Friday, December 30, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jan. 06 - 2023 through Fri. Jan. 13 (Lucky one) - 2023!

           For this unusually warm week of Jan. 01 - 2023 - following a brutally cold/freezing/windy - Christmas 2022 - weekend - only a short week ago - we shall comment upon an old, 1 hour long - nightly news - newscast - NPR - National Public Radio's news production - which is Leftist biased a lot - even though they call themselves - impartial. In any event - the aforementioned NPR nightly news - has been under Judy Woodroof's (a veteran newswoman's) - command for a very long time. She needs to take a long break from her duties - in spite of her obvious - personal - "face lift". It's a shame the show can't get a big "face lift" - as well. 

       One can only hope that with an avalanche of the Leftist/Liberal/Socialist biased U.S. and International - news outlets - there will be a massive proliferation of a different, facts-based - broadcasts on the order of PJ Media or Fox Broadcasting. At the moment - "brothers and sisters" of Fox Broadcasting like OAN (One American News) or Newsmax or National Desk - and other Broadcasting companies of that type - are becoming popular - but we need a lot more of them.

       It's worth noting that NPR Nightly News - "gave birth" to Friday's half hour news analysis broadcast - "Washington Week in Review" which happens only Fridays - 8pm - E.S.T. - thank God for small favors - since "Washington Week in Review" is more Leftist slanted than NPR Nightly News.

      At any rate - everybody will have a super good New Year 2023 - coming very soon!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 30 - 2022 through Fri. Jan. 06 - 2023!

               For this - coming very soon - first week of 2023 - we will comment upon "Washington Week in Review" - half an hour of news encapsulation - of the political events which happened during the week in Washington, D.C. The broadcast on Fri. Dec. 23 - 2022 - moderated by Yamiche Alcindor - presented a few Washington, D.C. political pundits who - unashamedly - proselytize their politically - Leftist - outlook - left and right.

        Scott McFarlane was one of the invitees; he is a new political Leftist/Pundit - many say that he looks goofy on TV - (would be a lot better for everyone involved if he presented his Leftist "spiel" using the radio waves). Still, he was surprising - for a Leftist/Propagandist/Pundit - since he was stating some facts derogatory to the Democrats/Progressives during the Dec. 23 - 2022 - Friday's "Washington Week in Review"; he was talking about the current - ending very soon - 117th U.S. House of Representatives' - and Senate's - Congress. He and other Leftists/Pundits - had to - finally - admit some truths about the Democrats/Progressives' - political failures. However - they show no shame of any kind - like political robots. 

        Not to say anything derogatory or anything like that - but Jamie Raskin - the main Democrat/Progressive - player - in Jan. 06 - 2021 Commision - could use some TV appearance's - make up - as he appears frequently on "Washington Week in Review" and other Leftist and MSM - platforms - looking like a ghost - "warmed over" - according to many such comments on many political platforms.

       As we mentioned before - Raskin is the main player in Jan. 06 - 2021 - long, boring and costly - Committee - which didn't "discover" any new truths - past old, tired and boring facts repeated many times on many platforms - and largely - ignored by most American voters. In any event - according to many opinions - Jamie Raskin could use some TV appearance's make up since he always looks on camera - as if he was drunk and hit over the head.

       At any rate - everybody will have a super good new week in a new year 2023 which will be Happy and Healthy for everyone! We shall meet next year - on Fri. 06 - 2023!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022/2023  

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 23 - 2022 till Fri. Dec. 30 - 2022!

              For the coming soon - Christmas Week of 2022 - we shall comment upon a sad event - namely - a famous TV personality - a hip hop dancer - Stephen - t-Witch - Boss - committed suicide by checking into Los Angeles motel and shooting himself in a head on Tues. Dec. 13 - 2022. He - subsequently - left a long suicide note - thus there is no question of any "foul play" possibility. He was only 40 years old.

      We - vividly - recall - the 12th Season of "So You Think You Can Dance" dance show - in 2015 - during which Stephen - t-Witch - Boss - was one of the jurors. During the same aforementioned season - a gorgeous looking Israeli contestant Asaf Goren - received mostly positive feedbacks - from almost all the jurors for his difficult, break-dance routine. The only, notable exception was Stephen -t-Witch - Boss - who - relentlessly - pursued Goren - with the persistent campaign of mostly - unfair - (according to most viewers' comments) - nitpicking - criticisms - of Goren - who still placed in the top group of the dancers during that season's show. It needs to be noted that Stephen -t-Witch-Boss was overly (many say) - unfairly - generous as a juror - to some dancers - who presented - less dancing skills than those of Asaf Goren - the Israeli contestant.

       Happy Christmas 2022 - shopping - everybody! The same goes with Hanukkah 2022 - shopping! 

       Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022 


Saturday, December 10, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 16 - 2022 till Fri. Dec. 23 - 2022!

              For this drizzly and wet - albeit - cold week of Dec. 2022 - we shall comment upon a huge, MSM (Mainstream Media) "hoopla" connected to freeing Brittney Griner from the Russian prison - where she spent the last 10 months. To refresh your memory - she is a huge, tall (6"9') basketball professional - who was caught bringing marihuana concentrate into Russia where she plays basketball a few months out of each year - God only knows why. She could have had many lucrative contracts with other countries.

        Lo and behold - our U.S. president Biden made a deal with a Russian dictator - Putin - in order to free her; there was an exchange made for her freedom; Viktor Bout - a notorious "death" merchant of dangerous weapons who was sentenced to a long-time prison sentence in the United States - was delivered to Russia for her - leaving Russia on a special plane. 

       The cost of this "brilliant" operation is prohibitive in many ways. It's a good thing that even the Liberals/Leftists - political commentators state that "pres. Biden needed to pander to Blacks and LGBT - the Gays and Transgenders - thus he accomplished his goals by exchanging Brittney Griner for Viktor Bout - while Paul Wheelan - an ex-U.S. marine - along with many other Americans - are still languishing in Russian jails".

      It's a good thing that many Leftists are stating those facts - staring everybody in the face - since if any Conservative would speak the truth about how pres. Biden got "fleeced" and played by Putin - big time - they would be shouted down as racists.

      In any event - everybody will have a very good week and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022


Friday, December 2, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Dec. 09 - 2022 through Fri. Dec. 16 - 2022!

           For this windy but mild week of Dec. 2022 - we will comment upon the recent dinner visit at Mar-A-Lago by the two famous U.S. - Racist and Supremacist - respectively - namely - Kanye West and Rick Fuentes who very recently had dinner at the aforementioned, sprawling - Florida residence Mar-A-Lago belonging to the ex-pres. Trump.

     The Leftist slanted U.S. and International Media outlets - had a field day - making big "hay" out of this visit. Thus - instead of focusing on numerous, failed policies of current presidential administration headed by pres. Biden - the press was endlessly "beating the drum" about the aforementioned dinner visit. 

     They - politely - stopped talking about the numerous failures of the current presidential administration - to name just a few; the open borders letting drugs and criminals into the U.S. through the porous Southern border; the massive inflation "eating" up all the raises given to the working people of the U.S. - then - the recent debacle in shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan is - politely - "forgotten" by the U.S. press. Moreover - pres. Biden's frequent "gaffes" indicating his slipping mind are treated very kindly by the press who would never be that generous to any other president whose Leftist slanted agenda would not be "pushed" by them.

     In any event - everybody will have a super good, new week and we shall meet here - as always - a week from today!

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022


Thursday, November 24, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 02 - 2022 through Fri. Dec. 09 - 2022!

       Not to pick on Yamiche Alcindor or another Leftist propagandist pretending to be a journalist - or anything like that - but several short years ago - YouTube had some videos showing Yamiche barely able to speak correctly - as she repeatedly - used the expression "aks" instead of "ask" which she - subsequently - stopped doing - to her credit - I suppose.

      Now - however - that she has been a moderator of "Washington Week in Review" a position which - arguably - should be awarded to a much more accomplished journalist and not the Leftist with the ideology to propagate - she still makes a lot of mistakes in presenting the materials on TV. She - frequently - begins to speak very fast which makes her impossible to understand.

