Our favorite producer of terrific YouTube videos Dr.240252 always comes up with interesting ideas for his entertaining and informative - mini productions. For this last week of 2016 we chose a gorgeous sounding old Tango - "My Prayer" by a little known composer - Boulanger which was re-done into mega hit in the late nineteen fifties by an American "dooup" vocal idols of the American teens of the day - "The Platters".
This interpretation was done masterfully by a beautiful Italian vocalist Norma Bruni in a low, sensuous alto - and it was recorded while she was at the height of her career in 1939. As you will find out from Dr.240252 excellent commentary - her singing career ended tragically because the Italian people never forgave her for collaborating with Hitler's - Italian "protege" - Benito Mussolini.
Every society judges harshly the artists who take sides with the "wrong" side of the political powers which means - the powers who loose out at the end. We fervently hope that the powers that prevail at the end - are the forces for good.
At any rate - all of us - wish our numerous "clickers" a very Happy New Year 2017 coming up very soon! As always don't forger to "click" here on Fri. Jan. 06 - 17 or Thurs. Jan. 05 - 17 for our choice of YT Video of the Week for the first week of 2017!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
Clicks-U.S-Chicago,L.A, Ca.,Washgt,D.C. NY, N.Y,Pittsburgh,Pa. Out US- Algria,Argntina,Astrlia,Beliz,Belgm,Bngldsh,Bosn+Hertz,Brasl,Cnda,Egpt,Fnld,Ghna,Gyun,Georg,Grce,Hngr,Hng Kng,India,Clmbia,Indnsa,Lithna,Mcdnia,Malas,Marc,Mxico,Holnd,Irlnd,Jrdn,Japn,Isrl,Syria,S.Afrca, Unt Arab Emrts,Knya,Grmny,N.Zeln,Nepl,Swedn,Phillips,Polnd,Pakstn, Portgl,Italy,Frnce,Rmania,Rusia,Bulgria,Belrs,S.Kora,Serbia,Slovn,Sngpr,Thailnd,Trkmnst,Taiwn,Trndad,Maurts,Ukrn,UK,Vietnm,Vrgn.Isl,China.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Our Choice of YouTube's Video of the Week for the Fourth(Christmas)Week of Dec.2016 is Dr.240252's Last Year's - Dec. 24- 2015-Christmas Upload Titled "Lucyna Szczepanska - Silent Night - 1949".
For this important Christmas Week of 2016 - we chose Dr.240252's last year's Christmas upload "Silent Night" performed superbly by a fabulous Polish soprano - Lucyna Szczepanska in the 1949 - when she was very advanced in age but her silver voice - sounds - totally top notch. You can read tango3721 - comments - as well.
A lot of famous performers loose their "star power" when they get older with - unfortunately - only a few of them - successfuly - progressing to do "something else" with equal energy and conviction. Still - many of them manage to keep their advanced skills in their beloved field to a very old age which - we think - they achieve by a lifelong - healthy physical and spiritual - discipline - which pays off and doesn't have to be excessively hard. It's called healthy and good - life style.
Lucyna Szczepanska's voice - seemed to improve with age - but unfortunately - another great Polish singing star with a divine voice - Ewa Bandrowska-Turska - almost totally lost her magnificent voice in her late fifties. She insisted on performing which was a big mistake on her part. It's always good to know when to "walk away when you're on top" and of course - it never hurts to devise an excellent "exit strategy" - as well.
At any rate - enjoy the vid - everybody and have a fabulous Christmas 2016 - week! As always - don't forget to click here next Thurs. Dec. 29 or Friday Dec.30 - 2016 for our Youbube Video of the Week for the last week of 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
A lot of famous performers loose their "star power" when they get older with - unfortunately - only a few of them - successfuly - progressing to do "something else" with equal energy and conviction. Still - many of them manage to keep their advanced skills in their beloved field to a very old age which - we think - they achieve by a lifelong - healthy physical and spiritual - discipline - which pays off and doesn't have to be excessively hard. It's called healthy and good - life style.
Lucyna Szczepanska's voice - seemed to improve with age - but unfortunately - another great Polish singing star with a divine voice - Ewa Bandrowska-Turska - almost totally lost her magnificent voice in her late fifties. She insisted on performing which was a big mistake on her part. It's always good to know when to "walk away when you're on top" and of course - it never hurts to devise an excellent "exit strategy" - as well.
At any rate - enjoy the vid - everybody and have a fabulous Christmas 2016 - week! As always - don't forget to click here next Thurs. Dec. 29 or Friday Dec.30 - 2016 for our Youbube Video of the Week for the last week of 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Our Choice for YouTube Video of the Week for the Third Week of Dec. 2016 is Dr.240252's Video uploaded on Feb.24-2013 titled "Italian Hit 1937 - Carlo Buti - Vivere".
For this - first "frigid" spat of dry, cold weather in Chicago - we picked a sunny looking and cheery sounding video of the well known Italian song in the style of "Neapolitan" vocal pieces - typically from Luciano Pavarotti's repertoire - titled "Italian Hit 1937 - Carlo Buti - Vivere" - uploaded by our friend Dr. 240252 on Feb.24 - 2013.
In addition to his vast operatic performances - Luciano Pavarotti continued a splendid tradition of "Neapolitan" songs - successfully performed by many earlier Italian vocalists. Carlo Buti - a handsome Italian tenor recorded many "Neapolitan" style kinds of songs which are usually - upbeat and cheery sounding.
The artwork Dr. 240252 has chosen - which presents blue seashore shining under the summer sun - comes handy during the single digit temps accompanied by the wind.
At any rate - please - do not miss our comments those of - tango3721 - and have a good third week of Dec.2016. As always don't forget to click here for our choice of YouTube Video of the Week for the next week's - the Christmas Holiday's - Video of the Week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
In addition to his vast operatic performances - Luciano Pavarotti continued a splendid tradition of "Neapolitan" songs - successfully performed by many earlier Italian vocalists. Carlo Buti - a handsome Italian tenor recorded many "Neapolitan" style kinds of songs which are usually - upbeat and cheery sounding.
The artwork Dr. 240252 has chosen - which presents blue seashore shining under the summer sun - comes handy during the single digit temps accompanied by the wind.
At any rate - please - do not miss our comments those of - tango3721 - and have a good third week of Dec.2016. As always don't forget to click here for our choice of YouTube Video of the Week for the next week's - the Christmas Holiday's - Video of the Week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Our Youtube Choice of the Video of the Week for the Second Week of Dec.2016 - is Yana Gray's Gypsy/Russian Ballad Uploaded on Dec.04-2016 - Based of Serge Yesenin Poem.
For the second week of Dec. 2016 - we picked a Russian/Gypsy ballad uploaded by Yana Gray - an American/Russian vocalist specializing in old Russian/Gypsy ballads - on Dec. 04-2016. Yana Gray's low, sensuous alto lends itself well towards Russian/Gypsy ballads. Some ladies performers of this popular musical genre have a mezzo soprano voice which also sound good. The operatic soprano - is not the best voice for this kind of genre - even though a lot of prominent performers - specializing in it - have that range.
The poetry of Serge Yesenin - a celebrated young Russian poet from 1920's has a lot of nature's and animals' - motives in it. He - himself was an enormously handsome youth who successfully romanced and married a famous American modern dancer - celebrity of the day - Isadora Duncan.
The poetry of Serge Yesenin - a celebrated young Russian poet from 1920's has a lot of nature's and animals' - motives in it. He - himself was an enormously handsome youth who successfully romanced and married a famous American modern dancer - celebrity of the day - Isadora Duncan.
Her visit to Soviet Union made her fall deeply in love not only with a great looking Serge Yesenin - fifteen years her junior - a "newbie" to the - at times - treacherous - celebrity world - but she also fell deeply under a spell of newly born Socialistic/Leftist - "paradise" - the Soviet Union - ran ruthlessly by a long time lasting in power - Soviet dictator - Josheph Stalin.
Upon her marriage to Yesenin and the return to the U.S. - the American public opinion "poured venom" on Isadora for her sympathetic views towards the excesses of global Socialism/Communism - while the American press quickly "sharpened their collective claws" to attack a pair of odd, new members of the celebrity circles - their all-time favorite targets.
The marriage broke up before long while Isadora suffered a tragedy in terms of her two young children from her previous marriage - drowning in an accident. Yesenin - in the meantime - went back to Russia and wrote a lot of scathing reviews of the U.S. - which were probably forced by Stalin's regime; however - taking into the account his rough treatment by the American press - perhaps - it was not hard for him to do.
Upon her marriage to Yesenin and the return to the U.S. - the American public opinion "poured venom" on Isadora for her sympathetic views towards the excesses of global Socialism/Communism - while the American press quickly "sharpened their collective claws" to attack a pair of odd, new members of the celebrity circles - their all-time favorite targets.
The marriage broke up before long while Isadora suffered a tragedy in terms of her two young children from her previous marriage - drowning in an accident. Yesenin - in the meantime - went back to Russia and wrote a lot of scathing reviews of the U.S. - which were probably forced by Stalin's regime; however - taking into the account his rough treatment by the American press - perhaps - it was not hard for him to do.
Unfortunately - Yesenin committed suicide at a young age. With the Stalin regime iron fisted reign for a long time - not every suicide by a famous person - was exactly that. Isadora - Duncan - though - lived to the old age and successfully taught young girls - the art which she mastered - the modern dance.
Have a great second week of December 2016 - everybody and as always - we meet here - a week from today - as every week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Have a great second week of December 2016 - everybody and as always - we meet here - a week from today - as every week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Friday, December 2, 2016
Our Choice of YouTube Vide of the Week for the First Week of Dec.2016 - "Skuczno - Tango by Pyotr Leshchenko's Orchestra - 1930" - uploaded by Dr.240252 on Dec.01 - 2016.
For the first week of Dec. 2016 - we present Dr. 240252's - video titled "Skuczno - Tango by Pyotr Leshchenko - 1930" which he uploaded on Dec. 01-2016. "Skuczno" could be loosely translated from Russian as "Sadness".
Dr. 240252 consistently comes up with a lot of magnificent Tango videos in terms of the music as well as really imaginative visuals which accompany the musical/vocal arrangements. He produced quite a few pieces by Pyotr Leshchenko - a famous in the late 1930's - early 1940's - Romanian/Jewish - singer/composer/arranger who widely performed in several languages like Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian.
As a sad twist of fate - Leshchenko perished in the Stalinist run - Romanian prison camp - full of innocent creative people like himself - at the early age of fifty "something" - but his beautiful songs and other compositions - live on YouTube - so his numerous legions of fans - continue enjoying his talent.
This particularly evocative Tango - "Skuczno" - which means roughly "Sadness of Love" in Russian - was created by an excellent duo of a composer and lyricist - unfortunately - uncredited. The Pyotr Leshchenko Ochestra's musical arrangement as well as his vocals - all sound superb.
We hope that everybody has a great in every way - first week of Dec. 2016. Don't forget to click here next Fri. Dec. 09 - 16 - for our Choice of YouTube Video of the Week for the second week of Dec. 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Dr. 240252 consistently comes up with a lot of magnificent Tango videos in terms of the music as well as really imaginative visuals which accompany the musical/vocal arrangements. He produced quite a few pieces by Pyotr Leshchenko - a famous in the late 1930's - early 1940's - Romanian/Jewish - singer/composer/arranger who widely performed in several languages like Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian.
As a sad twist of fate - Leshchenko perished in the Stalinist run - Romanian prison camp - full of innocent creative people like himself - at the early age of fifty "something" - but his beautiful songs and other compositions - live on YouTube - so his numerous legions of fans - continue enjoying his talent.
