Friday, December 27, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 27 - 2024 till Fri. Jan. 03 - 2025!

          What Lunatic Thought It Was a Good Idea?

       That rhetorical question was asked by Cenk Ugyur - a chubby looking YouTube's "steady character" - who most of the time - uploads his Leftist/Progressive style - YT videos. Cenk - actually - looks like Chubby Checker - a big musical hero who "invented" the dance - Twist. In any case - Cenk appeared for publicity - no doubt - at the big event - AmeriFirst - held on Saturday - Dec. 21 - 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona - put on by the hero of the Conservatives - Charlie Kirk.

      During that conference - according to a 4 minutes long YouTube video - produced by YouTube's - Forbes Breaking News producers (close to 4 million subscribers) - on Dec. 24 - 2024 - Cenk asked this question - (which is the title of this column). He was referring to Kamala Harris inviting Liz Chaney to urge the voteres to vote for Harris.

     The viewers' comments under the aforementioned video - we are highlighting - were not very friendly towards Cenk Ugyur - accusing him - in essence - of  'trying to mend fences' - after his party - the Dems - got beaten badly during the 2024 presidentiel elections.

     At any rate - Cenk Ugyur - appears to be the kind of a politician who sticks his finger up in the air - to ascertain - "which way the political winds" are blowing - so they can follow the politics of the most current - political trend - "de jour" - of the day.

       Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024/2025

Friday, December 20, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 20 - 2024 through Fri. Dec. 27 - 2024!

          ABC Suffers Bombshell Loss in Court to Trump.

        The listed - above - title of the DeVory Darkins' - YouTube - video clip posted by him - on Dec. 15 - 2024 - says it all - in short. The video received 435 thousand viewers' clicks with most of the viewers' comments - pillorying - to no end - of George Stephanopoulos - one of the major big stars of ABC News Division.

       In a nutshell - during March 24 - 2024 - transmission of the ABC's - weekends' news feature - Stephanopoulos - who in real life - physically - looks like a "little pipsqueak" - according to many such depictions of him on the numerous social media platforms - was interviewing in a super nasty fashion - Nancy Mace - a past rape victim - a current U.S. congressional representative from 1st congressional district - from S. Carolina. They were talking about rapes and sexual assaults - not the most pleasant topics during the breakfast mornings - during the weekends.

      In any event - Stephanopoulos - was met with many effective, on target - responses - from Ms. Mace. However - the court case brought by the president elect - Trump - accusing Stephanopoulos of defamation - was settled out of court by ABC who agreed to pay the president elect - 16 million dollars - plus the legal costs - which the president elect designated for the - coming soon - presidential library.

      In the meantime - ABC - so far - "punished" Stephanopoulos by - only - reportedly - offering him just - meager - 14 million dollars per one year - enumeration for his new contract - while his previous, multiple years' - yearly contracts from 2014 till the present - paid him an average 19 million per year - according to "Variety" - an insider publication - with all the info about the various big stars' - salaries.

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Friday, December 13, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 13 - 2024 - through Fri. Dec. 20 - 2024!

     Joe Biden Shocking Announcement Stuns                    Own Party

      The title above - is that of the YouTube video clip produced by DeVory Darkins on Fri. Dec. 13 - 2024. It quickly generated 35 thousand viewers' - clicks. Approximately 800 viewers' - comments were - mostly - "blistering" - pres. Joe Biden's - largest in history - more than 1500 - of various pardons.

      One of the most outrageous pardons - which was actually - started by ex-pres. Trump - was that of Rita Crundwell - who stole from the city of Dixon, Illinois - 54 million dollars - during the 20 years when she 'had her hand in a cookie jar'". 

      Subsequent - to discovering her crime - she was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2013 - however - in 2020 - ex-pres. Trump - lightened her sentence - to the supervision with the monitor on her leg - for the remainer of her sentence - in 2032 - which seems fair enough. However - in comes the pardon from pres. Biden - freeing Rita Crundwell - commuting her 20 years which would end in 2033 - to the time served - to only 10 years.

     The town of Dixon, Illinois - is justifiably - "in uproar" - as the authorities there maintain - and rightly so - that the pardon of pres. Biden - encourages stealing the money - using the "white collar crime" - methods.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 06 till Fri. Dec. 13 - 2024!

            Ted Cruz Gets up and Ends A.O.C.'s Entire Career with an Epic Speech - Gets Standing Ovation!

      The YouTube video posted with the named above - title - on Dec. 04 - 2024 - by a video producer - Vanessa Croche - quickly received 28 thousand viewers' - clicks. The 157 viewers' comments under this clip - were enthusiastically - supporting Senator Ted Cruz - at least 99 percent of them.

      Essentially - Senator Cruz's - fiery, hard-hitting speech to the U.S. Senate - strongly criticizes - pres. Biden's administration - enabling the international terrorist state - the republic of Iran - to collect tons of dollars - in many ways - so they obtained the funds to finance the Oct. 23 - 2023 - Hamas's brutal attack against Israel. 

      However - the ex-president - and soon to be the next president - Donald Trump - had Iran - "on their back feet" so they couldn't be engaging in financing their terroristic - proxies - while pres. Trump's administration was in power.

     Another important issue Ted Cruz pointed out in the same speech - was that A.O.C. - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - the "star" Leftist/Socialist - legislator from New York's - district 14 - went to "shed her crocodile tears" by the ex-president's - Obama's - cages - for illegals' - children - on the Southern border in 2017- as she was - hypocritically - dressed from feet to head - in the expensive designer's clothes - including the costly designer's - eyeglasses - however - currently - she refuses to go to the border and see much worse conditions of the illegals' - children - either piled tightly in cages or outside - close to the border - which is a dangerous place for children or any other illegals.

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 29 - 2024 through Fri. Dec. 06 - 2024!

                   DeVory Darkins Just Published                                  A New YouTube Video.

        On Nov. 26 - 2024 - DeVory Darkins - (his YouTube followers' - present - count is - more than half a million) - uploaded a video of a short speech - by Kamala Harris - the first speech to the public - following her big defeat in the recent presidential elections of 2024. The title of this new video is: "Kamala Intoxicated Video Backfires on Her."

       In a nutshell - she boasts of 'burning through" - 1.5 of billion dollars (that's - billion with a "b" - if anybody has a doubt) - in 107 days. Moreover - her campaign is - currently - short of several million dollars which the Democratic party - needs to fork over to its coffers.

       Many political commentators are incensed that instead of apologizing to all the small donors who - evidently - were "duped" - she gives them some nonsense speech - which she seems to read from the teleprompter - anyway -  in spite of - appearing haggard and disheveled - as if she drank a lot of alcohol - before making this - ill fated - ill advised - speech to general public which might belong to her staff - exclusively.

       We quoted above - most of the script provided by DeVory Darkins' video - featured above.

       It needs to be mentioned that another prominent YouTuber - just published a similar video clip; we featured him a few weeks ago - his name is Jesus Enrique Rosas - he also has close to a million of YouTube followers - and the YouTube video he just published on Weds. Nov. 27 - 2024 is titled "Kamala's Body Language is Embarrassing".

             Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 22 - 2024 through Fri. Nov. 29 - 2024!

         The U.S. Congressional Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - A.O.C. (how she likes to be called) - from New York's Congressional District 14 - Has to Have a 'Thick Hide of a Skin" to Shrug Off - Vast Harsh Criticisms She Regularly Receives!