     This sort of flaw could be easily pointed out and corrected by the chief editor - Judy Woodruff - who has held this position - forever - way too long. Evidently - Judy can't be correcting Alcindor at all - lest - she will be accused of being a "racist". That is ridiculous on its face - to no end!

     In any event - everybody will have a fantastic Thanksgiving 2022 - and we shall meet here - next Friday - as every week!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 25 - 2022 through Fri. Dec. 02 - 2022!

            For this sunny but cold week before Thanksgiving 2022 - we shall continue commenting on "Washington Week in Review" - an offshoot of daily news show presented by "PBS News Hour". The Friday Nov. 18 - 2022 edition of "Washington Week" had her usual Leftist D.C. - journalists commenting on the change in the U.S. House of Representatives - the most powerful - legislative body of the U.S. - changing the majority - from the Democratic party - to the U.S. Republican party - which will assume power in Jan. 2023 upon the commencement of 118th U.S. Congress - the Congressional legislative session which shall last for two years - until the important U.S. Elections in 2024 that will be the new Congressional elections to the new Congress - as well as the Presidential elections which happen every four years.

       Yamiche Alcindor - the big and heavy-set moderator of "Washington Week in Review" - wore a dark colored top - at the long last - on Fri. Nov. 18 - 2022; that attire slimmed her down a bit - which needed to happen to her TV image. She questioned her guests - a group of her frequent invitees about the changes which are coming soon to the U.S. House of Representatives after the Republicans will assume power in January 2023. They already promised several prolonged congressional investigations into Pres. Biden's son - Hunter's shady dealings with foreign countries - as well as other congressional investigations of equal importance like the origin of Covid 19 and politization of FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigations. 

      We can safely call it a "tit for tat" in American politics since the Democrats were doing their - politically motivated - investigations when they had a majority in - ending very soon - U.S. House of Representatives' - 117th U.S. Congressional Session. 

      However - when Peter Baker (a Leftist New York Times writer - in his own right) mentioned to Yamiche Alcindor - the coming soon Republican congressional investigations - the hurt and disappointed expressions in her eyes - were clearly visible. Evidently while she enjoyed tremendously when the Leftist Democrats went on with their endless Leftist slanted - Congressional investigations of all kinds - now - however - that the Republicans are ready to do the same to them - she and her Leftists/Socialists - colleagues - are ready to wine and complain - big time.

      In any event - everybody will have a super good Thanksgiving week! We meet here a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022



Friday, November 11, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 18 - 2022 through Fri. Nov. 25 - 2022!

                 For this - very soon - coming Thanksgiving week of Nov. 2022 - we will comment on Fri. Nov. 11 - 2022 - edition of Friday's edition of "Washington Week in Review" - a presumed - weekly - commentary/analysis of most recent political events which took place in the U.S. Capital.  Every week - instead of the analysis - the Washington, D.C Leftist journalists - which Yamiche Alcindor - chronically - invites every week - offer tons of Leftist propaganda.

         We - already - mentioned on many occasions that the moderator of the aforementioned news show - Yamiche Alcindor badly needs to wear professional looking attire - on camera - since her big statue - requires it. It only makes sense that she needs to distract from her big figure rather than insisting on wearing crazy looking clothes which call attention to her massive figure.

         At any rate - on Fri. Nov. 11 - 2022 Alcindor had her usual invitees - a group of Washington, D.C. Leftist reporters - were analyzing the Midterm Elections of 2022 which just happened on Tues. Nov. 08 - 2022. In a nutshell - it looks as if the Republicans will have a slim majority in the House of Representatives while the U.S. Senate is - still - undecided - (as of this writing) - for the coming in January 2023 - 118th Congress of the U.S. Legislature in Washington, D.C. which will last two years - as every U.S. Congress - the highest legislative body for the U.S. as a whole. Each individual state's government - however - also wields a lot of power for people living in each U.S. state. The state laws can vary - depending on each state's legislature.

        Here is an important note: Another big figured - Leftist news analyst - Symone Sanders-Townsend - who - by the way - looks like Yamiche Alcindor's - sister - appeared on Chuck Todd's "Meet the Press" on Sun. Nov. 13 - 2022. Her facial make-up and attire - looked grotesque - as if she not only not checked her appearance in the mirror before going on TV - but - her colleagues were scared to death of telling her that she looks awful since they would be accused of "racism".

       In any event - everybody will have a super good new week. Thanksgiving will be here very soon! We shall meet here a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022


Saturday, November 5, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 11 - 2022 through Fri. Nov. 18 - 2022!

           For this - unusually warm week of November 2022 - we will comment on "PBS Nightly News" - a daily news show - the "mother" of the Friday's "Washington Week in Review" - the news feature which appears only on Friday nights.  Anyway - during the most recent show - last Friday on Nov. 04 - 2022 they featured Laura Barron-Lopez - who is their regular - a Leftist - passing herself out as a journalist - for some mysterious reason.

     We have noticed that she appeared - on camera - looking pale and washed out - as she presented her - usual - Leftist slanted - take - on the weekly news; notice that we didn't say that she looked like a ghost - even if Halloween was just not a week ago. She - normally - looks very good which means that she knows how to appear on camera since the TV camera - picks up all the smallest details - its merciless.

     At any rate - a few years ago - the big star of "Washington Week in Review" - Yamiche Alcindor - also appeared a few times - looking like she was awakened in the middle of the night to do her television presentation. Thus, she looked like a ghost.

   To her small credit - she has - subsequently - started to put tons of heavy make-up. It's not as if she still doesn't need to lose weight - but at least - her made-up face - presently - beats the alternative - when the viewers had to look at her face without make up which looked awful. Not even most ravishing female beauties could get away with the TV camera glaring at their "naked" faces.

     Everybody will have a very good new week, and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


Friday, October 28, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 04 - 2022 through Fri. Nov. 11 - 2022!

          The trees are changing colors with the months of October and November - always zooming by entirely too fast. For this lovely week of late October and early November - 2022 - we shall continue a bit with Friday evenings' news "analysis" - "Washington Week in Review" (that's what the Leftist, Washington, D.C. - journalists call those Fridays' programs). They - usually - put on their Leftist propaganda news commentary - masquerading as "news analysis". 

        "Washington Week in Review" put on Fri. Oct. 28 - 2022 - was produced - as always - by PBS Network; the aforementioned half hour production - has been moderated - on and off - by Yamiche Alcindor - a big, heavy-set Leftist who - lately - each time - at the beginning of the show - swears her allegiance to PBS - even though a couple of years ago - they were announcing at PBS that she "got a permanent position at NBC so we won't be seeing her at PBS"; - however - the alleged steady positions was - evidently - extremely short lived - as it appears.

       Anyway - back to Fri. Oct. 28 - 2022 edition of "Washington Week in Review" during which several Washington, D.C. Leftist political hacks - pretending to be so called "journalists" - talked about the events of the week. The above-mentioned Washington, D.C. reporters were characterized as Leftist political hacks by many political commentators posting their commentaries on various social media platforms.      

       The - aforementioned - group analyzed the media event of the day - Fri. Oct. 28 - 2022 - namely - a break-in - into the San Francisco mansion belonging to the Madame Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives - Nancy Pelosi. She was not home but her 82-year-old husband got beaten up by some crazy guy - hoodlum. Naturally - the Leftist journalists are trying to "spin it" into some kind of a political event.

        Madame Speaker Pelosi - needs to have her exquisite "Palacio" filled with private security guards which she can easily afford - being worth - at least - estimated - 200 million dollars, since she and her ultra-Liberals/Leftists/Socialists - Congressional colleagues - introduced many legislative pieces - getting many criminals and crazies - easily out of jails - onto the streets - with their ultra-Liberal judges, "cashless bail" and other programs of such kinds.