This particularly evocative Tango - "Skuczno" - which means roughly "Sadness of Love" in Russian - was created by an excellent duo of a composer and lyricist - unfortunately - uncredited. The Pyotr Leshchenko Ochestra's musical arrangement as well as his vocals - all sound superb.
We hope that everybody has a great in every way - first week of Dec. 2016. Don't forget to click here next Fri. Dec. 09 - 16 - for our Choice of YouTube Video of the Week for the second week of Dec. 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Friday, November 25, 2016
Our YouTube Choice for the Video of the Week for the Last Week of Nov.2016 -"An Old Waltz" - by Irina Krutova - uploaded on Apr.27-2016
For the last week of Nov. 2016 - we picked an old Russian song made famous by a legendary Russian queen of chanson - Claudia Shulzhenko; this version presents a splendid interpretation by Irina Krutova who frequently pays homage to Claudia Shulzenko whose numerous fans and their daughters and granddaughters as well as many men - don't forget her immortal love songs.
Irina Krutova a diva of old Russian/Gypsy ballads - with a capital D - frequently features a pianist/arranger who accompanies her - Oksana Petrichenko. Both of them put on an unforgettable show.
We picked the clip uploaded on April 27 - 2010 by Irina Krutova's YT crew - titled "An Old Waltz" in which Krutova - not only successfully channels - Claudia Shulzenko - but also adds her own "features".
Irina Krutova a diva of old Russian/Gypsy ballads - with a capital D - frequently features a pianist/arranger who accompanies her - Oksana Petrichenko. Both of them put on an unforgettable show.
We picked the clip uploaded on April 27 - 2010 by Irina Krutova's YT crew - titled "An Old Waltz" in which Krutova - not only successfully channels - Claudia Shulzenko - but also adds her own "features".
At any rate - enjoy the vid - have a great Thanksgiving weekend and don't forget to click here next Friday Dec. 02 - 2016 for our choice of YouTube Video of the Week for the first week December 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Our Choice of YT Video of the Week for the Third Week of Nov.2016 - "Rita Hayworth Love Goddess" uploaded by Genia106 on Nov.13-2016.
We choose a lovely video uploaded on Nov.13 - 2016 titled "Rita Hayworth Love Goddess" in which the author - our friend - a sophisticated New Yorker - Genia106 presents magnificent visuals consisting of superb shots of Rita Hayworth - the ruling Goddess of the American and International Cinema from the 1940's till the end of 1950's.
Rita Hayworth's turbulent life story can be seen in many YouTube's video clips - however Genia's vid - focuses on the bright side of Rita Hayworth's many talents. The famous motion picture "Gilda" is considered a signature film made by Rita Hayworth. Many interesting clips from that picture - are available on YouTube with my most favorite - a lovely tune titled "Amada Mia" which features Rita Hayworth singing and dancing that famous number from the movie "Gilda" which is considered by many as the most popular film of Rita Hayworth - the picture which remains highly watchable - even if it's not a "cinematic" masterpiece of any kind.
She and Glen Ford have most tremendous chemistry on screen in that piece of work and a few other films they made together. In their respective private lives - however - they - remained only good friends.
At any rate - have a great Thanksgiving - everybody and as always - don't forget to click here on Fri. Nov.25-16 or a day before for our choice of the YouTube's video of the last week of Nov. 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
Rita Hayworth's turbulent life story can be seen in many YouTube's video clips - however Genia's vid - focuses on the bright side of Rita Hayworth's many talents. The famous motion picture "Gilda" is considered a signature film made by Rita Hayworth. Many interesting clips from that picture - are available on YouTube with my most favorite - a lovely tune titled "Amada Mia" which features Rita Hayworth singing and dancing that famous number from the movie "Gilda" which is considered by many as the most popular film of Rita Hayworth - the picture which remains highly watchable - even if it's not a "cinematic" masterpiece of any kind.
She and Glen Ford have most tremendous chemistry on screen in that piece of work and a few other films they made together. In their respective private lives - however - they - remained only good friends.
At any rate - have a great Thanksgiving - everybody and as always - don't forget to click here on Fri. Nov.25-16 or a day before for our choice of the YouTube's video of the last week of Nov. 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
Friday, November 11, 2016
Our Choice of the YouTube Video of the Week for the Second Week of Nov.2016 is Joseph Paul Watson Video uploaded on Nov.10 - 2016!
We choose Paul Joseph Watson's video uploaded on Nov. 10 - 2016 in which he eviscerates the American New Left's violent techniques employed against their political opponents with the New Left followers - rioting and destroying businesses because they disagree with the Constitutional Electoral College System in the U.S. - chosen by the Founding Fathers of the U.S. Constitutional System. It needs to be noted that the direct popular election methods have been consistently failing miserably in other countries like Russia and other semi-dictatorships.
Mr. Watson points out that the youthful New Left movement in the today's United States constantly accuses their political opposition of Nazi tactics while - in reality - they - themselves - shamelessly embrace those kind of savage and deplorable actions. They need to grow up and learn how to deal with defeat and if they desire to change the system - there are plenty of civilized, legal ways to do it without resorting to violence. Civil disobedience might be a tool for change but it never allows for ugly and violent measures against any segment of the population.
Mr. Watson points out that the youthful New Left movement in the today's United States constantly accuses their political opposition of Nazi tactics while - in reality - they - themselves - shamelessly embrace those kind of savage and deplorable actions. They need to grow up and learn how to deal with defeat and if they desire to change the system - there are plenty of civilized, legal ways to do it without resorting to violence. Civil disobedience might be a tool for change but it never allows for ugly and violent measures against any segment of the population.
At any rate - have a great second week of Nov. 2016 - everybody! Thanksgiving is coming soon and all of us have a lot to be thankful for!
Don't forget to click here next Friday Nov. 18 - or a day before!
Don't forget to click here next Friday Nov. 18 - or a day before!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
Friday, November 4, 2016
Our Choice of the YouTube Video of the Week for the First Week of Nov.2016 - "1920 Titina - Bob Haring and His Orchestra" Uploaded by Dr. 240252 - Nov.03 - 2016.
For the first week of November 2016 - we have chosen the interesting video uploaded on Nov. 02 - 2016 by our friend - Dr.240252 titled "1920 Titina by Bob Haring and his Orchestra".
We find his commentary and the visuals most fascinating because they give one a feeling of quickly finding oneself in the middle of the famous flappers/superstars - dancers, singers, movie stars - brave, adventuresome and great looking ladies of the Roaring Twenties' Golden Epoch of Jazz.
The popular tune "Titina" by a well known French composer Leo Daniderf who became famous because of it - was played and interpreted by just about any famous musical groups and vocalists. Dr.240252 uploaded another version of it several years ago as a vocal performance which accompanied Charlie Chaplin and Paulette Goddard - his - then - wife while both performed superbly a famous scene from equally famous movie "Modern Times". Charlie Chaplin sings his famous "Titina" and dances using his signature dance steps which resemble the "moonwalking" made famous by Michael Jackson.
After Charlie Chaplin's tumultuous, long term relationship with Paulette Goddard - a talented and a beautiful actress - cooled off and fizzled out - he subsequently married and divorced several more famous beauties until he settled down with Oona O'Neill Chaplin - his last wife who was - at least thirty years younger than he. She was a daughter of a well known American playwright Eugene O'Neill who was opposed to this marriage which lasted a long time and produced several talented offsprings.
At any rate - have a good first week of November 2016 - everybody! Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Don't forget to click here next Friday Nov. 11 - 16!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
We find his commentary and the visuals most fascinating because they give one a feeling of quickly finding oneself in the middle of the famous flappers/superstars - dancers, singers, movie stars - brave, adventuresome and great looking ladies of the Roaring Twenties' Golden Epoch of Jazz.
The popular tune "Titina" by a well known French composer Leo Daniderf who became famous because of it - was played and interpreted by just about any famous musical groups and vocalists. Dr.240252 uploaded another version of it several years ago as a vocal performance which accompanied Charlie Chaplin and Paulette Goddard - his - then - wife while both performed superbly a famous scene from equally famous movie "Modern Times". Charlie Chaplin sings his famous "Titina" and dances using his signature dance steps which resemble the "moonwalking" made famous by Michael Jackson.
After Charlie Chaplin's tumultuous, long term relationship with Paulette Goddard - a talented and a beautiful actress - cooled off and fizzled out - he subsequently married and divorced several more famous beauties until he settled down with Oona O'Neill Chaplin - his last wife who was - at least thirty years younger than he. She was a daughter of a well known American playwright Eugene O'Neill who was opposed to this marriage which lasted a long time and produced several talented offsprings.
At any rate - have a good first week of November 2016 - everybody! Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Don't forget to click here next Friday Nov. 11 - 16!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
Friday, October 28, 2016
We Choose a Hot Spot - Very Interesting and Fun Gourmet Shop - "The Chopping Block" - at the Heart of Lincoln Squre.
For this last week of October 2016 - the Halloween Week - we chose a very interesting, cozy and fun gourmet shop - "The Chopping Block" which offers tons of cooking and wine tasting activities for all kinds of "foodies" and everyone else who likes good food and good wines.
Justin - the wine expert offers wine tasting every Thursday during the early evening "Happy Hour" - from 5pm till 7pm which is one of my favorite and relaxing things to do at the end of the busy day during the holiday season - especially towards the end of it. The big glasses are reasonably priced and many of their varieties of wines are for sale during the evening.
They also offer various cooking classes with the demonstrations and sampling during the weekends. Last weekend - Crystal - the chef - fixed the samples of pork slides, chicken barbecue. My favorite was smoked sausage with a terrific, sweet yellow mustard - reasonably priced because the big jar will last you a good while.
At any rate - it's a fun shop with extremely friendly and knowledgeable staff. In addition you will find tons of ideas for gifts for all your "foodies" friends and other friends since you can't go "wrong" with a food related gift. You don't have to worry about the size and color too much. Plus - they always have a complementary coffee and tea of excellent quality over the weekends. Their address, phone number and the website where you will find a schedule for their cooking classes are as follows - "The Chopping Block" - 4747 N. Lincoln - Chicago, 60625 - Phone 773-472-6700
Website: http://TheChoppingBlock.com
Have a great Halloween week - everybody - and don't forget to click here next Friday - Nov.04-2016 for the update on the weekend sampling of tasty morsel and wines!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
Justin - the wine expert offers wine tasting every Thursday during the early evening "Happy Hour" - from 5pm till 7pm which is one of my favorite and relaxing things to do at the end of the busy day during the holiday season - especially towards the end of it. The big glasses are reasonably priced and many of their varieties of wines are for sale during the evening.
They also offer various cooking classes with the demonstrations and sampling during the weekends. Last weekend - Crystal - the chef - fixed the samples of pork slides, chicken barbecue. My favorite was smoked sausage with a terrific, sweet yellow mustard - reasonably priced because the big jar will last you a good while.
At any rate - it's a fun shop with extremely friendly and knowledgeable staff. In addition you will find tons of ideas for gifts for all your "foodies" friends and other friends since you can't go "wrong" with a food related gift. You don't have to worry about the size and color too much. Plus - they always have a complementary coffee and tea of excellent quality over the weekends. Their address, phone number and the website where you will find a schedule for their cooking classes are as follows - "The Chopping Block" - 4747 N. Lincoln - Chicago, 60625 - Phone 773-472-6700
Website: http://TheChoppingBlock.com
Have a great Halloween week - everybody - and don't forget to click here next Friday - Nov.04-2016 for the update on the weekend sampling of tasty morsel and wines!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
Friday, October 21, 2016
Our Choice of YouTube Video of the Week for the Fourth Week of Oct. 2016 - Another Vid by Paul Joseph Watson - Uploaded on Oct. 19 - 2016.