           For this - coming soon - Thanksgiving 2024 - week (Best Thanksgiving 2024 Wishes to All - B.T.W.) - we shall continue commenting upon a prominent Congressional Squad's "ranking" - member - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.            

          In a nutshell - she came to some "political prominence" when she barely won the primaries of 2018 in which she - "squeezed by a cat's whiskers" - to defeat the established "traditional" Democrat - Joe Crowley who vied for the 10th term in the U.S. Congress from the New York's - Congressional district 14.

         Subsequent to the Ocasio-Cortez's - "miraculous" - primaries' victory - she easily defeated the Republican candidate Anthony Pappas - in the subsequent - general elections - to "claw into" her place of the U.S. Congressional representative from New York congressional district 14 - in the upcoming 118th U.S. Congress. 

       It needs to be noted that in 2018 any Republican candidate's in New York's 14th Congressional district's - chances of winning - were equivalent to that of a "snowball's thriving in hell".

       However - things change in politics. In the recent 2024 presidential elections - many New York state's Republican candidates - were - either outright winning or almost winning - as a result of Biden/Harris Democratic Administration - receiving strong repudiation and rejection - from the U.S. electorate in 2024 presidential and congressional general elections. 

     In another words - the Wokes/Socialists - on the order of the Ocasio-Cortez's Democratic politicians - received a big "slap of rejection" by the American voters in 2024 presidential and congressional elections.

    In the meantime - A.O.C. has had to develop an extra thick - skin/hide - due to the harsh criticisms and ridicule - she regularly receives on-line - about many things that she does - as a highly visible politician; all her moves are exposed and ridiculed. However - as the "seasoned" politicians say - "it all comes with the territory".

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 15 - 2024 till Fri. Nov. 22 - 2024!

           A.O.C. - Alexandria Occasio-Cortes - New York's 14th - Congressional District Rep. - to the U.S. Congress - Suffers Considerable - "Dimming" of her Political Position.

         When she was first elected to the aforementioned post - in 2017 - to 117th Congressional U.S. Congress - she was acclaimed as the "new rising star" of the Congressional "Squad" - a small group of Congressional legislators with their respective political agendas - of the Socialist/Leftist/Marxist kind - with its main agenda planks - being of the anti-Semitic and the anti-Israel - sort.

        At any rate - when she first came to 117th U.S. Congress - the other "normal" Democrats (a prevailing majority of the Democrats) - were avoiding their Leftist colleagues - like Occasio-Cortes - as well as being suspicious of them.               

       However - currently - when the 119th U.S. Congress is ready to commence in January 2025 - pursuant to the recent presidential elections of 2024 - during which the U.S. voters - strongly repudiated the Progressives' and the Leftists' - U.S. legislators' - political agenda - nobody in Congress - is any longer - "afraid" of the "Squad" of several Leftists - a small group of the Leftist/Socialist/Marxist - U.S. Congress's - legislators - espousing their failed Socialist ideology.

      The satirical website "United Spot" published a funny, humorous video on Wends. Nov. 13 - 2024 titled: "The Honeymoon Is Over". The aforementioned clip - lampoons to the max - Occasio-Cortes's - fights with her husband Riley (who B.T.W. - for years - ever since she was was first elected in 2017 - way before Riley was her husband - started "drawing" vast funds for himself - paid by the U.S. taxpayers - claiming that he is "entitled" to those funds).

          L.S. Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, November 8, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 08 - 2024 till Fri. Nov. 15 - 2024!

              Megyn Kelly - a Famous Podcaster - with Close to 3 Million of the Viewers' Subscriptions - States In Her New YouTube Post from Nov. 08 - 2024 - that Kamala Harris Lacks the Necessary Qualifications to Assume the Nation's - Highest Office.

         The aforementioned YouTube Post - published on Fri. Nov. 08 - 2024 - postulates that Kamala Harris obtained her university degree from Howard University - through the 'minorities' fast forward' - program since she couldn't keep up with the regular programming.           

       B.T.W. Michelle Obama used the same program for minorities - to obtain her degree from Yale University - whereas - many political observers noted - that no Jewish students were graduating - using that sort of a "short cut". 

        In any event - Megyn Kelly - briefly outlines in the aforementioned YouTube video - the major steps in the political career of Kamala Harris - and Megyn Kelly comes to a logical conclusion that Kamala Harris sorely lacks the qualification to assume and hold - the highest political position in the country.

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 01 - 2024 till Fri. Nov. 08 - 2024!

       "Tim Walz's Energy Levels Are Dropping like Kamala's Numbers". 

        The title above is that of the YouTube's video by Jose Enrique Rosas of J.E.R. - who hosts a YouTube platform which is successful with close to a million of subscribers - which means that he makes money - however - it's not easy or simple to achieve. On the bright side - the initial investments are minimal. Long story short - if one is a famous celebrity on the order of Megyn Kelly - her website has close to 3 million subscribers. Still - many ingenious and creative - lesser players - also accumulate considerable amounts of subscribers which means - they also make money.

           Jose Enrique Rosas's website - or J.E.R. - the way his subscribers call him - relatively quickly gathered close a million of subscribers by using a slightly different system - than just his "head shot" - commentary - which has to be snappy and exciting; for sure - not easy for just any Joe Blow Schmoe - to do. In addition - Jose Enrique Rosas - uses a different, unique dimension of analyzing the "facial expressions" of the people - he lampoons in his funny videos.

         The video we are highlighting titled: "Tim Walz's Energy Levels Are Dropping like Kamala's Numbers" was posted on Oct. 28 - 2024 and it quickly generated 34 thousand viewers' clicks with the viewers' comments - running - generally in a critical mode to the politicians in the title of the aforementioned - video. One viewer's comment - however - sounded - different - the clicker addressed J.E.R - "You are funny - aren't you?" 

        Most viewers' comments - however - were not overly diplomatic - for example - one clicker/viewer stated: "Tim Walz makes my skin crawl" and the aforementioned viewer's comment - quickly received close to 150 "likes" from the audience.

       The main commentator - usually the owner of the website - should not be too good looking - since it would distract from the video - they can't be ugly - either - thus the average looks are most useful. In addition - Jose Enrique Rosas - has a slight Spanish/Porto Rican accent - when he delivers his commentaries which are brief and sophisticated but simple enough to comprehend. That accent aspect - though - sets him apart from other talented YouTubers - which is a plus.

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 25 - 2024 till Fri. Nov. 01 - 2024!

          "Indicted for Stolen Valor" - the Title of the Latest Video - by The Satirical Website - "United Spot" which Lampoons Gov. Tim Walz - the Vice-Presidential Contender of 2024 Presidential Elections.

       The hugely popular - satirical channel on the YouTube platform - called "United Spot" consistently presents hilarious, short videos - ridiculing the current political and other celebrities - with a huge satirical "ax". They have an impressive number of subscribers - close to 300 thousand. 

       At any rate - their satirical video which we're pointing to - effectively pokes fun at the steady crew of the Liberal/Socialist show "the View" - with its - mostly - older women/hosts - frequently - "breaking the wind" or "passing gas" - to be polite in our expressions. They also ridicule - galore - gov. Tim Walz - the vice-presidential contender in 2024 presidential elections - who avidly promotes his "tampons for the boys" - campaign; "the View" recently hosted - gov. Tim Walz - as he propagated for the Democratic ticket for 2024 presidential elections.