      Not to get sidetracked - but John Fetterman - a big, huge - 6"9' - Democrat/Liberal like Nancy Pelosi - also pushed legislature - letting many criminals out of jails. Fetterman who is another Socialist/Leftist - very recently - got badly defeated in the political debate with his Republican opponent - Dr. Mehmet Oz - which just happened on Oct. 25 - 2022. Fetterman also introduced many legislative measures easing the criminals out of jails - onto the streets - while he was a mayor of Braddock - a crime ridden, small enclave of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with Pennsylvania being one of crucial states which will decide the control of the U.S. Senate. Both of those - aforementioned - gentlemen - are vying for the U.S. Senate seat - being vacated by a long time Republican Senator - Pat Toomey.

      In any event - everybody will have a good, new week and we will meet here - a week from today! Ciao for now!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, October 21, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 28 - 2022 through Fri. Nov. 04 - 2022!

             For the Halloween week of Oct. 2022 - we shall comment upon a weekly "off shoot" of PBS News Hour's - nightly production - a political analysis show - which consists of half hour of political comments which analyze political events of the week happening in Washington, D.C. and abroad; the aforementioned TV news feature - is titled "Washington Week in Review".        The moderator - as we mentioned before - has been for several years - on an off - that is - a big, huge (no exaggeration) Black Leftist political activist who calls herself - a journalist - for some mysterious reason. Her name is Yamishe Alcindor - and while nobody is making fun of her plus size weight (accumulated a lot in the area of her back shoulders) - she only recently started to wear dark colored attire to camouflage a bit - her excessive weight. 

     The newest "Washington Week in Review" - which aired on Fri. Oct. 21 - 2022 - 8pm - EST - featured several Washington D.C.'s - so called "journalists" - again - more of the Leftist political apologists of sorts - according to many political commentators. 

     Anyway - sometimes - Ms. Alcindor invites new faces, but she mostly sticks to the familiar crowd like Nikole Killion - a CBS Congressional Correspondent who loves to hear herself speak - her - not entirely Narcistic - preoccupation - considering her line of work. However - it's much more professionally appropriate - for her loving to hear herself speak - not to be so obvious. Television camera picks up all the favorable and unfavorable - details. It takes many years and considerable talents to appear relaxed but able to communicate well - on TV.

     In any event - everybody will have a super good new week. Happy Halloween to all who celebrate it with their kids! We shall meet here a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 21 - 2022 through Fri. Oct. 28 - 2022!

        For this gorgeous, cool and sunny week of Oct. 2022 - we will comment - again - on Pennsylvania's - coming Midterm 2022 - politics with the crucial elections - coming - close to - three weeks. According to many political commentators - many American voters - openly - strive to turn the U.S. into a "Socialist Behemoth". The problem which they encounter - the biggest one - anyway - is that more than half of Americans - detest the excesses of the today's main regimes - currently - Communistic - which started out as - utopian in its loftiness - but totally - not achievable - in its goals - Socialism.

      The current Socialism advocates in the U.S. frequently - mistakenly - point to Scandinavian countries which have a huge safety net - but all of them - vehemently - deny being Socialist - due to their huge Capitalist investments of all sorts. If it's not a peacock - it will not strut like an elegant peacock, but it will quack like a Socialist duck - no matter how many fancy/schmantzy peacock feathers they will attempt to stick in its - behind. 

     Real Socialism only has one free election which ends all the freedoms since the aforementioned election leads to Communism in a quick and easy manner. 

     Most U.S. people are not stupid - they see it for what it is - thus - presently - in this election Midterms 2022 cycle - the U.S. Democrats/Leftists/Progressives/Marxists are being pointed out and exposed. The U.S. Big Media cannot hide them anymore. 

      One CBS reporter was twisting himself in a "pretzel" - recently - as he said some non-sense about the Rev. Warnock - currently fighting to keep his 2-year-old flimsy, shaky senatorial seat representing the state of Georgia (Pres. Biden's approval there - 37%); Rev. Warnock - is effectively challenged by a Black Republican - Hershel Walker. Anyway - the aforementioned reporter said some non-sense about Georgia voters not supporting anymore the Leftists/Socialists like Stacy Abrams - but instead - the Georgians tend to choose "moderates" like Rev. Warnock - whom the CBS reporter described as Moderate Democrat - which Warnock most certainly - is not. His numerous Leftist/Marxist sermons/theories/speeches are out in the open for everybody to hear and see. 

      In the meantime - the fight for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania - between Dr. Mehmet Oz - picking up a lot of weighty endorsements - against the big, huge - openly - Marxist - John Fetterman - is heating up with Fetterman's lead rapidly shrinking as more truths about him and his policies - are coming to the surface. 

      It needs to be noted - however - that the Big U.S. Media still tries to "bury" news stories which don't fit their Leftist narrative. They - mostly - "sit" on the story about Hunter Biden's - president's son's - criminal activities. They - also - "buried" the recent story about Philadelphia's premier, hard climbing Leftist/Democrat/Marxist - Malcolm Kenyatta who looks like an ambitious young "tank" - ready to steamroller to the ground - anything and anybody - on his way - of a climbing Marxist/New Democrat. Kenyatta - very recently - "jumped all over" - big Fetterman who couldn't defend himself at all - not even ineffectively. Harry Truman famously said - "If you can't handle the heat - then get out of the kitchen".

     In any event - everybody will have a super good new week and we shall meet here - a week from today! Same place - same time!

   Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


Friday, October 7, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 14 - 2022 through Fri. Oct. 21 - 2022!

           For this chilly but lovely week of October 2022 - we will comment upon Pennsylvania - "preparing" to vote in the upcoming Midterms 2022 - important midterm elections coming on Tues. Nov. 08 - 2022. The coming soon Midterm elections will determine the next U.S. 118th Congress - which will set the politics until the new 119th U.S. Congress - is elected in 2024 which will fall on the year of the U.S. Presidential elections as well - which happen every four years.

       We focus on Pennsylvania because it's one of the few states which will decide upon the coming balance of power - thus - the new Senator and the new Pennsylvania governor shall be elected during the coming shortly - 2022 Midterms on Tues. Nov. 08 - 2022. As far as gubernatorial race is concerned - Josh Shapiro - a present Pennsylvania - Attorney General - is seeking - the governor's - mansion.

     It needs to be noted that - according to Hugh Hewitt - a seasoned political commentator - "Shapiro is a sly Leftist/Democrat - a typical professional political hack". Thus - according to the same - political analyst - "the only redeeming quality of Shapiro is that he does not demonize the state of Israel - the way most of his U.S. Leftists/Democrats politicians/colleagues - currently - do." 

       Shapiro is spending millions upon millions of Leftists/Democrats' - money - to defeat - Doug Mastriano - a Republican candidate from Pennsylvania - (a current - prominent Pennsylvania state legislator) who espouses some extreme views on abortion, gay marriage and other issues. Anyway - according to polls - Shapiro has 9 points (9 percent) advantage over Mastriano - for now - anyway. One never knows - though - how the voters will cast their ballots on the election day.

      It's a totally different story in Pennsylvania - with the important race between John Fetterman a huge - 6"5' - openly Marxist/Socialist career politician - who is a local Leftist professional political hack - who aspires to be another Bernie Sanders - a Socialist/Leftist type - an old Marxist/U. S. Senator from Vermont - who - also - never held a regular job a day in his life - who is still active in the U.S. Senate spouting his Socialist/Leftist worn out talking points - but evidently - he is on his way out. It's no doubt that John Fetterman strongly desires to become a Bernie Sanders - "wannabe". 

      In any event - Fetterman is - currently - barely leading by - a puny - several percentage points - his Republican opponent - Dr. Mehmet Oz - a hardworking, capable international celebrity/star - accomplished doctor/entrepreneur - not a political hack - who - presently - lands many effective "punches" on Fetterman and his policies - during Oz's - numerous TV ads - especially in regard to Fetterman being soft on crime which he does not deny. Dr. Oz - on the other hand - being worth upwards of 600 million dollars - hardly needs a political career other than wanting to help the American people.