For the fourth week of October 2016 as our Choice of YouTube Video of the Week - we choose another video by Paul Joseph Watson uploaded on Oct. 19 - 16 - titled "A Letter to the Mainstream Media" in which he savages all the mass media venues for shamelessly advocating for Ms. Clinton's candidacy.
All the major famous journalists/celebrities are also openly in "the tank" for Mrs. Clintons' - Democrats since evidently "big money - talks - big time" and to hell with journalistic integrity. There are some notable exceptions to this ugly picture - according to Paul Joseph Watson.
The alternative media like YouTube became a very powerful tool for disseminating a lot of information and they don't even have to be pretending to be unbiased.
In conclusion - we express concerns about either candidate having a mandate to govern the U.S. population since Mr. Trump and Ms. Clinton are distrusted and disliked by two thirds of the American electorate.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2017
All the major famous journalists/celebrities are also openly in "the tank" for Mrs. Clintons' - Democrats since evidently "big money - talks - big time" and to hell with journalistic integrity. There are some notable exceptions to this ugly picture - according to Paul Joseph Watson.
The alternative media like YouTube became a very powerful tool for disseminating a lot of information and they don't even have to be pretending to be unbiased.
In conclusion - we express concerns about either candidate having a mandate to govern the U.S. population since Mr. Trump and Ms. Clinton are distrusted and disliked by two thirds of the American electorate.
At any rate - have a great fourth week of October 2016 - everybody - and don't forget to click here next Friday Oct. 28 - 2016 for our Choice of the YouTube Video of the Week for the last week of October 2016 at which time we will wish you a Happy Halloween 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2017
Thursday, October 13, 2016
For the the YouTube Video of the Week for the Third Week of Oct.2016 - We Chose Joseph Paul Watson's Video Uploaded on Oct. 12-16 titled "Stupid Hipster Hillary Millenials (Casey Neistat Response)".
Paul Joseph Watson's videos are fearless, funny, fascinating and involving so no wonder - that they generate thousands upon thousands of "clicks" - immediately after he uploads them. We will not even mention that he delivers his snappy, on-target political commentaries in an enormously attractive manner. I bet that tons of ladies find him very attractive - mainly because he is fearless. Nevertheless - we still all need to continue praying hard for his safety since the mighty powerful Clinton Machine doesn't like the views opposed to their "socialistic" paradise vision for the U.S. and now - it looks as if all the mass media establishments are in huge "cahoots" - to elect another Clinton to the highest office in the U.S.
The autumn is always a glorious time of the year with the the rich colored pumpkins and other fall gourds of various shimmering hues - adorn the neighborhood houses. The month of October - normally - goes by entirely too fast but the coming November will also be very beautiful for all of us.
Have a great third week of October everybody and as always - don't forget to click here next Friday Oct. 21 - 2016 for our choice of YouTube Video of the Week for the fourth week of October 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021
The autumn is always a glorious time of the year with the the rich colored pumpkins and other fall gourds of various shimmering hues - adorn the neighborhood houses. The month of October - normally - goes by entirely too fast but the coming November will also be very beautiful for all of us.
Have a great third week of October everybody and as always - don't forget to click here next Friday Oct. 21 - 2016 for our choice of YouTube Video of the Week for the fourth week of October 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Our Choice fot Youtube Video of the Week for the Second Week of October is Yana Gray's rendition of "Come Prima" uploaded on Sept. 02 - 2016.
Yana Gray is an American vocalist with a smooth, husky, magnificent alto voice who specializes in Gypsy romances and Tangos. However we picked a different piece for the second week of October. "Come Prima" was a huge hit in the sixties which sounds like some Domenico Modugnio's hit song - who was enormously popular and widely hummed and professionally performed in all the countries of Europe and a lot of them even conquered the United States. This hit was written by Vincente di Paula and Sandro Taccani - duo.
A French singing star - a very beautiful but evidently - unhappy - singing star - Dalida - performed it first with a tremendous success. She - unfortunately - committed suicide at a young age and all the musical world - cried after her. They made several movies about her life. I can vividly recall the times when "Come Prima" was constantly played - every place known to mankind. I remember watching Dalida on television and thinking that this gorgeous star - has all the luck in the world. She - evidently - took it very hard when the love of her life - died suddenly. Yana Grey - the American vocalist does a very good job with this famous hit from the sixties.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
A French singing star - a very beautiful but evidently - unhappy - singing star - Dalida - performed it first with a tremendous success. She - unfortunately - committed suicide at a young age and all the musical world - cried after her. They made several movies about her life. I can vividly recall the times when "Come Prima" was constantly played - every place known to mankind. I remember watching Dalida on television and thinking that this gorgeous star - has all the luck in the world. She - evidently - took it very hard when the love of her life - died suddenly. Yana Grey - the American vocalist does a very good job with this famous hit from the sixties.
Have a very good second week of October 2016 everybody - watch the second presidential debate - have fun and don't forget to click here next Friday Oct. 14 - 2016 to check on our choice of YouTube Video of the Week for the third week of Oct. 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Friday, September 30, 2016
Our Choice of YouTube Video of the Week for the First Week of October 2016!
For the first week of Oct. 2016 - we chose a video uploaded on Sept. 23 - 2016 - by Big Band Lou - titled "Love Your Magic Spell is Everywhere" from a famous old movie with Gloria Swanson - titled "The Trespasser" from 1929 - who also sang that tune quite well in that film. It was her first "talkie" so she didn't disappoint her fans by not having a good speaking voice - in addition - she could carry a tune quite well in spite of not having any considerable vocal training.
She was a tiny - super dynamo - only five feet tall - beautiful, wiry, energetic and talented. Her long-time affair with Joe Kennedy, Sr. enabled her to showcase her talents since he produced a lot of Hollywood movies. The numerous rumors circulated freely regarding Joe Kennedy, Sr. being the father of her only son. The gossips were largely - unsubstantiated - as were the freely spread "anecdotes" regarding his - initial - alleged admiration for Hitler which Joseph Kennedy, Sr. - reportedly - expressed on numerous occasions when he was an American ambassador to England. He - allegedly - stated that "we need to hold our noses and do business with Hitler" which he - subsequently - vigorously denied.
It needs to be noted that his oldest son - Joseph Kennedy, Jr. was killed in the Second World War - as he flew war planes - against the Hitler's Third Reich - from England.
According to Gloria Swanson biographers - their hot affair ended abruptly when he was asked by her - for his share of money committed by him - to some - "bomb" at the box office - movie - they produced jointly - which "laid an egg" - at the box office. He - reportedly - walked out of the meeting - never to be heard from again by Miss Swanson.
At about the same time Joseph Kennedy Sr.'s - wife - a powerful Kennedy matriarch - Rose Kennedy - was getting a "whiff" of his affair with Miss Swanson so - evidently - he needed to cool it. He - after all - had 8 children which needed his attention.
Back to our Video of the Week - this version of - "Love Your Magic Spell is Everywhere" - uploaded by Big Band Lou - is performed nicely by Ben Selvin's famous Jazz Orchestra with the vocals handled magnificently by handsome vocalist Smith Bellow - a very popular vocalist/heartthrob of his day - circa 1929. This enormously popular in its day - song - was written by a less known composer/lyricist duo - Gold/Janice.
At any rate - enjoy the video and the comments where yours truly also contributed her "five cents worth" of a professional opinion.
Back to our Video of the Week - this version of - "Love Your Magic Spell is Everywhere" - uploaded by Big Band Lou - is performed nicely by Ben Selvin's famous Jazz Orchestra with the vocals handled magnificently by handsome vocalist Smith Bellow - a very popular vocalist/heartthrob of his day - circa 1929. This enormously popular in its day - song - was written by a less known composer/lyricist duo - Gold/Janice.
At any rate - enjoy the video and the comments where yours truly also contributed her "five cents worth" of a professional opinion.
Have a super good first week of Oct. 2016 - everybody - and we meet here a week from today - as every week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Our Choice for the Youtube's Video of the Week - for the 4th Week of Sept. 2016 - is Joseph Paul Watson's Vid - Uploaded on Sept.21 - 2016!
For the fourth week of Sept. 2016 - our choice of the YouTube Video of the Week - we choose again - the vid uploaded by Joseph Paul Watson on Sept. 21 - 2016 - titled "Hillary Clinton Will Have a Bad Surprise for Trump in October 2016."
As we mentioned here before - we admire brave journalists/warriors who risk their safety when they expose some unscrupulous, famous politicians with tons of money which they can use to "silence" the voices which they find - "annoying". Thus all of us - continue - to pray for Joseph Paul Watson's safety - as well as that of the other brave journalists/warriors.
At any rate - enjoy the vid and - as always - don't forget to check our channel - tango3721.
Have a great fourth week of Sept. 2016 - the fall officially started - hurray!
Please - click here on Fri. Sept. 30 - 2016 to check our Choice of the YouTube video of the week for the first week of October 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
Thursday, September 15, 2016
For Our Youtube Video of the Week - for the Third Week of Sept. 2016 - We Chose a Video uploaded by Paul Joseph Watson on Sept. 15 - Titled "Ten Signs That You Are a Basic Bitch".
In this funny video - Paul Joseph Watson takes "potshots" at a lot of well meaning, "eager beaver" type - totally misguided and phony - "lefties" who strive to bring socialism and "collectivism" to every country of this globe. While we agree that some of that might work a bit - under the name of "progressivism" in some rich countries - however - over all - Margaret Thatcher aptly observed that socialism works well until there are no more "factors" left to take their stuff away from them - to "distribute" to the parasitic elements which claim to be "entitled" to someone else's fruits of their talents and efforts. Let's not forget that the government big enough to give you almost everything you need - is big enough to take it all away - in a blink of an eye.
At any rate - enjoy the video and have a great coming third week of September 2016!
We meet here a week from today - as every week!
At any rate - enjoy the video and have a great coming third week of September 2016!
We meet here a week from today - as every week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Thursday, September 8, 2016
For the Second Week of Sept. 2016 - We Chose a Slightly Provocative, Political Vid by Paul Joseph Watson Uploaded on Sept.02 - 16 - titled "Hillary Clinton Threatens War with Russia".
Paul Joseph Watson is a young, political editor - for the moment - still "hooked up" a bit with Alex's Jones Productions titled "Info Wars" - which has been bombarding YouTube with all kinds of strong, virulent features against the mainstream media and Hillary Clinton.
Paul Joseph Watson's huge YouTube following grows bigger - as we speak - so his own channel - "explodes" - as we write this commentary. We chose a short vid uploaded by Paul Joseph Watson on Sept. 02 - 16 titled "Hillary Threatens War with Russia".
Long story short - the way Paul Joseph Watson reads into the camera his own snappy, political comments - is no less than - fantastically engaging. One simply can't take the eyes off his face. We are not even mentioning his terrific, good looks - but we noticed that he is equally popular with a lot of smart, thinking men and with many intelligent women.
According to the foxy, accomplished, beautiful women we interviewed - regarding what would be most sexy about a good-looking man - most of them answered that they would "jump into the bed" in a short, New York minute - if a man appeared brave and risked his safety - for the "worthy" cause - but not for some "bullshit" idealistic drivel.
YouTube is full of various unsubstantiated websites proclaiming that some prominent political figures with many millions of dollars to their names (earned in various shady ways) have ways to permanently silence the opposition who starts to cause - problems to their political causes. Thus - all of us - pray for Paul Joseph Watson's - safety.
At any rate - check out Paul Joseph Watson's channel and have a great second week of September 2016 - everyone!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025
Paul Joseph Watson's huge YouTube following grows bigger - as we speak - so his own channel - "explodes" - as we write this commentary. We chose a short vid uploaded by Paul Joseph Watson on Sept. 02 - 16 titled "Hillary Threatens War with Russia".
