Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 17 - 2023 through Fri. Nov. 24 - 2023!

        For this beautiful Fall 2023 - week - during which the leaves are changing colors while the smell of wet leaves brings the reminder of the coming soon - Thanksgiving 2023 and the Holiday Season 2023/24 - not far behind - we will comment upon about various conspiracy theories which richly abound during these politically tense times. As every week - we insert our disclaimer: "Any similarity to read people or circumstances - are purely coincidental". 

      In any event - we mentioned before - various talk radio hosts entertaining the shifts of the locally popular - talk radio station. Lo and behold - one of the hosts who is of the obvious Leftist/Socialist - political persuasion - loves the political conspiracies - moreover - he provides the facts which he digs up to support the aforementioned - wild political conspiracies. 

     He has a favorite caller/listener - however - who constantly/obsessively - calls the station whenever he entertains the talk radio shifts. They are evidently - simply - dying to put their "two cents worth" over the airwaves. The caller in question is truly - taken over by multitudes of conspiracy theories of the wildest kinds. Many listeners find that caller - annoying to no end - with that "familiar" voice sounding like "the nails down the chalkboard". 

     The Leftist radio host - though - appears to be totally fascinated with that conspiracies' - spinning - caller/listener - who clearly demonstrates - though - that every one of their political conspiracy theories - leads to hating upon the state of Israel and all the Jewish people - by extension.

     At any rate - everybody will have a very good, new week and we shall meet here - close to a week from today! Thanksgiving and Holiday Season 2023 - are coming very soon! As every week - our thoughts and prayers go to people of Israel as well as any innocent civilians - caught in a crossfire of the recent Middle East War which started from the terroristic Hamas of Gaza Strip - unleashing its murderous spree upon the innocent Israeli civilians on Oct. 07 - 2023 - who happened to live in Israeli towns - bordering Gaza Strip!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

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