Thursday, December 31, 2015

The First Video of the Week for the Jan.01 - 2016 through Jan. 08 - 2016!

     For this first week of 2016 - we picked a vintage vid by Dr. 240252 - posted on Dec. 31 - 2015 - titled Foxtrot "Rozsi"(a Hungarian nickname for a ladies' name - Rose) - composed by Markush - a famous Hungarian composer who also wrote a well known Tango (I Was Only a Joke to You) - but arranged by a famous Warsaw composer, arranger and a brilliant musician - Henryk Gold who from 1925 through 1939 - shined as a big star of Warsaw's magnificent musical scene. He was one of the few who escaped the Nazi massacre of the Jewish artists and others as well.
     Warsaw - a cultural mecca of gigantic proportions - was decimated by the Nazis who worked "in cahoots" with the Red Soviet - Communist butcher - Joseph Stalin.

     At any rate - the visuals - bring you excellent snapshots of sparkling New Year's Eve celebrations in Warsaw circa 1927. The comments under the video - are also - well worth reading!

    Wishing you a great first week of 2016 with the Healthy and Happy 2016 - to follow! Absolutely do not forget to click here next week! 
               Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2025

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Youtube video of the week - Dec.22 - 31 - 2015 - Polish Tango 1935 by 240252.

       This week - will be the last one for 2015 - Dec. 22 through - 31 - we strongly recommend a totally fabulous old Tango posted by 240252 on Dec. 15 - 2015 - titled "Polish Tango - 1935".
       It was composed by a well known Tango composer Artur Gold with the lyrics by a famous Warsaw lyricist - Andrzej Wlast - who also produced tons of top notch musical revues - which prominently featured a lot of Warsaw's finest singers, dancers, musicians - circa 1930 - 1939.
       The lyrics shine with simplicity - but they can resonate with tons of people. I hope that Google translation services will do them justice. You can still enjoy the marvelous music and a lot of excellent comments by the video producer - 240252. Yours truly also made a comment which you might like - not boasting or anything - mind you.

        At any rate - with the holidays - upon us and the New Year's Eve - right behind them - all of us here - wish all our numerous "clickers" - a totally fabulous Holidays 2015/2016 and very Happy New Year - 2016 - to follow!

        Don't forget to click here - right after the first of the year for our video of the week - the first one in the New Year 2016!
        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Our Commentary on Youtube Video of the Week for the third week of Dec. 2015 - from Fri. Dec. 15 - 2015 till Fri. Dec. 22 - 2015!

          For our commentary this week - we chose a Polish Tango uploaded by Dr.240252 on Dec. 6 - 2015 - titled "Give Me Your Pale Lips" - composed for the Warsaw Revue titled "Toys for Warsaw" from 1929. At that time - Warsaw had tons of exciting venues - full of talent of all kinds. The splendid orchestration was performed by the famous Polish/Jewish composer/arranger - Henryk Gold enormously talented - celebrated and famous - in Warsaw circa 1929 - 1939. He was one of the few who escaped Hitler's - Socialist Nazis' - massacre. Before the Second World War's beginning with the Germans attacking Poland and Warsaw in 1939 - Warsaw was a rich cultural mecca - boasting many artistic achievements of all kinds thus Warsaw maintained a well deserved reputation of a "Paris of Eastern Europe".
         The visuals will give the viewers a snapshot of Warsaw movies and cabarets' scenes which flourished in Poland from 1929 to 1939. The commentary researched superbly by Dr.240252 always gives the audience a lot of interesting info. My favorite section is - usually - the viewers' comments which are answered superbly by Dr. 240252. One can learn a lot in an easy way - without any extensive studying.
       Our team here - hopes that all of you are having a nice holiday season 2015/2016 and all are enjoying the festive atmosphere of the winter holidays - without any special stresses - notwithstanding the national and international news which can - at times - be depressing.
      Have a great week - everybody - and don't forget to click here - a week from today - same channel - same time - for our next Commentary of the week!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2023

Monday, December 7, 2015

Youtube Video of the Week - Dec.8 through Dec.15 - 2015.

       For this week - we choose a humorous vid by 24025 titled "Paul Whitman - Hot Lips" uploaded on Dec.1 - 2015. You will see funny shots of various lips - in action. The band's arrangement sounds top notch but the visuals will - most definitely - make you smile.
       All of us - like the "contraption" to put the lipstick on - which - thank God - was not patented or widely distributed. It's nice to have a light moment while watching this vid - since the week was full of dramatic, heavy news items of every kind.
       At any rate - let us know your views regarding our choice of Youtube's video of the week.

       Have a great second week of December - in which - hopefully - all or most of your Christmas shopping is getting almost done so you can enjoy the season!

       To all our friends celebrating Chanukkah - happy Chanukkah 2015 to you and yours with Chanukkah lights shining bright in your menorahs and in your lives!

      Don't forget to click here next week for our choice for Youtube's Video of the week for the third week of December 2015!

Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2023

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Youtube's German Tango - (Zwei Augen) - (A Pair of Eyes) - is Worth A Glance.

     Hello everybody who clicks here! Now that this year's Holiday Season is in full swing with all kinds of holiday specials on TV and everywhere else - you may enjoy something different this week.
     Go on Youtube and click on the famous video producer - 240252 who uploaded on Nov. 29 - 2015 - a terrific German Tango - titled "Zwei Oigen" - translated - "A Pair of Eyes". You will learn tons about German creative spirit - before Hitler - almost took over the civilized world - to enslave it - by effectively using his crazy ideology and thus blinding millions of people. Sounds familiar to the evil forces today - right?  
      At any rate - 240252 - came up with fantastic visuals which are also super educational. Youtube - normally - places our comment  - in front of all the other interesting comments but you can also find us by punching Tango3721.

     Hope you have a good first week of December 2015 in which you can do your shopping early and get to enjoy the season!

     See you next week - same time - same place!

Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2016


Friday, November 27, 2015

Youtube's Video of the Week - Thanksgiving Wk. - Nov.23 - Nov.30 - 2015.