     The satirical video we're highlighting - is enormously funny. It was posted on Oct. 23 - 2024 and quickly/immediately - generated close to ten thousand clicks. Most of the viewers' comments are jarring - in terms of "blistering" gov. Walz and the crew of "the View".

     Anyway - in a nutshell - as we mentioned above - the video pokes fun at gov. Walz placing sanitary napkins (of the Kotex type) in the boys' bathrooms all over Minnesota. Not to get sidetracked - but many comments on many YouTube platforms refer to a few firings of gov. Walz from several high schools (when he was a coach - due to him - "molesting" teenage boys - according to the aforementioned boys' - complaints) - thus indicating that gov. Walz is gay. That in itself is not a big deal - providing that he stays away from the underage "subjects" - if those allegations are - indeed - true. His drunk driving arrest records - however - are fully substantiated.

     Back to our satirical video - which is hilarious - in which the main characters of "the View" - explain to gov. Walz that they don't need his famous tampons all over Minnesota's - boys' toilets - thus his nickname "Tampon Tim" - since they use "depends" type - heavy panty liners - due to their - mostly - advanced age - on the order of the ancient host of "the View" - Whoopi Golberg (who according to many such comments on YouTube platforms - needs to retire - the sooner - the better).

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 18 - 2024 through Fri. Oct. 25 - 2024!

                  Anna Navarro - a Pseudo (Phony) - Republican Political Analyst - Announces Online - that ex. pres. Obama Is Coming to Town - Very Recently - to Bolster the Presidential Campaign of Kamala Harris 2024 - "Is a Powerful Releasing of the Kraken" (a Huge Demonic Monster) - in Favor of the Vice-president's Harris's - Presidential Campaign 2024.

         Anna Navarro has been a frequent guest/commentator - being - allegedly - a Republican strategist - thus - invited to many Leftist/Socialist types of shows on the order of "The View" and others like that. However - according to many such statements on various socials medial platforms - she is as much of a Republican strategist - as Sonny Hostin - a Liberal/Leftist host on "The View" - is a current Pope in Rome.

       At any rate - Navarro - very recently - lauded - the ex-pres. Obama's recent visit to a famous town - in order to "bolster" Kamala Harris's presidential campaign 2024 - calling the Obama's visit - "a big, powerful Kraken" - (a huge demonic monster); after the ex-pres. Obama came to town - he was ridiculed - on line. His "shaming of the young Black men" into voting for vice-pres. Harris - backfired. (Ms. Harris's presidential campaign 2024 - is "coming off the rails" - b.t.w. - according to many such political comments posted recently onto various social media platforms). 

       In any event - the ex-pres. Obama's appeals were widely ridiculed - with the comments of this nature - also - widely posted onto various social media platforms. 

     It appears that Navarro's - Kraken - turned into a small, annoying demon - ready to be stepped on - so it can go back where it "came from" - with an ugly whimper.

     Copyright @ L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 11 - 2024 through Fri. Oct. 18 - 2024!

             On Mon. Oct. 07 - 2024 - Bill Whittaker from "60 Minutes" Finally - at the Long Last - Asks Kamala Harris Less "Softball" Questions During the Interview.

         As its obvious that Mainstream Media covers for Kamala Harris's - various inadequacies - it was refreshing to have Bill Whittaker from "60 Minutes" ask her - less "softball" questions. However - according to Megyn Kelly (an awesome podcaster with millions of subscribers on YouTube and Sirius XM - platforms) who expressed her comments - to the effect that Whittaker's questions were still - "softball' - like the ones - afforded to the Democratic lawmakers.

      During the broadcast of "Live from Studio 6B" - presented by Real America Voice Network - reaching millions of viewers - Mon. through Fri. - their political commentator Rick Delgado - who is an Italian New Yorker - since the broadcast originates in NYC - commented that during that interview - "Kamala Harris was super cautious - not to offend any Jew Haters/Israel Haters" - when asked the question about Israel.

     At any rate - this week - pres. Joe Biden - several times "threw Kamala Harris under the bus" - mainly as it relates to the hurricanes' - Helene and Milton's - affairs. Evidently - now he doesn't care so much about not speaking up - since he will be gone in a short time. 

     It looks as if he is sore that he was "pushed out" by Harris's people - with him garnering 60 million U.S. votes - while Harris was "appointed/anointed" - without the votes of the American voters. Moreover - his recent, vindictive attitude is hurting her campaign - since according to some press reports - his people and her people came to physical blows. The political "undercurrents" are treacherous.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024                   

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 04 - 2024 till Fri. Oct. 11 - 2024

                  Mary Rooke Publishes a Fantastic Article - Online - on Oct. 01-2024 Titled: "Four Horsemen of Kamala's Harris's Political Campaign's 2024 - Apocalypse - Have Arrived".

         Mary Rooke lists four political factors which - according to her political research - will "effectively - bury - Kamala Harris's political campaign of 2024". Ms. Rooke lists the following four conditions - according to her vast research.

         1. The conservative news outlets - "beat the drum loudly" - concerning Biden/Harris's Administration's - depleting the FEMA funds - which they spent on the illegals - entering the U.S. - thus Kamala Harris's current Biden/Harris Administration - could only come up with $750.00 a piece - for the people who suffered from the ravages of hurricane Helene - 2024. 

        2. Biden/Harris's Administration's slowness in acknowledging the vast destruction of hurricane Helene in Florida, Tennessee, Georgia and both Carolinas - will make the voters - remember that at the voting booths - they - normally have a "long memory" about those sorts of political missteps. Evidently - according to Ms. Rooke - Kamala Harris had important fundraisers to attend in California - which took the precedence over the destruction of hurricane Helene.

       3. Illegal immigration flooding all the states of the U.S. - with many resources re-directed from the needy U.S. citizens - towards the illegals (New York city - recently - evicted the U.S. veterans to make space for the illegals) - is a big, heavy "albatross" around Harris/Biden's political campaign's 2024 - neck.

       4. Finally - the vice-presidential debate - which turned out to be a "total debacle" for Gov. Tim Walz - according to Mary Rooke - puts a final "nail" into Biden/Harris political aspirations for 2024.

       Important Note: 

     As of Oct. 03 - 2024 - tentative agreement between the major U.S. ports' - management - and the Longshoremen Union - was reached - so the further negotiations will be postponed until Jan. 2025.

    It needs to be noted that the four Horsemen of Apocalypse's - prophesy - according to apostle John's prophecy in a Book of Apocalypse - in the New Testament - went as follows: At the end of times - as we know it - before God judges everybody - so the New Times - can ensue - the following events shall take place; the first Horseman on a white horse - shall arrive - it signifies - the global conquest. The second Horseman on a red horse - brings the war to the Earth. The third Horseman - on a black colored horse - unleashes famine on the population. Finally - the fourth Horseman on a pale/green horse - brings - universal - death to all.

      What's interesting is that in the Old Testament - the prophets Zechariah and prophet Ezekiel - record similar visions of the events signifying - the end of times on Earth.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 27 - 2024 - through Fri. Oct. 04 - 2024!

                     Megyn Kelly "Unloads" on Terrible Performance of Kamala Harris during the Rambling Interview by MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle's - on Sept. 25 - 2024.

         The aforementioned, "softball" interview took place on Sept. 25 - 2025 and the review of it was posted by Megyn Kelly on YouTube platform - on Sept. 26 - 2024. It - immediately - garnered 72 thousand viewers' - clicks with the viewers' comments - agreeing with Megyn Kelly. Stephanie Ruhle - of MSNBC tried to make it "easy" on Kamala Harris - however - the questions needed to be asked.

