For the first week of 2019 we chose a charming Tango - danced by the beginning young professional Tango dancers - at the Hungarian Tango nightclub named "Tango Harmony" located in Budapest, Hungarian capitol. The nightclub - sumptuously set up and decorated - features a light colored hardwood floor being "the star" of the club in its own right. The Tango orchestra accompanying the dancers - also named "Tango Harmony" - does a great, professional job.
The video was uploaded by Tango Harmony YouTube producer on Nov. 21 - 2012 - and its titled: "La Cumparsita - Alejandro Beron - Veronica Vazquez". The dancers are Latin even though the Hungarians can also dance a good Tango - especially the top Hungary Tango champions who compete on international level.
However - if you watch some other dancers from that Tango Harmony club - and you can tell the Hungarians by their different last names with the order reversed in terms of them using the last name first then the first name even in their informal, "non-military" formats - you will notice their dancing moves - not too impressive - stiff and "wooden" looking. You can easily tell the beginners in Tango by the way they move - especially when they handle their ladies/partners - sometimes the beginners/gentlemen handle their female partners as if they were moving the heavy furniture. Still - it's great that they learn to dance. They must realize that unless they spend several years - a few times per week in the studio - they will continue to move in a bit heavy fashion - like the amateurs - but they are interacting with people and having fun - learning - which is great for anybody.
Back to the video - in a nutshell - "La Cumparsita" an immortal, glorious Tango tune was originally composed as a military march by an unknown Uruguayan composer Geraldo Matos Rodriguez who - wisely - took the advise of Roberto Firpo - a famous Argentinian Tango composer, arranger and a top Tango orchestra leader - circa 1923 - who set "La Cumparsita" to the Tango rhythm - and the rest is history. "La Cumparsita" - quickly became one of the most beloved Tangos of all times. The title "La Cumparsita" loosely translates to mean - "A Small Music Band".
The young professional dancers in the video we chose - show tons of promise - they move with lightness and fun while they are relaxed - not flustered at all by a few minor mistakes they make. Notice her hands - which never take the shape of the "claws" as she embraces her partner. This "claws" factor can be seen frequently even when the most accomplished female Tango dancers perform. Another positive side to her dance is that her lovely, gold colored dress matches her gold colored dancing shoes with the rest of her costume like her slip and her panties all matching in color; all those undergarments show whenever some advanced Tango moves are executed.
Not to get side tracked or anything like that - but I would like to have as many dollars in my bank as many times I watched the most accomplished ladies Tango champions - not only making "claws" while holding their partners - but also wearing a black dress - with the light colored shoes and hose and pink undergarments which show during the advance maneuvers of Tango; the black dress should be matched by black shades of all the rest of the dancer's - apparel - otherwise - all that pseudo "esthetic"/clashing colors - phenomena - fits to the elegant and sensuous Tango - like a proverbial "fist to the nose".
At any rate - its the last week of 2018 - we are still counting on some white New Year's Eve since we didn't get any snow on the hills for Christmas 2018. Our New Year's wishes to all of us - are for a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2019 - with many good dances - in life and on the dance floors! We'll be together again in the New Year 2019 - a week from today! As always - have a good week and we shall meet again - next week - which will be in the New Year 2019 - same channel - same place!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Clicks-U.S-Chicago,L.A, Ca.,Washgt,D.C. NY, N.Y,Pittsburgh,Pa. Out US- Algria,Argntina,Astrlia,Beliz,Belgm,Bngldsh,Bosn+Hertz,Brasl,Cnda,Egpt,Fnld,Ghna,Gyun,Georg,Grce,Hngr,Hng Kng,India,Clmbia,Indnsa,Lithna,Mcdnia,Malas,Marc,Mxico,Holnd,Irlnd,Jrdn,Japn,Isrl,Syria,S.Afrca, Unt Arab Emrts,Knya,Grmny,N.Zeln,Nepl,Swedn,Phillips,Polnd,Pakstn, Portgl,Italy,Frnce,Rmania,Rusia,Bulgria,Belrs,S.Kora,Serbia,Slovn,Sngpr,Thailnd,Trkmnst,Taiwn,Trndad,Maurts,Ukrn,UK,Vietnm,Vrgn.Isl,China.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Our Choice of YouTube Vid of the Wk - Fri. Dec. 21 - 18 through Fri. Dec. 28 - 2018!
