Friday, June 21, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Jun. 21 - 2024 through Jun. 28 - 2024!

                       Miriam Novak - the Israeli Representative to the United Nations Delivers a Breathtaking Speech to the U.N. General Assembly - on June 19 - 2024!

       Ms. Novak - in a nutshell - brilliantly - delineated the history of the Jewish nation during the last two thousand years. She - skillfully - emphasized the Jewish achievements for the world - as well as pointed out the nations which embraced the Nazi Weimar Republic - lead by the Chancellor Adolph Hitler. 

      It needs to be noted - which is interesting - that many nations like Turkey, Switzerland, Italy - attempted to remain - ostensibly - neutral - thus they did not - officially - comply with Hitler's policy of exterminating the Jews.                    

    However - in spite of Italy's - Dictator Mussolini's - eventually - being forced to comply with Hitler's "request" to round up the Jews - still - the Italian police and the army - largely - resisted against the Nazi's anti-Jewish directives and - frequently - refused to round up the Jews - as much as they could. Thus - out of 50 thousand of Italian Jews - "only" about 5 thousand were sent to the death camps.

     Poland had a dubious distinction - according to many historians - of the cooperation with the Nazis - however - to Poland's credit - according to Israeli Yad Vashem's statistics - over 6  thousand Poles - the largest number of all the European countries - were granted the highest Israeli title of the "Righteous among the Nations" - due to - fully documented - risking of their lives - in order to "hide the Jews" from the Nazis.

     It's a subject worth exploring. How does the nations resist the evil leaders? According to many historians - the resistance movements in many - occupied by the Nazis - European countries - inflicted many blows to the Weimar Nazi Republic.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Friday, June 14, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 14 - 2024 through Fri. Jun. 21 - 2024!

         Odd Couple Doing the Political Commentary Every Friday - For PBS Nightly News - Broadcast - Transmitted Every Night - Monday through Friday.

          Jonathan Capehart - A Liberal/Socialist political commentator - a regular "fixture" for MSNBC - offers his political comments on Fridays - on PBS Network of a politically Liberal/Leftist - slant. His partner - almost every Friday is David Brooks - an "alleged" Conservative - who is supposed to offer an opposite take on the weekly political happenings - but what - usually - takes place is something different; namely - David Brooks - mostly - "re-packages" Jonathan Capehart's - comments.

        Not that anybody picks on the appearances of the political commentators - like Jonathan Capehart - who - BTW - stick their faces in every camera they can "grab" - however - Jonathan Capehart - would be more effective on the radio platform - since his physiognomy (face) - resembles the vision of the woodpecker (a useful bird).

       Another thing which is annoying about Mr. Capehart (according to many such comments posted on various media platforms) - are his expressions on the like of - "all my reporters would not put this info onto my air".

     Geez whiz - we didn't know that anybody can "own the co-workers and the air around them."

      At any rate - we have fun most Fridays watching the "odd couple" of the aforementioned - politicos - in action.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Friday, June 7, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. June 07 - 2024 through Fri. June 14 - 2024!

                                     Pres. Joe Biden Behaves in a Peculiar Manner During his Visit to France - to Celebrate 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Normandy Invasion - to Defeat the Nazis.

      According to the news story with the accompanying news clips - by Real America's Voice on June 06 - 2024 - during his visit to France - on June 06 - 2024 - to celebrate the 80th anniversary of D-Day which happened on June 06 - 1944 - Pres. Biden behaved in a peculiar fashion.

    To refresh everybody's memory - the American and Allied Forces landed on Normandy Beach in France on June-6-1944. They did it in order to defeat the powerful Nazi Germany's Army occupying most of Europe. 

    In a nutshell - according to the U.S. Army statistics - on that day - which commenced the prolonged campaign leading to the defeat of the Nazi's Weimar Republic - the U.S. lost (killed in the battle on that day) - 29 thousand soldiers; Canada lost (killed on that day) - 5 thousand - who died on that day - France lost 12 thousand (civilians and army - combined). Germany - however - lost 30 thousand soldiers - (killed in action on that day).

    All in all - about 500 thousand Allied soldiers - got killed and wounded - (we didn't show the numbers for the wounded) on that day - or close to it - including the Germans - however - 850 thousands of the brave - anti-Nazis' - combined warriors - succeeded - in landing their parachutes onto the shores of Frances' -Normandy.

    Back to June. 06 - 2024 - during which - President Biden's visit in France - demonstrated his peculiar behavior - according to Real America's Voice - broadcast on Jun. 06 - 2024 - which presented the commentary and the news clips - pointing to Pres. Biden - acting in strange manner when assembled on the stage - with France's - president Macron and his wife - Brigitte.

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, May 31, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 31 - 2024 till Fri. Jun. 07 - 2024!

                      A Few Comments about the Talk Radio Shows' Hosts - Working as Couples.

          Most of the time - it's not a good concept - which lasts for a short time. The notable exception would be Don Wade and Roma Wade - a married couple - who had tons of radio shifts together - for more than twenty years - out of Chicago's popular talk radio station - WLS - A.M. 890. 

         A popular radio talk show host out of Los Angeles area - Jennifer Horn - tried it with a partner - Dan - for a short time while she was still with Los Angeles - The Answer - 870 am - Salem Network - before she switched - to be a popular solo radio host - to Inland Empire, California - 590 A.M. The Answer - Salem Network. Currently - she - frequently - substitutes for Dr. Seb Gorka - a nationally and internationally - massively syndicated - radio talk show host - one of the biggest names working for Salem Network.