         To Stephanie Ruhle's small credit - the fact checkers - checked Kamala Harris's - "mistakes" as opposed to the Sept. 04 - 2024 - so called "debate" during which - the moderators from ABC network made total asses of themselves since they behaved like Kamala Harris's - advocates - determined to "sock it to" her opponent. It was an obvious blunder by ABC - widely criticized on all the social media platforms.

        At any rate - Megyn Kelly is not afraid to tell the truth - notwithstanding the politics - around it.

       Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 20 - 2024 till Fri. Sept. 27 - 2024!

                               Megyn Kelly Posts a Short Clip onto the YouTube platform  Around Sept. 13 - 2024 - titled "It Was Smart of Him to Point To Those Two Cities".

     The aforementioned clip immediately garnered close to 100 Thous. of YouTube viewers' - clicks.

     She reads the Colorado City Journal - report issued on Sept. 04 - 2024 - concerning Aurora/Colorado (a small community) taken over by the Venezuelan gangs (the illegals let into the U.S. by Biden/Harris' Administration's - open borders policies). 

     In a nutshell - Megan Kelly relates a news story about the small city - Aurora, Colorado - "taken over" by the criminal illegals with guns - terrorizing the local population.

    The aforementioned illegals/many of them criminal gang members - were assigned to the small community of Aurora/Colorado - by Biden/Harris Administration's - political border directives - "brilliant to no end".

    It's not easy to be pointing out the Biden/Harris's Administration's - border policies' fiascos - with all the Leftists/Socialists - pointing their "political" guns at the brave voices like Megyn Kelly. However - she is not only not afraid of them - but she can - effectively - turn around their "poisoned political arrows" - back - onto their "behinds" - where it hurts - thus - effectively utilizing a political "boomerang" - style. She is a seasoned political observer with many accomplishments - to her name.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 13 - 2024 through Fri. Sept. 20 - 2024!

         Their Fact Checkers Were Erroneous - Megyn Kelly - Torches ABC Debate Moderators!

         The aforementioned clip by the title specified - above - was posted on YouTube platform on Thurs. Sept. 12 - 2024 by Megyn Kelly - and immediately garnered almost 300 thousand - close to a third of a million - viewers' - clicks.

         Two days after the presidential debate presented by ABC - between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump - Megyn Kelly - a veteran of several past presidential debates - and a wildly successful SiriusXM - premier network's - podcaster - with the subscribers' number on YouTube platform alone - of more than 2.5 million - very recently "blistered" (on Thurs. Sept. 12 - 2024) - the moderators of the recent presidential debate offered by ABC - Linsey Davis and David Muir - both of them "big guns" for ABC. 

       However - they may not stay "big guns" for much longer - due to the enormous backlash to their totally "disgraceful and incompetent" - respectively - jobs as the moderators during the presidential debate 2024 - broadcasted on ABC - on Tues. Sept. 10 - 2024 - according to many such political comments/opinions - posted on various mass media platforms. 

      Instead of being the moderators of the debate - the aforementioned - heavy duty - ABC anchors - showed themselves to be Leftist political hacks - thus - promoting Kamala Harris and her Leftist/Socialist agenda - with the planks on the like of - the "open borders" (to get more illegals to vote for the Dems - no doubt) and Medicare for all - which will - undoubtedly - quickly destroy the Medicare program - according to many such political comments - posted on various - social media platforms. 

      At any rate - according to Megyn Kelly - Kamala Harris - not only didn't answer any questions - important to American people - during the last presidential debate - but Harris was actively - audaciously - helped by Davis and Muir - to lie - without being fact checked - moreover - the moderators/Leftist hacks - helped Harris - to "weasel out" of answering any important - to American people - questions.

     In addition - according to Megyn Kelly - Harris acted in an "obnoxious fashion" with her phony laugh and faces she made into the TV cameras - all that phony/baloney stuff - obviously practiced for the TV cameras - thus most of the undecided voters would - for certain - not vote for her.

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, September 6, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 06 - 2024 till Fri. Sept. 13 - 2024!

                 Elsa Kurt Impersonates Kamala Harris in many YouTube Satirical Videos - Ms. Kurt is the Sole Star of her Satirical Videos - Thus - She Collects a lot of Money - Monetizing Thousands of the Viewers' "Likes".

       The talented impersonator will exaggerate the negative aspects of the subject they impersonate - the same way - a talented caricaturist will build upon the negative features of the subject - they "lampoon".

      There are several talented Kamala Harris impersonators showcasing their comedy gifts on the YouTube platform. Elsa Kurt - a good looking, young comedienne shows a lot of comedy talent - since her good looks do not detract from her enormous comedic talents; she - literally - "destroys" Kamala Harris's - way of speaking in vast word "salads" which mean almost nothing - with her hands flying in every direction. Ms. Kurt's commentaries woven with Ms. Kamala Harris's - actual news clips - point to Elsa Kurt's enormous comedy writing instincts. However - Elsa Kurt is especially good in ridiculing Ms. Harris's - cackle style, annoying laugh - which to many people - sounds like the "nails dragged down the blackboard".

      The other - currently popular on YouTube - Kamala Harris's impersonator is a middle-aged, dark-haired nurse - Estee Palti. She is also good - in capturing Kamala Harris's - "trembling" voice pitch and the famous cackle style laugh - which is a trademark of Hilary Clinton - as well - with this well-known - ugly - cackle - being widely ridiculed - en masse.

      Both of those talented ladies are well worth checking out on YouTube.

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 30 - 2024 till Fri. Sept. 07 - 2024!

                                  Tulsi Gabbard - an ex-Congressional Rep from Hawaii Totally "Smokes" Kamala Harris's - Failed Presidential Campaign in her 2019 - Presidential Bid which Flopped - Big!

      Kamala Harris launched her presidential "efforts" in a presidential campaign in 2019 in which she didn't get any primary voters to vote for her. During her - memorable - group debate portion - during that campaign - she famously - called pres. Biden a "racist"; nevertheless - he - later - in 2020 - offered her a position of the vice-president. 

      At any rate - during that 2019 disastrous presidential campaign by Kamala Harris - which flopped big time - the final nail into the "coffin of the aforementioned presidential bid" was Tulsi Gabbard - an ex-Congressional rep from Hawaii - who in the YouTube video - which garnered millions of views - totally - verbally - politically - "destroyed" - Kamala Harris's - chances. Shortly after this video went super viral on YouTube - Kamala Harris announced that she will quit her presidential campaign of 2019.

     Thus, Kamala Harris ended her failed presidential bid in 2019 - since the big donors refused to fund her campaign.

     However - that was not the case this year - 2024. Ms. Harris still never got any voters - votes - but - pres. Biden - "appointed" her to the U.S. presidential candidacy; Pres. Biden was forced to renounce his plans to continue his next presidential cadence - due to his disastrous presidential debate with ex-pres. Trump.

    Some commentators postulate that pres. Biden did his "anointing" of Harris - again - without voting for her - was to "spite" the members of his own party who pressured him to resign from the next term.

     In the meantime - Kamala - Harris - still - has never gotten any votes from the general electorate. Her California Leftists followers - don't count so much - as far as the general electorate is concerned. However - since she is "entitled" to the vast election funds which were appropriated to pres. Biden by the big donors - she doesn't have to worry about the big donors so much. Why she and gov. Walz (the extreme Leftist governor of Minnesota whom she chose to be the vice-president) - are - still - shamelessly - soliciting funds (we won't say 'begging' or anything like that) - all over YouTube - is not quite clear.

