive Leftist caller to the talk radio station who "gathers his facts" skewered to his rabid Leftist political agenda.

     Anyway - everybody will have a super good new week. We pray for Israel and contribute to them while the U.S. House of Representatives just elected a new speaker - thank God - so help is on the way!

    Thanksgiving 2023 will be here in a blink of an eye!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 17 - 2023 through Fri. Nov. 24 - 2023!

        For this beautiful Fall 2023 - week - during which the leaves are changing colors while the smell of wet leaves brings the reminder of the coming soon - Thanksgiving 2023 and the Holiday Season 2023/24 - not far behind - we will comment upon about various conspiracy theories which richly abound during these politically tense times. As every week - we insert our disclaimer: "Any similarity to read people or circumstances - are purely coincidental". 

      In any event - we mentioned before - various talk radio hosts entertaining the shifts of the locally popular - talk radio station. Lo and behold - one of the hosts who is of the obvious Leftist/Socialist - political persuasion - loves the political conspiracies - moreover - he provides the facts which he digs up to support the aforementioned - wild political conspiracies. 

     He has a favorite caller/listener - however - who constantly/obsessively - calls the station whenever he entertains the talk radio shifts - other radio hosts are not eager to listen to her "drivel".  The annoying caller in question - is - evidently - simply - dying to put their "two cents worth" over the airwaves. 

     The same caller is truly - taken over by multitudes of conspiracy theories of the wildest sorts. Many listeners find that caller - annoying to no end - with that "familiar" voice sounding like "the nails down the chalkboard". 

     The Leftist radio host - though - appears to be totally fascinated/enamored - with that conspiracies' - spinning - caller/listener - who clearly demonstrates - though - that every one of their political conspiracy theories - leads to hating upon the state of Israel and all the Jewish people - by extension. Needless to say - that just makes all the Jewish listeners' - collective skins - crawl.

     At any rate - everybody will have a very good, new week and we shall meet here - close to a week from today! Thanksgiving and Holiday Season 2023 - are coming very soon! As every week - our thoughts and prayers go to people of Israel as well as any innocent civilians - caught in a crossfire of the recent Middle East War which started from the terroristic Hamas of Gaza Strip - unleashing its murderous spree - upon the innocent Israeli civilians on Oct. 07 - 2023 - who happened to live in Israeli towns - bordering Gaza Strip!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 10 -2023 through Fri. Nov. 17 - 2023!

            We are doing our Commentary of the Week a bit earlier due to the Hamas terrorist's incursion and subsequent - massacre of the Israeli civilian population on Oct. 07 - 2023 - in the Israeli towns neighboring the Hamas ruled - Gaza Strip whose 2 million Palestinians elected Hamas in 2006. Many political commentators claim that Hamas's electoral victory came with a lot of political violence.

        In response to our last Commentary of the Week - we will do part 2 - at this time. As we mentioned before - the disclaimer is in place - "Any similarity to real people and circumstances - are purely coincidental". 

        At any rate - the Leftist talk radio host we talked about the last time - constantly "works" with a steady, mainly anti-Semitic caller/listener - who is not averse - however - to "spew" their political venom - against some other political elements as well - with which they disagree. They find some alleged, true sources on YouTube to support their cockamamie conspiracy theories - truly "off the wall". 

       In spite of many criticisms which this listener/caller - constantly faces - to the effect that they are self-righteous, and blindly in love with themselves and their warped - politics - nothing seems to phase them - they plow ahead with their arrogant and false - cockamamie conspiracy theories. 

       Everybody will have a super good, new week. Our prayers, thoughts and best wishes go to the Israeli people, the Americans stranded there - many of whom - not Jewish as well many foreign visitors caught there. 

     We also pray for the innocent Palestinians - the ones who don't support Hamas - who are - however - currently - caught in the crossfire caused by Hamas's massacre of the neighboring Israeli towns - on Oct. 07 - 2023. Many Palestinians were forced to vote for Hamas - which used violence in 2006 elections - according to many political analysts. The massacre of innocent Israeli civilians by Hamas terrorists - on Oct. 07 - 2023 will not ever be forgotten. 

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


Monday, October 9, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 03 - 2023 through Fri. Nov. 10 - 2023!

           For this glorious - cool, crisp and sunny Fall 2023 - week - we shall comment a bit upon a local talk radio host - thus - of course - the disclaimer states: "Any similarity to real people or circumstances are purely - coincidental."

      We mentioned before something about the local Leftist talk radio host - who strongly believes in self-promotion; evidently much confident in his looks and general political activities - thus - being always - a dapper - snappy dresser - an energetic publicity seeker - with an elegant handkerchief in the lapels of his suits. Sometimes - however - the colors of his suits look - goofy/strange. 