Long story short - the way Paul Joseph Watson reads into the camera his own snappy, political comments - is no less than - fantastically engaging. One simply can't take the eyes off his face. We are not even mentioning his terrific, good looks - but we noticed that he is equally popular with a lot of smart, thinking men and with many intelligent women.
According to the foxy, accomplished, beautiful women we interviewed - regarding what would be most sexy about a good-looking man - most of them answered that they would "jump into the bed" in a short, New York minute - if a man appeared brave and risked his safety - for the "worthy" cause - but not for some "bullshit" idealistic drivel.
YouTube is full of various unsubstantiated websites proclaiming that some prominent political figures with many millions of dollars to their names (earned in various shady ways) have ways to permanently silence the opposition who starts to cause - problems to their political causes. Thus - all of us - pray for Paul Joseph Watson's - safety.
At any rate - check out Paul Joseph Watson's channel and have a great second week of September 2016 - everyone!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025
Friday, September 2, 2016
For the First Week of Sept. 2016 - For our Choice of the Youtube Video of the Week - We chose a Tango uploaded by Oliver K.on July 20 - 2016 - titled - "Tango Argentynskie - Jan Cajmer".
Oliver K. is a young Polish guy who loves the good Tango since for the last several years he has been uploading really beautiful Tangos and other pieces. In addition - he frequently makes "expert" - really - not kidding - comments on Dr.240252 expert YouTube - channel.
Back to Oliver's upload on July 20 - 2016 - in which he presents - Jan Cajmer's terrifically good arrangement of piece "Argentine Tango" - (unfortunately not fully credited) but phenomenally arranged by a famous Polish band leader and arranger - Jan Cajmer.
The old recording sounds clear since the Tango is composed in a top-notch manner - extremely pleasant for listening - but even better suited for dancing. The so called - very pretty Tango "grapewine" motives are featured prominently in this upload.
At any rate - have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend coming up which gets us close to fall - my absolutely favorite season of the year. Don't forget to check us out next Friday Sept. 09 - 16 - for our choice of our favorite video of the week for the second week of Sept. 2016!
Back to Oliver's upload on July 20 - 2016 - in which he presents - Jan Cajmer's terrifically good arrangement of piece "Argentine Tango" - (unfortunately not fully credited) but phenomenally arranged by a famous Polish band leader and arranger - Jan Cajmer.
The old recording sounds clear since the Tango is composed in a top-notch manner - extremely pleasant for listening - but even better suited for dancing. The so called - very pretty Tango "grapewine" motives are featured prominently in this upload.
At any rate - have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend coming up which gets us close to fall - my absolutely favorite season of the year. Don't forget to check us out next Friday Sept. 09 - 16 - for our choice of our favorite video of the week for the second week of Sept. 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Friday, August 26, 2016
Our Choice of Youtube Video of the Week for the fifth (last) week of Aug. 2016 - is the Vid uploaded by Dr.240252 on Aug. 9 - 16 - titled "Tea for Two - Knickebockers and Ben Selvin's Dance Orchestra".
We choose a lovely, up tempo version of "Tea for Two" by Ben Selvin and the Knickerbockers' Dancing Orchestra uploaded by our Youtube friend - the erudite and bright - Dr. 240252.
The composer of this famous song - Vincent Youmans came up with some fabulous tunes - all well loved by many generations of listeneners. His beautiful tune "Carioca" has been danced and sang by tons of talented performers. Also his truly magnificent Tango - "Orchids in the Moonlight" sounds equally good.
The glorious movie star - Dolores del Rio - danced a super good Tango with Riccardo Montalban in a delightful musical comedy "Flying down Rio" from 1933 which contines to be popular with people who love good musicals.
At any rate - have a great last week of August 2016 - everybody! We shall meet here - a week from today.
Once Dancing with the Stars begins later in September 2016 - which will be Season 23 - you will get our weekly review - like every year.
Copyright L.Hadley and Associates - 2025
The composer of this famous song - Vincent Youmans came up with some fabulous tunes - all well loved by many generations of listeneners. His beautiful tune "Carioca" has been danced and sang by tons of talented performers. Also his truly magnificent Tango - "Orchids in the Moonlight" sounds equally good.
The glorious movie star - Dolores del Rio - danced a super good Tango with Riccardo Montalban in a delightful musical comedy "Flying down Rio" from 1933 which contines to be popular with people who love good musicals.
At any rate - have a great last week of August 2016 - everybody! We shall meet here - a week from today.
Once Dancing with the Stars begins later in September 2016 - which will be Season 23 - you will get our weekly review - like every year.
Copyright L.Hadley and Associates - 2025
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Our Choice for Youtube Video of the week for the Fourth Week of Aug. 2016 is Dr.240252 video uploaded on Aug. 16-2016!
We chose a lovely Tango uploaded by our friend - Dr.250252 on Aug.16-2016 titled "Polish Tango - 'Don't be Angry with Me' - 1934". Even though the composer/lyricist - Jurand/Krystjan - duo are less well known than Wlast/Gold team - the Tango sounds super. The vocalist Tadeusz Falishewski - a famous Tango singer circa Warsaw 1930 - 1939 - does a magnificent job of an understated delivery.
Another interesting feature of this Tango is a musical arrangement featuring prominent Hawaiian guitars by a well-known Tango arranger - Victor Tychowski - which sound a lot like electric guitars. The visuals used by Dr.240252 - cleverly and with sarcastic undertones - present another sides of love which frequently take a form of rage and anger.
It needs to be noted that Dr. 240252 will be away - enjoying his yearly vacations for a few weeks. He chooses some far away, exotic destinations which he describes after his return. So stay tuned!
As always - have a great fourth week of Aug. 2016 and don't forget to click here next week for our choice of Youtube video of the week for the fifth week of Aug.2016! Our popular channel tango3721 - always gives you a lot of interesting tidbits!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2017
Another interesting feature of this Tango is a musical arrangement featuring prominent Hawaiian guitars by a well-known Tango arranger - Victor Tychowski - which sound a lot like electric guitars. The visuals used by Dr.240252 - cleverly and with sarcastic undertones - present another sides of love which frequently take a form of rage and anger.
It needs to be noted that Dr. 240252 will be away - enjoying his yearly vacations for a few weeks. He chooses some far away, exotic destinations which he describes after his return. So stay tuned!
As always - have a great fourth week of Aug. 2016 and don't forget to click here next week for our choice of Youtube video of the week for the fifth week of Aug.2016! Our popular channel tango3721 - always gives you a lot of interesting tidbits!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2017
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Our Youtube Video of the week for the Third Week of Aug. 2016 is a Vid Uploaded by Genia106 - on May 01 - 2016!
For the third week of Aug. 2016 - we choose a terrific video uploaded on May 01-2016 - by our Youtube friend and colleague - Genia106 - titled "For the Gorgeous Marilyn Monroe - Al Bowlly Sings 'Just Let Me Look at You'". Since Genia106 uploads a lot of videos about Marilyn Monroe - this one is in honor of the Silver Screen Goddess'es - birthday which falls around the end of May. Genia's visuals present a lot of glorious shots of Marilyn who still has legions of followers loving her many movies - years after her premature death in Aug. 1962 which shook up many moviegoers who love Marilyn's pictures.
We need to mention one biographical picture about Marilyn's last affair with Bobby Kennedy (the attorney general) - shortly before her unfortunate overdose of barbiturates which caused her early death. The American director bases his premise on the theory that she became a possible bothersome "element" since - allegedly - she carried on affairs with Bobby Kennedy (attorney general) and Jack Kennedy - the President of the U.S. - at the same time - shortly before the time of her premature death.
Long story short - after Bobby Kennedy - came to the conclusion that she might cause problems since he was married to Ethel Kennedy whom he claimed to love as well as his numerous children with his wife - somehow - Edgar Hoover - the powerful FBI boss - got involved. The movie postulates that the ambulance which was taking her to the hospital to pump her stomach after she has attempted to kill herself - was turned back to her house - instead of taking her to the hospital where she could get help - the ambulance - instead - went back to her house where she died without getting the help which might have saved her life.
The lead vocalist of this vid - Al Bowlly - a handsome London jazz singer of Lebanese descent circa 1933 - 1942 - also met an early death during the Nazi's bombing raid of London - when he didn't respond to the warning sirens by hiding in the basement of the building.
It needs to be noted that President John Kennedy died relatively young by the assassin bullet - a year after Marilyn Monroe - while his younger brother - Bobby Kennedy an ex-attorney general - was shot to death by a killer named Sirhan-Sirhan - six years after Marilyn Monroe - overdosed on sleeping pills.
At any rate - enough of that sad stuff for one column. Everybody have a good third week of August 2016 and check out our comments on tango3721 channel of Youtube!
As always - don't forget to click here next weekend for our choice of Youtube Video of the Week for the fourth week of August 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2019
We need to mention one biographical picture about Marilyn's last affair with Bobby Kennedy (the attorney general) - shortly before her unfortunate overdose of barbiturates which caused her early death. The American director bases his premise on the theory that she became a possible bothersome "element" since - allegedly - she carried on affairs with Bobby Kennedy (attorney general) and Jack Kennedy - the President of the U.S. - at the same time - shortly before the time of her premature death.
Long story short - after Bobby Kennedy - came to the conclusion that she might cause problems since he was married to Ethel Kennedy whom he claimed to love as well as his numerous children with his wife - somehow - Edgar Hoover - the powerful FBI boss - got involved. The movie postulates that the ambulance which was taking her to the hospital to pump her stomach after she has attempted to kill herself - was turned back to her house - instead of taking her to the hospital where she could get help - the ambulance - instead - went back to her house where she died without getting the help which might have saved her life.
The lead vocalist of this vid - Al Bowlly - a handsome London jazz singer of Lebanese descent circa 1933 - 1942 - also met an early death during the Nazi's bombing raid of London - when he didn't respond to the warning sirens by hiding in the basement of the building.
It needs to be noted that President John Kennedy died relatively young by the assassin bullet - a year after Marilyn Monroe - while his younger brother - Bobby Kennedy an ex-attorney general - was shot to death by a killer named Sirhan-Sirhan - six years after Marilyn Monroe - overdosed on sleeping pills.
At any rate - enough of that sad stuff for one column. Everybody have a good third week of August 2016 and check out our comments on tango3721 channel of Youtube!
As always - don't forget to click here next weekend for our choice of Youtube Video of the Week for the fourth week of August 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2019
Friday, August 5, 2016
Our Choice for the Youtube Video of the Week for the Second Week of Aug - 2016.
For this - second week of August 2016 - we choose an interesting video uploaded by Dr.240252 on Aug.2-2016 - titled "Old Polish Tango - Always - 1032".
The music was composed by Fred Melodyst - a famous musician whose family included many Tango greats - you can read Dr.240252's commentary which will give a quick snapshot on who is who in Tango world in Poland circa 1930 through 1939. They had arguably - the great global contribution to the magnificent collection of beautiful Tangos.
This piece has the lyrics penned by Andrzej Wlast - a promoter/lyricist/theatrical producer of famous Warsaw Tango products. The vocals are skillfully done by Tadeusz Falishewski who performed tons of outstanding Tangos and other musical genres in Poland at that time (1930 - 1939).
Be prepared for some static when you listen to this video which is due to the original being old. The artwork chosen presents the old photos of the famous Polish city of Cracow which is known for its classic architecture. The city was rehabbed but it maintains its vintage character.
At any rate - glance at my comments which are under tango3721 on Youtube. As always - have a great second week of August 2016 and don't forget to click here next weekend for our choice of the Youtube video of the week for the coming third week of August 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
The music was composed by Fred Melodyst - a famous musician whose family included many Tango greats - you can read Dr.240252's commentary which will give a quick snapshot on who is who in Tango world in Poland circa 1930 through 1939. They had arguably - the great global contribution to the magnificent collection of beautiful Tangos.