For this - almost last week of 2018 - we chose as a YouTube video of the week - the five minute interview with Bill O'Reilly - a conservative writer/political commentator - bestselling author of twenty popular political books - currently nineteen million in print and counting. The video was posted by Bill O'Reilly successful YouTube channel called "Bill O'Reilly" on Dec. 19 - 2018.
The interview concerns the recent U.S. Senate hearing of an ex-FBI chief - James Comey initiated by the U.S. Senate's Republican senators during which Comey's ultra Liberal/Leftist views vividly came to the surface. During the two recent Comey's interviews - he essentially "thumbed his nose" at the U.S. Senate's Republican senators - and told them next to nothing about the important stuff the Republican senators were questioning him.
If any conservative ex-politician did that to the Democratic senators - the Mainstream Media - MSM - for short - would have a king-size fit and all the airwaves would condemn it - big time. The double standard in Main Stream Media coverage of various politicians - with them heavily favoring the Socialistic leaning - American Left - is appalling. However - the prevailing majority of the viewers' comments under the video - are full of disgust towards Comey's cynical, arrogant, audacious attitude.
In any event - all of us will have a super good Christmas week - with Christmas really nice, peaceful and joyous for all of us! As always thanks a million for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721! Perhaps we will have a bit of White Christmas in our hilly neighborhood! We shall meet here again - same place - same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
The interview concerns the recent U.S. Senate hearing of an ex-FBI chief - James Comey initiated by the U.S. Senate's Republican senators during which Comey's ultra Liberal/Leftist views vividly came to the surface. During the two recent Comey's interviews - he essentially "thumbed his nose" at the U.S. Senate's Republican senators - and told them next to nothing about the important stuff the Republican senators were questioning him.
If any conservative ex-politician did that to the Democratic senators - the Mainstream Media - MSM - for short - would have a king-size fit and all the airwaves would condemn it - big time. The double standard in Main Stream Media coverage of various politicians - with them heavily favoring the Socialistic leaning - American Left - is appalling. However - the prevailing majority of the viewers' comments under the video - are full of disgust towards Comey's cynical, arrogant, audacious attitude.
In any event - all of us will have a super good Christmas week - with Christmas really nice, peaceful and joyous for all of us! As always thanks a million for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721! Perhaps we will have a bit of White Christmas in our hilly neighborhood! We shall meet here again - same place - same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Our YouTube Vid of the Week Choice - "Breaking! Clintons' World Imploding".
For this week of Dec. 2018 - the week of Fri. Dec. 14 - 18 - through Fri. Dec. 21 - 2018 - we chose Gary Frenchi's (A chubby appearing commentator's) - five minutes long video production - titled "Breaking! Clintons' World Imploding," posted on Dec. 11 - 2018 in the series "Next News Network" which Gary usually hosts. In this - Dec. 11 - 2018 post - Gary narrates the most recent U.S. Senate inquiry into the Clintons' - allegedly - illegal activities which were not properly investigated nor adjudicated by an ex-FBI Chief - James Comey - who usurped the part of then Att. Gen. Loretta Lynch - in spite of her refusal to recuse herself from judging Hillary Clinton affair since Lynch suddenly met with Bill Clinton on his private plane right before the FBI investigations of her unauthorized e-mail server and other illegal activities came to resolutions. Needless to say all the Obama loyalists wanted to kiss up to the heavily favored to win the presidential elections of 2016 - Hillary Clinton. Evidently all the Obama loyalists strongly desired to butter her up - as a future Madame President.
After Pres. Trump fired James Comey in the early summer 2017 - all hell broke loose with the numerous Clintonistas and Obama loyalists - the fierce haters of Pres. Trump - the so called Deep State politicians; thus the Special counsel Robert Mueller was appointed to investigate possible Russia collusion on the part of Trump Administration - but - according to many political observers - instead of staying with his strictly delineated assignment - Mueller and his investigators - many of which are political "thugs/hacks" according to many legal experts - are throwing tons of purported legal transgressions - "against the wall" - hoping that one of them will stick.
Mueller gave some "prosecuting referrals" to a famous Court - South District of New York - which has a reputation of a home to "vicious political thugs and hacks" according to New York Post's numerous assertions thus the U.S. taxpayers continue to "hemorrhage" funds - "paying through the nose" - for Mueller's investigations.
