Thursday, October 5, 2023

A Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 27 - 2023 through Fri. Nov. 03 - 2023!

          For this last summery week of Oct. 2023 - we shall comment upon Senator John Fetterman's - state of mind as well as - we will bring back some flashbacks from his 2022 - bruising and ugly -  political campaign against Dr. Mehmet Oz - a polished international celebrity who would - for certain - do a much better job for the voters of Pennsylvania than Fetterman currently does (not even mentioning his idiotic attire which he - insists on wearing to the U.S. Senate sessions). 

       The Pennsylvania voters - evidently - chose to vote for Progressive/Socialist Fetterman - even if he turned out to be a semi-invalid - with his U.S. Senate staff - doing nearly all of the work for him. All this is happening - while the U.S. taxpayers "are forking over their hard-earned money in taxes - for his upkeep in the U.S. Senate where his numerous staff members do - almost - all the work for him," - according to many political comments of that nature posted onto many social media platforms.

      Everybody remembers that Fetterman had a massive stroke after the 2022 primaries which should have prompted him to resign. The political campaigns are not for anybody "faint of heart." There was a widely circulated video clip - around that time - of another Leftist/Socialist legislator - Malcolm Kenyatta from Philadelphia area - verbally devastating Fetterman - during an encounter/political debate. Kenyatta cut into Fetterman like a "knife into butter".

      Pursuant to his stroke - Fetterman started showing many signs of mental deficiency. Who can forget the memorable local debate between him and Dr. Oz - during which he "bode everybody 'goodnight'" at the very beginning of the program while he totally confused the names of Philadelphia Eagles football team. 

      Moreover - the local moderator advised Fetterman's team to turn the TV cameras onto Fetterman's "good side" which did not prominently - "showcased" a big lump on his neck.

      Still - many Pennsylvania voters - evidently - voted for him. Now - however - that the borders are overrun with tons of illegals from the numerous countries of the world - while the prices of everything - are much higher than before - they might have second thoughts whether to vote for the Democrats - again - this time around.

      In any event - everybody will have a super good, new week and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week! Happy October 2023 to all!

     Copyright@ L.S. Hadley and Associates 2024


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