       At any rate - we had a couple of radio people - here - locally - a guy and a lady - the veterans of radio talk show variety - format - working together - manning the radio shifts - which appeared to "never be ending" - according to many listeners - thus that concept didn't work out well for them; again - according to many listeners - their radio shifts were boring and repetitious. Both of them - subsequently - left the radio station.

      However - the format is not dead - Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson out of Chicago's talk radio scene - have been working successfully - as a couple - for many years - at A.M. 560 - The Answer - and they have many fans and followers.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 24 - 2024 till Fri. May 31 - 2024!

                 Lisa Dent - a talk radio host - Mon. through Fri. 2pm till 6pm - Chicago Talk Radio - WGN - interviews - on May 15 - 2024 - Prof. Hermene Hartman about the Democratic Convention in Chicago 1968 Versus Democratic Convention Coming to Chicago's - Huge - United Center - From Aug. 19 - 2024 through Aug. 22 - 2024.

         If anybody is old enough - they vividly remember the huge, huge debacle which happened during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago from Aug. 26 - 1968 till Aug. 29 - 1968. In a nutshell - the Chicago Police under the leadership of a famous Democratic Chicago mayor - Richard J. Daley - had to use force against the multitudes of violent, anarchistic Yippies who attacked the police with various excrements' "packets" as well as with the "urine balloons" - in addition to various hard objects hurled at the police - which severely hurt several policemen - during the anarchists' - refusal to disperse from the park across the street from the Hilton Hotel on Michigan Avenue where the Democratic National Convention was held.

         What's interesting - however - is that the Leftist Chicago press covering the event - totally ignored many ugly behaviors of many sorts - perpetrated by the violent anarchists - which - subsequently - came to light - as it always happens - while the Leftist Chicago press - exaggerated a lot of the actions of the Chicago Police - who - B.T.W. - could use the water cannons instead of the Billy clubs. The bloody faces of the - mostly - youthful anarchists - did not present well on the TV screens all over this country and abroad.

       Long story - short - according to many political commentators - as a result of such a despicable display of violent behaviors - the Democratic candidates - Hubert Humphery - the presidential candidate - and Ed Muskie - the vice-presidential contender - were defeated - in the Fall 1968 presidential elections - by the Republicans - presidential candidate Richard Nixon and the vice-presidential contender - Spiro Agnew.

        Happy Memorial Day Weekend 2024 - Everybody!

        Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024            

Friday, May 17, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 17 - 2024 till Fri. May 24 - 2024!

                                      There Was No Evidence Provided by Michael Cohen - Stated Nicole Malliotakis - New York State's Congressional Representative from District 11!

        According to Dailymotion website - posting onto the internet - the above commentary's title's - quotation - by Ms. Malliotakis - the U.S. congressional representative from New York's - congressional district 11; the aforementioned quote - was widely disseminated by various media outlets.

      On May 16 - 2024 - Michael Cohen - a disbarred ex-lawyer of ex-pres. Trump, a convicted perjurer - was cross-examined by the ex-pres. Trump's legal team.

      What ensued - according to many legal analysts - was that jury - witnessed - Mr. Cohen's - supposedly - the prosecution's star witness's - testimony - becoming effectively - "punched full of holes" by the ex-pres. Trump's - legal defense team - thus the prosecution's case - began - more than likely - "coming off the wheels".

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, May 10, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 10 - 2024 till Fri. May 17 - 2024!

                               "Live from Studio 6B" - a NYC's - Political Satire on the Daily Political Events - 2 Hrs Long Nightly Broadcast!

        Real America's Voice Network - currently available in most U.S. TV markets - has introduced the aforementioned in the title - broadcast - several years ago - and it has been popular/in demand - in most U.S. TV markets.

      Since it is broadcasted nightly - from 8pm - E.S.T. - till 10pm E.S.T. - it - at times - "misses the mark" and comes up with a boring production. However - most of the time - the three guys - anchors - show funny clips from the political events which happened during the past week - as well as provide - funny - commentaries about the past political happenings - which took place during the week that passed in the U.S and abroad.

      They also feature a sports' guy - who 'sports' - an "authentic", heavy New York accent - as well as funny, flashy attire; he can get away his "crazy antics" including his thick, New York accent - whereas - the other three anchors did the right thing and reduced it to a great extent - just like most TV anchors who speak to the wide U.S. TV audiences.

      At any rate - as we mentioned above - most of their TV satirical transmissions - come out - hilarious. They use a lot of short clips to illustrate their humorous "takes" onto the political events taking place during the week which concluded.

     Pres. Biden takes a lot of their time - due to his weekly - heavy "gaffes" and other - humorous gestures - without him - intending such.

     In any event - enjoy "Live from Studio 6B" and we shall meet here a week from today! 

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, May 3, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 03 - 2024 through Fri. May 10 - 2024!

                        The Campuses of the American Ivy Leage (Elitist) Universities and Colleges on East Coast - Explode in - Mostly - Anti-Semitic - Israel- hating - Rage!

       That's - according to many political commentators posting those types of comments on many platforms about the above indicated in the title - phenomena; they further state - that the Marxists, Anarchists and other political violence promoting groups - active in Summer 2020 Riots - currently - infiltrated to the great extent - mostly - Ivy League, expensive universities on the East Coast - on the like of Columbia, Yale, Barnhard - and other East Coast - elitist institutions of higher learning; the notable exception was the huge - University of Texas and a few other colleges located in the Republican dominated, red states - but mostly the Republican dominated states - keep order on their campuses of higher learning institutions.              