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 23 - 2024 through Fri. Aug. 30 - 2024!

           The California Political Insider - Larry Elder Gives a Few Comments about Kamala Harris.

          For this busy week of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago's - huge United Center - during which Kamala Harris - U.S. vice-president for pres. Biden (who appears old and weak) we shall quote Larry Elder - a political commentator/insider from California - re: Kamala Harris's - political career.

        Pres. Joe Biden has 'coronated' - Kamala Harris to be his successor - pursuant to pres. Biden being strongly pressured to resign - by his own party - the idea he opposed as long as it was - humanly - possible. However - subsequent to pres. Biden's - totally disastrous - national debate on Jun. 27 - 2024 - in which Donald Trump - the ex-president - nominated by the Republican party to be a presidential candidate - again - "totally decimated" pres. Biden in front of the U.S. and the whole world.

       At any rate - for now - Kamala Harris - has a momentum following the Democratic National Convention - ending - Aug. 22 - 2024 - with her televised acceptance speech given - to all of the U.S. people as well as people abroad.

      In the interim - the barrage of the well-deserved criticisms of her past - Radical/Socialist/Liberal - often disastrous - California legislatures - which she championed in her native state of California - comes to confront her. She has a lot of political "baggage" of every kind - to overcome. The national electorate is far from being her past political "playground" of California's - Leftist/Socialist/Liberal - politics.

     To illustrate the comments mentioned above - we will refer to the California's famous political commentator Larry Elder - who has a huge talk radio syndication through which he broadcasts his - 2 hours long - talk radio show - nightly. 

     On Aug. 21 - 2024 he had an interesting interview with a young Black woman/voter. He asked her opinion regarding Kamala Harris - to which the aforementioned Black voter said that neither she nor her family plus friends - as well as all their friends with their families - intend to vote for Kamala Harris - due to her past political activities in California - as well as her Leftist/Socialist politics - as a vice-president for pres. Joe Biden.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 16 - 2024 through Fri. Aug. 23 - 2024!

                                 The Statistics Quoted from Washington Post Newspaper on Aug. 15 - 2024 - During Hugh Hewitt's - Daily Syndicated Talk Radio Show - Need to Be Spread by Leftist Leaning Mainstream Media.

         During his daily talk radio show on Thurs. Aug. 15 - 2024 - Hugh Hewitt quoted an article from Washington Post which is a Leftist leaning establishment - which states - in a nutshell - that the Elections in 2020 stats' - had wrong numbers. Most of the swing states (which have decided the elections - as always) - had the numbers undercounted - for ex-pres. Trump - about 4 per cent - to favor Joe Biden's candidacy - with only one swing state - posting the stats - overcounted for ex-pres. Trump - in favor of ex- pres. Trump - overcounting ab. 6 percent.

        Thus - all the people who claim that the ex-pres. Trump - "lies" about the presidential elections - should read the article quoted by Hugh Hewitt from Washington Post - regarding the elections; the aforementioned article was quoted by Hugh Hewitt - again - on Thurs. Aug. 15 - 2024 - during his daily - nationally syndicated - radio show. 

       Copyright@ L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Thursday, August 8, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 09 - 2024 till Fri. Aug. 16 - 2024!

                                  Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz - Lies about His - National Guard - Service and about him   Carrying Weapons - which He Never Did - According to many such Internet Comments.

        A lot of political commentaries posted onto various social media platforms inform the general public - ready to vote in Nov. 05 - 2024 - general presidential elections - about various lies, distortions and exaggerations - put forth by the - newly minted - presidential/vice-presidential duo - Harris/Walz - the duo strongly vying for the votes - which they may not get.

      1. The drunk driving arrest of gov. Walz indicates alcohol intoxication in excess of 1% and a half percent % - of alcohol - tested - high intoxication - indeed.

      2. His frequent/multiple visits to China with his enthusiastic, laudatory comments - issued - subsequently - by him upon his return to the U.S. - indicates his fondness for Marxist style - Communist political system.

      3. His handling of the Marxist thugs' - rioting and burning Minneapolis to the tune of half a billion dollars of damages - during the George Floyd riots of 2020 - with the damages - mainly - inflicted upon the minority businesses - further indicates his Leftist/Marxist political inclinations. He - reportedly - justified the rioters' abhorrent, violent actions as "angry expressions" - really? - then the January 6 - 2021 rioters are also entitled to such a justification - at least they have not burned down the city - with the damages worth a half a billion dollars.

     Copyright@ L.S. Hadley and Associates 2024

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 02 - 2024 till Fri. Aug. 09 - 2024!

                                      WGN - 720 Am - Chicago's Top Talk Radio Insider - Lisa Dent - A Host of 2pm till 6pm - A Popular Home Drive - Talk Radio Shift - Gives Us Tips on WGN - 720 Am - Top Notch - Weekends' Programming!

         To make a long story short - in a nutshell - many listeners in a smaller than Chicago's Talk Radio Market - which is huge and popular - are happy to listen to WGN - 720 Am - for a change - during the weekends. 

        Since the smaller talk radio markets - frequently - offer the weekends which are repetitious, boring and predictable - with the same sorts of compulsive/obsessive, one sided - callers - calling the station - ad nauseum - to spew their tired political propaganda - our Chicago talk radio's favorite insider - Lisa Dent - who has been successfuly hosting a Mon. thru Fri. - 2pm till 6pm - WGN 720 Am - radio shift - highly recommends an exciting "change of scenery" in talk radio's weekends' - offerings.

       On Saturdays - 5pm till 8pm - WGN's Am 720 - Peter Greenberg - does an interesting travel segment which is equally enticing to listen to - for travelers or those planning to travel - which is most of us.

       On Sundays - 5pm till 7pm - WGN's Am 720 -  Rick Kogan - a famous Chicago radio personality gives everybody a "glimpse" into the past week's important happenings in Chicago.

      On Sundays - 7pm till 9pm - however - WGN Am 720 offers - a real treat for the radio "afficionados" - namely - Carl Amari - a prominent talk radio host who spent years - licensing classic radio broadcasts from 1930's, 1940's and 1950's - presents the most famous - radio broadcasts of many kinds - which garnered popularity with the listeners, radio producers and other "experts" - on radio magic which attracts tons of radio listeners of all kinds.

           Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2025

Friday, July 26, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 26 - 2024 till Fri. Aug. 02 - 2024!

                       Jennifer Horn - A Talk Radio Host -Comments onto Kamala Harris's - California Political Activities of Various Kinds!

          Jennifer Horn - a California's well known political insider and a popular talk radio host - who frequently substitutes for a nationally syndicated - talk radio giant - Sebastian Gorka - stated on many well documented occasions - that Kamala Harris - during her vast political career in California - instituted quite a few legislative pieces - which were despised by many of her constituents.

        Moreover - according to the California press covering her political rise to fame - in great detail - they state - that the most publicized "episode" in Kamala Harris's vastly covered - political "climb to notoriety" - was her long time, widely written about - affair - with a married ex-San Francisco mayor - Willie Brand - who at the beginning of her political career - was instrumental in her political ascend.      

       According to California press reports - Ms. Harris's frequent activity was to "parade" her famous, intimate involvement with Mr. Brand - in front of an ex-mayor Brand's - spouse - for some strange reasons.