The videos re: the Clintons either dying or imminently going to jail - have appeared countless times on YouTube which points to tons of people tremendously "thirsting" for justice for many alleged victims of the Clintons - with the most popular one appearing on YouTube a lot - last several years - being the one about Seth Rich - a young Clintons' political ex-employee meeting most mysterious death after making an alleged deal with Julian Assange - an international lawyer - hiding for years in an Ecuadorian Embassy in London due to his WikiLeaks documents exposing tons of famous politicians. Seth Rich - allegedly - released a lot of documents to Julian Assange which turned out to be damaging to Hillary Clinton's failed presidential campaign.
The thread/comment by a lady viewer under Gary's video from Dec. 11 - 2018 - the one we talk about in this column - reads like a mini commentary on the current political events. Here it goes:
"Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is the Wall, Clinton going to jail, masculinity promoted again, Europe kicking Globalism, over all Make America Great Again and for Disney not to make any more re-makes of the classics - they don't need to be fixing nice things which are not broken."
Not to get side tracked or anything like that - but the last two updated, "modern" remakes of the lovely movie "Sound of Music" came out very pukey and disgusting - according to the comments by a lot of critics and viewers posted on numerous platforms of social media.
In any event - all of us will have a super good week - a busy one before the coming soon - Christmas 2018. Thanks whole bunch for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721 and we shall meet again - next week - same time - same place. The lovely dusting of snow on the hills outside my window - not the one called a "heart attack" one - continues in my mountainous neighborhood!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
After Pres. Trump fired James Comey in the early summer 2017 - all hell broke loose with the numerous Clintonistas and Obama loyalists - the fierce haters of Pres. Trump - the so called Deep State politicians; thus the Special counsel Robert Mueller was appointed to investigate possible Russia collusion on the part of Trump Administration - but - according to many political observers - instead of staying with his strictly delineated assignment - Mueller and his investigators - many of which are political "thugs/hacks" according to many legal experts - are throwing tons of purported legal transgressions - "against the wall" - hoping that one of them will stick.
Mueller gave some "prosecuting referrals" to a famous Court - South District of New York - which has a reputation of a home to "vicious political thugs and hacks" according to New York Post's numerous assertions thus the U.S. taxpayers continue to "hemorrhage" funds - "paying through the nose" - for Mueller's investigations.
The videos re: the Clintons either dying or imminently going to jail - have appeared countless times on YouTube which points to tons of people tremendously "thirsting" for justice for many alleged victims of the Clintons - with the most popular one appearing on YouTube a lot - last several years - being the one about Seth Rich - a young Clintons' political ex-employee meeting most mysterious death after making an alleged deal with Julian Assange - an international lawyer - hiding for years in an Ecuadorian Embassy in London due to his WikiLeaks documents exposing tons of famous politicians. Seth Rich - allegedly - released a lot of documents to Julian Assange which turned out to be damaging to Hillary Clinton's failed presidential campaign.
The thread/comment by a lady viewer under Gary's video from Dec. 11 - 2018 - the one we talk about in this column - reads like a mini commentary on the current political events. Here it goes:
"Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is the Wall, Clinton going to jail, masculinity promoted again, Europe kicking Globalism, over all Make America Great Again and for Disney not to make any more re-makes of the classics - they don't need to be fixing nice things which are not broken."
Not to get side tracked or anything like that - but the last two updated, "modern" remakes of the lovely movie "Sound of Music" came out very pukey and disgusting - according to the comments by a lot of critics and viewers posted on numerous platforms of social media.
In any event - all of us will have a super good week - a busy one before the coming soon - Christmas 2018. Thanks whole bunch for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721 and we shall meet again - next week - same time - same place. The lovely dusting of snow on the hills outside my window - not the one called a "heart attack" one - continues in my mountainous neighborhood!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Our Choice of the Video of the Week - Dec. 07 - 18 through Dec. 14 - 2018!
For the week of Dec. 07 - through Fri. Dec. 14 - 2018 - we chose an interesting clip posted by a mysterious, new YouTube producer on Dec. 04 - 2018 - titled "I Am Quitting this Damn Show". The video features a metallic male voice relating the big fight which allegedly took place very recently on the set of ABC's old and tired talk show "The View" which supposedly features several "takes" on the recent U.S. political events.
Lately - however - the show has declined in the viewers and quality due to the frequent "on the air" cat fights between Meghan McCain - with an assumed - conservative point of view - while Joy Behar - a wealthy ex-comedienne - is supposed to represent a new U.S - Socialistic/Leftist vantage point. According to many comments on social media forums - both ladies are viewed as rich and entitled coastal, big town elitists - disliked and distrusted by most American people.