      John Fetterman - who never held a real job in his life has been depending on his rich parents to finance his political campaigns - first - to be elected a mayor of a small Pittsburgh's suburb -"a hole in the wall" - a tiny enclave - Braddock - from 2016 till 2019 - a municipality - plagued by poverty and crime which hardly improved during his mayoral term. The job of the mayor of Braddock - pays about $5 per month so his wealthy parents continued to support him and his family (he has three good looking children - all of whom look exactly like his wife - not to say anything critical about his personal physical features or anything like that). 

      The New York Times paper article confirms that Fetterman was chasing an unarmed Black jogger as he threatened the jogger with his rifle - ready to shoot - until the police came and freed the jogger. The radio political ad maintains that Fetterman never apologized for this incident. 

       In the meantime, his parents continued to support his further political endeavor which was to be elected lieutenant governor to Pennsylvania state government - plus - he accumulated his Leftist/Socialist political donors - from out of state and from Pennsylvania.

      He - finally - at the long last - got a paying job - at the age of 49 - pursuant to him getting elected to the position of the Pennsylvania - lieutenant governor - a few years ago. The aforementioned political position pays around 200 hundred thousand dollars per year plus it pays numerous perks which he hardly uses - to his puny - credit.

     Both candidates - now - in the "heat" of the last days of the campaign - spend tons of money for TV ads - three weeks before the Midterm 2022 - to attack each other's characters - instead of discussing the current - pressing political issues plaguing Pennsylvania's voters.

    Fetterman - finally - agreed to debate Dr. Mehmet Oz - on local TV which will be - broadcasted - all over the U.S. - no doubt - on Oct. 25 - 2022. Fetterman was trying hard to "weasel out" of debating - even being reluctant to campaign using the lame excuse that he suffered a stroke in May 2022 - thus he planned to "hide" and be elected since his polling numbers were higher - all of which drastically changed - now - that the truth about him - started to come - En masse - to the surface.

    At any rate - everybody will have a super good, new week! All our Jewish friends will have a Happy Whole Week of the Holidays of Sukkot 2022!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022

Friday, September 30, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 07 - 2022 through Fri. Oct. 14 - 2022!

         For this chilly but sunny week of October 2022 - we shall comment upon Florida's Governor DeSantis - chartering a plane and sending ab. 50 illegals - some with little children - to a rich, posh resort of Martha's Vineyards - Maryland - on Sept. 14 - 2022 - from his state of Florida to which - they were "schlepped" secretly in the middle of the night - from the small border town of the border state Texas - where - they crossed illegally and following their exhaustion of their money allowances - the U.S. government chartered plane - secretly - dumped them in Florida in the middle of the night. After they used up their U.S. monetary appropriations in Florida - they joined the Florida's - American population of homeless and penniless - many of whom are mentally ill or criminally inclined - individuals. 

        At that point - Governor DeSantis - offered to "clean them up" - to give them some new money and to relocate them to the rich Martha's Vineyards Resort area. They - eagerly - agreed and signed all sorts of legal releases. Upon their arrival in the allegedly "Sanctuary city" - open to all sorts of illegals - the wealthy Martha's Vineyards resort - they were met by the local authorities which - quickly - summoned up the National Guardsmen who - rapidly - escorted the group to the naval base at Maryland's - Cape Cod.

       So much for the "Sanctuary City" concept of wealthy Martha's Vineyards' Leftist Democrats - claiming - to welcome all sorts of illegals - evidently - as long as they do not arrive in their own - "back yard". In the interim - the Leftist/Socialist billionaire - George Soros is financing the lawsuits against the Governors - Abbott of Texas which is suffering the massive invasion of the illegals - and against the Governor DeSantis of Florida which also suffers similar - albeit - lesser - invasion.

      It needs to be noted that during ex-Pres. Trump's administration - the illegals were to remain in their respective countries after they requested the political asylum in the U.S. (the claims of which are rejected in 96% of cases) - or they needed to wait in the first country they entered after they left their own country. However - Pres. Biden voided ex-Pres. Trump's executive orders regarding the U.S. borders and that's why the U.S. borders are - currently - a lot more flooded by the illegals. Many political commentators call the current situation at the Southern border - "the invasion".

            Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025


Saturday, September 24, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 30 - 2022 through Fri. Oct. 07 - 2022!

       For this glorious even if a bit chilly - week of September 2022 - we will comment upon the radio hosts of several popular radio stations in Chicagoland area. The biggest talk/news radio station of which the signal comes clearly in our area - has mostly neutral - politically - guys - radio hosts - who focus on local issues - for the most part. Of course - they also discuss global events - but their main focus is on local issues. However - the aforementioned station also has two Leftists/Socialists hosts who deny their political leanings which - nevertheless - come out like the lack of deodorant. The two smaller talk/news radio stations - popular locally - feature mostly - many famous, nationally syndicated "kings of talk".

      In any event - one of those Leftists radio hosts at the big station which we shall not name - likes to show his purported "superiority" while he interacts with various - mostly - green and inexperienced - callers - thirsty for their 30 seconds of fame. As he - himself - phrased it "sometimes he 'cuts them down' in the knees'". A few days ago - however - a clever caller effectively "turned the tables" on the aforementioned Leftist radio host. 

       It happened very quickly so the Leftist host - evidently - got totally "blindsided". The call came almost at the very end of the Leftist host's extra shift which should have been given to another host who earned it. At any rate - the aforementioned Leftist host sounded in a great mood which quickly changed after the last caller was done. 

       At first - the caller pretended to foster the host's obvious Socialist political persuasion which made the Leftist host happy as he repeated his worn-out Socialist talking points. Then - suddenly - the caller informed the stunned host that "Adolph Hitler was the most prominent Socialist party boss (Nazi meaning - National Socialists in German) - thus - since then the Socialism became and stayed - a very bad political brand". The twinkle in the Leftist's radio host voice - disappeared as he agreed with the last statement of his caller - at the very end of his extra shift which should have gone to his colleague who earned it.

     Anyway - everybody will have a super good week. All our Jewish friends will have a great New Year 5783 and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

Friday, September 16, 2022

Our Commentary of the week from Fri. Sept. 23 - 2022 till Fri. Sept. 30 - 2022!

           This week we shall comment on several important events taking place during the weekend of Fri. Sept. 16 - 2022 through Sun. Sept. 18 - 2022 - in our hilly and gorgeous looking - Pittsburgh, Pa. Again - (we did a story on 2 downtown - Pittsburgh's big events a few weeks ago) - the mounted police will be in attendance - to keep peace - downtown; they will be present - this Friday - according to the Pittsburgh, Pa - media - for Elton John - third - farewell concert tour. Moreover - close to full force of about thousand police officers - will also be on hand - to keep downtown safe - on Sun. Sept. 18 - when the Pittsburgh Steelers football team will play the New England Patriots. 

     On Fri. Sept. 16 - 2022 - Elton John will present his third farewell appearance in Pittsburgh's big PNC Park - stadium. The tickets sell briskly for $200 a pop. We would rather watch him on TV. If anybody goes in person - the PNC Park has close to 39 thousand viewers' - capacity.

    The second big event happening downtown on Sun. Sept. 18 - 2022 - will be Pittsburgh Steelers - "home opener" football game during which they will play New England Patriots at the Acrisure Stadium (recently newly renamed, big sports stadium) - previously known as Heinz Fields with the huge catsup bottles suspended around the front entrance of the stadium; all gigantic bottles - recently - came down. 

     The aforementioned Acrisure Stadium holds close to 70 thousand seats. Most people in Pittsburgh still continue calling the newly re-named - Acrisure Stadium - by its old name "Heinz Fields" - though.

     Anyway - it will be the first time when both famous football teams play sans their legendary quarterbacks - Tom Brady and Ben Roethlisberger - respectively.

    In any event - we are staying away from downtown - it's safer to watch the big happenings - on TV - but everybody will have a super good, new week while - we will meet here a week from today - as every week!

    Copyright@ L.Hadley and Associates 2022

Friday, September 9, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 16 - 2022 through Fri. Sept. 23 - 2022!

