Sunday, October 1, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 20 - 2023 through Fri. Oct. 27 - 2023!

        For this - unusually warm - week of October 2023 - we shall comment a bit upon some local talk radio hosts - therefore the disclaimer is firmly in place - "Any similarity to the real people and circumstances - are purely - coincidental".

      As we mentioned before - we have here - a locally popular - Leftist talk radio host who - in spite of having higher education - speaks "jive" when he does his radio shifts. The other African American talk radio host - does not do it but his radio voice is not only - not excellent - but somewhat abrasive. We will talk about him in another column.

     Back to "jive" speaking local Leftist radio host who - evidently - wants to "curry favor" with all the "jive" speaking listeners. He loves, loves, loves to quote - frequently - gruesome crime statistics which the white people perpetrated against the Blacks - in the past. Naturally that kind of talk attracts many white people hating - callers and - of course - it gets on the nerves of everybody else in the listening audience.

      In any event - everybody will have a super good, new week. We are wishing our Jewish friends - most Happy Sukkot - Fiest of Tabernacle - Holiday which lasts a whole week!

      L.S. Hadley and Associates - 2023


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