       At any rate - it is further reported by California press - that an ex-mayor Brand deposited a million dollars - into Ms. Kamala Harris's - bank account. According to many such commentaries - widely published - he must have been extremely pleased with her well-publicized - campaigns - of a political sort and - evidently - he must have been happy with her "other" activities - as well. According to Jennifer Horn - a California political insider - all those political and other moves - of Ms. Harris's - are covered - in detail - in the aforementioned - California press. 

       After Ms. Harris's - political goals were achieved - then - she - reportedly - "dropped Mr. Willie Brand like a hot potato" - according to Jennifer Horn and the California press coverage.

      It needs to be noted that one local Liberal political commentator - on one occasion - objected - to bringing up those facts concerning Ms. Harris's various activities - however - it's well known fact that an ex-pres. Trump's - private life is constantly a big subject of discussion among every political pundit and their brother. Hey - what's good for the goose - is good for the gander.

           Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2025

Friday, July 19, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 19 - 2024 till Fri. Jul. 26 - 2024!

                     The Liberal Political Commentator Makes Faces at her Leftist/Socialist Politically Oriented - Commentator/Colleague - as They Cover the Recent Republican National Convention - from Mon. Jul. 15 - 2024 - through Thurs. Jul. 18 - 2024.

          The aforementioned Republican National Convention which just "wrapped" up on Thurs. Jul. 18 - 2024 - featured many political commentators' - stations - broadcasted - on many TV channels. The - politically - toward the Left - Liberal News Outlet - the name of which - we shall not be mentioning - featured several political commentators at the same table - issuing their political commentaries - as the events and speakers - were presented.

        We noticed that the table - mentioned above - had a knowledgeable - politically Liberal - woman commentator with short, cropped hair and - a visibly - big ego. The big notion of herself - was much deserved - since her political analysis were interesting and made the top-notch sense. 

        There was another professional political commentator - at the same table - who strongly resembles a woodpecker - and also sports a visible - big ego - as he - constantly - issues his political comments of the obvious Socialist/Leftist - political slant - which he presents weekly on many TV news outlets - which are not nearly - as logical, convincing or even coherent - as the one issued by the woman of Liberal political persuasion sporting the cropped hair cut. 

        At any rate - we noticed that the cameraman doing the broadcast - avoided taking the TV camera shots which - clearly - showed the - almost - palpable - friction between those two commentators - reflected by their facial expressions. However - several times - the cameraman couldn't avoid getting a clear shot of the disgust - on the woman's face as she listened to - obviously - inept - commentaries issued by her Socialist/Leftist oriented colleague - the one resembling the woodpecker. 

      However - she - obviously - couldn't say anything truthful about her Socialist/Leftist colleague's - ineptitude - since the decorum has to rule among the Leftist and Liberal political commentators - especially if the TV camera - sends their interactions - into many millions TV viewers. 

       Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 12 - 2024 through Fri. Jul. 19 - 2024!

                     Joe Biden's News Conference on Thurs. Jul. 11 - 2024 - "Didn't Stop the Bleeding" - According to Several Such Headlines - posted onto the social media - platforms.

      A big radio station announced on the internet that "they had to edit the aforementioned News Conference - making pres. Biden's answers - clearer - to the U.S. voters".

      As the smart folk proverb states - "three times is the trick" - unfortunately - it will not apply to pres. Joseph Biden - since to wit - as of Jul. 12the - 2024 - that is - there are more calls from the Dems and others - for him to step down.

      Not to state anything derogatory or overly critical - but pres. Biden's - "presidential whisper" in which he engages when pressed for hard answers - sounds ridiculous.

      At any rate - there is a question of large funds which pres. Biden would need to transfer to another Democratic contender as well as the "pledged" delegates which will need to be "released" - also at the Democratic National Convention - or before - while the aforementioned Democratic National Convention - is looming large and unsettling in Chicago - August 19th till August 22 - 2024 - held in a huge United Center - with thousands of delegates - well insulated - inside. 

     Everybody remembers a violent and unruly Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968 - to be avoided by all costs. 

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 05 - 2024 through Fri. Jul. 12 - 2024!

        The Second National Exposure to Questions - Still Points to President  Biden's Mental Decline.

      On Friday Jul. 05 - 2024 - George Stephanopoulos of ABC's - Mainstream Meda outlet - interviewed Pres. Biden of whom - he needed to ask some tough questions. Stephanopoulos had to do it - since most of the viewers were prepared to hear easy questions for Biden - from the Leftist leaning Stephanopoulos - (according to many such comments posted onto many social media platforms).

      In any event - the second "in depth" interview with Pres. Biden - again - indicated his mental decline - which prompted more Democratic lawmakers to urge Pres. Biden to resign. The number of the Democratic legislators - point to the "down ballots" risks - due to Pres. Biden's problems.

     In the meantime - so far - the polls indicate that the support for the ex-president Trump - is growing.

            Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024                

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 28 - 2024 till Fri. July 05 - 2024!

                                     June 27th - 2024 - Presidential Debate - Turns into a Huge Debacle for the Democrats' - main political "star" - Pres. Joe Biden.

         The struggle for the U.S. Presidency to elect the 47th U.S. president - only begins - right now. We - fully - expect the fights between the "Trumpys" and the "Bidenites" to be muddy, ugly and intense.

        For now - however - the first presidential debate in Atlanta, Georgia - produced by the Left leaning - CNN - clearly - demonstrated that Joe Biden - has heavy duty - health problems of several crucial kinds. 

        Not to "rub it in" or anything like that - Joe Biden was barely able to get off the debate stage on his own - at the conclusion of the 90 minutes long broadcast; he needed his wife's help to walk down the 3 easy stairs - whereas - the ex-pres. Trump appeared in a good physical and psychological - shape.

       At any rate - all of us - will watch the further developments of this race - while the political pundits will have a super productive political season - coming up - they will "flap" their "tongues" - like there is not tomorrow.

      In the meantime - Happy 4th of July - everybody - it's coming up every soon!

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, June 21, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Jun. 21 - 2024 through Jun. 28 - 2024!

                       Miriam Novak - the Israeli Representative to the United Nations Delivers a Breathtaking Speech to the U.N. General Assembly - on June 19 - 2024!

       Ms. Novak - in a nutshell - brilliantly - delineated the history of the Jewish nation during the last two thousand years. She - skillfully - emphasized the Jewish achievements for the world - as well as pointed out the nations which embraced the Nazi Weimar Republic - lead by the Chancellor Adolph Hitler. 

      It needs to be noted - which is interesting - that many nations like Turkey, Switzerland, Italy - attempted to remain - ostensibly - neutral - thus they did not - officially - comply with Hitler's policy of exterminating the Jews.                    

    However - in spite of Italy's - Dictator Mussolini's - eventually - being forced to comply with Hitler's "request" to round up the Jews - still - the Italian police and the army - largely - resisted against the Nazi's anti-Jewish directives and - frequently - refused to round up the Jews - as much as they could. Thus - out of 50 thousand of Italian Jews - "only" about 5 thousand were sent to the death camps.

     Poland had a dubious distinction - according to many historians - of the cooperation with the Nazis - however - to Poland's credit - according to Israeli Yad Vashem's statistics - over 6  thousand Poles - the largest number of all the European countries - were granted the highest Israeli title of the "Righteous among the Nations" - due to - fully documented - risking of their lives - in order to "hide the Jews" from the Nazis.