This piece has the lyrics penned by Andrzej Wlast - a promoter/lyricist/theatrical producer of famous Warsaw Tango products. The vocals are skillfully done by Tadeusz Falishewski who performed tons of outstanding Tangos and other musical genres in Poland at that time (1930 - 1939).
Be prepared for some static when you listen to this video which is due to the original being old. The artwork chosen presents the old photos of the famous Polish city of Cracow which is known for its classic architecture. The city was rehabbed but it maintains its vintage character.
At any rate - glance at my comments which are under tango3721 on Youtube. As always - have a great second week of August 2016 and don't forget to click here next weekend for our choice of the Youtube video of the week for the coming third week of August 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Our Choice of Youtube's Video of the Week for the First Week of Aug.2016!
Our Choice for the first week of Aug. 2016 for the video of the week is a vid uploaded on May 16-2016 by our long term Youtube friend - enormously talented Genia106 - titled "Rudolph Valentino - Alla Nazimova - Francisco Canaro - Tango Adios Nonino".
All the Tango fanatics like me would know all the names mentioned in the title - however - since we are not writing a longer piece at this time - we'll focus on some crucial parts of the title. You can read Genia's terrific comments for a longer explanation.
In a nutshell - Francisco Canaro - a famous Argentinian composer, band leader and Tango great came up with a lot of beautiful Tangos - with the widely circulating internet rumors about his numerous affairs with various prominent, beautiful Tango ladies of his day - all fully available on the internet. However a legendary movie idol from the 1920's - a divinely handsome - Rudolph Valentino - a silver screen matinee idol - danced a terrific Tango and is widely credited with originating the so called "American Tango" version of ballroom Tango - which is my favorite version since it's less structured and better looking while easier to execute than the Argentinian version (full of leg kicks which can easily land on other parts of partner's the body). According to the opinions of many who dance both varieties - the Argentinian version which is also beautiful - is harder to master but unless it's performed on the stage by professional dancers - it doesn't look nearly as good as the American version of ballroom Tango done in the dance studios.
Alla Nazimova - a well publicized star in Hollywood circa 1920's - a beautiful, talented actress as well as prominent costume and set designer - advanced Valentino's career quite a bit since they were also lovers and close confidantes for a few years. Nazimova who claimed to be a descendant of Russian aristocracy - openly pursued her bisexual - lesbian and "normal" affairs plus - her well publicized wild parties in her mansion on Sunset Boulevard caused a lot heated activities among the professional gossip columnists as well as among the multitudes of other people who found this kind of conduct - repulsive. Can anyone fathom being so much "ahead of her time" in 1920's? All the gossip columns of the day had a "field day" concerning her life style.
Even now - in 2016 - the widely rumored - bi-sexual presidential candidate - Hilary Clinton - doesn't exactly "promote" her long time - lesbian and professional association (internet is full of the videos about the two of them) - with Huma Abedin - a close friend, employee and confidante while both ladies are married to men and have children.
Back to Valentino who - unfortunately - died an early death caused by a burst of infected appendix which he suffered as a result of a massive blow to his abdomen that he suffered from a "goon" hired by his ex-lover's husband. His ex-lover who was a famous American movie star of the day - was also the greatest love of his life who married another man since Valentino didn't propose a marriage to her - soon enough. He regretted his decision and suffered tragic consequences as a result. The American movie titled "Valentino" - available on Youtube explores this part of Valentino's - sadly - too brief - a life. His funeral in New York City was attended by millions of people - especially women.
Enjoy the vid - have a great first week of August 2016 and as always - click here for our choice of the video of the week - next week which will be the second week of Aug. 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2016
All the Tango fanatics like me would know all the names mentioned in the title - however - since we are not writing a longer piece at this time - we'll focus on some crucial parts of the title. You can read Genia's terrific comments for a longer explanation.
In a nutshell - Francisco Canaro - a famous Argentinian composer, band leader and Tango great came up with a lot of beautiful Tangos - with the widely circulating internet rumors about his numerous affairs with various prominent, beautiful Tango ladies of his day - all fully available on the internet. However a legendary movie idol from the 1920's - a divinely handsome - Rudolph Valentino - a silver screen matinee idol - danced a terrific Tango and is widely credited with originating the so called "American Tango" version of ballroom Tango - which is my favorite version since it's less structured and better looking while easier to execute than the Argentinian version (full of leg kicks which can easily land on other parts of partner's the body). According to the opinions of many who dance both varieties - the Argentinian version which is also beautiful - is harder to master but unless it's performed on the stage by professional dancers - it doesn't look nearly as good as the American version of ballroom Tango done in the dance studios.
Alla Nazimova - a well publicized star in Hollywood circa 1920's - a beautiful, talented actress as well as prominent costume and set designer - advanced Valentino's career quite a bit since they were also lovers and close confidantes for a few years. Nazimova who claimed to be a descendant of Russian aristocracy - openly pursued her bisexual - lesbian and "normal" affairs plus - her well publicized wild parties in her mansion on Sunset Boulevard caused a lot heated activities among the professional gossip columnists as well as among the multitudes of other people who found this kind of conduct - repulsive. Can anyone fathom being so much "ahead of her time" in 1920's? All the gossip columns of the day had a "field day" concerning her life style.
Even now - in 2016 - the widely rumored - bi-sexual presidential candidate - Hilary Clinton - doesn't exactly "promote" her long time - lesbian and professional association (internet is full of the videos about the two of them) - with Huma Abedin - a close friend, employee and confidante while both ladies are married to men and have children.
Back to Valentino who - unfortunately - died an early death caused by a burst of infected appendix which he suffered as a result of a massive blow to his abdomen that he suffered from a "goon" hired by his ex-lover's husband. His ex-lover who was a famous American movie star of the day - was also the greatest love of his life who married another man since Valentino didn't propose a marriage to her - soon enough. He regretted his decision and suffered tragic consequences as a result. The American movie titled "Valentino" - available on Youtube explores this part of Valentino's - sadly - too brief - a life. His funeral in New York City was attended by millions of people - especially women.
Enjoy the vid - have a great first week of August 2016 and as always - click here for our choice of the video of the week - next week which will be the second week of Aug. 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2016
Friday, July 22, 2016
Our Youtube Video of the Week for the Fourth Week of July 2016 - is the Vid Uploaded by Dr.240252 on July 19 - 2016 titled "Black Gypsy by Dajos Bela - 1932".
For this last week of July 2016 - we chose a lovely Tango composed by an unknown Chekhoslovakian composer K. Vacek which became an international hit in many countries. We have mentioned before that in addition to Argentina - the traditional cradle of magnificent Tangos where Tangos "morfed" into popular versions from their raw versions originated in seedy Buenos Aires port's night clubs.
Long story - short - many countries came up with lovely Tangos - France, Italy, Ukraine - however Warsaw, Poland - from 1930 to 1939 - produced a lot of breathtaking Tangos. All of them are easily available on Youtube.
Dajos Bela - a famous composer/arranger/band leader whose orchestra became famous all throughout Europe between 1930 - 1934 - featured a lot of excellent Tangos in his exquisite repertoire. However - when Adolph Hitler's - Third Reich started to terrorize Europe - Dajos Bela and his orchestra left for the United States where they continued their successful performances.
Enjoy Dr.240252's upload "Black Gypsy - Schwartze Zigeuner - Tango by Dajos Bela - 1932" uploaded on July 19 - 2016. The comments are always interesting - including mine - tango3721 - as you probably remember. If you forgot - do check us out.
Have a great last week of July 2016 - everybody and as always click here next weekend for our choice of Youtube video of the week for the first week of August 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
Long story - short - many countries came up with lovely Tangos - France, Italy, Ukraine - however Warsaw, Poland - from 1930 to 1939 - produced a lot of breathtaking Tangos. All of them are easily available on Youtube.
Dajos Bela - a famous composer/arranger/band leader whose orchestra became famous all throughout Europe between 1930 - 1934 - featured a lot of excellent Tangos in his exquisite repertoire. However - when Adolph Hitler's - Third Reich started to terrorize Europe - Dajos Bela and his orchestra left for the United States where they continued their successful performances.
Enjoy Dr.240252's upload "Black Gypsy - Schwartze Zigeuner - Tango by Dajos Bela - 1932" uploaded on July 19 - 2016. The comments are always interesting - including mine - tango3721 - as you probably remember. If you forgot - do check us out.
Have a great last week of July 2016 - everybody and as always click here next weekend for our choice of Youtube video of the week for the first week of August 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Our Choice of Youtube's Video of the Week for the 3rd Week of July 2016 - Dr.240252 - Tango - "You Ask Me Why I'm not Crying - Stanislawa Nowicka - 1931".
Our choice for a Youtube's video of the week for the third week of July 2016 is a Tango "You Ask Me Why I Am not Crying" uploaded by Dr.240252 on July 8 - 2016.
Stanislawa Nowicka - a famous queen of Warsaw's biggest cabaret venues from 1930 through 1935 - specialized in the so called "Apache Tango" in which a woman - laments her tragic love for her beloved who is usually - a criminal of some sort. Nowicka - herself - came from a highly cultural Warsaw family and received an excellent musical education - still her husky, low voice was convincing in the Apache style Tango ballads to win her a big following throughout numerous, famous Warsaw cabaret venues. For some reason she left Poland in the middle 1930's - seemingly - on the top of her popularity - to spend the rest of her long life in New York City where she became prominent in several famous Polish Emigrees' circles.
This Tango was composed by a popular Tango composer Henryk Wars who frequently collaborated with Andrzej Wlast - a prominent lyricist/producer and director of numerous famous Warsaw musical/cabaret venues. Their partnership resulted in many magnificent Tangos and other pieces - even if some ignorant and vicious critics dubbed Andrzej Wlast - "the King of Kitch". Nevertheless his beautiful lyrics firmly resonate - until today with millions of his loyal fans.
At any rate - have a great third week of July 2016 - everybody - and as always - don't forget to click here - next weekend which will be the last week of July 2016 for our Choice of Youtube's Video of the Week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
Stanislawa Nowicka - a famous queen of Warsaw's biggest cabaret venues from 1930 through 1935 - specialized in the so called "Apache Tango" in which a woman - laments her tragic love for her beloved who is usually - a criminal of some sort. Nowicka - herself - came from a highly cultural Warsaw family and received an excellent musical education - still her husky, low voice was convincing in the Apache style Tango ballads to win her a big following throughout numerous, famous Warsaw cabaret venues. For some reason she left Poland in the middle 1930's - seemingly - on the top of her popularity - to spend the rest of her long life in New York City where she became prominent in several famous Polish Emigrees' circles.
This Tango was composed by a popular Tango composer Henryk Wars who frequently collaborated with Andrzej Wlast - a prominent lyricist/producer and director of numerous famous Warsaw musical/cabaret venues. Their partnership resulted in many magnificent Tangos and other pieces - even if some ignorant and vicious critics dubbed Andrzej Wlast - "the King of Kitch". Nevertheless his beautiful lyrics firmly resonate - until today with millions of his loyal fans.
At any rate - have a great third week of July 2016 - everybody - and as always - don't forget to click here - next weekend which will be the last week of July 2016 for our Choice of Youtube's Video of the Week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Our Choice for the Youtube Video of the Week for the 2nd week of July 2016 - Dr.240252's-video uploaded on July 5th - 16 - titled "Roaring Twenties - Gene Austin and Frank Banta 1926".
Its a little different presentation in terms of just vocals by Gene Austin accompanied by an easy, engaging piano by Frank Banta. The song is about the summer love with the artwork skillfully matched by Dr.240252.