            For this lovely week of September 2022 - we shall comment on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II which happened a few days ago - Sept. 07 - 2022 so her oldest son - Prince Charles could - finally - assume the English throne to become King Charles III - finally - at the long last. The American media is frantically covering the Queen's life plus the various dramas of her immediate and distant family. 

       All this hoopla makes for interesting television of sorts. I vividly recall various interesting TV specials about the British Royal family only a few months ago - in June 2022 when the celebrations of Queen's Diamond Jubilee of her rule - 75 years - was a big event. The queen was ailing and not participating in too many Diamond Jubilee celebrations which - nevertheless - brought tons of international tourists to England. 

       We are looking forward to a two-hour long ABC special about the Royal family which will air very soon. 

      Anyway - everybody will have a good, new week. Soon the leaves will be glowing with gorgeous colors! We will meet here - as every week - a week from today!

     Coyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022


Thursday, September 1, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 09 - 2022 till Fri. Sept. 16 - 2022!

             For this lovely, long Labor Day 2022 - weekend - we will comment on various fests - currently taking place in hilly, picturesque Pittsburgh - the "star" city of Western Pennsylvania. Everybody who reads our weekly column knows that we date it a couple of weeks ahead so - presently - our West Penn or Western Pennsylvania's "star" city - hilly Pittsburgh - gets ready to celebrate the coming, long Labor Day 2022 weekend. It will feature several prominent sporting events downtown which needs "rejuvenation" of every sort - anyway. This Labor Day 2022 - the organizers promote the "Ribs Fest" which promises all kinds and sizes of smoked, barbecued ribs which taste heavenly with some cold beer. 

      However - the biggest attraction appears to be the huge college football game between Pittsburgh's - Pitt - University of Pittsburgh and a West Virginia Mountaineers (the neighboring West Virginia University's football team). Thus, the Pitt Panthers - traditionally - play a game of football with West Virginia Mountaineers - which attracts close to 70 thousand people to Pittsburgh's downtown area newly re-named huge - Acrisure Stadium - previously named Heinz Field - for a long time. The game ends with an event - Backyard Brawl to which the tickets are sold - hopefully for charity.

      It needs to be noted that Pittsburgh's talk radio hosts - like to make fun of neighboring state West Virginia's lack of sophistication - as if the Pittsburghers don't act "Ga-Ga-Gugu" - impressed - whenever any visiting "national celebrity" mentions their "ties to Pittsburgh" - most likely - in order to sell more tickets or merchandise of some sort.

     Back to the huge sporting event on Thurs. Sept. 01 - 2022. The local police's - lady rep - warned people that the horse police as well as tons of extra police will be present so people "don't drink too much or act in a criminal fashion to cause the police's intervention". Enough said - we wouldn't be downtown Pittsburgh on Thurs. Sept. 01 - 2022 - evening - even if anybody would pay us to go.

      Important note: the abovementioned sporting event went smoothly - nobody got shot. 

     At any rate - everybody will have a good, new week - the first week of September 2022! We meet here - a week from today - as every week!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 02 - 2022 through Fri. Sept. 09 - 2022!

            For this - coming very soon - first week of school year 2022/2023 - we will comment upon a recent announcement by Pres. Biden re: the debt "forgiveness" of ten thousand dollars per each student - for approx. 60 million students. This "splurge" costs the U.S. government - ab. 400 billion dollars - moreover - it's not any "forgiveness" or anything of that sort - since the U.S. taxpayers will have to "foot" most of the bill - as usually. Many political observers comment that it was promised by Pres. Biden during his presidential campaign of 2020 - in order to "buy young voters" - thus many college students took fair or unfair - advantage of it. 

      However - according to a lot of political commentators - "this sort of 'buying the voters' - can backfire in a lot of ways. The main one being that the segment of population who has to pay for it - becomes resentful - while another political argument postulates that "the voters who voted for Pres. Biden - will vote for him - anyway - however - the new ones - will just take advantage of his 'bribe' - but they will never, ever vote for him - no way."

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 26 - 2022 till Fri. Sept. 02 - 2022!

               For the last week of August 2022 which will end with the Labor Day 2022 weekend beginning on Fri. Sept. 02 - 2022 - we will continue with the "fall out" caused by FBI raiding the Mar-A-Lago residence of ex-Pres. Donald Trump on Aug. 08 - 2022 - Monday. The U.S. press and the social medial "exploded" with various commentaries - underscoring the political divisions in the U.S. and in the world - as well.

            According to many social media platforms - Mr. Trump's lawyer and Mr. Trump were given the warrant notifying them about the imminent F.B.I. raid. Many legal commentators stated that the aforementioned warrant was "vague and broad" meaning that in addition to "legal Presidential papers which the F.B.I was - allegedly - after - they could - also requisition "everything else - including the proverbial 'kitchen sink'".

           Reportedly - Mr. Trump's son Erick - present during the Mar-A-Lago raid - refused to turn off the security cameras which showed that 80 or so F.B.I. agents - all "sported" backpacks - as if to "plant the evidence" - according to other social media platforms' - legal commentators.

          In any event - the "soap opera" will continue. Very recently - a judge requested a "redacted" version of the F.B.I. issued legal affidavit since most members of the U.S. press - are pressing - to examine it.

          At any rate - we will continue with the updates - but everybody will have a super good Labor Day 2022 - weekend - coming up soon and we shall meet here a week from today - as every week!

         Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 19 - 2022 till Fri. Aug. 26 - 2022!

          This week we will comment upon an extraordinary FBI raid/search - executing a legal warrant - for the first time in U.S. history upon the residence of an ex-president Trump - searching for some presidential papers - according to the press reports. Thus - on Mon. Aug. 08 - 2022 - 60 or so FBI agents arrived at the Mar-A-Lago semi-official presidential residence of the ex-president Trump - to execute a search warrant signed by U.S. Attorney General - Merrick Garland.

      According to the expert analysis/commentary delivered on Thurs. Aug. 11 - 2022 by Prof. Alan Dershowitz - a foremost authority on the U.S. Constitutional Law who taught at Harvard University Law School for fifty years - the warrant was executed in an improper manner pointing to the politicization of FBI. 

      Prof. Dershowitz was interviewed at length by a well-known radio talk show host - Rose Tennent on Thurs. Aug. 11 - 2022 during her radio talk show presented by KDKA Radio - Pittsburgh, Pa. - from 9 am till noon.

      In any event - we will be hearing about the aforementioned incident for a long time to come - but everybody will have a super good new week. We shall meet here - as always - a week from today!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Saturday, August 6, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 12 - 2022 through Fri. Aug. 19 - 2022!

          For this rainy and stormy week in August 2022 - we will comment - again - on Fri. Aug. 05 - 2022 edition of PBS Washington news weekly - only half hour in length - (Thank God for small favors!) titled "Washington Week in Review". This news weekly half hour broadcast was moderated by Leann Coldwell - a White House correspondent from a Leftist news outlet - CNN. Coldwell's short haircut looks as if she did it herself - but it's not fair to criticize the people behind their Leftist/Marxist political agendas - so we won't do it. On the other hand - once they appear in front of the TV cameras in view of the U.S. and other countries - they can be commented upon. Anyway - Coldwell - dutifully - did mention that Yamiche Alcindor - the regular Leftist moderator - was "away" - which could be a Leftist journalists' - euphemism - for "vacations".

        At any rate - the aforementioned broadcast - was boring - as usual - since the Leftist Washington, D.C.'s - regular correspondents - shrink away from reporting the news which don't comport with their Leftist political agenda - party planks. For example - Kari Lake - an important Arizona politician who scored the victory over Mike Pence's supported candidate - during the important Arizona primaries held on Tues. Aug. 02 - 2022 - was barely mentioned during the Fri. Aug. 05 - 2022 - "Washington Week in Review". Kari Lake's victory clearly indicates Arizona's political trend in a coming fight for a crucial U.S. Senate sit which is leaning towards Republicans but - as we mentioned before - all that was barely commented upon - for a few seconds only.