      Okay - everybody - now that the Thanksgiving weekend will end soon and all of us ate enough turkey to last us for a full year - we need to jump on Youtube - every weekend - until the DWTS comes back March 21 - 2016.
     My most favorite Youtube website - where we frequently put our weekly comments - you will find using the following info: my Youtube name is Tango3721 - and my favorite website where we comment the most - is 240252 - the Youtube name of the talented producer who uploaded more 2 thousand videos in the last eight years. That producer of those informative and entertaining - a few minutes long, little uploads - is an extremely erudite - Eastern European physician with a total command of English, French, Polish, Spanish, Italian.
    After you watch a few of his short "productions" you will easily enter the world of the supremely talented musicians (mostly jazz and pop but some classical artists as well), vocalists, some ballroom dancers, movie stars and so on.
    His short commentaries give you a wealth of info in an easy way. However - what we are in awe of - is the fact that 240252 - frequently emphasizes the creativity of some forgotten or persecuted artists - who nevertheless - gave the world tons of beauty enjoyed by a lot of people but - unfortunately - the creators - themselves - couldn't share in the "rewards" of their outstanding talents - due to their - at times - unhappy - circumstances happening at the wrong time of their lives.
    For this week - click on this week's vid - by 240252 - titled Bert Firman - Positively! Absolutely! You will find our comment there as almost every week - but you will also discover that Bert Firman - lived a happy life with several successful careers to his credit.

    Have a great Thanksgiving week and click here next weekend for another video of the week!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2016

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Conclusion to the finals and the Mirror Ball Winner announced - DWTS - Season 21 - Tues. Nov.24 - ABC.

    So - listen - everybody who watches DWTS - like religion - we have looked through the viewers' forums and we have some good news and some so-so pronouncements. We always try to emphasize the up-beat, optimistic stuff - to hold us over until the new season starts on March 21 - 2016.
    The set designers and the costume people did an absolutely amazing job on the final show on Tues. Nov. 24. As far as the hair people are concerned - they did okay since most dancers looked glamorous. The minor exceptions would be - Mon. Nov.23 - 15 - Erin Edwards - the M.C's hairstyle didn't go with her shiny, evening gown because my little goddaughter commented that her hair looks like a "nest of some bird" - however on Tues. Nov. 24 during the final show - Erin's hair looked fine for a change - even if her comments to a contestant Victor Espinoza - sounded rude - but who is being "catty" or anything like that?
    Wendy Williams - a popular talk show hostess announced that Erin Edwards and her lawyers won - 75 million dollars judgment stemming from her being videotaped nude without permission while she was taping a sport story for CNN in Nashville,TN - while she worked her regular job - a few years ago. She must like that job - however - since she "plugged in" her "other job" - last night.
     Back to the DWTS finals - Bindy and Derek won but our favorites - Sharna and Nick came in - second. We are very happy about it. Hurray!!!

     All of us are waiting for the next season of DWTS - which starts on March 21 - 2016. The veteran judge Len Goodman will be back! He is currently judging a British Ballroom dance show - "Strictly Come Dancing" which is a Daddy of its American version - DWTS. 
    We will all have a great winter and until March 21 - 2016 - check us out every week on Youtube - click on Tango3721 for some super sparkling comments - not boasting or anything like that - usually placed on the site of our favorite producer of music videos - 240252 - just click that number on Youtube and enjoy!

    Happy Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season to all!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2017

Friday, November 20, 2015

A Preview to Mon. Nov.23 - 2015 - first part of the finals - Season 21 - DWTS - ABC - 8 PM.

      This coming Mon. Nov. 23 - 2015 will be an extremely important night - since during that night - the first part of the finals - of the Season 21 - Dancing with the Stars - reality show - one couple - currently still in the finals - will have to go home.
      Last Mon. Nov. 16 - 2015 - nobody was eliminated since Tamar Braxton-Herbert had to leave the show due to the embolisms in both of her lungs. We wish her a speedy recovery.
      It's very important that everybody who likes this show - tunes in and votes, votes, votes. We are predicting that Carlos and Whitney will go home - since their respective personalities plus their dancing could be called - uneven and mostly - uneventful. According to many viewers' opinions on public forums - this notion of a married couple dancing with different partners - was not at all a good concept advanced by the producers this season. The comments of an ex-judge Alphonso Ribiera - a month or so - ago - to the effect that Alexa PenaVega (Carlos'es wife) dances much better with her DWTS - partner - Mark Ballas - so "she should always dance with Mark" rather than with her husband - Carlos - according to Alphonso Ribiera's - "profound" observation - which deserve no less that the TV Razzie Award - opposite in value award - to the TV - Emmy.
     As far as Alek Scarlatos and his partner Lindsay Arnold - are concerned - they have a big fan base due to Alek's popularity and an undisputed - charm which the TV camera picks up even if his dancing is not all that great - however considering his previous lack of dance training - he has made a tremendous progress during the few weeks of the duration of the show.
      Our team is pulling for Nick and Sharna to win the Mirror Ball trophy since their almost consistently - fabulous performances and general presentations - deserved much higher scores from the judges.
      Tuesday Nov. 24 - 2015 will be an exciting night of the finals - from which you will receive our Conclusion to Season 21.
            Have a great weekend - everybody - and don't forget to click here on Mon. Nov. 23 and Tues Nov. 24 - 2015!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and the Associates 2024

Monday, November 16, 2015

A Conclusion to A Semi-Finals - DWTS - Nov. 16 - 2015 - ABC - 8 PM.

    Tonight's show had a lot of surprises. The dancing trios concept - needs to be complemented. Finally - the producers came up with some good ideas since tonight's show was exciting enough for a minimal need to switch the channels - to see what the "neighbors" are up to. It was good to see Karina Smirnoff and Peta Murgatroy to fill in for the trios arrangements.
    The dance off - tonight - was much better organized than the one a few weeks ago - when nobody seemed to have any clear notion of what needed to be done and when.
    We still had a problem with the studio music.  The beautiful Argentine Tango choreographies - needed some excellent Tango music selections to match - which were sorely lacking.
    The hair people had Bindi's and Sharna's hair all tight - into the respective buns in the back of their heads while the remaining dancers shook their luxurious tresses all over the place.
    The biggest surprise of the evening - however - happened at the very end when Bindi and Derek suddenly found themselves at the bottom of the board along with Nick and Sharna while Alek and Lindsay with Carlos and Whitney - suddenly jumped to the top.-
       Nobody went home since Tamar Braxton-Herbert - left the show suddenly due to her embolisms in the lungs made acute by a frequent flying. We wish her a speedy recovery.

   Don't forget to click here next week for sure - for the finals - preview and the conclusion - for sure! You will also find out which show we will be reviewing - next.
   Have a great, week everybody!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and the Associates - 2024

A Preview to DWTS - Season 21 - Semi Finals - ABC - 8 P.M.

