Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Studio Audience is Unhappy with the Second Eliminations on Tues. Sept.22 - 2015!

           We will start this conclusion from the end and move around the Mon.21 and Tues.22 - 2015 respectively - shows - in a zigzag fashion which should be fun. While most viewers expected Gary Busey to be eliminated - including him - we had a surprise of gigantic proportion when Victor Espinoza - a famous Mexican jockey sporting a charming, sparkling personality - got canned at the end of Sept. 22 - 15 - show. He danced a super good rhumba with his professional partner - Karina Smirnoff who looked and danced great - even if her profoundly deeply cut dress left almost nothing to imagination. People - in the audience booed for quite a while - and similar sentiments were expressed in the comments by DWTS forum - in Facebook. Gary Busey should have been sent home instead of Victor Espinoza.
           While Monday session moved fast with Alexa Panageva dancing a lightning fast - salsa with a champion Mark Ballas - which stood out - notwithstanding Alexa's heavy facial make up to make a look like a cat/panther. People remember from the eighties - how the musical "Cats" had everybody on every stage or screen in the U.S. wearing cats' make up and cats' costumes with the music from that show played so much that all that was coming out of peoples' ears for a long time.
          The Tues. Sept. 22 - 2015 show had too many stupid props which didn't make much sense like the huge swords Gary Busey and Anna Portuanskaya - brandished while their Paso Double - set to Tchaikovsky's - "1812 Overture" - didn't make much sense - as well.
         On Tues. Sept. 22 - 2015 - Carrie Ann Inaba - a glamorous, famous, long-time judge - wore an adorable, red dress - however on Mon. Sept. 21 - 2015 - she could look a lot more elegant if she wore a stylish piece of garment - instead of sitting there half-naked. Even a beautiful woman like her - looks much better if she dresses accordingly. Only tens of millions of people from everywhere are watching this show.
         Don't forget to watch Mon. Sept. 28 - 2015 and Tues. Sept. 29 - 2015 - shows and click here for our popular Review and the Brief Conclusion on Mon. Sept. 28 and Wends. Sept. 30 - 2015 - respectively.
     Have a great week everybody!

      Copyrigh@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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