It's good to learn something in an easy manner - about the Golden Twenties - famous times for the American and European Jazz artists and as always - Dr. 240252 gives you an interesting commentary in which you learn about Gene Austin's life - in an easy way. In a nutshell - his life was successful but not without challenges.
Frequently - talented musicians or other artists encounter some unsurmountable obstacles - so unfortunately - even though a lot of people derive various rewards from their talents - they - themselves - at times - end tragically for various reasons.
My Youtube name is tango 3721 if you want to get familiar with some other performers in our playlist. At any rate - as always - have a good second week of July 2016 - everybody!
Don't forget to click here next weekend for our choice of Youtube Video of the week for the coming third week of July 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2016
It's good to learn something in an easy manner - about the Golden Twenties - famous times for the American and European Jazz artists and as always - Dr. 240252 gives you an interesting commentary in which you learn about Gene Austin's life - in an easy way. In a nutshell - his life was successful but not without challenges.
Frequently - talented musicians or other artists encounter some unsurmountable obstacles - so unfortunately - even though a lot of people derive various rewards from their talents - they - themselves - at times - end tragically for various reasons.
My Youtube name is tango 3721 if you want to get familiar with some other performers in our playlist. At any rate - as always - have a good second week of July 2016 - everybody!
Don't forget to click here next weekend for our choice of Youtube Video of the week for the coming third week of July 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2016
Friday, July 1, 2016
Our Choice for Youtube Video of the Week - 240252's Upload of Tango/Chanson - "Sleep - Little Urchin" - 1929 - uploaded June 29 - 2016.
For this first week of July 2016 - the Fourth of July weekend - we chose a charming Tango/Chanson by a famous Polish performer - Zofia Terne whose silken voice and super good phrasing got much more polished as she got much older.
According to a good research note by Dr.240252 - when Terne was a young Polish/Jewish performer - her work was not nearly as excellent as her later efforts - much appreciated by big legions of her loyal fans.
Warsaw was a true mecca for super talents between 1930 and 1939. A lot of the great, outstanding performers, composers, lyricists - were Jewish. Most of them - unfortunately - perished in Hitler's "death factories".
Let's not repeat the awful mistakes of history since - presently - a lot of misguided Anti-Semites of many ignorant - ages and persuasions - vigorously spout anti-Israeli propaganda. Every nation makes some mistakes - but Israel has to be eternally perfectly - perfect or all the numerous haters scream "bloody murder" while they are very generous to their own nations' numerous blunders.
Back to our Video of the Week which has a wonderful story telling quality just like a real chanson would have. It's kind of unusual to have a Tango/Chanson combo - so - please - enjoy. Also - the notes and comments of 240252 are a wealth of interesting info given in a short version. Our comments - not nearly as excellent as those of Dr.240252 - are under tango 3721 on Youtube.
Have a wonderful first week of July 2016 and a great Great Fourth of July coming up!
Don't forget to click here next week for our choice of Video of the Week for the second week of July 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2016
According to a good research note by Dr.240252 - when Terne was a young Polish/Jewish performer - her work was not nearly as excellent as her later efforts - much appreciated by big legions of her loyal fans.
Warsaw was a true mecca for super talents between 1930 and 1939. A lot of the great, outstanding performers, composers, lyricists - were Jewish. Most of them - unfortunately - perished in Hitler's "death factories".
Let's not repeat the awful mistakes of history since - presently - a lot of misguided Anti-Semites of many ignorant - ages and persuasions - vigorously spout anti-Israeli propaganda. Every nation makes some mistakes - but Israel has to be eternally perfectly - perfect or all the numerous haters scream "bloody murder" while they are very generous to their own nations' numerous blunders.
Back to our Video of the Week which has a wonderful story telling quality just like a real chanson would have. It's kind of unusual to have a Tango/Chanson combo - so - please - enjoy. Also - the notes and comments of 240252 are a wealth of interesting info given in a short version. Our comments - not nearly as excellent as those of Dr.240252 - are under tango 3721 on Youtube.
Have a wonderful first week of July 2016 and a great Great Fourth of July coming up!
Don't forget to click here next week for our choice of Video of the Week for the second week of July 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2016
Friday, June 24, 2016
Our Choice of the Youtube Video of the Week for the last week of June 2016!
For the fourth - the last week June 2016 - we selected a Tango uploaded by Dr.240252 on June 18-2016 - titled "Pyotr Leschenko Tango - Ne Uhodi - Do Not Leave Me - 1930".
Pyotr Leschenko - an enormously talented Ukrainian/Romanian - singer and composer became internationally famous between 1929 and 1940. Unfortunately - he met an early death in Romanian labor camp fashioned after the labor camps established by the Soviet dictator - Stalin - in many Eastern Europen countries at that time.
Lots of talented people perished in those terrible prisons where the local "government types" ran the horrible estalishments. Nadeshda Mandelshtam - a poetess and a writer - the wife of a famous Russian poet - Osip Mandelshtam who died an early death in Stalin's labor camp where he was sentenced after publishing an unflattering poem about Stalin - expressed her accurate observations about those times in her famous "Memoirs". She said that some people were forced to follow Stalin regime but their hearts "wept inside them" however others - were more than happy to follow Stalin's reign of terror.
At any rate - enjoy the Tango and please - read the comments by Dr.240252 as well as those made by the viewers. Yours truly also commented - my Youtube name is tango3721 - not boasting or anything - mind you.
Have a good last week of June 2016 - everybody and as always - don't forget to click here next weekend which will be the first week of July 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2016
Pyotr Leschenko - an enormously talented Ukrainian/Romanian - singer and composer became internationally famous between 1929 and 1940. Unfortunately - he met an early death in Romanian labor camp fashioned after the labor camps established by the Soviet dictator - Stalin - in many Eastern Europen countries at that time.
Lots of talented people perished in those terrible prisons where the local "government types" ran the horrible estalishments. Nadeshda Mandelshtam - a poetess and a writer - the wife of a famous Russian poet - Osip Mandelshtam who died an early death in Stalin's labor camp where he was sentenced after publishing an unflattering poem about Stalin - expressed her accurate observations about those times in her famous "Memoirs". She said that some people were forced to follow Stalin regime but their hearts "wept inside them" however others - were more than happy to follow Stalin's reign of terror.
At any rate - enjoy the Tango and please - read the comments by Dr.240252 as well as those made by the viewers. Yours truly also commented - my Youtube name is tango3721 - not boasting or anything - mind you.
Have a good last week of June 2016 - everybody and as always - don't forget to click here next weekend which will be the first week of July 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2016
Friday, June 17, 2016
Our Choice for Youtube Video of the Wk - for the third Wk of June 2016 - Dr. 240252 - Roaring 20's - Joe Candell's - Blowing off Steam - 1926!
For the third week of June 2016 - we picked a vid uploaded by Dr.240252 on June 11 - 2016 - titled "Blowing Off Steam - by Joe Candell - 1926".
The slides show of various kinds of passengers' trains which conjure up lots of memories of travelling by trains that I did while growing up in Eastern Europe. I have always been in love with passengers' trains ever since I can remember.
We - currently - especially like the small sleeper compartments which could be used as a tiny office during the day when one can work on the computer or listen to the radio. I like to watch the glorious sunsets from the top of the train but easy sleeping on the train is also fun since the rhythmical movement is similar to the soothing moves in the womb - I guess.
Travel by train has always reminded me of the "living a mini life" metaphor since the people who get on one's nerves will disappear and the end of the voyage while the contacts with the nice ones will also not last for any extended time.
At any rate - read some comments from the viewers including yours truly - tango3721; the comments of Dr.240252 who produces those videos are always informative and fun.
Have a great third week of June 2016 - everybody we shall meet here a week from today - as every week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
The slides show of various kinds of passengers' trains which conjure up lots of memories of travelling by trains that I did while growing up in Eastern Europe. I have always been in love with passengers' trains ever since I can remember.
We - currently - especially like the small sleeper compartments which could be used as a tiny office during the day when one can work on the computer or listen to the radio. I like to watch the glorious sunsets from the top of the train but easy sleeping on the train is also fun since the rhythmical movement is similar to the soothing moves in the womb - I guess.
Travel by train has always reminded me of the "living a mini life" metaphor since the people who get on one's nerves will disappear and the end of the voyage while the contacts with the nice ones will also not last for any extended time.
At any rate - read some comments from the viewers including yours truly - tango3721; the comments of Dr.240252 who produces those videos are always informative and fun.
Have a great third week of June 2016 - everybody we shall meet here a week from today - as every week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Friday, June 10, 2016
Our Choice for the Youtube Video of the Week for the 2nd wk of June 2016 - is "Tango Italiano Daniele Serra 1928 - Tango delle Capinere" - uploaded June-05-16!
You will read Dr.240252 interesting commentary - since he uploaded that video on June 5 - 2016. You will find out about the famous Italian vocalist - Daniele Serra who recorded many successful sides from 1920 through 1930's - you will also learn how his illustrous career came to the sudden end because of him sympathizing with the policies of an Italian dictator - Benito Mussolini.
A lot of famous performers found themselves "blackballed" after the various dictators relinquished their power in many European and other - countries - as well.
The viewers also made a lot of interesting comments including yours truly. Not boasting or anything like that - mind you.
A lot of famous performers found themselves "blackballed" after the various dictators relinquished their power in many European and other - countries - as well.
The viewers also made a lot of interesting comments including yours truly. Not boasting or anything like that - mind you.
Have a good second week of June 2016!
Don't forget to click here a week from today!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Don't forget to click here a week from today!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Our Choice for Youtube Video of the Wk - First Week of June 2016 - 05-30-15 through 06-05-2016!
We decided not to review this season's "So You Think You Can Dance" since the producers made it into a "kiddie show" this season - which should be aired during the mornings along with "Seasame Street" - according to a lot of views of that nature voiced on various public forums of social media.
Consequently - we will be doing - for a while our popular feature "YouTube Video of the Week" - which will be posted either Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays. That will continue until Season 23 of "Dancing with the Stars" - starts in Sept. 2016 - or until we will come up with another idea for a hot column.
For the first week of June 2016, we picked a video uploaded by 240252 - Dr. Grzegorz Musial - a Polish doctor - who uploads awesome videos -thus - on May 30 - 2016 he came up with a gem - titled "Three Tangos from 1938" - featuring a Hungarian/Gypsy arranger/band leader - George Boulanger.
Consequently - we will be doing - for a while our popular feature "YouTube Video of the Week" - which will be posted either Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays. That will continue until Season 23 of "Dancing with the Stars" - starts in Sept. 2016 - or until we will come up with another idea for a hot column.
For the first week of June 2016, we picked a video uploaded by 240252 - Dr. Grzegorz Musial - a Polish doctor - who uploads awesome videos -thus - on May 30 - 2016 he came up with a gem - titled "Three Tangos from 1938" - featuring a Hungarian/Gypsy arranger/band leader - George Boulanger.
Dr. 240252 does magnificent research on each video he uploads which he condenses to give you a brief info - attached to his videos. His visuals are - breathtaking - to match the music he features. Dr. 240252 - often - likes to highlight the works of some forgotten but enormously talented - musicians and other performers of that sort.
Dr. 240252 had some heart problems recently so all of us pray for his health. Please - read the info about George Boulanger - a talented Gypsy/Hungarian violinist/arranger/band leader who escaped Nazi persecution to find a success in the U.S.
Have a great first week of June 2016 everybody and keep clicking here next weekend!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Dr. 240252 had some heart problems recently so all of us pray for his health. Please - read the info about George Boulanger - a talented Gypsy/Hungarian violinist/arranger/band leader who escaped Nazi persecution to find a success in the U.S.
Have a great first week of June 2016 everybody and keep clicking here next weekend!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
A Brief Review of the 1st show of the Season - So You Think You Can Dance - Fox Network - Mon. May 30 - 2016.