      The students there - can - legitimately protest - but they are not allowed to - intimidate or threaten other students - like the Jewish students and others who disagree with the protesters.

      Thus - the Florida universities - as well as most higher learning establishments in other Republican dominated, red states - manage to have the governors and the heads of their higher institutions - maintaining the order on their respective university campuses.          

     As we noted above - the students there can protest peacefully - but they can't chant hateful, threatening slogans at the Jewish students, they can't block them from the entries to the campus buildings and the can't - ethnically - intimidate them. All those above-mentioned, criminal actions - cross the line from the peaceful protests to violent, Nazi style/Brown Shirts style - intimidations.

      The police are called frequently to restore the order to the Ivy League universities' chaos - while many agitators as well as the students - massively disobey the police's order to disperse and clean up those hideous tents (no doubt - paid for by George Soros - the West hating, Marxist billionaire). Many of the aforementioned law breakers continue to be arrested and detained. 

     Tons of U.S. voters are taking a note of this political spectacle of which the consequences will be obvious in the coming Nov. 05 - 2024 presidential elections.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, April 26, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 26 - 2024 till Fri. May 03 - 2024!

                                 Argentina's Tango Hero - Carlos Gardel - a Singer, Composer, Movie Star - Remains Famous and Cherished till today - through his YouTube - Videos - as well as the Popular Tango Musicals Featuring His Tangos - Constantly Produced till Today - in Buenos Aires - Argentina!

        For all the tango enthusiasts - Carlos Gardel's creative legacy - has been a steady source of inspiration - in spite - of his early death in 1935 - in his private plane crash - while he toured the South America; the crash also killed his orchestral arranger - another Tango great - Alfredo Le Pera.

       Gardel appeared in several Argentinian movies as well as composing several popular Tangos - "El Dia Que Me Quierras" - "The Day in which You Loved Me"; another famous Tango composed by him is - "Me Buenos Aires Querido" - "My Beloved Buenos Aires". 

      The love which he had for the "Portenios" - the inhabitants of Argentinian port/the capital of Argentina - the port city of Buenos Aires - was fully reciprocated by them. Upon his untimely death - they erected a big statue of him at the main cemetery of the city and there is a constant, lit cigarette - at the hand of the statute - thus immortalizing him and his Tango work. 

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, April 19, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 19 - 2024 through Fri. Apr. 26 - 2024!

                            "The United Spot" is a Hilarious Satirical Channel - Posting Short Videos on YouTube Platform - Poking Fun at the Top Politicians and Celebrities of the Day!

       The aforementioned channel - has close to a third of a million - YT subscribers - and it came up with close to a 3 thousand short, funny videos in the last several years. Of course - their disclaimer emphasizes the fact that it's all satire - thus it's not a true depiction of the famous characters' actions. "The United Spot" - posts the cartoon like silhouettes with the photographs of the real characters (famous people) - at the top of the aforementioned - silhouettes. They look ridiculous to glance at - however - their voices sound really hilarious with the funny scripts - topping their humorous productions.

      For an example - their short video posted on Apr. 17 - 2024 - titled "Fani Willis Vs Stormy Daniels" - makes fun of Nancy Pelosi (the funny voiceover always features her loose dentures - corresponding to reality) - she is one of the celebrities frequently featured in this and many other satirical videos featured by the "The United Spot's" productions. 

      B.T.W. - the same video also lampoons - Bill Clinton (in a blue dress - the dress worn by Monica Lewinsky which almost brought down his presidency); the video also ridicules E. Jean Carroll - in a strait jacket - (the accuser of ex-President Trump which was adjudicated close to 80 million - subject to further appeal by the U.S. Supreme Court).

     The video quickly generated close to 6 thousand YT views with close to 120 comments by the viewers - also ridiculing the famous characters/celebrities of the day - featured in the video.

         The short, humorous production we are highlighting - is well worth some laughter which will ensue upon watching it.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Asociates 2024      

Friday, April 12, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 12 - 2024 through Fri. Apr. 19 - 2024!

                                     Maria Bartiromo and Kellyanne Conway - Post an Excellent Video On YouTube's channel Fox Business - on Fri. Apr. 12 - 2024!

         For anybody desiring some clarity in the "political commentary" language - they need to follow the aforementioned two superstars of the political news'- analysis - both of them having to endure lots of customary, past criticisms which they conquered to arrive at their respective - highly respected - positions of news analysts.

        In any event - Fox Business YouTube's channel has 2.5 million subscribers with Maria Bartiromo's "Sunday Morning Futures" - on the top of the list. 

        Ms. Bartiromo has - consistently - proven to be a reliable, outstanding political analyst and interviewer - and not some temporary - "flash in the pan" talented beginner - who would be quickly "chewed up spit out" by this - difficult - political analysis - landscape.

       At any rate - Fox Business channel posted an interesting interview with another dependable news analysis - veteran - with lots of "political analysis" - credits - to show for - Kellyanne Conway. The short video is titled: "This is a 'threshold question' for Biden's Campaign - Kellyanne Conway" - posted on YouTube's Fox Business channel on Fri. Apr. 12 - 2024: the aforementioned short YouTube clip contains a brief interview of Ms. Conway by Maria Bartiromo. It's well worth watching!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024 

Friday, April 5, 2024

                              Mark Levin - a Constitutional Lawyer Has a Radio Syndication of His Nightly Radio Show - of approx. 400 U.S Radio Stations - thus - He Reaches Nightly - at Least - 100 Million Listeners.

