Monday, September 21, 2015

Dancing with the Stars - Mon. Sept. 21 - 15 - Season 21 - First Eliminations - ABC Network.

       All the fanatics and fans of Dancing with the Stars - are waiting for the first eliminations since last week - Mon. Sept. 14 - nobody was "canned" so the Tues. Sept. 15 - the viewers endured the longest re-cap show - known to mankind - full of lousy dancing by some dancers who urgently needed be sent home. Normally some are eliminated during the first two sessions of this - enormously popular - ballroom dancing - competitions.
      We are predicting the following eliminations line up - 1. Gary Busey 2. Kim - a voluptuous partner of the outstanding dance professional - Tony Devaloni 3. Paula Dean.  4. Chaka Khan. All those above mentioned celebrities - may have tons of awards of every conceivable kind to their names - however - unfortunately - their ballroom dancing samples - leave a lot to be desired.
     Get ready to watch tonight and tomorrow night. Keep an eye on the judges as well. We will give a conclusion of the results - on Wends. Sept. 23 - 15 - which will comment on Mon. 21 and Tues. 22 - 15 - respectively.
     Have fun tonight and tomorrow!
     Don't forget to click here on Wends. 23 - 15 for the smoldering conclusion of Mon. and Tues. - shows!
     Happy fall - to all!

Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2016

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