Meghan McCain - is assumed to represent a Republican brand even though hers and her father's, the late John McCain's - an ex-senator from Arizona brand - is frequently described as the RINO - brand - the so called "Republican in the name only" classification which - as of lately - started to acquire some "never Trumpers" - members ". However - according to many political analysts - Pres. Trump is getting more voters among a lot of the working class people which include many diverse national and racial members - disappointed with the Democrats "caving" to their Socialistic/Leftist factions.
In any event - all of us will have a super good new week coming up. Our hilly "turf" has a dusting of snow on the tops of the mountains which looks good but we don't slide down the icy hills - due to above freezing temps - thank God. As always - thanks whole bunch for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721 - and as every week - we shall meet again here - next week - same time - same channel.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019
Lately - however - the show has declined in the viewers and quality due to the frequent "on the air" cat fights between Meghan McCain - with an assumed - conservative point of view - while Joy Behar - a wealthy ex-comedienne - is supposed to represent a new U.S - Socialistic/Leftist vantage point. According to many comments on social media forums - both ladies are viewed as rich and entitled coastal, big town elitists - disliked and distrusted by most American people.
Meghan McCain - is assumed to represent a Republican brand even though hers and her father's, the late John McCain's - an ex-senator from Arizona brand - is frequently described as the RINO - brand - the so called "Republican in the name only" classification which - as of lately - started to acquire some "never Trumpers" - members ". However - according to many political analysts - Pres. Trump is getting more voters among a lot of the working class people which include many diverse national and racial members - disappointed with the Democrats "caving" to their Socialistic/Leftist factions.
In any event - all of us will have a super good new week coming up. Our hilly "turf" has a dusting of snow on the tops of the mountains which looks good but we don't slide down the icy hills - due to above freezing temps - thank God. As always - thanks whole bunch for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721 - and as every week - we shall meet again here - next week - same time - same channel.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Our Choice of YouTube Vid of the Week - First Week of Dec. 2018 - "Perwaya Lubov - Band Odessa".
For the first week of Dec. 2018 - from Fri. Nov. 30 - 18 through Fri. Dec. 07 - 2018 - as our choice of YT Vid of the Week - we chose "Perwaya Lubov - Band Odessa" a video by an unknown Russian video producer named Sergey - uploaded on Nov. 12 - 2016. It garnered more than a million and quarter views in a little over two years. The video features a popular modern Russian band called "Band Odessa" which plays a catchy arrangement with good male vocals titled "Perwaya Lubov - (First Love)".
The short clip presents couples dancing "Lindy Hop" - a British variation of the "American Swing" dance which requires tremendous physical prowess plus a lot of advanced dancing skills. The couples compete in an open Lindy Hop International Championship so all of them are visibly talented, proficient and enthusiastic thus all of them move around the dance floor with considerable mastery.
However - the drummer of the "Band Odessa" steals the dancers' thunder quite a bit because he makes a lot of extraordinary facial faces as he beats his drums vigorously. The video camera seems to have a temporary life of its own - as it frequently focuses on him instead of following the dancers. The drummer establishes his "flash stardom" typical to many ones on YouTube - as he is also a star in his own right - of this brief YouTube presentation. This video clip exudes joy, energy and contagious youthful abandon - galore - so it makes you smile - especially after you just heard some depressing news which has been additionally "warped" by the openly Leftist/Socialistic biased U.S. and International Media.
"Lindy Hop" is a British variation of "American Swing" while in the U.S. - South Carolina they came up with their variation of "American Swing" called "Shag" that looks a bit like "Lindy Hop" but is less athletic and less strenuous. Lately - however - a popular version of "American Swing" has been a "West Coast Swing" which is geared towards limited spaces of the dance floors inside the dance studios.
Back to our featured video - notice a couple wearing a burgundy plaid dress (for her) and a burgundy shirt (for him) - since they stand out two heads above the rest of the dancers. Their variation of many well executed moves plus an ease and fun which they display - clearly shows the top mastery of their "Lindy Hop".
In any event - all of us will have a super good first week of Dec. 2018 - coming up very soon. We hope that everybody had a good Thanksgiving which here - in my hilly "turf" avoided a big snow storm they had in Chicago area. Thanks as always for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721 - and we will meet again - here - next week - same place - same time - same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021
The short clip presents couples dancing "Lindy Hop" - a British variation of the "American Swing" dance which requires tremendous physical prowess plus a lot of advanced dancing skills. The couples compete in an open Lindy Hop International Championship so all of them are visibly talented, proficient and enthusiastic thus all of them move around the dance floor with considerable mastery.