          Not just any talk radio host can achieve this kind of exposure - however - Mark Levin has published several bestselling books - with the sales reaching millions of copies. One of them "American Marxism" - published a few years ago - was among one of the most successful publications to "hit" the bookstores and other book selling platforms - in recent years.

         At any rate - since 2017 - Mark Levin has - also - had a successful weekly political commentary/interview - show on Fox News Network - titled "Life, Liberty and Levin" airing Sundays at 8:30 pm ET - which has proven - a tremendous success - as well. In addition - he is also - enormously popular in many Western countries - as well as in the Middle East - including - Israel. 

       Even though many people disagree with his political positions - still - they eagerly imitate his style but - not just any intelligent pundit - massively seeking publicity - can achieve this kind of mastery or even come close to it.

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024      

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 29 - 2024 through Fri. Apr. 05 - 2024!

                           NBC Network Makes a Huge Political Blunder in Quickly Firing - Ronna McDaniel - an ex-Chairwoman of Republican Party by Unleashing a Hypocritical Negative Campaign by the Staffers - Who B.T.W. - Most of them - Came to NBC - Following their Political Careers - Akin - to that of Ms. McDaniel.

          For this beautiful last week of March 2024 - we shall comment onto a huge debacle of NBC Network - which last week - hired and officially - fired - on March 26 - 2024 - Ronna McDaniel - an ex-chairwoman of the national branch of the Republican party - as a result of the hypocritical and phony protests of their staffers - who themselves - most of them - anyway - were the political operatives - before they joined NBC as commentators. 

        The prime example of it would be Chuck Todd - their huge "superstar" who was a big political operative for Senator Tom Harkin - a Democratic politician from Iowa.

       According to Hugh Hewitt - a prominent lawyer/political commentator - reaching the audiences of 70 radio stations - syndicated to his daily - 3hour long - broadcasts - the NBC Network made a huge mistake with Ronna McDaniel - debacle - which - very soon - will "bite them" where it hurts - in their viewership - numbers - immediately - dropping precipitously. 

      An Important Note - Breaking News - Ronna McDaniel was just possibly - offered - some cable networks' - news analyst's - position. Still - a better offer to appear on MSNBC/NBC - might be coming - pursuant to her "promise" of filing - an immediate - lawsuit - alleging - rightly - that the above mentioned - in this commentary - NBC's - "minions/Leftists/political activists - parading as journalists" - according to Hugh Hewitt's radio broadcast on March 26 - 2024 - shamelessly defamed her - during the Sun. March 24 - 2024 - broadcast of NBC's - "Meet the Press".

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, March 22, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 22 - 2024 - through Fri. March 29 - 2024!

         Fanni Willis's - Fulton County - Georgia's - D.A.'s - Scandalous News Story - Continues!

         Pursuant to the Superior Judge's of Georgia - Scott McAfee's - recent - big, legal rebuke of Fani Willi's - conduct connected to her - alleged - perjury - in relation to the timing of the funds paid to her ex-lover - a second rate - attorney - Nathan Wade - with no RICO experience - whom she appointed to be a special prosecutor - in a sprawling RICO - Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act - case - against ex-pres. Trump and 11 of his ex-lawyers and associates.

        As we mentioned above - after the extensive hearings - Judge McAfee - issued a massive rebuke against Fani Willis - while he ruled that Nathan Wade needs to resign from this - much publicized - case; many legal experts consider this case - flawed and biased against the ex-pres. Trump and against other individuals - all 11 of whom - were indicted in an unfair and highly politicized - fashion.

       At any rate - as a result of the above mentioned, numerous improprieties bordering on illegalities by the parties mentioned at the beginning of this commentary - the state of Georgia U.S. congressional representative - Marjorie Taylor Green and other weighty political observers - are urging for the disbarment of Fani Willis - which would cause this important case - to be assigned to another D.A. who may have less bias against - the aforementioned parties. 

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024                                                                                     

Friday, March 15, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 15 - 2024 through Fri. March 22 - 2024!

                                     The Superior Judge of Fulton Country - Georgia - Scott McAfee - Rebukes D.A. Fani Willis - but Lets Her Stay on the anti Trump - Case - But Only If her ex-Lover - The Special Prosecutor - Nathan Wade - Resigns.

        The judge - essentially - wrote that Fani Willis and Nathan Wade - created many "appearances of impropriety - moreover - they didn't keep the proper financial records - as if hiding their improper financial uses of the Fulton County - taxpayers' paid - funds."

       Her questionable behavior in court was also visible to millions of viewers - thus - her future elections - coming up very soon - remain - in question. In addition - according to many political observers who posted the comments - on many social platforms - stating that Fani Willis - "comes off as an arrogant, corrupt Leftist/Socialist leaning - politician."

      If she has her defenders - they are not speaking in clear enough voices - however - many social media political commentators state that "she has made many political enemies - some of which - testified during her recent hearings".

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024    

Friday, March 8, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 08 - 2024 through Fri. March 15 - 2024!

                 Pres. Joe Biden's Third State of the Union Address - on Thursday - March 07 - 2024.

        Millions of Americans as well as many viewers in many countries watched Pres. Joe Biden - yell - for over an hour - at his political opponents as well as on Americans who - he knows - for sure - will not vote for him. If he wanted to "encourage" some undecided voters - he went about it in a peculiar manner - to say the least.

       Today - on Fri. March 08 - 2024 - a day following the State of the Union address - many divergent political commentators' comments - flow - via various platforms. In a nutshell - in essence - most likely - Pres. Biden will not gain any new voters - but may lose some of those who voted for him the last time. People are squeezed with high prices, high crime, the borders overrun by millions of unknown elements - which are not vetted properly. 