     Tonight - Mon. 16 - 2015 - the semi-finals promise to be very exciting - absolutely not to be missed.
     Carlos and Whitney did an exciting choreo of an Argentine Tango - last week - to some music which didn't even resemble a true, magnificent Argentine Tango - according to many voices on public media forums.
     Listen - here - the producers; you have an excellent choice of not only the fantastic Tangos - by the Argentinian composers - but also - all kinds of international Tango loving composers - who composed some terrific Tangos - as well! Just Google a bit and listen to your viewers opinions!
     At any rate - people; tune in tonight and vote, vote, vote!
     Our favorites are Nick with his beautiful, professional partner - the talented Sharna and Carlos and Whitney who - we hope - got enough votes not to go home - tonight.
     We are not worried so much about Alek Scarlatos - since the American people adore him - notwithstanding his - unfortunately - at times - uneven dancing performances.
     Have fun tonight and don't forget to click here tonight for our Conclusion to semi-finals!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A Conclusion to a Preview of Mon. Nov. 09 - 15 - DWTS Dance Show - ABC - 8 PM. Eastern time.

     So Mark and Alexa went home - everybody! According to the viewers votes - Mark and Alexa needed to go home. Mark Ballas an unquestionably - talented dancer/choreographer - an ex-champion extraordinaire - this season - however - came up with several - numbers - which were not appreciated at all by a lot of viewers who expressed those views on numerous public media forums.
    Speaking of viewers' forums - "Afterbuzz TV" commentators talked about last week's - dancers who were sent home by the viewers' votes - namely - Andy and Allison.

    We have already mentioned the fact of Andy's getting a lot of passes on his dancing flaws - from the judges who also - frequently - gave him somewhat "inflated" - scores as well.
    As far as Allison is concerned - the commentators on "Afterbuzz TV" noted that her
 growing, 5 and a half months old pregnant belly - raised a lot of anxiety with the viewers and the producers responsible for all kinds of insurance issues on the set of DWTS.
    To make a long story - short - we feel that the viewers have a half of the "say" over who goes since the judges can be unfairly biased - at times. However - having the audiences - weighing in a whole half of the crucial decisions can cut both ways - as well - since - at times - the "hordes" of awful viewers' voices - can unfairly "gang up" on some individual - but the same ignorant acting elements - quickly reverse themselves upon hearing of - at times - even one - rational and smart - argument.
    Speaking of "ganging up" - the beautiful Tamar Braxton-Herbert was getting a lot of totally undeserved - hate - from a lot of people. We wish her a quick recovery!
    At any rate - don't forget to watch next Monday - semi-finals and - as always - click here for our popular preview and the conclusion.
    Have a great week everybody!

              Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Monday, November 9, 2015

A Preview DWTS - Mon. Nov. 9 - 15 - ABC 8 P.M Easter time.

     First of all - we will make a prediction that Alek and Lindsay will not go home - notwithstanding their low place on the leader board.  Mark's choreo tonight - for him and Alexa was a contemporary with a dark side of human experiences - prominently emphasized - with the bland music to match - did not receive any enthusiastic responses from the viewers - even if that routine totally impressed the judges.
    Val and Tamar are on the bottom of the board since the judges had to give low scores for a dress rehearsal - so far due to Tamar taking ill and still not showing up - so far; we are now - well into the second part of the show.
    Everybody needs to vote - people! We absolutely loved Nick and Sharna's fabulous Broadway routine with the music simply great and Sharna's hair and costumes - really top notch.
    Speaking of the dress style and hair - Erin Edwards - looks like her costume stylist as well as her hair person - are on strike or something.

    Don't forget to click here for our conclusion tomorrow and please - vote, vote, vote - right now!

    Have a great evening and enjoy the show!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

A Conclusion to the Preview of Mon. Nov. 2 - 2015 - DWTS - Eliminations Night - ABC 8 PM.

    The eliminations - usually - reflect upon the feeling of general audience - who votes - according to their preferences. We were predicting Alexa and Mark's - departure - however - Allison and Andy - gone - is also not surprising since the public forums were full of opinions stating that Andy got too many "passes" from the judges and - way - too many high marks which according to the voices in the public media - were not deserved.
     Next Monday - Nov. 9 - another couple will go - then the Thanksgiving week will finish this season 21. It's getting exciting towards the end - people. Nick and Sharna have been consistently excellent - even if at times - the judges were stingy with their scores.
     Speaking of the judges - Julianna Hough finally started to notice some minor mistakes which her brother's partner - makes. We all love Bindi (her massive promotions of all kinds - don't "lolligog" at all) but the judges should - at least - try hard to be fair - or people will notice the bias (favorable or not) and will not fail to point their fingers at it.
    At any rate - last night was not boring.

    As always don't forget to watch next Monday and click here for a preview and the conclusion!

   Have a great week!

Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Monday, November 2, 2015

A Brief Preview of DWTS - Nov. 2 - 2015 - The Famous Theme - ABC 8 PM.

     Tonight the dancers have to win the highest score in order - to get the immunity - if they get the highest combined score. Click here for the conclusion - tomorrow as always.
     So far the highest - perfect score - went to Nick and Sharna - for a gorgeously executed Elvis'es hit - "Only the Fools Rush In". They still do not have the immunity since the combined scores need to be calculated towards the end of the show.
     As far as other dancers are concerned - none were overly impressive - but the favorites have not danced yet. We are about half way into the show.
     Our prediction is that Mark and Alexa will be eliminated - since they had low scores last Monday which placed them on the bottom and their tonight's number needed to be close to perfect if they would have a chance for immunity - however - their scores - 9-8-8 are not enough for immunity.
     Derek and Bindi needed to channel Grace Kelly - but they didn't - still - they have a chance for immunity since their marks have been consistently - high.
     We need to vote - everybody. Our favorite couple has been - Val Shmerkovskiy - the ex-champion and Tamar Braxton - his beautiful, sassy partner.

     Go vote now and click here tomorrow for the final results!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023


Monday, October 26, 2015

A Conclusion to a Review of DWTS Halloween show - ABC - Mon. Oct. 26 - 15.

     The couple who got eliminated - Hayes Grier and his professional partner Emma Slater - had to be a disappointment to the producers urgently wanting to attract the young audiences. 
     The set designers, costume people and make up specialists - outdid themselves for tonight's Halloween show; the dancers looked truly fabulous - even if their dancing was somewhat of a letdown for some couples.   Last week the judges were massively handing out the "tens" as if those "tens" were "going out of style" or something. At the same time - last Monday - the judges were overly stingy with some very decent performances who deserved much higher scores.
     The viewers' forums were full of the comments expressing the opinions regarding some couples who absolutely didn't deserve their "tens". This week those undeserved "tens" got straightened out quite a bit - according to the folk proverb - which states that "it all comes out in a wash".
     The team "Nightmare" performed much better than the competing one - "Guess Who We're Going To Call" - full of this season's "superstars" who got their "wings clipped" a bit - even if Julianne Hough (the judge) tried to sneak in - extra scores to add points to his brother's dancing partner. This major team number finally received a lot more fair scores from the judges than the ones they were handing out - much too generously - the week before.
     At any rate - don't forget to watch next Monday's show and vote, vote, vote. As always - click here - for our review!
     Happy Halloween!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2017

A Brief Review of DWTS - Halloween Show - Mon. Oct. 26 - ABC 8 P.M.