However - the drummer of the "Band Odessa" steals the dancers' thunder quite a bit because he makes a lot of extraordinary facial faces as he beats his drums vigorously. The video camera seems to have a temporary life of its own - as it frequently focuses on him instead of following the dancers. The drummer establishes his "flash stardom" typical to many ones on YouTube - as he is also a star in his own right - of this brief YouTube presentation. This video clip exudes joy, energy and contagious youthful abandon - galore - so it makes you smile - especially after you just heard some depressing news which has been additionally "warped" by the openly Leftist/Socialistic biased U.S. and International Media.
"Lindy Hop" is a British variation of "American Swing" while in the U.S. - South Carolina they came up with their variation of "American Swing" called "Shag" that looks a bit like "Lindy Hop" but is less athletic and less strenuous. Lately - however - a popular version of "American Swing" has been a "West Coast Swing" which is geared towards limited spaces of the dance floors inside the dance studios.
Back to our featured video - notice a couple wearing a burgundy plaid dress (for her) and a burgundy shirt (for him) - since they stand out two heads above the rest of the dancers. Their variation of many well executed moves plus an ease and fun which they display - clearly shows the top mastery of their "Lindy Hop".
In any event - all of us will have a super good first week of Dec. 2018 - coming up very soon. We hope that everybody had a good Thanksgiving which here - in my hilly "turf" avoided a big snow storm they had in Chicago area. Thanks as always for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721 - and we will meet again - here - next week - same place - same time - same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Our Choice of YT Video of the Week - "Who Is Funding Migrant Caravan?"
For the last week of Nov. 2018 we picked a fascinating video uploaded by Bill O'Reilly on Nov. 20 - 2018 titled "Who Is Funding Migrant Caravan?" Bill O'Reilly who was a big star on Fox News Channel until two years ago when he was forced to resign due to some flimsy, unsubstantiated harassment allegations by a disgruntled woman ex-employee who "ran crying" to "Me Too" movement when it only began its original blind "fury" campaign against the famous men - which frequently deprived the men of the chance to explain their point of view. Thus O'Reilly had to quickly leave his well deserved position with Fox News.
At that time many men accused of harassment - were immediately fired without any "due process" chance to answer the allegations - with many of them being innocent victims of the "Me Too" movement's original rage - which has subsequently drastically subsided and "fizzled out" to a great extent - thank God.
However - it all worked out well for Bill O'Reilly who - currently - "calls his shots" when he produces his successful podcasts - while his frequent presence on YouTube and on many popular conservative radio talk shows which have millions upon millions of followers - give him additional platforms to sell his books and express his sharp, on-target observations.
In the video he uploaded on Nov. 20 - 2018 - he interviews a gorgeous looking, brave and smart Latin lady lawyer named Anna Paulina - in charge of the Latin division of Turning Points U.S.A - an organization with a huge following of smart Americans which strongly oppose the U.S. Leftists who took over the Democratic Party that recently "caved" - big time to their Socialistic/Left - factions. The Dems will pay a big price in terms of losing the next important elections in 2020 - executed honestly - this time around - since the voters' id's will be mandatory.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
At that time many men accused of harassment - were immediately fired without any "due process" chance to answer the allegations - with many of them being innocent victims of the "Me Too" movement's original rage - which has subsequently drastically subsided and "fizzled out" to a great extent - thank God.
However - it all worked out well for Bill O'Reilly who - currently - "calls his shots" when he produces his successful podcasts - while his frequent presence on YouTube and on many popular conservative radio talk shows which have millions upon millions of followers - give him additional platforms to sell his books and express his sharp, on-target observations.
In the video he uploaded on Nov. 20 - 2018 - he interviews a gorgeous looking, brave and smart Latin lady lawyer named Anna Paulina - in charge of the Latin division of Turning Points U.S.A - an organization with a huge following of smart Americans which strongly oppose the U.S. Leftists who took over the Democratic Party that recently "caved" - big time to their Socialistic/Left - factions. The Dems will pay a big price in terms of losing the next important elections in 2020 - executed honestly - this time around - since the voters' id's will be mandatory.