Last night's premiere show - had a little sparkle of any kind where more would be expected from the first show of the season. The talented children dancers were putting out a lot of efforts so the judges would have an opportunity to give them some constructive criticism which they didn't do.
Some mothers of the pint sized performers - had shown signs of being proverbial "stage mothers" which is not all that entertaining to watch. In addition - the taped segments of the supposedly - live - show were not always blended effectively. The viewers had a glimpse of still pregnant - Kat Deely - the lady M.C. who - supposedly - delivered her baby a while ago - the same Kat Deely who - at times - likes to grab "camera" time - in spite of the fact that she neither judges nor performes - so she could keep her "on camera" presence - brief. Quite a few viewers expressed the views on various forums to the effect that she "exaggerates" her on camera presentation - on frequent occassions - notwithstanding her attractive appearance.
We hope that next show on Mon. June 6 - 2016 - from Chicago - will have a lot more pizzas and enthusiasm.
Don't forget to click here Tues. June 7 - for our Mon. June 6 - review of the show.
Have a great first week of June - everybody!
Copyright@LHadley and Associates - 2016
Some mothers of the pint sized performers - had shown signs of being proverbial "stage mothers" which is not all that entertaining to watch. In addition - the taped segments of the supposedly - live - show were not always blended effectively. The viewers had a glimpse of still pregnant - Kat Deely - the lady M.C. who - supposedly - delivered her baby a while ago - the same Kat Deely who - at times - likes to grab "camera" time - in spite of the fact that she neither judges nor performes - so she could keep her "on camera" presence - brief. Quite a few viewers expressed the views on various forums to the effect that she "exaggerates" her on camera presentation - on frequent occassions - notwithstanding her attractive appearance.
We hope that next show on Mon. June 6 - 2016 - from Chicago - will have a lot more pizzas and enthusiasm.
Don't forget to click here Tues. June 7 - for our Mon. June 6 - review of the show.
Have a great first week of June - everybody!
Copyright@LHadley and Associates - 2016
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
A Brief Review of the Episode 1 - the 1st Show - Season 14 - SYTYCD - Mon. May 30 - 2016 - Fox Network.
The good news regarding the final show for Season 22 - would be - as follows - the set designs looking glorious and most dance numbers were presented in an entertaining manner - thus the two hours went by fast. The winners - Nyle and Peta deserved their prize even if a lot of viewers rooted for Sharna and Anthony since Sharna should have won - the last season - according to tons of viewers' opinions on various forums. Even though the whole season was decent - over all - with the last night's final show - highly watchable - still it will be nice to take a break from DWTS until September 2016.
However - "So You Think You Can Dance" will start this Monday May 30 - 2016 on the Fox Network. We will give you a weekly review so don't forget to click here Tues. May 31 for the review of Monday's - May 30 - 2016 - show - a premiere - opening of the season 14 - "So You Think You Can Dance" - absolutely not to be missed.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend - everybody and all of us will have a super good last week of May 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2016
However - "So You Think You Can Dance" will start this Monday May 30 - 2016 on the Fox Network. We will give you a weekly review so don't forget to click here Tues. May 31 for the review of Monday's - May 30 - 2016 - show - a premiere - opening of the season 14 - "So You Think You Can Dance" - absolutely not to be missed.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend - everybody and all of us will have a super good last week of May 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2016
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
The First Part of Finals - DWTS - Episode 10 -Mon. May 23 - 2016 - ABC.
Last nights' first part of the finals for season 22 - featured some annoying elements. As usually - we'll start from the bad news - so that we can finish our review in a positive mode.
It seems that the "injury" motive was excessively popular last evening. The lenghty details of Ginger Z's sprained back needed to solicit a lot of "sympathy" votes - we think. Then - Mark Ballas elaborated on his injury while practicing Salsa.
That whole injury theme should probably be - drastically "injured" - if not eliminated. A few years ago - a couple of famous international ice dancers - Torville and Dean - choreographed "dying on ice" sequence which subsequently - got imitated a lot until a lot of athletes decided that "dying on ice - is dead".
A group of us - the professional reviewers decided - last night that "injuries while dancing with the great publicity around them - should be 'injured' and not used anymore to get some additional 'sympathy' - votes."
On the bright side - Nyle and Peta did a contemporary routine which "wowed" the judges since they almost always go "ga-ga-goo-goo" over angular and rough choreographies - rimming to the gills with deep drama. The music to this piece Simon and Garfunkel's "Sound of Silence" - an obvious choice - at least - didn't sound abrasive - like the music frequently chosen by the producers - God only knows why.
Paige and Mark's - Salsa - got overscored since they hardly moved their hips which made their dance not appear like Salsa at all.
We hope that tonight's finals will be exciting and sparkling not boring, tedious and dragging forever - like they were - a few years ago. The voters already "spoke" last night - consequently we predict that Paige and Mark will win.
Click here tomorrow for the season's review. Enjoy the finals and have a great Memorial Day coming as well as the last week of May - 2016!
Copyright L.Hadley and Associates - 2016
It seems that the "injury" motive was excessively popular last evening. The lenghty details of Ginger Z's sprained back needed to solicit a lot of "sympathy" votes - we think. Then - Mark Ballas elaborated on his injury while practicing Salsa.
That whole injury theme should probably be - drastically "injured" - if not eliminated. A few years ago - a couple of famous international ice dancers - Torville and Dean - choreographed "dying on ice" sequence which subsequently - got imitated a lot until a lot of athletes decided that "dying on ice - is dead".
A group of us - the professional reviewers decided - last night that "injuries while dancing with the great publicity around them - should be 'injured' and not used anymore to get some additional 'sympathy' - votes."
On the bright side - Nyle and Peta did a contemporary routine which "wowed" the judges since they almost always go "ga-ga-goo-goo" over angular and rough choreographies - rimming to the gills with deep drama. The music to this piece Simon and Garfunkel's "Sound of Silence" - an obvious choice - at least - didn't sound abrasive - like the music frequently chosen by the producers - God only knows why.
Paige and Mark's - Salsa - got overscored since they hardly moved their hips which made their dance not appear like Salsa at all.
We hope that tonight's finals will be exciting and sparkling not boring, tedious and dragging forever - like they were - a few years ago. The voters already "spoke" last night - consequently we predict that Paige and Mark will win.
Click here tomorrow for the season's review. Enjoy the finals and have a great Memorial Day coming as well as the last week of May - 2016!
Copyright L.Hadley and Associates - 2016
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
A Brief Review of the Ninth Episode - DWTS - the Finals - Mon. May 16 - 2016 - ABC - 8 PM.
Last night show - the Finals - show - featured a lot of "mixed bag" elements. As usually - we will start from some negative factors so then - the good news can follow.
The judges' favorites - Ginger Z (the weather girl for ABC) and her professional partner - Val Schmerkovsky - were over scored by the judges - again - according to a lot of viewers on the Facebook forum - even if not as obviously as in the past shows. We tend to agree with the viewers' opinions expressed on the various forums saying that Ginger Z - dances in a "stiff" manner with the lights dimmed dark so her movements are not clearly visible.
Last night she wore a beautifully designed, long dress while performing a Quickstep so - again - her movements were obscured by her costume even if Carrie Ann Inaba pointed out three mistakes - which is a lot of errors for the finals.
On the bright side - finally - at the long last - the producers chose good music - for the most part. The viewers - again - voiced the distaste - on various forums - for a lot of bizarre sounding tunes - hard to dance - which the producers picked in the past shows.
Our team was not happy that Sharna and Antonio were voted off, but the people have spoken - so they tell us. In addition - the viewers are outraged on various forums - that Wanya Morris and his great dancer/partner Whitney - got canned as well!
People - don't forget to vote - now that the finals are almost decided. As always - vote for your favorites but the ones which "get on your nerves big time" - don't get your vote.
Remember - vote only for your favorites and don't forget to click here next Wends. May 25 - for the review of Mon. May 23 and Tues. May 24 - 2016 - final show of the season!
Have a great week everybody!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024.
The judges' favorites - Ginger Z (the weather girl for ABC) and her professional partner - Val Schmerkovsky - were over scored by the judges - again - according to a lot of viewers on the Facebook forum - even if not as obviously as in the past shows. We tend to agree with the viewers' opinions expressed on the various forums saying that Ginger Z - dances in a "stiff" manner with the lights dimmed dark so her movements are not clearly visible.
Last night she wore a beautifully designed, long dress while performing a Quickstep so - again - her movements were obscured by her costume even if Carrie Ann Inaba pointed out three mistakes - which is a lot of errors for the finals.
On the bright side - finally - at the long last - the producers chose good music - for the most part. The viewers - again - voiced the distaste - on various forums - for a lot of bizarre sounding tunes - hard to dance - which the producers picked in the past shows.
Our team was not happy that Sharna and Antonio were voted off, but the people have spoken - so they tell us. In addition - the viewers are outraged on various forums - that Wanya Morris and his great dancer/partner Whitney - got canned as well!
People - don't forget to vote - now that the finals are almost decided. As always - vote for your favorites but the ones which "get on your nerves big time" - don't get your vote.
Remember - vote only for your favorites and don't forget to click here next Wends. May 25 - for the review of Mon. May 23 and Tues. May 24 - 2016 - final show of the season!
Have a great week everybody!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
A Review of the Eight Episode of DWTS - Mon. May 9 - 2016 - ABC 8 PM.
Let's start our review with some negative stuff - than we can move to more positive aspects. We didn't care for TMI (Too Much Information) re: the personal quirks of the judges. Bruno Tonioni - the segment about his naked "too-too" region - covered by the newspaper - during his "relaxing" in the back garden of his "star" quarters - we could definitely live without since that info was not funny or interesting. The same goes for Len's snow white feet contrasting with the rest of his tanned legs - again - who cares? The cat hair in Carrie Ann Inaba's mouths is also totally not funny or necessary piece of that TV promo.
On the bright side - Nyle and Peta - finally got acknowledged as magnificent dancers. Their dance number - superbly choreographed and danced - enabled the viewers to enter Nyle's - silent world - for a moment. Bravo! The judge Bruno Tonioni made a short reference to two his two previous screw-ups - last week and the week before. It would be nice if he briefly uttered even a small apology to Nyle and Peta. I guess he did the best he could - since maybe he stumbled on his ego. Who knows?
In our collective opinion - the rest of the dancers did fine - but many were over scored - again - since the judges have their favorites and consequently - "pad" their scores.
Val and Ginger's Argentine Tango - in spite of Val's brilliant choreography - had something missing. The fantastic set design - stood out instead of the dancers' moves.
At any rate - next week - will bring the finals and double eliminations so don't miss it while you vote - for sure. Click here on Tues. May 17 - 2016 for the review of Mon. May 16 - 2016 - show. Again - please - vote for the dancers you like and pull for - and don't vote for the ones which get on your nerves - big time!
Have a great second week of May 2016 - everybody!
Copyright L.Hadley and Associates - 2016
On the bright side - Nyle and Peta - finally got acknowledged as magnificent dancers. Their dance number - superbly choreographed and danced - enabled the viewers to enter Nyle's - silent world - for a moment. Bravo! The judge Bruno Tonioni made a short reference to two his two previous screw-ups - last week and the week before. It would be nice if he briefly uttered even a small apology to Nyle and Peta. I guess he did the best he could - since maybe he stumbled on his ego. Who knows?
In our collective opinion - the rest of the dancers did fine - but many were over scored - again - since the judges have their favorites and consequently - "pad" their scores.
Val and Ginger's Argentine Tango - in spite of Val's brilliant choreography - had something missing. The fantastic set design - stood out instead of the dancers' moves.