     We just heard the dates and more details of the upcoming DWTS Tour which will start on Dec. 15 - 15 in Salt Lake City, Utah and will cover 46 cities.
     The dancers are preparing the two teams concept for the tonight's show. Some viewers in other countries needed a small explanation regarding the Halloween becoming such a huge national event approaching our most favorite holiday - Thanksgiving.
     At any rate - don't forget to click here for some sparkling highlights from tonight's show. The most important thing to do - everybody - is to vote, vote, vote. So far - the group of us - are voting for Tamar Braxton and Val Chmerkovskiy the couple who should continue - climbing out of their "hole" - caused in a big part by the judges severely underscoring their performance - two weeks ago.
     Here is the opening number - guys and dolls - and it has an impressive "vibe" to it - so far. The set designers and the make up specialists - have a "monstrous" opportunity to shine and glow. We all need to watch now! Don't forget to click here tomorrow morning for our sensational conclusion to tonight's Halloween show!
     Coyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2016

Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday Oct. 19 - 15 - DWTS Show and Eliminations - a Brief Review - ABC.

     Paula Dean was eliminated - while her dancing number - Madonna's "Vogue" - inspired piece - choreographed by her professional partner - Louis Van Amstel - normally a fine dancer/choreographer - went over like a proverbial "lead baloon".  
     Tom Bergeron - the famous, long time M.C. of this show - made a sarcastic remark about Louis' most positive moment out of the whole routine - being Louis diving under Paula's - big crinoline skirt.
     On the truly positive side - Tamar Braxton - after last week's awful scores from the judges - this week - fully "came back" with a big fanfare by performing a magnificent Janet Jackson's inspired routine which appeared as if she lead - while it was choreographed by a super dancer/choreographer - ex-champion - Val Schmerkovski. They got perfect marks from all the judges this week.
    The huge, albino boa constrictor routine in which the massive snake was wrapped around Alexa PenaVega - choreographed by Mark Ballas - inspired by Brittney Spears performance - was not the best in the world plus the set design looked messy with the dancers' costumes - to match with Mark Ballas'es costume and hair - looking haggard. The set designer, the costume designer and the hair/make-up - specialist - for this number - will not be nominated for any Emmys - anytime soon.
    Over all the theme of doing the choreos based on the most famous movie dances - was an excellent entertaining device - preventing the viewers to be switching the channels too much. However - ABC shoving - at least - four commercial messages down the viewers' throats between the dances - is not a right or a pleasant phenomenon - at all.
     At any rate - as always - don't forget to vote for your favorite couples and as always - click here for the next week's review. Next week show will have a hilarious Halloween theme - that's next Monday Oct. 26 - 2015 - 8 pm - ABC!

      Copright@L.Hadley and Associates 2016

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The DWTS Switch-up Night - the Results - on Oct.12 - 2015 - Went Over Only - So-So with the Viewers-ABC - Mondays 8 pm.

      According to the viewers posts' forums expressing their opinions re: the switch-up of the regular, season 21 - partners - to a new, different ones - by the viewers choices expressed on the Twitter forum - the success of it - can only be summed up as a "mixed bag".
     Lots of viewers wished that the switch-up votes could be available on Facebook as well - which is by the way - a lot more popular public forum and simpler to use than the Twitter.
     Anyway - back to the performances on Mon. Oct. 12 - Season 21. Alek Scarlatos' (the big viewers' favorite) - and Emma's - dance -(rumba) was underscored by the judges (according to the viewers' forums) - however after seeing some super good dancing done by Alek - during the week 2 and week 3 - respectively - we could surmise that this one was not a really memorable performance event - in another words.
     Paula and Mark's jive - Mark's choreo of a milkman' routine - full of all kinds of milk related props and extras (the dancers which didn't have to do any dancing - just ham it up - a bit) - also didn't impress anybody as an outstanding performance of the night. One could say that the arrangement was a bit "cheesy" - the pun fully intended.
     As far as Tamar Braxton and Louis's (her dance professional - partner's) samba goes - a lot of the viewers thought that the scores awarded by the judges - were - way too low. We would agree.

    Don't forget to watch next Monday Oct. 19 show and have a great week but don't forget to click here Tues. morning - Oct. 20 - 2015 - for a sizzling review of Monday night's show!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Monday, October 12, 2015

A Brief Insert of a Review of a Musical Recital by Kazakhstan's famous performer - Aidana Yntykbaeva - Squirrel Hill - Pittsburgh, Pa - JCC Concert.

       Aidana Ynykbaeva - looks about thirty in her evening dress which shines with gold threads adorning the top of it. Her blondish hair - pinned in a back - had a few strands falling on her instrument called KOBYZ which looks like an inverted violin but its played like a viola.
       Both of her helpers - her M.C. (a young blonde with a long hair) and her piano accompaniment (an attractive blonde with a short hair) - did great jobs. The M.C. (master of ceremonies) - briefly summed up each piece performed - and the piano player skillfully handled the piano - while she also demonstrated her mastery without upstaging the main performer.
      The repertoire chosen varied a great deal as  it showcased a tremendous control of her instrument and skill of Aidana who won numerous international competitions - as did a her piano accompanist - Anna Kovalevska who deftly handled the piano as she demonstrated her respective mastery - as well.
     My favorite piece was a Tango by Astor Piazzola - a Tango great - titled "Libertango" which is always extremely difficult to execute on any instrument. Both ladies easily performed that famous composition.
     The concert ended with a popular Russian/Jewish song - "Tumbalalajka" (A tribute to "balalajka" a Russian instrument similar to a guitar).

     We hope that Aidana Yntykbaeva - keeps performing in big venues since her talent makes people smile and feel good for as long as they listen to her playing her instrument.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Eliminations' Results from Mon. Oct. 5 - 15 - DWTS Show - ABC - 8 pm.

