Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Final Episode of Season 12 - Episode 16 - Will "Crown" the Most Favorite Dancer in America" - So You Think You Can Dance - Fox Broadcasting.

     Tomorrow night - "The Most Favorite Dancer in America" will be "crowned" - they will collect a million dollars and a spotlight next to - hyped to the max -  legandary Jennifer Lopez in the upcoming Las Vegas Extravaganza - full of Hoopla of every imaginable kind. 
     Tomorrow night's - last episode 17 of SYTYCD will be the last show for the season - so look for our Review of the Final Conclusion to season 12 appearing on Tues. Sept. 15 - 15.
     The whole season 12 progressed in a tumultuous mode since it was a first big departure from the steady format which the show kept for the past eleven seasons. That drastic change caused a lot of people to express - tons of disapproving comments placed in a forum next to Facebook spot of SYTYCD.
    "Dancing with the Stars" starts Monday as well - Sept. 14 - but we will give you a smoldering review on Wedns. Sept. 16 - 15 since we will have to watch Tues. Episode of DWTS. Don't forget to click here extra time during this crazy week as if those two shows could not coordinate their important events.

      To all our Jewish friends - we wish a Happy and Healthy New Year - 5776!

      Have fun watching the final of SYTYCD - tomorrow night!

Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

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