      Long story - short - only a handful of states will decide the important presidential elections in 2024 - just like last time they did - in 2020. However - this time around - there is not Covid-19 Pandemics - an excuse to "manipulate" - read - "steal" - the votes - as was postulated repeatedly - by many reputable political commentators on many social media platforms - galore.

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Monday, March 4, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 01 - 2024 through Fri. March 08 - 2024 - Part II!

                           The U.S. Supreme Court Rules Unanimously on Feb. 04 - 2024 - to Prevent the Individual States from the Election Interference - for the Presidential Elections coming on Nov. 05 - 2024! 

          The important ruling came down on Mon. Feb. 04 - 2024 - in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the U.S Congress needs to rule onto the elections' - laws - or changing thereof. The ruling is a huge "slap in the face" to the numerous, rabidly obsessed with their - hatred - enemies - of the ex-Pres. Trump.

         In the interim - the talk radio shows - with many of their callers - aspiring - without any results - to be "professional political commentators" - have deluded the aforementioned talk radio stations with the avalanches of calls commenting onto the U.S. Supreme Court's latest verdict which nullifies all the U.S Individual States' - Supreme Courts - dictums' - to the contrary - to wit. 

         Speaking of the "rabidly obsessed with hate" - callers - to the talk radio stations - or the talk radio hosts - of the same political persuasions - with whom the haters/callers are "in cahoots"- there is no shortage of those types - in every talk radio market.

        At any rate - all legal citizens need to vote - for sure - to have their voices - heard.

       Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024                              

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 01- 2024 through Fri. March 08 - 2024!

                           Penny Pritzker - a Chicago's Billionaire - a Democrat - A Social Activist - Is Interviewed on Christianne Amanpour's - CNN Daily News Show.

        Last Mon. Feb. 26 - 2024 - Penny Pritzker - a hypocritical Chicago billionaire - a phony advocate for the "poor" - was interviewed at length - during Christianne Amanpour's CNN Daily News Show - due to Pritzker's newer job as a Special Secretary for the Ukrainian Affairs - appointed by pres. Biden. 

       In a nutshell - Pritzker sounded hypocritical in urging the American Congress's members - to quickly approve of another 95 billion dollars - with 60 billion dollars for Ukraine - for which she exclusively argued (Ukraine already got 700 billion dollars - to wit) - whereas - she didn't even mention Israel - getting a lot smaller "slice of the pie" - in the amount of only 14 billion dollars.           

       Moreover - the Progressive Democrats in the U.S. Congress - also want 9 billion dollars for Gaza/Hamas - the amount which needs to be substantially - "trimmed" - for sure. Another approximate 9 billion dollars was going to help Taiwan - to push back onto the possible Communist China's - aggression.

      In any event - Pritzker and her brother - another phony "populist" - according to many political commentators - constantly advocate for Israel - as well as for Ukraine. J.B. Pritzker - her brother - the current Democratic governor of Illinois - supports Chicago being a "sanctuary city" - currently overrun to the max - by thousands of illegals - getting into all sorts of criminal "mischiefs" of every kind. Chicago's legislators are trying to push them off - onto the neighboring suburban towns.

      The suburban cities around Chicagoland - however - mostly - resent - having the multitudes of the illegals descending upon them because of pres. Biden's "open borders" - policies which he instituted from the first day of his administration's taking over - the presidency.

     In any event - the results of the current primaries - point to the fact that the American voters will vote in - some big changes - come the elections' - time.

             Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024 

Friday, February 23, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Feb. 23 - 2024 through Fri. March 01 - 2024!

                                       Fani Willis's and Nate Wade's - Soap Opera - Continues!

          Pursuant to several hearings into the improper handling of Fulton County's funds - which border on illegalities; the appellate judge - who contributed to Fani Willis's - a Fulton County D.A.'s - election campaign which promised to "persecute/prosecute - Donald Trump" - of course - declined to remove her and her investigative partner (her ex-boyfriend Nate Wade) from the case. Nate Wade (a second-rate lawyer) - had some other illegalities of his own to deal with - as it came out to light during the hearings. 

       At any rate - the political analyst was recently interviewed at length by Steve Lance a host of "Capital Report" - a daily documentary presented on NTD TV channel - shown on Feb. 21- 2024 - during which the aforementioned expert stated that - "currently - due to the facts which came out during the hearings into DA Fani Willis and her ex-boyfriend's misuse of the Fulton County funds - the state of Georgia's Ethics Commision will recommend that the duo - Ms. Willis and Mr. Wade - be replaced and disciplined."

        We will be watching and knowing that "The Lady Justice is blind" - so the "chips will fall into the right places".

         Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024          

Friday, February 16, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Feb. 16 - 2024 through Fri. Feb. 23 - 2024!

                   Fani Willis - the D.A. of Fulton County - Ga. - her "Soap Opera" Style - Hearings - Continue.

     For this cold and snowy week of February 2024 - we will continue to comment on Fani Willis's "Soap Opera" latest news feature - re: of her hiring of her lover to the temporary position which paid him to wit - 650 thousand dollars - an exorbitant fee - the complements of the Fulton County - Georgia - taxpayers. 

     The first session of the hearings before the Georgia judge - took place on Thurs. Feb. 15 - 2023 - to determine if she benefitted financially from hiring her boyfriend - Nathan Wade (a second-rate lawyer) - who - (according to the expert political commentators) doesn't have the necessary expertise - to handle the "choice" - short term - position of investigating an ex-president Trump's several attorneys and associates' - allegedly - involved in RICO (domestic racketeering) crimes' accusations. 