     Okay - everybody - who watches DWTS - Gary Busey got eliminated - according to a lot of predictions! However - Paula Dean - surprized everybody with her dancing, attitude and demeanor - in general. Her cha-cha looked hot enough - for a sixty year old lady!
    Carrie Ann Inaba - normally - a very outspoken judge - who doesn't shy away from - at times - harsh criticizms - (not always merited by the dancers) - complemented Paula's general appearance and presentation - if not necessarily - her dancing steps.
    Over all - the last night's show theme was - mostly - well received by the viewers. However - truth be told - at times - the most memorable event mentioned - was not a "big deal event" at all - certainly not meriting talking about it to sixty million people - nevertheless - as we mentioned before - the whole concept was interesting enough for the viewers not to change the channel.
    As far as the first "ten" for the night/season goes - which the judge Bruno Tonioli awarded to Bindi Irwin - the viewers expressed a lot of views that Tamar Braxton's Rhumba - beautifully choreographed by the last year's champion - Val Schmerkovsky - was more deserving of the first "ten" for the season. We would agree.
    A couple of minor observations re: the last night's show.
    1. Erin Andrews - one of the celebrated - hosts - wore enormously high heels which didn't complement her lovely dress at all - to the contrary -  those huge heels made most participants who got close to her - appear - unusually - short - almost midget-like.
    2. That new hair-cut - wavy - rough hair ends - style - is enormously popular now-a-days. Last night many dancers plus the M.C. - Erin Andrews and one of the judges - Julianne Hough - sported that famous hair-cut - and even Paula also embellished her gray hair with it . Too much of a nice thing can get old fast - just like a hit song which is constantly played over and over and over - until everybody has it - up to their proverbial "nostrils."
    As always - let us know what you think!

    Have a great week and don't forget to watch DWtS - next Mon. Oct. 12! As always click here on Tues. Oct. 13 - for our sensational review!

Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2015

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Eliminations night - Mon. Oct. 5 - Season 21 - DWTS - 8 pm - ABC

          All the fans of DWTS - are happy with the network's decision to air the two-hour show - only on Monday nights - during the last two weeks. That makes a lot more sense - than watching the endless re-caps on Tuesdays. 
        Our "unofficial" predictions as to Monday night's eliminations go as follows:
        1. Gary Busey will go home.
        2. Paula Dean will be eliminated if Gary somehow survives the night.
     The second piece from Mon. Sept.28 show - we examined the responses for - was a controversial jazz choreo by Mark Ballas - which he danced with his partner - Alexa; both dancers attired in yellow, shapeless hazmat suits - did the dance number from the TV show - "Breaking Bad". While the judges went totally wild with excitement - the viewers were almost evenly divided - in terms of some liking it a lot - however a lot of people - including us - didn't care for it at all - for a lot of reasons which we specified in our previous week's review.
         At any rate - look for our conclusion review of Mon. Oct.5 show - on Tues. Oct. 6.
     Have fun Monday night!

          Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Monday, September 28, 2015

A Brief Review of Mon. Sept.28 - Dancing with the Stars - Season 21 - ABC.

      The viewers and fans of Dancing with the Stars had a big surprise in terms of the eliminations at the end of the two hours which at times "drag" - but sometimes - people wait for the end of the show's eliminations instead of changing the channel. Kim Zolciak - a voluptuous blonde who was partnered with an outstanding dance professional Tony Devaloni - unfortunately - suffered a mild stroke at the age of 37; thank God - she will be all right - but since that couple got eliminated by default - nobody else was sent home this week.
     Lots of people were looking forward to Gary Busey finally leaving the show - according to the posts on the Facebook forum by DWTS space. He - however - surprised everybody by dancing a passable Tango with Anna Trebunskaya - his fabulous professional dancing partner. They both looked hilarious as Gomez and Morticia from "Addams Family" since the Monday night show presented the musical themes from popular TV shows.
     Tamar Braxton and Val Schmerkovski performed a terrific Tango from "Mad Men" - an advertising industry - "glorified" - soap opera which ran for many seasons until it totally ran out of steam. While we are on the subject of Tango - Alek Scarlatos and his professional partner - a good dancer named Lindsay - did a very entertaining, vampire Tango from "True Bloods".  Alek enjoys his big hero status everywhere - all over the place - and deservedly so since he and his two friends saved a lot of lives - recently - after they subdued a terrorist on an express train to Paris, France. 
       I - and several of my friends who do the entertainment reviewing - for a living - all agree that Alek Scarlatos also dances well - in addition to earning his status of an "internationally well liked - hero/role model." However as far as his dancing goes - his big boned structure distracts a bit from his dance moves. Everybody who watches DWTS remembers the 2011 champion - an ex-Pittsburgh Steeler - Hines Ward - who had a similar challenge - namely - while executing flawlessly elegant dance moves - since his massive bone structure - was getting in the way - a bit.
       Overall - tonight's show was entertaining enough so nobody switched the channel - while ABC keeps promoting the Muppets show - as if their last bottom line depended on its success.   

       One dance number - however - did not impress several of our professional reviewers - at all. Mark Ballas and his partner Alexa danced a piece from "Breaking Bad" - a popular TV drama about a teacher who "freaked out" and started to manufacture drugs in his make-shift lab thus the dancers' costumes consisted of yellow, ugly looking, hazmat (short for hazardous materials - explanation for our overseas audiences) - protective "skivvies" totally covering the dancers' bodies - with the music sounding bland and the dance moves' choreography - not looking like a good dancing at all. We couldn't believe how higly the judges praised that dance - while they scored that lame number - also - unusually high - according to many viewers expressing those kinds of views not only on YouTube's various forums but also - on the Facebook space by DWTS website.  Furthermore -the judges kept emphasizing the "finally achieved - connection" between Mark Ballas and Alexa as if their respective, massive costumes covering their entire bodies were somehow conducive to that purported "connection".                                      
       Alexa appeared surprised at first - at the judges' unusual reaction - but then she went along with them. That girl knows exactly which side of her bread slice gets - buttered.
      At any rate - don't forget to watch next Monday Oct. 5 - show and have a great week! As always - click here for our sparkling and provocative - review - next week!
    Coyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2024

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Insert of a Brief Review of an Evening of Russian Poetry, Songs and other Audiences' Favorite performance pieces - New Light Temple - Squirrel Hill, Pa. 15217.

