Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Brief Conclusion of a Review of Episode 15 - So You Think You Can Dance - Fox Broadcasting - Season 12 - Mon. Sept. 7 - 8pm EST.

      Last night's most dance performances choreographed to the main strengths of the four finalists - received a mixed reactions from the viewers - as they expressed their opinions on the SYTYCD forum by their Facebook's space.
    One viewer asked a rhetorical question regarding the issue with the top finalists performing routines in the styles which were their specialty while Jim Nowakowski - a phenomenal ballet dancer - had to excel in the genres which were not his main style. The prevailing voices express a disappointment that Jim didn't make finals while Virgil did - he is also a fine dancer but whose over all dancing skills are not as advanced as those of Jim's executing of diverse dancing styles.
    At any rate - the four finalists appear enormously talented - so it's not fair that only one will be chosen. Why couldn't the judges/producers name two finalists - since they came up with this new for this season, controversial concept - Stage Vs. Street?
    Next week - the one "most popular dancer in the U.S and the rest of the world" will be "crowned" - He or she will receive one million dollars and a dancing part next to a legendary Jennifer Lopez - in her soon coming up - hyped to the max - Las Vegas Extravaganza.
    Don't forget not to skip the finals on Mon. Sept. 14 - 2015 and watch for our sizzling review! Have a great week!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2024

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