    The other attorney Fani Willis hired - an expert on RICO cases - received a considerably lower customary renumeration of $200/hour - versus Wades' - $250/hour - moreover - the expert attorney received only $70 thousand renumeration (including the billable hours' charges) - whereas Fani Willis's - lover was awarded by her $250 per hour and tons of billable hours which paid Wade - 650 thousand dollars - an exorbitant sum of money - for not having RICO expertise - as we mentioned above. 

    The teams of opposing lawyers presented their beginning arguments on Thurs. Feb. 15 - 2024. Ms. Willis appeared angry and vocal - by accusing the "other side" - including the judge assigned to the case - of all sorts of things. She - evidently - takes a strong exception to the fact that she is being investigated - while "she and her legal team - can engage in all sorts of activities of that nature" - but it can't be done by the "other side?" The smart man once said - "What's good for the goose - is good for the gander". 

    Various commentators expressed - naturally - divergent political comments upon the aforementioned - hearings which took place on Thurs. Feb. 15 - 2024; the hearings were to be continued on Fri. Feb. 16 - 2024 but - evidently - Fani Willis's legal team advised her against that. 

      According to the famous conservative political commentator - a prominent talk radio host who is also a lawyer - Hugh Hewitt - with the audience to his radio show - in the millions - as he stated on Fri. Feb. 16 - 2024 - during his morning radio show - before Fani Willis were to continue - later that day - "so far - she is lying to the judge and to the country - instead of telling the truth and 'letting the chips fall - where they may.'"

     Long story - short - we agree with him - 100 percent and more.

    An Important Note:

    Evidently - pursuant to the numerous derogatory and critical comments appearing immediately on many platforms after Fani Willis's - botched up questioning in front of the judge on Thurs. Feb. 15 - 2024 - her legal team decided that she should not continue - on Fri. Feb. 16 - 2024 - as scheduled. The way the case stands now - the judge will consider final reports from the respective legal teams - then he will issue his report.

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024     

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Commentary of the Week - from Feb. 09 - 2024 (Fri.) through Feb. 16 - 2024 (Fri.) - Part II.

       Since our Commentary of the Week from Fri. Jan. 05 - 2024 through Fri. Jan. 12 - 2024 - generated a lot of interest - we will repost it. 

               The Black Mamba Female Snake - (Vicious and Venomous) and the Albino Alligator (of the Same Qualities) - A Short Tale.

       First of all - we need to insert our customary disclaimer - that any similarity to real people, situations or places - are purely coincidental.

       Since our Commentary of the Week from several weeks ago generated lots of interest - as we mentioned above - here it is again: It's an allegorical tale about the vicious, ugly and venomous - female Black Mamba snake - spewing her venom - galore - joining forces with the temporary partner of the same qualities - not better acting or better looking - Albino alligator - who is jealous of other, normal - good looking alligators - thus they formed a "partnership".

      Lo and Behold - the pair's partnership was - unfortunately - short lived - as they swam up the down the Mississippi river's famous Manchak Swamp - which hosts many hunters swimming up and down the river on their boats - as well. They try to shoot the alligators and snakes - to sell their skins.

     In the interim - the pair (the Mamba Snake and the Albino Alligator) - caused big discomfort/disgust - among many normal, good looking - alligators - as they swam - up and down the river.

     "Look at this ugly and vicious Black Mamba snake riding on the head of this freaky Albino," said one normal - good looking alligator to another - as they watched the pair - swim by.

     "You need to express your disapproval in more clear terms," answered the normal, good-looking alligator.

     Not long after the aforementioned, short exchange - however - the unfortunate event took place: the boat hunters showed up with their rifles and witnessed - suddenly developed - fight between the Black Mamba and the Albino alligator - thus the boat hunters used their golden opportunity - to get their skins - for sale.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Monday, February 5, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Feb. 09 - 2024 through Fri. Feb.16 - 2024!

                          Fani Willis - the Attorney General for Georgia's Fulton County Got Caught with her Hand in a Cookie Jar!

            For this warm week of February 2024 - we shall comment upon an expose broadcasted on NTD TV network on Jan. 30 - 2024 - 8:30 pm - hosted by Roman Balmakov who has hosted his TV series titled "Facts Matter" for quite a few years. Anyway - Mr. Balmakov obtained some interesting documents proving that Ms. Willis's lover - Nathan Wade - whom she hired - was paid $250.00 per hour - without having any RICO cases experiences - whatsoever - whereas - another attorney who has had lots of RICO cases experiences - was paid less - $200. 00 per hour while the lady attorney also hired by Ms. Willis - was also paid $200.00 per hour. 

          Now - however - comes the crucial part: Mr. Nathan Wade - Ms. Willis's lover - obtained tons of "billable hours" (with no experience in RICO cases - thus one wonders what they did - on "taxpayers' dime" in all that time - for which Fulton County taxpayers - paid through the nose). In essence - he received 650 thousand dollars - it can be rounded up to a cool million whereas - the attorney with RICO experience earned only 70 thousand dollars in consulting fees - but the lady lawyer - got paid just 30 thousand in consulting fees from the Fulton County - Georgia.   

        At any rate - for now - they have documents proving the expensive trips paid by Nathan Wade which were accompanied by Fani Willis. Needless to say - if it was her personal money - it would be her business - even if paying a gentleman close to a million dollars - for a few dates (according to many such comments on the social media platforms) might be considered a tad excessive - notwithstanding the fact that Ms. Willis is a good-looking woman - if she would only stop wearing these phony, cheap looking - artificial eyelashes.        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Monday, January 29, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week from Fri. Feb. 02 - 2024 through Fri. Feb. 09 - 2024!