     He loves to be in front of the TV camera but as we all know - it always adds - at least - 10 lbs. of weight - due to its wide angles; thus, a stocky person will appear - heavy. A slightly short neck - usually - looks quite a bit shorter - all due to the wide angle of the TV camera. 

     Anyway - until recently - he was appearing in the short, local TV promotional clip - whereby he interviewed in a boring manner - mostly - local writers - "hawking" their latest books. It was a tedious broadcast which was recently - "canned" - anyway. 

     He is not a good looking, portly old guy - to begin with - however - to the Israelis and the Jews who listen to his broadcasts on the local talk radio station - he looks like a big but short-necked alligator - snapping at them vigorously - while it flashes its big teeth.

    The reason for that - being - that he has his favorite listeners/callers - Israel haters who also hate the Jews - in general - calling the station - constantly - ad nauseum - every time he is on the air - with their venomous, half-truths - anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, anti-Semitic propaganda pieces. In general - they are of the Leftist/Woke/Socialist - political persuasion.

    At any rate - everybody will have a super good, new week and we shall meet here - next week - as every week. All of our thoughts and prayers go out this week and always - to our Jewish and Israeli friends - violently attacked on Saturday Oct. 07 - 2023 - by the Hamas terrorists - elected by the people of the Gaza Strip in 2006. We also pray for the Americans stranded there - lots of them - not Jewish; our prayers also go out to the Palestinian people who reject Hamas - but were forced to vote for Hamas in the elections of 2006 at the Gaza Strip - (conducted by Hamas - using violence -according to many political commentators).

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023

Thursday, October 5, 2023

A Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 27 - 2023 through Fri. Nov. 03 - 2023!

          For this last summery week of Oct. 2023 - we shall comment upon Senator John Fetterman's - state of mind as well as - we will bring back some flashbacks from his 2022 - bruising and ugly -  political campaign against Dr. Mehmet Oz - a polished international celebrity who would - for certain - do a much better job for the voters of Pennsylvania than Fetterman currently does (not even mentioning his idiotic attire which he - insists on wearing to the U.S. Senate sessions). 

       The Pennsylvania voters - evidently - chose to vote for Progressive/Socialist Fetterman - even if he turned out to be a semi-invalid - with his U.S. Senate staff - doing nearly all of the work for him. All this is happening - while the U.S. taxpayers "are forking over their hard-earned money in taxes - for his upkeep in the U.S. Senate where his numerous staff members do - almost - all the work for him," - according to many political comments of that nature posted onto many social media platforms.

      Everybody remembers that Fetterman had a massive stroke after the 2022 primaries which should have prompted him to resign. The political campaigns are not for anybody "faint of heart." There was a widely circulated video clip - around that time - of another Leftist/Socialist legislator - Malcolm Kenyatta from Philadelphia area - verbally devastating Fetterman - during an encounter/political debate. Kenyatta cut into Fetterman like a "knife into butter".

      Pursuant to his stroke - Fetterman started showing many signs of mental deficiency. Who can forget the memorable local debate between him and Dr. Oz - during which he "bode everybody 'goodnight'" at the very beginning of the program while he totally confused the names of Philadelphia Eagles football team. 

      Moreover - the local moderator advised Fetterman's team to turn the TV cameras onto Fetterman's "good side" which did not prominently - "showcased" a big lump on his neck.

      Still - many Pennsylvania voters - evidently - voted for him. Now - however - that the borders are overrun with tons of illegals from the numerous countries of the world - while the prices of everything - are much higher than before - they might have second thoughts whether to vote for the Democrats - again - this time around.

      In any event - everybody will have a super good, new week and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week! Happy October 2023 to all!

     Copyright@ L.S. Hadley and Associates 2024


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 20 - 2023 through Fri. Oct. 27 - 2023!

        For this - unusually warm - week of October 2023 - we shall comment a bit upon some local talk radio hosts - therefore the disclaimer is firmly in place - "Any similarity to the real people and circumstances - are purely - coincidental".

      As we mentioned before - we have here - a locally popular - Leftist talk radio host who - in spite of having higher education - speaks "jive" when he does his radio shifts. The other African American talk radio host - does not do it but his radio voice is not only - not excellent - but somewhat abrasive. We will talk about him in another column.

     Back to "jive" speaking local Leftist radio host who - evidently - wants to "curry favor" with all the "jive" speaking listeners. He loves, loves, loves to quote - frequently - gruesome crime statistics which the white people perpetrated against the Blacks - in the past. Naturally that kind of talk attracts many white people hating - callers and - of course - it gets on the nerves of everybody else in the listening audience.

      In any event - everybody will have a super good, new week. We are wishing our Jewish friends - most Happy Sukkot - Fiest of Tabernacle - Holiday which lasts a whole week!

      L.S. Hadley and Associates - 2023