     It's a subject worth exploring. How does the nations resist the evil leaders? According to many historians - the resistance movements in many - occupied by the Nazis - European countries - inflicted many blows to the Weimar Nazi Republic.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Friday, June 14, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 14 - 2024 through Fri. Jun. 21 - 2024!

         Odd Couple Doing the Political Commentary Every Friday - For PBS Nightly News - Broadcast - Transmitted Every Night - Monday through Friday.

          Jonathan Capehart - A Liberal/Socialist political commentator - a regular "fixture" for MSNBC - offers his political comments on Fridays - on PBS Network of a politically Liberal/Leftist - slant. His partner - almost every Friday is David Brooks - an "alleged" Conservative - who is supposed to offer an opposite take on the weekly political happenings - but what - usually - takes place is something different; namely - David Brooks - mostly - "re-packages" Jonathan Capehart's - comments.

        Not that anybody picks on the appearances of the political commentators - like Jonathan Capehart - who - BTW - stick their faces in every camera they can "grab" - however - Jonathan Capehart - would be more effective on the radio platform - since his physiognomy (face) - resembles the vision of the woodpecker (a useful bird).

       Another thing which is annoying about Mr. Capehart (according to many such comments posted on various media platforms) - are his expressions on the like of - "all my reporters would not put this info onto my air".

     Geez whiz - we didn't know that anybody can "own the co-workers and the air around them."

      At any rate - we have fun most Fridays watching the "odd couple" of the aforementioned - politicos - in action.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Friday, June 7, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. June 07 - 2024 through Fri. June 14 - 2024!

                                     Pres. Joe Biden Behaves in a Peculiar Manner During his Visit to France - to Celebrate 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Normandy Invasion - to Defeat the Nazis.

      According to the news story with the accompanying news clips - by Real America's Voice on June 06 - 2024 - during his visit to France - on June 06 - 2024 - to celebrate the 80th anniversary of D-Day which happened on June 06 - 1944 - Pres. Biden behaved in a peculiar fashion.

    To refresh everybody's memory - the American and Allied Forces landed on Normandy Beach in France on June-6-1944. They did it in order to defeat the powerful Nazi Germany's Army occupying most of Europe. 

    In a nutshell - according to the U.S. Army statistics - on that day - which commenced the prolonged campaign leading to the defeat of the Nazi's Weimar Republic - the U.S. lost (killed in the battle on that day) - 29 thousand soldiers; Canada lost (killed on that day) - 5 thousand - who died on that day - France lost 12 thousand (civilians and army - combined). Germany - however - lost 30 thousand soldiers - (killed in action on that day).

    All in all - about 500 thousand Allied soldiers - got killed and wounded - (we didn't show the numbers for the wounded) on that day - or close to it - including the Germans - however - 850 thousands of the brave - anti-Nazis' - combined warriors - succeeded - in landing their parachutes onto the shores of Frances' -Normandy.

    Back to June. 06 - 2024 - during which - President Biden's visit in France - demonstrated his peculiar behavior - according to Real America's Voice - broadcast on Jun. 06 - 2024 - which presented the commentary and the news clips - pointing to Pres. Biden - acting in strange manner when assembled on the stage - with France's - president Macron and his wife - Brigitte.

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, May 31, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 31 - 2024 till Fri. Jun. 07 - 2024!

                      A Few Comments about the Talk Radio Shows' Hosts - Working as Couples.

          Most of the time - it's not a good concept - which lasts for a short time. The notable exception would be Don Wade and Roma Wade - a married couple - who had tons of radio shifts together - for more than twenty years - out of Chicago's popular talk radio station - WLS - A.M. 890. 

         A popular radio talk show host out of Los Angeles area - Jennifer Horn - tried it with a partner - Dan - for a short time while she was still with Los Angeles - The Answer - 870 am - Salem Network - before she switched - to be a popular solo radio host - to Inland Empire, California - 590 A.M. The Answer - Salem Network. Currently - she - frequently - substitutes for Dr. Seb Gorka - a nationally and internationally - massively syndicated - radio talk show host - one of the biggest names working for Salem Network.

       At any rate - we had a couple of radio people - here - locally - a guy and a lady - the veterans of radio talk show variety - format - working together - manning the radio shifts - which appeared to "never be ending" - according to many listeners - thus that concept didn't work out well for them; again - according to many listeners - their radio shifts were boring and repetitious. Both of them - subsequently - left the radio station.

      However - the format is not dead - Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson out of Chicago's talk radio scene - have been working successfully - as a couple - for many years - at A.M. 560 - The Answer - and they have many fans and followers.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 24 - 2024 till Fri. May 31 - 2024!

                 Lisa Dent - a talk radio host - Mon. through Fri. 2pm till 6pm - Chicago Talk Radio - WGN - interviews - on May 15 - 2024 - Prof. Hermene Hartman about the Democratic Convention in Chicago 1968 Versus Democratic Convention Coming to Chicago's - Huge - United Center - From Aug. 19 - 2024 through Aug. 22 - 2024.

         If anybody is old enough - they vividly remember the huge, huge debacle which happened during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago from Aug. 26 - 1968 till Aug. 29 - 1968. In a nutshell - the Chicago Police under the leadership of a famous Democratic Chicago mayor - Richard J. Daley - had to use force against the multitudes of violent, anarchistic Yippies who attacked the police with various excrements' "packets" as well as with the "urine balloons" - in addition to various hard objects hurled at the police - which severely hurt several policemen - during the anarchists' - refusal to disperse from the park across the street from the Hilton Hotel on Michigan Avenue where the Democratic National Convention was held.

         What's interesting - however - is that the Leftist Chicago press covering the event - totally ignored many ugly behaviors of many sorts - perpetrated by the violent anarchists - which - subsequently - came to light - as it always happens - while the Leftist Chicago press - exaggerated a lot of the actions of the Chicago Police - who - B.T.W. - could use the water cannons instead of the Billy clubs. The bloody faces of the - mostly - youthful anarchists - did not present well on the TV screens all over this country and abroad.

       Long story - short - according to many political commentators - as a result of such a despicable display of violent behaviors - the Democratic candidates - Hubert Humphery - the presidential candidate - and Ed Muskie - the vice-presidential contender - were defeated - in the Fall 1968 presidential elections - by the Republicans - presidential candidate Richard Nixon and the vice-presidential contender - Spiro Agnew.

        Happy Memorial Day Weekend 2024 - Everybody!

        Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024            

Friday, May 17, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 17 - 2024 till Fri. May 24 - 2024!

                                      There Was No Evidence Provided by Michael Cohen - Stated Nicole Malliotakis - New York State's Congressional Representative from District 11!

        According to Dailymotion website - posting onto the internet - the above commentary's title's - quotation - by Ms. Malliotakis - the U.S. congressional representative from New York's - congressional district 11; the aforementioned quote - was widely disseminated by various media outlets.

      On May 16 - 2024 - Michael Cohen - a disbarred ex-lawyer of ex-pres. Trump, a convicted perjurer - was cross-examined by the ex-pres. Trump's legal team.

      What ensued - according to many legal analysts - was that jury - witnessed - Mr. Cohen's - supposedly - the prosecution's star witness's - testimony - becoming effectively - "punched full of holes" by the ex-pres. Trump's - legal defense team - thus the prosecution's case - began - more than likely - "coming off the wheels".