       Back to our commentary - everybody will have a super good new week and we shall meet here - as always - a week from today!

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 05 - 2022 till Fri. Aug. 12 - 2022!

              For this lovely week of Aug. 2022 - we will comment upon Fri. Jul. 29 - 2022 edition of "Washington Week in Review" - inaptly - moderated by Yamiche Alcindor - as usually. We - as a rule - criticize people's politics rather than focusing on them - personally; however - there are exception to the rule - as always. We - mentioned before that Yamiche Alcindor's journalistic skills - leave a lot to be desired and that's being generous to her.

        Ms. Alcindor has been criticized many times on YouTube and other platforms - for her lack of professionalism - to say the least. It's obvious that she is a Leftist activist pretending to be a journalist. It's - actually - more than obvious - pursuant to her past and present - on-air - statements.

        On the other hand - a conservative commentator - Cash Patel - who frequently appears on the NTD news channel - truthfully states who he is. Mr. Patel served as a former Defense Chief of Staff during the ex-president Trump's - term in office. Cash Patel's - on-air - statements are clear and intelligent - moreover - they are always backed up with facts which is not the case with Yamiche Alcindor's activities.

         In any event - everybody will have a super good new week and we shall meet here - as always - a week from today!

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022


Saturday, July 23, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 29 - 2022 till Fri. Aug. 05 - 2022!

           For the first week of August 2022 - we shall comment upon the PBS's "Washington Week in Review" which aired on Fri. Jul. 22 - 2022 - at 8 pm - as every Friday night. Yamiche Alcindor - the regular moderator - was back. She didn't thank Lisa Desjardins for hosting the show during the previous Friday Jul. 15th - 2022 - broadcast - which was strange.

       Anyway - during the Fri. Jul. 22 - 2022 edition - Alcindor had only three guests - Dan Balz was one of them. He is an old, very old - journalist writing his Leftist commentaries for New York Times - a Leftist newspaper. Another guest was Nikole Killion - a CBS (one of the main TV network's) White House correspondent. She is also a Leftist who seldom smiles or laughs - and during the Fri. 22 - 2022 transmission - the viewers found out the reason. When she laughed out loud for a second her gums appeared much bigger than her teeth - but nobody is picking on her looks or anything like that. Nevertheless, when the journalists choose to appear in front of TV camera - naturally - they get various forms of criticisms/observations.

       Another guest appearing on Fri. Aug. 22 - 2022 show of "Washington Week in Review" was a little-known journalist - Yasmeen Abutaleb - who took a few minutes - to say - essentially - absolutely - nothing. They call it a "word salad" for a reason.

     In any event - everybody will have a good new week and we shall meet here - as always - a week from today!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 22 - 2022 till Fri. Jul. 29 - 2022!

           For this last week of Jul. 2022 - we will comment on the Fri. Jul. 15 - 2022 - segment of "Washington Week in Review" - a weekly news show - highlighting the major political events of the week. Lisa Desjardins - who was moderating the aforementioned news show - in place of Yamiche Alcindor - the current moderator - was full of nuances of different sorts. 

      It needs to be mentioned that - the Friday's broadcast on Jul. 08 - 2022 - finally showed Yamiche Alcindor - wearing a dark colored outfit - at the long last - the color which she should have worn all along due to her weight problem and the TV camera adding - at least - 8 ponds to the on-camera appearance. We are postulating that her bosses - finally prevailed.

     Back to Lisa Desjardins substituting for Yamiche Alcindor on Fri. Jul. 15 - 2022. DesJardins - a long time Leftist reporter for "Washington Week" - who - ironically - needed to gain some weight for a long time - which she finally did - never mentioned while she moderated the Fri. Jul. 15 - 2022 broadcast of the "Washington Week in Review" - that she is "in for Yamiche Alcindor" - the way the substituting anchors - usually - assure the viewers that they are substituting for the regular anchor - only temporarily.  

     In any event - Lisa DesJardins hosted the usual group of Leftist veering Washington, D.C. journalists who - of course - didn't even mention Pres. Biden's numerous "gaffes" during his 4 day long, recent visit to Middle East. However - the conservative media outlets - naturally - had a ''field day" making fun of Pres. Biden's "shuffling" of his feet - the old man's style - as well as his numerous, unintentional verbal "shuffling".  

    At any rate - everybody will have a good week and we shall meet here - a week from today. All of you know the routine and the place!

   Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022


Friday, July 8, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 15 - 2022 through Fri. Jul. 22 - 2022!

            For this nice - not too hot - week of Jul. 2022 - we chose to comment upon a weekly - every Friday's - feature of the daily - PBS Newshour - a Leftist slanted - nightly news show. The aforementioned - PBS Newshour - every Friday night features two commentators' - presenting their "take" on the political events of Washington, D.C during the week passed. Those two - aforementioned - commentators - one Conservative and one Leftist - appear during the Fridays' broadcast of PBS Newshour.

      The Conservative lens's view is - supposedly - given by David Brooks - a token Conservative - who B.T.W. is - usually - "all over the road" - with his political opinions - according to many commentators posting those types of comments about Brooks. The aforementioned commentators maintain that Brooks doesn't want his PBS's Leftist bosses react in an "apoplectic" manner - since he is on their payroll.

     The PBS Fridays' - Leftist commentator - usually - repeats the Washington, D.C. Leftists politicians' - talking points of the week. Not to be overly critical - he should know that his political commentaries would fit much better the radio format. The TV camera is merciless as it picks up all the unfavorable features of the persons in front of it.

      In any event - everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet here - next week at the same time - as every week!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

Friday, July 1, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 08 - 2022 till Fri. Jul. 15 - 2022!

        For this lovely - 4th of July 2022 week, we shall comment briefly upon a recent - forced and contrived - testimony by Cassidy Hutchinson - a 26-year-old, ex- White House aide - before the Congressional Committee investigating the "Jan. 06 - 2021 Insurrection". She testified on Jun. 29 - 2022 with her testimony - according to many political commentators - being contrived and phony. She sweated profusely which could mean that she and her political allies - "exaggerated" - read - lied - about many things which she - allegedly - witnessed - most of which - were pieces of "hearsays" - relayed to her by other parties.

       Moreover - the cross-examination of the witness was not allowed. Enough said. According to numerous comments by many political commentators posting their opinions onto many social media platforms - Hutchinson was used as a "political hack". Her problem is that she is inept at it which could be taken as a puny credit towards her character.

       At any rate - everybody will have a super fun 4th of July 2022 - weekend and a good week after it. We shall meet here - as every week - next week on the same day!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022


Saturday, June 25, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week from Fri. Jul. 01 - 2022 through Fri. Jul. 08 - 2022!

                 For this gorgeous - early Summer 2022 - week - we shall continue with "Washington Week in Review" a weekly news show - presented by a Leftist news outlet - NPR - every Friday night at 8 pm (E.S.T.) in Pittsburgh, Pa - market. As we mentioned before - the aforementioned Leftist slanted news show - has been moderated by a Leftist political activist - a big boned (we will not say "fat") woman in her early thirties - Yamiche Alcindor - who calls herself - a "journalist" in spite of her Leftist/Socialist type - political activities. For her Fridays broadcasts - she usually assembles the same Leftist politics oriented - TV commentators - the "stars" of Washington, D.C. - political scene.

          At any rate - during the Fri. Jun. 24 - 2022 - "Washington Week in Review" broadcast - all the Leftists/"journalists"- which Alcindor invited - ran around with their "hair on fire" - pursuant to the U.S. Supreme Court's - much expected decision - announced on the same day - Fri. Jun. 24 - 2022; the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision rendered on that day - essentially - invalidates a federal mandate issued in 1973 by U.S. Supreme Court in their "Roe Vs Wade" decision which permitted abortion procedures.                        On Fri. Jun. 24 - 2022 - the U.S. Supreme Court signaled that the individual states would take over the abortion matters - instead of the federal government - thus the abortion legislations would be decided by each state's - elected state representatives - who would follow the will of each state's majority - voters.