                  A British Socialist Opera Director - Carrie Cracknell  Ruins the Latest Metropolitan Opera's Production of "Carmen".

            The latest premiere took place on Sat. Jan. 27 - 2024 and it "laid a huge egg" which means the public hated it even though some Leftist/Snobs - critics - loved it "to death". In essence - the old time, popular opera favorite "Carmen" - is usually produced with the emphasize on beautifully designed costumes as well as with a display of imaginative - set designs. However - this latest "modern"/Leftist slanted - version - is set in current times - at some bus station - thus a fine, well established international mezzosoprano - Aigul Akhmetshina - wears cut off jeans which make her look stupid. 

        The international opera star Aigul Akhmetshina with a smooth mezzo voice is from Ukraine, but she is a member of the Moslem looking minority who has always lived in Ukraine; anyway - instead of a nice costume - this proven, international opera diva had to wear some goofy looking cut off jeans which made her look like a village idiot - all because of Carrie Cracknell - a British Leftist's director's - demented Socialist -vision.

         We have been quoting above - almost verbatim - an opera critic - David Salazar - who published this scathing review in the "Opera Wire" from Jan. 03 - 2024 - however - we agree with him - at least 100 percent and more.

        Moreover - for the part of her lover - Don Jose - which is normally - cast with a good looking, young tenor - they chose - instead - an older, old uncle - appearing - performer - who has - absolutely no love chemistry with Carmen. In addition - the Metropolitan Opera people have the nerve to attempt to charge $271 for the cheapest ticket - which nobody - in their right mind - will pay after they see a preview of this production.

        A few days before the opening of the aforementioned new version of "Carmen" - Christianne Amanpour - another rich/hypocritical - Leftist activist - pretending to be a journalist - showed some clips from this new production during her nightly CNN Leftist/Socialist slanted - news show. 

       Enough said - in addition to being a "contrived Leftist propaganda" - according to the opera critic David Salazar - the production is "boring" and "never ends".

      As everybody - probably - surmised - by now - we wouldn't recommend this version of "Carmen" even though this opera - composed by a French composer - George Bizet - has been an absolutely successful masterpiece - ever since it was first produced - on March 03 - 1875 in Paris.

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 26 - 2024 through Fri. Feb. 02 - 2024!

                                 February 02 - 2024 - A Groundhog Day - Coming Very Soon.

       During every first week of February - every winter - a fat, big groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil - comes out of the box/cage - to be held up - preferably in the sun (if it's a sunny day) - to "see his shadow or not to see his shadow". This yearly ceremony takes place in a small Pennsylvania town - Punxsutawney. The aforementioned groundhog is handled by an elderly gentleman clad in a vintage outfit - complete with a tall top hat. According to the tradition - if the groundhog sees his shadow - (on a sunny day) - that is - there will be less than six weeks of winter - still to come. If - however - the big fatty does not see his shadow (presumably on a cloudy day) - there will be more than six weeks of winter - to get through.

      Some years - the groundhogs would bite their handlers - then they would run away like a proverbial "Texan out of hell" - but most years - no such drama happens - which the news media would have to "endure". This year - though - PETA - the organization which advocates for animals - suggests again - to use a toy in place of a real groundhog or use a big coin since - presumably - the accuracy of the yearly predictions - yields the same mathematical odds/probabilities - as tossing of the coin.

     Maybe they could start using the small prairie dogs which are plentiful in Arizona and other Western states. Those little guys are smaller than groundhogs - but fat like the groundhogs - and waddle as the walk just like their "cousins"- groundhogs - if that's a prerequisite. Moreover - they "travel" in groups - thus they have a leader; in addition - they "sport" a high-pitched - apoplectic sounding - bark - which may or may not be working in their favor.     

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 19 - 2024 through Fri. Jan. 26 - 2024!

                      Paul Anka's - Mini "Payback" to Another Superstar - Chuck Berry

      For this frigid, freezing but laced with snow - week - in our hilly area - we shall comment upon the recent recollection of an incident which an aged superstar - Paul Anka - (who still looks and sounds great) related - about another famous musical legend - idolized by the Beetles - Chuck Berry - during Paul Anka's recent, sellout concert in Las Vegas.

     Paul Anka told the audience about a short incident which happened when he was still struggling to publicize his beautiful songs while Chuck Berry was an already established superstar - idolized by the Beetles and other famous musicians of that time. Anyway - according to Paul Anka - after he and his accompanist performed his famous super hit "Diana" to Chuck Berry - before it quickly became the mega hit in the U.S. and all over the world - Chuck Berry - allegedly - told the very young Paul Anka (an aspiring musical star with a subsequent, long lasting musical career to his credit) that "he hates 'Diana' and Paul Anka should 'shove it where the sun don't shine'''.

     Shortly after that incident - however - the song "Diana" became an all time - musical hit in the U.S. and all over the world - which made a youthful Paul Anka - a "household name" - famous - for the long time to come.

     In any event - Chuck Berry - subsequently - apologized to Paul Anka for this sort of treatment. Paul Anka - reportedly - accepted the aforementioned apology with an air of "no big deal - we shall both forget about it". It was a magnanimous gesture on his part - no doubt - while most people would - probably - opt to suggest that Mr. Berry places his apology - in the same place - "where the sun don't shine".            Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


Sunday, January 14, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Jan. 12 - 2024 through Jan. 19 - 2024 - Part II.