       Pittsburgh has about ten thousand Russian speaking inhabitants - most of whom live close to Squirrel Hill and most are Jewish, but some are non-Jewish Ukrainians and some other people from the ex-Soviet Union Asian republics.
      Squirrel Hill's New Light Temple with its decent acoustics and brightly colored stained glassed windows makes a pleasant, small concert hall. The M.C introduced each performer in a professional manner as he gave a brief summation of most performed pieces. Russia and Soviet Union has always been an enormous source of great talents in all artistic endeavors.
      The first couple of songs of the evening were Russian romances - fashioned on the French genre - chanson. The lady performer's mezzo soprano sounded professional but the accompanying piano player did a fine job since she enhanced the singer rather than overpower her.
      Rita Rostyashevskaya - skillfully and easily delivered a couple famous "oretki" an artistic form consisting of his verses accompanied by his music since Alexander Vertinsky - a very well known, versatile artist - specialized in that form. He is famous till today even if somewhat controversial - nevertheless Vertinsky is widely performed in Russia and abroad - mainly in the Russian emigrees' circles.
      A big, husky vocalist - a strong tenor - Lev Zanderberg - sang three classic pieces widely performed in Russia, Eastern Europe and even in the lower East side of Jewish New York - since they were made famous by a legendary Soviet band leader - Leonid Utesev - so "Bublitchki", "Papirosen" and the internationally famous, huge hit - "Sierdtse" or "My Heart" - a Tango which sounded very familiar to the audience; my mother always loved "Sierdse" Tango and sang it to me many times when I was a child. I like the way Mr. Zandenberg made the audience sing along. Many Russian performers make the audience participate just like Mr. Zanenberg does - since they exude a special spirit of fun.
     The internationally well-known poetry of Anna Akhmatova - a famous Russian poet - sounded terrific when read by Rita Rostashevskaya.
     A young debutante Aria Pauzulina - a blond haired beauty - performed a couple of songs with a great deal of energy. The first one was a famous Claudia Shulzenko's all-time favorite - a magnificent waltz with the second number - a Tango which sounded as if taken from famous Lubov Uspenskaya's repertoire. Pauzulina's youthful enthusiasm - more than makes up for her need to train her voice a bit more and she could also use more skill in phrasing - necessary to smoothly deliver lyrics - nevertheless she shows a lot of promise since her love for performing - comes through to the audience.
     An M.C, Lev Zandenberg and another older actor - performed a fragment of a new play which will have a premiere on Dec. 20 - 2015 at the Squirrel Hill - J.C.C. The play deals with Russia's older generation's conflict with the younger people shown through the prism of the deeply changing Russia - from the Soviet Union's dictatorial order into the challenging, dangerous freedoms of the new Russia - rife with many conflicting - at times dangerous - nationalistic factions.
    In a nutshell - the evening was a lot of fun so look forward to some more reviews of this talented, cabaret style group of performers.
                                        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025    

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Studio Audience is Unhappy with the Second Eliminations on Tues. Sept.22 - 2015!

           We will start this conclusion from the end and move around the Mon.21 and Tues.22 - 2015 respectively - shows - in a zigzag fashion which should be fun. While most viewers expected Gary Busey to be eliminated - including him - we had a surprise of gigantic proportion when Victor Espinoza - a famous Mexican jockey sporting a charming, sparkling personality - got canned at the end of Sept. 22 - 15 - show. He danced a super good rhumba with his professional partner - Karina Smirnoff who looked and danced great - even if her profoundly deeply cut dress left almost nothing to imagination. People - in the audience booed for quite a while - and similar sentiments were expressed in the comments by DWTS forum - in Facebook. Gary Busey should have been sent home instead of Victor Espinoza.
           While Monday session moved fast with Alexa Panageva dancing a lightning fast - salsa with a champion Mark Ballas - which stood out - notwithstanding Alexa's heavy facial make up to make a look like a cat/panther. People remember from the eighties - how the musical "Cats" had everybody on every stage or screen in the U.S. wearing cats' make up and cats' costumes with the music from that show played so much that all that was coming out of peoples' ears for a long time.
          The Tues. Sept. 22 - 2015 show had too many stupid props which didn't make much sense like the huge swords Gary Busey and Anna Portuanskaya - brandished while their Paso Double - set to Tchaikovsky's - "1812 Overture" - didn't make much sense - as well.
         On Tues. Sept. 22 - 2015 - Carrie Ann Inaba - a glamorous, famous, long-time judge - wore an adorable, red dress - however on Mon. Sept. 21 - 2015 - she could look a lot more elegant if she wore a stylish piece of garment - instead of sitting there half-naked. Even a beautiful woman like her - looks much better if she dresses accordingly. Only tens of millions of people from everywhere are watching this show.
         Don't forget to watch Mon. Sept. 28 - 2015 and Tues. Sept. 29 - 2015 - shows and click here for our popular Review and the Brief Conclusion on Mon. Sept. 28 and Wends. Sept. 30 - 2015 - respectively.
     Have a great week everybody!

      Copyrigh@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Monday, September 21, 2015

Dancing with the Stars - Mon. Sept. 21 - 15 - Season 21 - First Eliminations - ABC Network.

       All the fanatics and fans of Dancing with the Stars - are waiting for the first eliminations since last week - Mon. Sept. 14 - nobody was "canned" so the Tues. Sept. 15 - the viewers endured the longest re-cap show - known to mankind - full of lousy dancing by some dancers who urgently needed be sent home. Normally some are eliminated during the first two sessions of this - enormously popular - ballroom dancing - competitions.
      We are predicting the following eliminations line up - 1. Gary Busey 2. Kim - a voluptuous partner of the outstanding dance professional - Tony Devaloni 3. Paula Dean.  4. Chaka Khan. All those above mentioned celebrities - may have tons of awards of every conceivable kind to their names - however - unfortunately - their ballroom dancing samples - leave a lot to be desired.
     Get ready to watch tonight and tomorrow night. Keep an eye on the judges as well. We will give a conclusion of the results - on Wends. Sept. 23 - 15 - which will comment on Mon. 21 and Tues. 22 - 15 - respectively.
     Have fun tonight and tomorrow!
     Don't forget to click here on Wends. 23 - 15 for the smoldering conclusion of Mon. and Tues. - shows!
     Happy fall - to all!

Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2016

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Dancing with the Stars started season 21 with a huge Bang - not necessarily all that Dazzling! A Quick Review of the recap show - Tues. Sept. 15 - 2015.