Still - the Midterms 2018 went well for the Republicans - in spite of the multitudes of illegals shamelessly voting in Arizona, California, Texas, New York, Illinois and in a few other "blue/Democratic" states as well as in the - currently - temporarily - still leaning "blue/Democratic" - purple states like Nevada and some others like that.
Anna Paulina Luna (currently a Congressional rep from Florida) - informed Bill O'Reilly that the vast funding for the current caravan comes from the Leftist Chicago organization "La Familia Unida Latina" (The Latin Family United) - a tax exempt, Leftist/Socialist - money laundering organization which gets big illegal donations from George Soros, Tom Steyer and other prominent, rich Socialists who want to transform the U.S. into a Socialist monstrosity on the order of China who currently effectively suppresses any kind of political opposition.
Attorney Anna Paulina Luna adds that the U.S. Socialist political bosses endanger the poor immigrants from South America whom they pay to join the caravan/invasion against the U.S. - while the same U.S. Socialist bosses enrich themselves quickly since they get big, illegal funding from many wealthy U.S. Socialists - while at the same time - a lot of the poor and uneducated caravan immigrants - especially women and children - frequently fall victims to the violent elements of all kinds who also join the caravans; the most recent caravan is currently growing and aiming towards the U.S. Southern borders. A lot of them are - presently - "camping out" on the Mexican side of the border town of Tijuana while they wait to attempt to breach the U.S. borders.
The heads of Chicago's Socialist "La Familia Unida Latina" - Elvira Olrano and Emilia Lozano - according to Attorney Anna Paulina Lune - are the U.S. Socialists/Leftists who not only struggle for the U.S. open borders, but they also work closely with a Leftist Honduran organization "Pueblos Sin Fronteras"- (Countries without Borders)" which also finances the caravan/invaders.
When I stay in Chicago area, I notice that a lot of - totally misguided - upper income American millennials strongly support many Socialist organizations on the order of the ones mentioned above. Why don't they worry - instead - about thousands of poor American families in Chicago who struggle to make the ends meet?
Tons of American people of all ages strongly oppose the U.S. Leftists/Democrat policies of "open borders which get hordes of all kinds of illegals to vote for Democrats" - most of them coming from Mexico and South America. The latest caravan from South America - especially from Honduras - which Pres. Trump rightly calls a massive invasion - currently - pitched their tents on the Mexican side of Tijuana a border town in California.
Anna Paulina Luna (currently a Congressional rep from Florida) - informed Bill O'Reilly that the vast funding for the current caravan comes from the Leftist Chicago organization "La Familia Unida Latina" (The Latin Family United) - a tax exempt, Leftist/Socialist - money laundering organization which gets big illegal donations from George Soros, Tom Steyer and other prominent, rich Socialists who want to transform the U.S. into a Socialist monstrosity on the order of China who currently effectively suppresses any kind of political opposition.
Attorney Anna Paulina Luna adds that the U.S. Socialist political bosses endanger the poor immigrants from South America whom they pay to join the caravan/invasion against the U.S. - while the same U.S. Socialist bosses enrich themselves quickly since they get big, illegal funding from many wealthy U.S. Socialists - while at the same time - a lot of the poor and uneducated caravan immigrants - especially women and children - frequently fall victims to the violent elements of all kinds who also join the caravans; the most recent caravan is currently growing and aiming towards the U.S. Southern borders. A lot of them are - presently - "camping out" on the Mexican side of the border town of Tijuana while they wait to attempt to breach the U.S. borders.
The heads of Chicago's Socialist "La Familia Unida Latina" - Elvira Olrano and Emilia Lozano - according to Attorney Anna Paulina Lune - are the U.S. Socialists/Leftists who not only struggle for the U.S. open borders, but they also work closely with a Leftist Honduran organization "Pueblos Sin Fronteras"- (Countries without Borders)" which also finances the caravan/invaders.
When I stay in Chicago area, I notice that a lot of - totally misguided - upper income American millennials strongly support many Socialist organizations on the order of the ones mentioned above. Why don't they worry - instead - about thousands of poor American families in Chicago who struggle to make the ends meet?
Tons of American people of all ages strongly oppose the U.S. Leftists/Democrat policies of "open borders which get hordes of all kinds of illegals to vote for Democrats" - most of them coming from Mexico and South America. The latest caravan from South America - especially from Honduras - which Pres. Trump rightly calls a massive invasion - currently - pitched their tents on the Mexican side of Tijuana a border town in California.