      I will See You on the Radio - Part II

       For the part II of our Commentary of the Week - we shall insert a firm disclaimer stating the following: Any similarity to real people, situation or circumstances - are purely coincidental.

      Anyway - the part I - had to do with not seeing the speaker (singer) - but imagining his appearance after listening to their pleasant voice. We stated that the reverse phenomenon takes place in the popular communication format - talk radio broadcasts - in which the listeners call the radio hosts with various commentaries - not always agreeing with the radio hosts' political points of view.

      In any event - as the listeners listen and get familiar with the radio hosts - they get to know their various political positions and other views - thus they start either liking or disliking the hosts with whom they either agree or disagree - on most positions.

     The steady callers to the talk radio stations also - mostly - follow - the respective radio hosts' - outlooks - which at times - antagonize - the people in the listening audience who disagree with them. Thus, certain talk radio hosts - at times - attract the same group of listeners/callers - who call - ad nauseum - the aforementioned hosts with the same kinds of their - frequently - "politically sounding - hate speeches" - that make many listeners who disagree with them in the listening audience - collective "skins crawl". 

     It needs to be noted that - at times - some callers/listeners - insert gruesome and disgusting - details from their personal lives which - absolutely - don't belong on the airways.

    At any rate - this talk radio station has many of the same callers who - obsessively - call the station with their - frequently - "off the wall" - political conspiracies theories which - definitely - get on the nerves of many listeners who not only not subscribe to the crazy callers' - political conspiracies theories - but consider the callers of that sort - "a waste of the radio airtime". Needless to say - they constantly offend a lot of listeners, but they seem to love  to be "on the radio" - no matter how many times they are told that "their crazy, hateful, disgusting and phony - political conspiracies' theories - make many listeners' - collective skins crawl."

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Friday, January 12, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 12 - 2024 through Fri. Jan. 19 - 2024! Part I.

        I will See You on the Radio - Part I

      We will have two parts of our commentary - this time and next time. The title which we use for the first part - has been used many times by various radio personalities - as a parting shot of sorts - which doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Speaking of "seeing on the radio" or lack - thereof - we have to quote the favorite story related to us many times with some minor details - invariably - changed - each time it was told - just to make it more interesting.

     Our family's favorite aunt who loved to tell funny stories - used to tell us about her favorite male vocalist whom she loved to listen over the radio waves - having only a vague notion about his appearance - from the publicity shots - widely published since - as we mentioned before - he was well known for quite a while.

     At any rate - when he came to perform a concert with his piano accompanist - the tickets were hot and going fast. Our relative was barely able to get some and was looking forward to enjoying - finally - at the long last - her favorite artist - live - in person. She was in love with his silver baritone voice and could listen to him singing many of her favorite, beautiful opera arias - "forever and a day."

     Finally - at the long last - she was sitting - all dressed up - "decked up to the nines" in the concert hall - close to the stage - when the handsome, well spoken - master of ceremonies - came out and announced the immediate appearance onto the stage - of the vocalist - whom our relative was longing to - finally - see in person.

     When the singer appeared on the stage - as he walked towards his piano accompanist's - grand piano - ready to sing his staple item - "The Toreador Aria" from Bizet's famous opera "Carmen" - my relative noticed to her huge disappointment that the singer was short, fat, dumpy and cross-eyed - as well.

     She left the concert hall - as soon as she could - without disturbing the rest of the viewing audience and she made a solid promise to herself - to never again "put any stock" in any publicity photos - published.

     This phenomenon is totally reversed in the popular talk radio show - format; we shall talk about it - the next time.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 05 - 2023 through Fri. Jan. 12 - 2024

                                The Black Mamba Snake (Vicious and Venomous) and the Albino Alligator (The Same) - A Short Tale.

       First of all - we need to insert our customary disclaimer - that any similarity to real people, situations or places - are purely coincidental.

      Since our Commentary of the Week from several weeks ago - containing allegorical tale about the vicious, ugly and venomous Black Mamba female snake - spewing her venom - galore - as she joins forces with the partner of the same qualities - not better acting or better looking - Albino alligator - who is jealous of other "normal" - alligators - we had a lot of responses and many appeals to continue their - short "saga".

     Lo and Behold - the pair (nasty, venomous Mamba snake and the big Albino alligator - of the same attributes) - got blown off by the river boat hunters - for their skins; the Mississippi river's famous Manchak Swamp - hosts many boat hunters who swim up and down the river on their boats - trying to shoot alligators and snakes - for their skins; most of the time - the reptiles get caught in the traps - "tags" - however - at times the hunters can shoot them without setting the traps.

      Anyway - the pair - the vicious, venomous female Mamba snake and the Albino alligator were swimming around the river for a while - causing big discomfort/disgust - to many -  "normal" - good looking - alligators. 

     "Look at his ugly and vicious - but no less vitriolic - Black Mamba spewing her venom - as she sits on the head of that ugly, freak - Albino alligator," said one "normal" alligator to another "normal", good looking, alligator - as they watched the strange pair swimming up and down the river.

     "You need to express your disapproval of them in much more clearer terms to - really - show your negative feelings," answered the "normal" - alligator.

      Not long after the aforementioned, short conversation - however - unfortunately - the boat hunters - appeared on the scene with their rifles and witnessed the suddenly - developed fight - between the partners - the vitriolic, vicious Black Mamba and the Albino alligator - thus the boat hunters used that golden opportunity to get their skins - for sale.

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024