     All the fanatics of Ballroom dancing and dancing in general - always expect the new season of Dancing with the Stars to bring some new excitement. As far as the judges go - this season - Len Goodman was not contracted since the show - probably - wants to attract younger audiences. So You Think You Can Dance - dance show also tried to grab all the youngsters this 12th Season which just ended - however - according to ratings - that strategy - backfired. They not only didn't get any more youngsters than they usually get - but a lot of viewers of diverse ages - expressed their big distaste for the new, youth oriented format - Stage vs. Street.
      Last night's show of DWTS - had some confusing moments - mainly connected with Gary Busey and his professional partner - Anna Tribunskaya who was doing all the fancy dancing while Gary Busey - unfortunately - came out looking grotesquely - unreal. We couldn't decide is he was slightly drunk or stoned. Either way - he didn't present to millions of people watching that popular show - any positive or attractive aspects of his persona.
      Tom Bergeron - one of the long time M.C's couldn't hide his slight sarcasm towards Mr. Busey - which was only mildly funny. Speaking of the MC's - Erin Andrews - the famous lady sportscaster - the other MC - needs to infuse a little more pep into her presentations. Cat Deeley - the famous Mistress of Ceremonies on So You Think You Can Dance - has received a lot of negative comments at the beginning of the season - regarding her exaggerated, fast and hyper - presentations - so she toned down and started to sound much better - even if her various types of clothing articles and humongous high heels - could be - in a better taste - as well. Erin - however - needs to get some life into her gig since during the last night's show she appeared slow.
      Carrie Ann Inaba - a long time judge - an enormously beautiful dancer/choreographer - might - probably - subdue her excessive admiration for young male dancers since we all saw how the viewers poured a stream of mean-spirited comments towards Paula Abdul - a dancer/choreographer, an ex-judge on So You Think You Can Dance - when she made tons of "sweet eyes" - as if the TV cameras didn't broadcast it all over the "world" - towards  some divinely handsome, young male dancers.
       We need to mention a famous, long time Dancing with the Stars - judge Bruno Tonioli - a famous dancer/choreographer - a handsome, knowledgeable authority on dancing - whose humorous, "on target" - comments - delivered in sexy, Italian accented - but excellent English - are most of the time - fun and informative. He looks the same way for the last ten years. Perhaps some discreet doses of facial Botox keep him eternally young looking?
      At any rate - watch the next Monday and Tuesday - Sept. 21 and 22 - 15 - respectively - since tons of dancers will be eliminated - so don't forget to click here for a brief review.

      Have a great week - officially the last week of summer and the beginning of fall!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2023

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Conclusion Review to the Finals of Season 12 - Episode 15 - So You Think You Can Dance - Fox Network - Sept. 14 - 15.

    Last night - all the loyal viewers of the finals of the season 12 - SYTYCD - had some good news and some bad news. Let's start from the bad news to get it out of the way - first. 
    1. Hailee Payne's make up looked massively washed out and her hair with the phony looking braid attested to the fact that the make-up person for the show - should not be nominated for any TV excellence awards anytime soon. It's a shame since Hailee had a good chance to be a top contender to win the coveted title "America's Most Favorite Dancer" and half a million dollars.
   2. The executive producer keeps talking about the Emmy awards garnered by different talents associated with SYTYCD - way too much - since the new format - appears to be extremely controversial.
   3. The show decided to favor - Gaby Diaz (a good dancer) - this year's winner; Congrats! We all know that she will have a good chemistry with a megastar - Jennifer Lopez in the coming up soon - Las Vegas Extravaganza.
    The good news - ladies and gents and everybody in between:
    1. The long time Mistress of Ceremonies - lovely and glamorous - Cat Deeley - finally wore a gorgeously gorgeous dress and shorter heels - while before - pretty much all during this season - she made everybody standing next to her - look like midgets - since she always wore her enormously high heels - not that she needs them so much since she appears to be very tall.
   2. The show presented clips of some glorious dancing - by the present top finalists, past champions and outside talents.
   3. Everybody seemed relaxed - the grueling season - was over - until the next summer. 
   4. The magnificently photographed clips of sexy dancers like Esav Goren and other great looking dancers looked like a lot of fun for everybody involved.
   Now keep watching Dancing with the Stars and keep clicking here for our sizzling and smoldering reviews. We start tomorrow - don't you dare missing our reviews!

   Copyright L.Hadley and Associates 2015

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Final Episode of Season 12 - Episode 16 - Will "Crown" the Most Favorite Dancer in America" - So You Think You Can Dance - Fox Broadcasting.

     Tomorrow night - "The Most Favorite Dancer in America" will be "crowned" - they will collect a million dollars and a spotlight next to - hyped to the max -  legandary Jennifer Lopez in the upcoming Las Vegas Extravaganza - full of Hoopla of every imaginable kind. 
     Tomorrow night's - last episode 17 of SYTYCD will be the last show for the season - so look for our Review of the Final Conclusion to season 12 appearing on Tues. Sept. 15 - 15.
     The whole season 12 progressed in a tumultuous mode since it was a first big departure from the steady format which the show kept for the past eleven seasons. That drastic change caused a lot of people to express - tons of disapproving comments placed in a forum next to Facebook spot of SYTYCD.
    "Dancing with the Stars" starts Monday as well - Sept. 14 - but we will give you a smoldering review on Wedns. Sept. 16 - 15 since we will have to watch Tues. Episode of DWTS. Don't forget to click here extra time during this crazy week as if those two shows could not coordinate their important events.

      To all our Jewish friends - we wish a Happy and Healthy New Year - 5776!

      Have fun watching the final of SYTYCD - tomorrow night!

Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Brief Conclusion of a Review of Episode 15 - So You Think You Can Dance - Fox Broadcasting - Season 12 - Mon. Sept. 7 - 8pm EST.

      Last night's most dance performances choreographed to the main strengths of the four finalists - received a mixed reactions from the viewers - as they expressed their opinions on the SYTYCD forum by their Facebook's space.
    One viewer asked a rhetorical question regarding the issue with the top finalists performing routines in the styles which were their specialty while Jim Nowakowski - a phenomenal ballet dancer - had to excel in the genres which were not his main style. The prevailing voices express a disappointment that Jim didn't make finals while Virgil did - he is also a fine dancer but whose over all dancing skills are not as advanced as those of Jim's executing of diverse dancing styles.
    At any rate - the four finalists appear enormously talented - so it's not fair that only one will be chosen. Why couldn't the judges/producers name two finalists - since they came up with this new for this season, controversial concept - Stage Vs. Street?
    Next week - the one "most popular dancer in the U.S and the rest of the world" will be "crowned" - He or she will receive one million dollars and a dancing part next to a legendary Jennifer Lopez - in her soon coming up - hyped to the max - Las Vegas Extravaganza.
    Don't forget not to skip the finals on Mon. Sept. 14 - 2015 and watch for our sizzling review! Have a great week!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2024

Monday, September 7, 2015

A Short Review of the Finals of So You Think You Dan Dance - Fox Broadcasting - Episode 15 - Season 12 - Sept. 7 - 2015.

