Thursday, October 12, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 10 -2023 through Fri. Nov. 17 - 2023!

            We are doing our Commentary of the Week a bit earlier due to the Hamas terrorist's incursion and subsequent - massacre of the Israeli civilian population on Oct. 07 - 2023 - in the Israeli towns neighboring the Hamas ruled - Gaza Strip whose 2 million Palestinians elected Hamas in 2006. Many political commentators claim that Hamas's electoral victory came with a lot of political violence.

        In response to our last Commentary of the Week - we will do part 2 - at this time. As we mentioned before - the disclaimer is in place - "Any similarity to real people and circumstances - are purely coincidental". 

        At any rate - the Leftist talk radio host we talked about the last time - constantly "works" with a steady, mainly anti-Semitic caller/listener - who is not averse - however - to "spew" their political venom - against some other political elements as well - with which they disagree. They find some alleged, true sources on YouTube to support their cockamamie conspiracy theories - truly "off the wall". 

       In spite of many criticisms which this listener/caller - constantly faces - to the effect that they are self-righteous, and blindly in love with themselves and their warped - politics - nothing seems to phase them - they plow ahead with their arrogant and false - cockamamie conspiracy theories. 

       Everybody will have a super good, new week. Our prayers, thoughts and best wishes go to the Israeli people, the Americans stranded there - many of whom - not Jewish as well many foreign visitors caught there. 

     We also pray for the innocent Palestinians - the ones who don't support Hamas - who are - however - currently - caught in the crossfire caused by Hamas's massacre of the neighboring Israeli towns - on Oct. 07 - 2023. Many Palestinians were forced to vote for Hamas - which used violence in 2006 elections - according to many political analysts. The massacre of innocent Israeli civilians by Hamas terrorists - on Oct. 07 - 2023 will not ever be forgotten. 

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


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