         In any event - everybody will have a super good, new week and we shall meet here a week from today - same place - same time! 

         Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 24 - 2022 through Fri. Jul. 01 - 2022!

           For this - cool at the end after its hot, bothersome start - week - we will comment again upon Fri. Jun. 17 - 2022 - edition of "Washington Week in Review" - a weekly news summary NPR TV show with a Leftist political slant - which is moderated by Yamiche Alcindor. As we mentioned before - she is a heavy-set Leftist who - usually - wears a light-colored attire - instead of the darker colors which would camouflage her excessive weight. It's not that we are criticizing her - on air - appearance - instead - we focus on her and that of the aforementioned show's - Leftist/Socialist - politics.

       For Fri. Jun. 17 - 2022 edition of "Washington Week in Review" - Alcindor invited her Leftist colleagues - the usual, Washington, D.C. - "Squad" of journalists - turned political activists. The aforementioned journalists/activists - twisted themselves in proverbial "pretzels" trying to legitimize and justify the "Jan. 06 - 2021 - 'phony insurrection' - Congressional hearings" which only a few people watched; still - the politically motivated - Democrats - insist on airing a few more of those phony hearings - which - most likely - will also be - largely - ignored by the U.S. voters. 

      In any event - everybody will have a very good new week and we shall meet here - as every week - in the same place - at the same time!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 17 - 2022 till Fri. Jun. 24 - 2022!

             For this cool, sunny and pleasant - so far so good - week of Jun. 2022 - we shall comment upon a weekly news feature presented by a strongly Liberal/Leftist news outlet - NPR - every Friday evening 8 pm in Pittsburgh, Pa. - market - titled in an explanatory fashion - "Washington Week in Review" - moderated for several years by Yamiche Alcindor - a heavy set Leftist "journalist". She is more of a propagandist for the Leftist political agenda than a journalist but OK - we will call her a journalist. Not to get side-tracked but Alcindor prides herself on being a chosen protege of - now deceased - past NPR Leftist legend - Gwen Ifill - about whom Alcindor talks in every week's broadcast even though Alcindor - herself - almost left NPR for NBC News division about a year ago which was announced on the air but - evidently - NBC changed their mind. 

      At any rate - let's get back to this Fri. Jun. 10 - 2022 - broadcast which featured several Washington, D.C. Leftist/Socialist - journalists - many of them - the same faces which appear regularly on "Washington Week in Review" - all of them spout the same Leftist/Liberal political agenda which is - anti-Capitalist, anti-Republican - and - allegedly - pro-common people, which is phony since those Washington, D.C. "journalistic" personalities are - usually -rich elitist snobs, and they know it.

     In any event - all of you will have a super good new week and we shall meet here next week - as every week - same place - same time!

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022


Thursday, June 2, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 10 - 2022 till Fri. Jun. 17 - 2022!

          For this rainy and a bit stormy week of June 2022 - we shall comment upon a hilarious, 10 minutes long - YouTube video posted on Jun. 02 - 2022 by a popular Australian YouTube website - Sky News Australia. Its title says it all - "Karine Jean-Pierre (a new Biden's administration press secretary - editor's note) - in a Terrible Situation with press pack 'attacks'". Even if the American press is not nearly as vicious towards Biden's administration - as they were when Pres. Trump held the U.S. presidential office - still - they have to do their job of a "watch dog" whether they want it or not.

      Anyway - whether they want to do it or not - the American press is starting to "speak the truth to power" - in terms of Karine Jean-Pierre's incompetent behavior. Another satirical host of YouTube - the funny guy - Salty Cracker - recently called Karine Jean-Pierre - "the first Black Lesbian Press secretary who got - immediately - demoted". If she got demoted a few weeks ago - it was for a very brief moment even though her incompetency is evident.

      In any event - everybody will have a super good new week and we shall meet here - next week. You know the routine - same place - same time!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023


Friday, May 27, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 03 - 2022 through Fri. Jun. 10 - 2022!

           For this - basically nice - weather wise - week of Jun. 2022 - we shall comment upon several radio hosts at the local news/talk radio station which is also well known outside of Pittsburgh. Basically - they have one radio host who is openly Leftist/Socialist and propagates for his political agenda. Needless to say - a lot of the listeners dislike his "proselytizing" for the Left - but - at least - he is "upfront" for where he stands.

     There are a few other radio hosts working for the same radio station who pretend to be impartial as they present their political positions - however - in most of their positions - their Leftist/Socialist inclinations - come to the surface - thus their claim of impartiality - makes little sense. The smart folk saying states that - "if it quacks like a duck - it's a duck."

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022

Thursday, May 19, 2022

A Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 27 - 2022 till Fri. Jun. 03 - 2022!

            For the first week of June 2022 - we shall comment upon some Wokes/Socialists/Leftists - some local women politicians active here in Pittsburgh, Pa - area. We noticed that several of those women - subscribing to that - aforementioned - political persuasion seek the notoriety in the style of AOC - the big "star" of the Progressives/Socialists - a member of the Congressional Socialist "Squad" - comprising of some Leftist members of the U.S. 116th - Congress.

       AOC - Alexandria Ocassio-Cortes - from New York City's - 14th Congressional district/Bronx - which she represents - has a reputation of an openly Marxist "loudmouth"; she is severely criticized by many political observers on many social media platforms - we might add.

       Anyway - there are several AOC - "wannabees" - here in Pittsburgh who "spew" their Marxist ideologies on the local radio talk shows - according to many Internets' political analysts. They always - conveniently forget - to mention that Socialism/Marxism never works in any country which tried it - on the contrary - massive Marxism - invariably - leaves many million dead political opponents as it changes in many ways in many countries. 

       In any event - everybody will have a super good first week of Jun. 2022 and we shall meet here a week from today when we will present a special Commentary of the Week - from Chicago.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and the Associates 2022


Friday, May 13, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 20 - 2022 through Fri. May 27 - 2022!

         For this warm but not too hot - week of May 2022 - we will comment upon two news broadcasts - transmitted on Fri. May 13 - Lucky Fri. May 13 - 2022. "Washington Week in Review" is a weekly item appearing on Fridays on the NPR network while "Capitol Report" is viewed nightly on many conservative TV stations as - "TND" - "The National Desk".

      On the aforementioned date - Fri. 13 of May - 2022 - "Washington Week in Review" was moderated by Judy Woodruff - a long time - eternal - forever - anchor of PBS Network. She moderated "Washington Week" - in lieu of the regular moderator - a big built Leftist - Yamiche Alcindor who hates to miss her place in front of the cameras thus she must have a serious reason for missing her opportunity to appear in front of the cameras. 

      Judy Woodruff who dutifully informed the viewers that "she appears for Yamiche Alcindor" - hosted a Washington journalist - Manu Raju who always looks as if his face was not washed in spite of his considerable skills of political analysis. Susan Page - a well-known Leftist from "U.S.A. Today" newspaper - who is also a frequent guest on the "Washington Week" - was another guest on Fri. May 13 - 2022; she - consistently and steadily - takes many words to - essentially - say nothing. 

       "Capitol Report" moderated by multi-talented Steve Lance was much more interesting on Fri. May 13 - 2022. Steve interviewed a candidate for Attorney General for Arizona - Andrew Gold - an experienced ex-judge on Arizona supreme court who offered many practical solutions for solving a big problem of an "an avalanche" of illegals - lately - from all over the world - currently flooding the Southern borders of the U.S. and causing many problems of many kinds.

        At any rate - everybody will have a super good new week and we shall meet here a week from today - as every week!  

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022


Saturday, May 7, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 13 - 2022 through Fri. May 20 - 2022!

           For this - unusually cool and rainy - week of May 2022 - we will comment upon an interview with the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations - Linda Thomas-Greenfield which was conducted by Margaret Hoover during her weekly news show - "Firing Line" on Fri. May 06 - 2022. Essentially - Ms. Thomas-Greenfield admitted that - presently - the way the United Nations charter is written and approved by all the nations participating - the current charter has no significant "teeth" to enforce any effective deterrence if a nation like Russia with a veto power - commits documented atrocities against another nation - Ukraine.

