Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Brief Conclusion of Episode 14 - Season 12 - So You Think You Can Dance - Fox Broadcasting - Mon. Aug. 31 - 15 - Show.

         After watching the Mon. Aug.31 - Episode 14 - So You Think You Can You Can Dance - we came to conclusion that the numerous fans of this show received some good news and a bad news. Let's start from the bad news: Jim Nowakowski - got eliminated to most people's surprise - a virtuoso ballet dancer who could also more than hold his own in a hot Samba with a partner - a world class ballroom dancer Anya - who easily executed most advanced Samba steps.
       The public forum of SYTYCD space by Facebook simply buzzes with the viewer's various expressions of disappointment regarding this development. One viewer accurately observed that even though Jim has had to have received a lot more votes than Virgil who somehow got into the finals - a fine dancer but whose talents lend themselves a lot more towards the Broadway stage than to an American Ballet Company's - hiring/artistic director's office - still - the new format has to be partially to blame for Jim's big hurdle.  We will not even mention the fact that the judges/producers frequently unfairly picked on Jim - while they generously passed - other dancers' - mistakes.
       The good news - however - relates to Hailee - a gorgeous dancer with tons of talent and star qualities - who made it to the finals after the judges/producers - at first - frequently - "sniffed down their noses" at her - with their biased criticisms of her dancing - while - again - they praised to "no end" some other dancers whose mistakes of the - were ignored by the judges; the dancers in question - were only adequately good - our opinion.

      At any rate - don't forget to watch the finals on Mon. Sept. 7 and have a great Labor Day - everybody!

              Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2025         

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