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, May 10, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 10 - 2024 till Fri. May 17 - 2024!

                               "Live from Studio 6B" - a NYC's - Political Satire on the Daily Political Events - 2 Hrs Long Nightly Broadcast!

        Real America's Voice Network - currently available in most U.S. TV markets - has introduced the aforementioned in the title - broadcast - several years ago - and it has been popular/in demand - in most U.S. TV markets.

      Since it is broadcasted nightly - from 8pm - E.S.T. - till 10pm E.S.T. - it - at times - "misses the mark" and comes up with a boring production. However - most of the time - the three guys - anchors - show funny clips from the political events which happened during the past week - as well as provide - funny - commentaries about the past political happenings - which took place during the week that passed in the U.S and abroad.

      They also feature a sports' guy - who 'sports' - an "authentic", heavy New York accent - as well as funny, flashy attire; he can get away his "crazy antics" including his thick, New York accent - whereas - the other three anchors did the right thing and reduced it to a great extent - just like most TV anchors who speak to the wide U.S. TV audiences.

      At any rate - as we mentioned above - most of their TV satirical transmissions - come out - hilarious. They use a lot of short clips to illustrate their humorous "takes" onto the political events taking place during the week which concluded.

     Pres. Biden takes a lot of their time - due to his weekly - heavy "gaffes" and other - humorous gestures - without him - intending such.

     In any event - enjoy "Live from Studio 6B" and we shall meet here a week from today! 

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, May 3, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 03 - 2024 through Fri. May 10 - 2024!

                        The Campuses of the American Ivy Leage (Elitist) Universities and Colleges on East Coast - Explode in - Mostly - Anti-Semitic - Israel- hating - Rage!

       That's - according to many political commentators posting those types of comments on many platforms about the above indicated in the title - phenomena; they further state - that the Marxists, Anarchists and other political violence promoting groups - active in Summer 2020 Riots - currently - infiltrated to the great extent - mostly - Ivy League, expensive universities on the East Coast - on the like of Columbia, Yale, Barnhard - and other East Coast - elitist institutions of higher learning; the notable exception was the huge - University of Texas and a few other colleges located in the Republican dominated, red states - but mostly the Republican dominated states - keep order on their campuses of higher learning institutions.              

      The students there - can - legitimately protest - but they are not allowed to - intimidate or threaten other students - like the Jewish students and others who disagree with the protesters.

      Thus - the Florida universities - as well as most higher learning establishments in other Republican dominated, red states - manage to have the governors and the heads of their higher institutions - maintaining the order on their respective university campuses.          

     As we noted above - the students there can protest peacefully - but they can't chant hateful, threatening slogans at the Jewish students, they can't block them from the entries to the campus buildings and the can't - ethnically - intimidate them. All those above-mentioned, criminal actions - cross the line from the peaceful protests to violent, Nazi style/Brown Shirts style - intimidations.

      The police are called frequently to restore the order to the Ivy League universities' chaos - while many agitators as well as the students - massively disobey the police's order to disperse and clean up those hideous tents (no doubt - paid for by George Soros - the West hating, Marxist billionaire). Many of the aforementioned law breakers continue to be arrested and detained. 

     Tons of U.S. voters are taking a note of this political spectacle of which the consequences will be obvious in the coming Nov. 05 - 2024 presidential elections.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, April 26, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 26 - 2024 till Fri. May 03 - 2024!

                                 Argentina's Tango Hero - Carlos Gardel - a Singer, Composer, Movie Star - Remains Famous and Cherished till today - through his YouTube - Videos - as well as the Popular Tango Musicals Featuring His Tangos - Constantly Produced till Today - in Buenos Aires - Argentina!

        For all the tango enthusiasts - Carlos Gardel's creative legacy - has been a steady source of inspiration - in spite - of his early death in 1935 - in his private plane crash - while he toured the South America; the crash also killed his orchestral arranger - another Tango great - Alfredo Le Pera.

       Gardel appeared in several Argentinian movies as well as composing several popular Tangos - "El Dia Que Me Quierras" - "The Day in which You Loved Me"; another famous Tango composed by him is - "Me Buenos Aires Querido" - "My Beloved Buenos Aires". 

      The love which he had for the "Portenios" - the inhabitants of Argentinian port/the capital of Argentina - the port city of Buenos Aires - was fully reciprocated by them. Upon his untimely death - they erected a big statue of him at the main cemetery of the city and there is a constant, lit cigarette - at the hand of the statute - thus immortalizing him and his Tango work. 

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, April 19, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 19 - 2024 through Fri. Apr. 26 - 2024!

                            "The United Spot" is a Hilarious Satirical Channel - Posting Short Videos on YouTube Platform - Poking Fun at the Top Politicians and Celebrities of the Day!

       The aforementioned channel - has close to a third of a million - YT subscribers - and it came up with close to a 3 thousand short, funny videos in the last several years. Of course - their disclaimer emphasizes the fact that it's all satire - thus it's not a true depiction of the famous characters' actions. "The United Spot" - posts the cartoon like silhouettes with the photographs of the real characters (famous people) - at the top of the aforementioned - silhouettes. They look ridiculous to glance at - however - their voices sound really hilarious with the funny scripts - topping their humorous productions.

      For an example - their short video posted on Apr. 17 - 2024 - titled "Fani Willis Vs Stormy Daniels" - makes fun of Nancy Pelosi (the funny voiceover always features her loose dentures - corresponding to reality) - she is one of the celebrities frequently featured in this and many other satirical videos featured by the "The United Spot's" productions. 

      B.T.W. - the same video also lampoons - Bill Clinton (in a blue dress - the dress worn by Monica Lewinsky which almost brought down his presidency); the video also ridicules E. Jean Carroll - in a strait jacket - (the accuser of ex-President Trump which was adjudicated close to 80 million - subject to further appeal by the U.S. Supreme Court).

     The video quickly generated close to 6 thousand YT views with close to 120 comments by the viewers - also ridiculing the famous characters/celebrities of the day - featured in the video.

         The short, humorous production we are highlighting - is well worth some laughter which will ensue upon watching it.

             Copyright@L. Hadley and Asociates 2025      

Friday, April 12, 2024

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 12 - 2024 through Fri. Apr. 19 - 2024!

                                     Maria Bartiromo and Kellyanne Conway - Post an Excellent Video On YouTube's channel Fox Business - on Fri. Apr. 12 - 2024!

         For anybody desiring some clarity in the "political commentary" language - they need to follow the aforementioned two superstars of the political news'- analysis - both of them having to endure lots of customary, past criticisms which they conquered to arrive at their respective - highly respected - positions of news analysts.

        In any event - Fox Business YouTube's channel has 2.5 million subscribers with Maria Bartiromo's "Sunday Morning Futures" - on the top of the list. 

        Ms. Bartiromo has - consistently - proven to be a reliable, outstanding political analyst and interviewer - and not some temporary - "flash in the pan" talented beginner - who would be quickly "chewed up spit out" by this - difficult - political analysis - landscape.

       At any rate - Fox Business channel posted an interesting interview with another dependable news analysis - veteran - with lots of "political analysis" - credits - to show for - Kellyanne Conway. The short video is titled: "This is a 'threshold question' for Biden's Campaign - Kellyanne Conway" - posted on YouTube's Fox Business channel on Fri. Apr. 12 - 2024: the aforementioned short YouTube clip contains a brief interview of Ms. Conway by Maria Bartiromo. It's well worth watching!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024