At any rate - next week - will bring the finals and double eliminations so don't miss it while you vote - for sure. Click here on Tues. May 17 - 2016 for the review of Mon. May 16 - 2016 - show. Again - please - vote for the dancers you like and pull for - and don't vote for the ones which get on your nerves - big time!
Have a great second week of May 2016 - everybody!
Copyright L.Hadley and Associates - 2016
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
The Seventh Show of the Season 22 - DWTS - ABC 8 PM - The Famous Ikons Theme - May 2 - 2016.
Last night's show presented some dazzling dance numbers - however the judges - as always - "slipped through" more than necessary - bias and favoritism - not appreciated - by other, hard working dancers. The DWTS judges should not be "picking the winners" - and we will - generously - not quote several viewers' opinions from the public media forums who called those indulgences "pimping for some dancers they like". The adjudicators who become celebrities in their own right - are highly compensated and - supposedly - - "enormously" experienced professional group - taking into consideration all the past seasons they have been doing that.
We do not want to take anything away from any big efforts expanded by some participants - (let's not forget that they get tons of money and publicity for their efforts) about which they talk - to no end; - still it's not fair that - from the very beginning of this season - the judges go "easy" and overscore some couples while they unnecessarily "neat pick" on others for some obscure reasons.
Something really unfair happened to a pair of terrific dancers - Nyle and Peta for the second week in a row; not only were they underscored - as compared to other dancers who received the judges' "tens" - as if the aforementioned "tens" were "going out of style" in a hurry - so that's probably why the judges unloaded those "tens" on other dancers - not nearly as deserving - Nyle and Peta.
In addition - evidently - "to add an insult to injury" - for the second week in a row - the famous - loud and dramatic - judge Bruno Tonioni - messed up again - with his final score for Nyle and Peta. Shame on you - Bruno - you should know better - you have been doing your "judge gig" for a very long time!
Otherwise - according to many Chicago's professional ballroom dancing reviewers' - Antonio and Sharna's Tango was severely underscored as were many but not all of their performances this season. Evidently - the judges want to extol some dancers to no end and make them champions.
People - please - don't forget to vote since viewers' votes count for 50 percent of input! Please - vote - it's easy! Facebook way seems simpler than ABC's website - but no matter what - vote - vote - vote - everybody!
We do not want to take anything away from any big efforts expanded by some participants - (let's not forget that they get tons of money and publicity for their efforts) about which they talk - to no end; - still it's not fair that - from the very beginning of this season - the judges go "easy" and overscore some couples while they unnecessarily "neat pick" on others for some obscure reasons.
Something really unfair happened to a pair of terrific dancers - Nyle and Peta for the second week in a row; not only were they underscored - as compared to other dancers who received the judges' "tens" - as if the aforementioned "tens" were "going out of style" in a hurry - so that's probably why the judges unloaded those "tens" on other dancers - not nearly as deserving - Nyle and Peta.
In addition - evidently - "to add an insult to injury" - for the second week in a row - the famous - loud and dramatic - judge Bruno Tonioni - messed up again - with his final score for Nyle and Peta. Shame on you - Bruno - you should know better - you have been doing your "judge gig" for a very long time!
Otherwise - according to many Chicago's professional ballroom dancing reviewers' - Antonio and Sharna's Tango was severely underscored as were many but not all of their performances this season. Evidently - the judges want to extol some dancers to no end and make them champions.
People - please - don't forget to vote since viewers' votes count for 50 percent of input! Please - vote - it's easy! Facebook way seems simpler than ABC's website - but no matter what - vote - vote - vote - everybody!
Don't forget to click here next Tues. May 10 - 2016 for a Mon. May 2 - 2016 - review!
Have a great first week of May 2016 - everybody and keep dancing!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2017
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
A Review of the Sixth Episode - Season 22 - DWTS - (Famous Dances theme) - Mon. Apr. 25 - 2016 - ABC - 8 PM.
Last night's Episode 6 - (Famous Dances theme) opened up with a terrifically choreographed number "Putting It on the Ritz" in the tradition of the best of the famous movies' dancing arrangements done by legendary masters on the like of Busby Berkley, Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly - from whom - the current DWTS - choreographer - could take some lessons - if they are not already doing that.
As far as the last night's dancers go - Sharna and Anthony's "Footloose" routine looked and felt like tons of fun - but the judges underscored it as compared to overly high marks bestowed on Wanya and Lindsay - InSync routine which presented only slightly higher than average dance choreography with the same grade of the musical arrangement. Also - according to the viewers' Facebook forum - the judges were overly generous with their highest marks when scoring Paige and Mark's routine. We absolutely agree - the judges should not put their favoritisms or winners' preferences - on blatant display. The viewers take notice and are not thrilled about it at all.
Doug Flutie finally went home - actually the viewers should have voted him off - way before - a graceful and talented - Marla Maples was sent home - according to our editorial staff and many viewers on the Facebook forum.
Ginger Z and Val Schmerkovski performed Janet Jackson standard which left a lot of room for improvement on every count - however - the judges still over scored them - even if the marks given were only slightly higher than average.
We consider Nyle and Peta's demonstration - of an enormously difficult Quick Step from Jim Carrey's "Mask" - as deserving much higher marks from the judges - certainly - Nyle and Peta should have garnered higher scores than Ginger Z and Val for their decent but not outstanding in any way - Janet Jackson - Jazz piece.
Don't forget to click here on Tues. May 3 - 2016 for the review of Mon. May 2 - 2016 - show.
Have a great week - the last one for April 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2024
As far as the last night's dancers go - Sharna and Anthony's "Footloose" routine looked and felt like tons of fun - but the judges underscored it as compared to overly high marks bestowed on Wanya and Lindsay - InSync routine which presented only slightly higher than average dance choreography with the same grade of the musical arrangement. Also - according to the viewers' Facebook forum - the judges were overly generous with their highest marks when scoring Paige and Mark's routine. We absolutely agree - the judges should not put their favoritisms or winners' preferences - on blatant display. The viewers take notice and are not thrilled about it at all.
Doug Flutie finally went home - actually the viewers should have voted him off - way before - a graceful and talented - Marla Maples was sent home - according to our editorial staff and many viewers on the Facebook forum.
Ginger Z and Val Schmerkovski performed Janet Jackson standard which left a lot of room for improvement on every count - however - the judges still over scored them - even if the marks given were only slightly higher than average.
We consider Nyle and Peta's demonstration - of an enormously difficult Quick Step from Jim Carrey's "Mask" - as deserving much higher marks from the judges - certainly - Nyle and Peta should have garnered higher scores than Ginger Z and Val for their decent but not outstanding in any way - Janet Jackson - Jazz piece.
Don't forget to click here on Tues. May 3 - 2016 for the review of Mon. May 2 - 2016 - show.
Have a great week - the last one for April 2016!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2024
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
A Review of the 5th (Switched up Partners) show DWtS - Season 22 - Mon. Apr. 18 - 2016.
Last night's show - the switch up night - offered a largely mixed bag to the viewers. First of all - the opening number which usually presents beautiful dance moves plus sumptuous costumes - fell flat last night on both counts.
As for the dancing pieces - the music over all - sounded less than average with a few notable exceptions. The first number featured a Tango with tons of unnecessary, exaggerated Tango moves accompanied by less than adequate music - plus no chemistry between Wanya and Whitney. When the judges - Max and Len - noted those negative factors - they got massively booed by the studio audience - only God knows - why.
Another negative comment we have concerns Lindsay and Von's Jive done in a Country Western mode which looked strange. The judges praised the whole concept in an exaggerated manner - evidently weary of another dose of potentially huge boos from the studio audience - however - their scores reflected fairly on the barely average presentation.
We also had some reservations about Salsa - splendidly choreographed by Mark Ballas dancing it - with his "switch up" partner Ginger Z who did barely an Okay job - which could be improved quite a bit. It's a good thing that the judges after endlessly extolling that number to "high heaven" since they already decided that Ginger Z will win the contest - nevertheless - scored it fairly - with slightly more than average - marks.
ABC - evidently - wanting to give an additional "plug" to DWTS - gives way too much air time to Ginger Z's life, her husband, her baby, her dance partners. She needs to concentrate on improving her - only average - dancing rather than building her "weather girl" status into some "superstar" - position with her network.
On the positive side - Tom Bergeron has a great M.C type personality which consistently - comes through. He keeps his comments brief the way the M.C. should since the M.C. is not any kind of aspiring potential star of any kind. I like his comment about Von Miller "farting a lot less with his temporary switch up partner - Lindsay - evidently - to show his liking for her - as opposed to farting a lot - with his steady partner - for the season - Whitney." All the dancers earn their high fees - one way or another.
As far as the M.C.s are concerned - Erin Edwards could take some lessons from Tom Bergeron - who doesn't "flap his trap" to no end just to be "on camera" as if the viewers are overly interested in the excessive details from the M.C's lives who neither dance nor judge.
We know that you danced with Max Schmerkovskiy a few seasons back. Erin - you repeat that every time you have the camera in your face! We register the fourth and fifth time - and some of us - register what you say even when you repeat it the second or third time - thank you!
Nyle and Sharna's - Viennese Waltz was a pure dream to watch with a lovely musical as a bonus. It was deservedly scored high by the judges while the audience went wild inside the studio.
Don't forget to click here next Tues. Apr. 27 - 16 for the review of Mon. Apr. 26 - 2016 - 6th Episode of DWTS - Season 22!
Have a great week everybody!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2016
As for the dancing pieces - the music over all - sounded less than average with a few notable exceptions. The first number featured a Tango with tons of unnecessary, exaggerated Tango moves accompanied by less than adequate music - plus no chemistry between Wanya and Whitney. When the judges - Max and Len - noted those negative factors - they got massively booed by the studio audience - only God knows - why.
Another negative comment we have concerns Lindsay and Von's Jive done in a Country Western mode which looked strange. The judges praised the whole concept in an exaggerated manner - evidently weary of another dose of potentially huge boos from the studio audience - however - their scores reflected fairly on the barely average presentation.
We also had some reservations about Salsa - splendidly choreographed by Mark Ballas dancing it - with his "switch up" partner Ginger Z who did barely an Okay job - which could be improved quite a bit. It's a good thing that the judges after endlessly extolling that number to "high heaven" since they already decided that Ginger Z will win the contest - nevertheless - scored it fairly - with slightly more than average - marks.
ABC - evidently - wanting to give an additional "plug" to DWTS - gives way too much air time to Ginger Z's life, her husband, her baby, her dance partners. She needs to concentrate on improving her - only average - dancing rather than building her "weather girl" status into some "superstar" - position with her network.
On the positive side - Tom Bergeron has a great M.C type personality which consistently - comes through. He keeps his comments brief the way the M.C. should since the M.C. is not any kind of aspiring potential star of any kind. I like his comment about Von Miller "farting a lot less with his temporary switch up partner - Lindsay - evidently - to show his liking for her - as opposed to farting a lot - with his steady partner - for the season - Whitney." All the dancers earn their high fees - one way or another.
As far as the M.C.s are concerned - Erin Edwards could take some lessons from Tom Bergeron - who doesn't "flap his trap" to no end just to be "on camera" as if the viewers are overly interested in the excessive details from the M.C's lives who neither dance nor judge.
We know that you danced with Max Schmerkovskiy a few seasons back. Erin - you repeat that every time you have the camera in your face! We register the fourth and fifth time - and some of us - register what you say even when you repeat it the second or third time - thank you!
Nyle and Sharna's - Viennese Waltz was a pure dream to watch with a lovely musical as a bonus. It was deservedly scored high by the judges while the audience went wild inside the studio.
Don't forget to click here next Tues. Apr. 27 - 16 for the review of Mon. Apr. 26 - 2016 - 6th Episode of DWTS - Season 22!
Have a great week everybody!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2016
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