          All the numerous and loyal fans of SYTYCD "reality" dance show are anxiously expecting tonight's finals. The viewers widely expressed their preferences regarding the judging system, the voting and other factors connected with the drastic departure - in this season - from the established model of this popular show - held steady for the past eleven seasons. The public forum of the show by their Facebook space reflects the views of mostly - decently - educated Americans of various ages. We could unscientifically call that forum a snapshot of sorts of the United States' viewers - even if it's hard to imagine a lot of blue-collar workers liking the dance show - but anything is possible.
       Before the finals - the contestants go through harsh eliminations with the judges weighing in. During this season - several contestants aroused a lot of adulation coupled with virulent hatred - a phenomenon familiar to all the great movie stars. Public forums present at times a danger that a well sounding - "closet" lunatic - will cause a big, "lynching" mob of irrational voices - to release its abhorrent torrent of hate.
       That was the case with an extremely good looking, bold and outspoken - Israeli contestant named Asaf Goren - a phenomenal break dancer - who aroused a lot of strong feelings of extreme kinds. A lot of the negativity had a pronounced - anti-Israel - anti-Semitic - ugly flavor to it - since the politics always - slip into any dance contest. Thus, after the "shower" of hatred - against gorgeous dancer - Asaf Goren - tons of support of all sorts - poured in. Only in America - folks.
      Tonight's finals are ready for the proverbial "pendulum" swing the other way in terms of a cute female dancer - Jaja - a talented foreigner - ready to be voted "the most popular dancer" in America. It's questionable if they deserve the title or not - still - that title does not mean a lot - anyway. It will be decided by the judges - but America votes - as well. So, they tell us.
      At any rate - watch the finals tonight and don't forget to click here for the short review of the conclusion to the finals. Have fun and have a great week - the Labor Day one - which marks the end of the summer - so the glorious fall could finally - arrive!
      An Important Note of Interest - The dancer/judge - during that season of So You Think You Can Dance - contest/show - Stephen Boss - who was the most virulent and unfair critic of a gorgeous/accomplished Israeli dancer - Asaf Goren - committed suicide on May 25 - 2023.

                         Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2025


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Brief Conclusion of Episode 14 - Season 12 - So You Think You Can Dance - Fox Broadcasting - Mon. Aug. 31 - 15 - Show.

         After watching the Mon. Aug.31 - Episode 14 - So You Think You Can You Can Dance - we came to conclusion that the numerous fans of this show received some good news and a bad news. Let's start from the bad news: Jim Nowakowski - got eliminated to most people's surprise - a virtuoso ballet dancer who could also more than hold his own in a hot Samba with a partner - a world class ballroom dancer Anya - who easily executed most advanced Samba steps.
       The public forum of SYTYCD space by Facebook simply buzzes with the viewer's various expressions of disappointment regarding this development. One viewer accurately observed that even though Jim has had to have received a lot more votes than Virgil who somehow got into the finals - a fine dancer but whose talents lend themselves a lot more towards the Broadway stage than to an American Ballet Company's - hiring/artistic director's office - still - the new format has to be partially to blame for Jim's big hurdle.  We will not even mention the fact that the judges/producers frequently unfairly picked on Jim - while they generously passed - other dancers' - mistakes.
       The good news - however - relates to Hailee - a gorgeous dancer with tons of talent and star qualities - who made it to the finals after the judges/producers - at first - frequently - "sniffed down their noses" at her - with their biased criticisms of her dancing - while - again - they praised to "no end" some other dancers whose mistakes of the - were ignored by the judges; the dancers in question - were only adequately good - our opinion.

      At any rate - don't forget to watch the finals on Mon. Sept. 7 and have a great Labor Day - everybody!

              Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2025         

Monday, August 31, 2015

A Short Review of Mon.Aug.31 -15 - Episode 14 - So You Think You Can Dance - Season 12 - Fox Broadcasting - 8 pm EST.

     All of us - loyal fans of SYTYCD - show - sit on the proverbial "pins and needles" - in expectation to find out what America - who - allegedly - voted - have decided. As to what the judges/producers - have already decided - we can have some clues from the previous week's show.
     In a nutshell - last week - the judges - "snickered down their noses" as they reluctantly decided to save a gorgeous, skillful dancer named Hailee who is blessed with tons of star qualities. On the other hand - Megz - a dark haired, good looking dancer - specializing in angular "crump" youthful style - who for the first time graced her face with some make-up - unfortunately - danced - a lame Paso Doble in which her male partner - Paul - shined - notwithstanding a medium quality choreography by - usually - a fine choreographer - Jean Marc Genereux. 
     Long story short - tonight - the judges and - supposedly - voting America will eliminate a couple of weaker ones out of the final eight dancers - which are all accomplished with varied appearances, personalities, looks and dancing styles.  Some of the dancers are shamelessly "favored" by the judges who give them a lot more passes on mistakes than they give to the other dancers. 
     Take a look at the various opinions about the judges/producers' missteps plus the pointing out other diverse flaws happening this season on SYTYCD show while the views are honestly expressed by the long time fans of SYTYCD - on the public media forum - at the Facebok space for SYTYCD. This current season is the first one in which - the producers - started a new format - a drastic departure from the succesful formula the show used in the past eleven seasons.

     Don't forget to click here for a Conclusion of a Review of Mon. Aug. 31 - Episode 14 - Season 12!

     Have fun tonight!

Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

A Brief Conclusion of Episode 13 - So You Think You Can Dance - Mon. Aug.24 - 2015 - Fox Broadcasting.

     All the loyal fans of SYTYCD show - had another night of "rollercoaster" surprises.
 Derek - a fine young dancer who still needs a lot of experiences of every kind - including learning advanced dancing techniques - was finally sent home after lingering on the "bottom" for several weeks.
    Neptune - on the other hand - a magnificent dancer - was sent home way too early and unfairly - since he always radiates tons of warmth, charisma and star qualities  - galore. The fact that the judges sent him home too early - resonates in a lot of viewers responses on Youtube and Facebook's SYTYCD - social media forum.
    However - we have already mentioned before that some individuals - unfortunately - use the access to Social Media as the way to vent their various hostilities - even if most people are trying to be fair in expressing of their honest opinions. It's obvious that a lot of people are too negative towards Paula Abdul who is an outstanding dancer/choreographer - moreover - she always tries to be kind - even if she has to - at times - express a major criticism of the dancer's - performance.

    If the producers of SYTYCD and the viewers are interested in highlighting the most versatile dancers - out of all the enormously talented pool of candidates who knock themselves out for that coveted spotlight - let's consider for a moment - versatility as the measure of true talent. How about all the highly skilful studio musicians? Certainly - they are versatile and can master a lot of different styles. However they seldom become stars - who can influence and - at times - enrich a lot of lives. Let us know what you think about it.  
    At any rate - have a great week - everybody! Don't forget to watch Mon. Aug. 31 - Episode 14!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2015