      Things get further complicated with ICC - International Crime Commision to which many countries do not belong since that international organization can be biased and unfair to some countries - for political reasons. It needs to be noted that the state of Israel has been consistently - unfairly and steadily - singled out by ICC and by various other - United Nations' - Leftist slanted committees - for various alleged - infractions - which are massively - overlooked - when done by other countries.

      At any rate - Linda Thomas-Greenfield - a big boned Leftist - appointed by Pres. Biden - has been unfairly critical of Israel - in the recent past - however - lately - to her credit - she has not been picking on Israel since she has been busy being vocal about the war against Ukraine - perpetrated by a Russian dictator - Vladimir Putin. 

      Additional note to our commentaries: Jen Psaki - a current press secretary to Pres. Biden has taken another job for MSNBC - effective the first part of Jun. 2022. Her assistant - Karine` Jean-Pierre`- is finally - at the long last - taking the top job as a press secretary. She has been actively lobbying for the top position for a long time. In fact - one of her previous mentors was Symone Sanders - a massively built Leftist, an ex-top assistant to Vice Pres. Kamala Harris.

       Lo and behold - Sanders exited Kamala Harris's administration and - allegedly - works for NBC - as of several month ago. Not to say anything critical or anything like that - Symone Sanders strongly resembles another "abundantly" built Leftist - Yamiche Alcindor who - currently - moderates Leftist slanted - NPR weekly news show - "Washington Week in Review". 

       As far as Karine`Jean-Pierre` is concerned (she has a small, dumpy looking figure) - many political commentators are of the opinion that her name with those pretentious accent marks - almost always missed - should be Karen John-Peter. We will not even mention the fact about Karine`Jean-Pierre` appearing on camera several months ago - wearing a ridiculous looking, bright blue eyes shadow which looked awful next to her deeply tan - complexion.

       In any event - everybody will have a good new week and we shall meet here - a week from today - same place - same time!

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Saturday, April 30, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week from Fri. May 06 - 2022 till Fri. May 13 - 2022!

              For this Lucky Friday the 13th week of May 2022 - we shall comment on the "Washington Week in Review" broadcasted on Fri. Apr. 29th - 2022 at 8pm as every Friday. Yamiche Alcindor - the Leftist moderator - had several guests - the Washington, D.C. journalists/pundits - who mostly commented onto the current war against Ukraine - waged by the Russian dictator - Vladimir Putin. The viewing audience - essentially - didn't learn anything new which was not already repeated by the news sources - all through the week.

        However - Margaret Hoover - the ex-U.S. president's Herbert Hoover's great-granddaughter - had an interesting guest on Fri. Apr. 29th - 2022 - at 8:30pm in a short interview show she hosts every Friday which follows - "Washington Week in Review". Margaret Hoover's show is titled "Firing Line"; she "inherited" that show from William Buckley, Jr. - a famous, now deceased - conservative thinker.

       Sometimes - Margaret Hoover interviews some interesting guests - but frequently - they are boring Leftists - "spewing" their warped Leftist/Socialist political agenda. Last Friday - though - on Apr. 29 - 2022 - she had an interesting guest - a famous Brit - Tina Brown - an ex-editor of Vanity Fair magazine, New Yorker magazine and a few other print magazines - which subsequently - folded and disappeared.  Tina Brown who just "dropped" a scandal book about the British Royal family - titled "The Palace Papers" - gave Margaret Hoover - an interesting interview - which will be aired throughout the weekend - to sell Brown's new book - no doubt.    

      In any event - everybody will have a good new week and we meet here - the same place - the same time - as every week! 

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 29 - 2022 till Fri. May 06 - 2022!

           For this - still on the cool side - last week of April 2022 - we shall comment on a couple of news shows which highlight the events in Washington, D.C. While this week's daily show called "Capitol Report" was not overly interesting (aired on Fri. Apr. 22 - 2022 on NTD {National News Desk} channel) - with the host Steve Lance having to come up with interesting stories every day of the week. The only feature which caught our attention was about the labor unions in the U.S. It's currently 6% of the labor force which is a marked decline from 20% of the unions participating in the American labor movement - during the 1980's. The commentators invited by Steve Lance suggested that the labor unions are frequently advocating for the repressive Big Brother Government and Socialism - not far behind.

     The weekly news show "Washington Week in Review" airs once per week and it's slanted towards the Leftist political elements which - presently - permeated the Democratic party with their Leftist political agendas whereas Steven Lance's "Capitol Report" is more impartial without excessive leaning towards the U.S. Republican political party's - values.

      We have been mentioning before - Yamiche Alcindor - a heavy set - Leftist political commentator (the current moderator of "Washington Week in Review") who was ready to start with NBC network last year - in spite of her - recent - on air declarations of "admiration" for NPR who produces "Washington Week in Review". Evidently her forthcoming deal with NBC fell through. The NBC top brass might have looked at her TV news presentation - last year - as she appeared on camera - several times - without any make up. The TV camera is merciless as it picks up all the worst possible versions of the person who pushes their appearance in front of it. Anyway - right now - she is all "Lovey Dovey" with NPR. She - certainly - knows well which side of her "bread slice is buttered".

         In any event - everybody will have a good first week of May 2022 - and we meet here - as always - a week from today! All of you know all the steps!

        Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 22 - 2022 through Fri. Apr. 29 - 2022!

              For this cool but a bit rainy - week of Easter 2022 and Passover 2022 - we will comment on Sam Malone - a popular Houston, TX - radio talk host who has been doing his daily show for many years from Salem Radio Network which is the home of famous radio talk celebrity - Sebastian Gorka - who became syndicated very soon after he started with Salem - in 2018. In his case - it's understandable since he was a national celebrity before he signed up with Salem. They have a few other hosts - who have been nationally syndicated - thus well known throughout the U.S. and abroad.

         Sam Malone is not one of them - yet - however - he deserves to be. He often substitutes for Mike Gallagher who has been in the national radio syndication "heaven" with Salem Network - for quite a few years - deservedly so - no doubt. Mike Gallagher is sharp and "on point" every day of the week. It's not easy to "fend off" many smart/streetwise but hostile callers - while using rational and quick responses. It takes many years to be an effective advocate for large groups.

        Coming back to Sam Malone - he often says that the U.S. is great because of its Judeo-Christian "fabric". He can be funny or not - but he is always an effective presence on the radio. He rarely disappoints which is hard when one has to talk to the audience three hours a day - five days per week.

        In any event - everybody will have a super good Passover 2022 or Easter 2022 - whichever - applies and we shall meet here - a week from today! You all know the routine!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022




Saturday, April 9, 2022

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 15 - 2022 through Fri. Apr. 22 - 2022!

               For the coming very soon - Passover 2022 and Easter 2022 - we will comment on the "Washington Week in Review" presented on Fri. Apr. 08 - 2022 by NPR. The Washington D.C. journalists (Leftist political activists) - currently have a new mantra. All the failures of Joe Biden's Presidential administrations - are now blamed on Russian pres. Putin's war against Ukraine. The Mainstream Media is happily "tooting that horn" since it goes with their Leftist narrative of not blaming the Democrat - President Biden and his administration for their various obvious political blunders; the high inflation - biting most American people plus Biden's immigration policies making the illegal aliens flood the southern border which causes the human trafficking and the influx of illegal drugs which kill millions of Americans - are just a few examples of Pres. Biden's inept handling of the U.S. policies.  

         During the "Washington Week in Review" on Fri. Apr. 08 - 2022 - Nia-Malika Henderson - a new political analyst from CNN (A Leftist news outlet) - only repeated the tired talking points about Russian Pres. Putin's war against Ukraine causing problems for the U.S. and the rest of the West. She didn't come up with anything new or of interest to the viewers who heard the aforementioned comments - many times before she made her first appearance on "Washington Week in Review".

       At any rate - everybody will have a super good Easter 2022 and Passover 2022 - whichever applies, and we shall meet here a week from today - as every week!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022