The thousands of South Americans - mainly young men of military ages with the sprinkle of women and children - wait - restlessly - hoping to attempt to cross the border and apply for a political asylum in the U.S. which is granted to about 10% of the applicants. The local Mexicans protest a lot since the Honduran migrants are demanding, pushy and sometimes engage in criminal behavior.
On the American side - the U.S. Army helps the border patrol people to re-enforce the borders by installing all kinds of additional barriers and sharp barbed wires on the tops of the tall fences - the new ones and the ones already in place.
In any event - all of us will have a super good last week of Nov. 2018 with the lovely Thanksgiving for all of us. We shall meet again - next week - the same place - the same time.
In any event - all of us will have a super good last week of Nov. 2018 with the lovely Thanksgiving for all of us. We shall meet again - next week - the same place - the same time.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Our Choice of YT Vid of the Week - "Republican White Women Are the Problem..Apparently".
For the Thanksgiving week of Nov. 2018 - we chose a clever commentary/video by Allie Beth Stuckey who uploads some fun stuff - almost every week. She smartly comments on the important political current events in the U.S. Her latest video uploaded on Nov. 13 - 2018 voices her opinion on the Socialist U.S. Senator from Vermont - Bernie Sanders latest negative comments re: the stats pointing to a lot of the white voters - especially white women - not voting for Stacy Abrams from Georgia who is an African American "anti-gun lady Globalist/Socialist" and Andrew Gillum also an African American Socialist politician from Florida professing the same political "persuasions" which are mostly abhorrent to a prevailing majority of the American voters who consistently do not support political extremism of any kind.
Allie Beth Stuckey argues that smart people/voters - especially smart women of any color - vote for their values and not for any party or for any identity or racial affiliations - favored by Liberal Democrats who "divide" the electorate in order to single them out and accuse them of racism or of other ridiculous motivations.
In any event - all of us will have a super good, fun Thanksgiving 2018 -week. We shall meet again next week, same place and same "channel".
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Allie Beth Stuckey argues that smart people/voters - especially smart women of any color - vote for their values and not for any party or for any identity or racial affiliations - favored by Liberal Democrats who "divide" the electorate in order to single them out and accuse them of racism or of other ridiculous motivations.
In any event - all of us will have a super good, fun Thanksgiving 2018 -week. We shall meet again next week, same place and same "channel".
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Our YT Vid of the Week Choice - Fri. Nov. 09 through Fri. Nov. 16 - 2018!
For the third week of Nov. 2018 - we chose an interesting video posted by Ben Shapiro - a brilliant young Conservative lawyer who uses a Daily Wire Website which hosts other young - brilliant Conservatives - the future, smart leaders of the U.S. - Michael Knowles is another host. The video is titled "The Great Divide - Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 655". It was posted on Nov. 7 - 2018.
Long story short - in a nutshell - Ben gives a long but exciting analysis of the Midterm 2018 - important elections. His delivery needs to be improved a bit - but it's better than it was. The substance of his political messages is very clear. The American people keep choosing the moderate politicians with any extremists on any political spectrum being consistently rejected - big time. The 2018 Midterms prove that without any doubts - whatsoever.
In any event - all of us will have a super good third week of November 2018. The colorful leaves look great and smell even better. The fall is always glorious - with the winter holidays - not far. We meet next week - the same time - the same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Long story short - in a nutshell - Ben gives a long but exciting analysis of the Midterm 2018 - important elections. His delivery needs to be improved a bit - but it's better than it was. The substance of his political messages is very clear. The American people keep choosing the moderate politicians with any extremists on any political spectrum being consistently rejected - big time. The 2018 Midterms prove that without any doubts - whatsoever.
In any event - all of us will have a super good third week of November 2018. The colorful leaves look great and smell even better. The fall is always glorious - with the winter holidays - not far. We meet next week - the same time - the same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Our Choice of the Vid of the Wk for the Wk. Nov.02 through Nov.09 - 2018!
For the first week of Nov. 2018 we chose a video uploaded by Washington Free Beacon on Oct. 31 - 2018 - titled "Warren Caught off Guard When Opponent Brings up Ethics Complaint on Her Fundraising".
The famous representative of the hard Left faction of the U.S. Democrats - the Senator from Massachusetts - Elizabeth Warren - recently made a big "splash" with her DNA analysis attesting to the fact that she is 1/1024% of American Indian ancestry which she - allegedly - used to get into Harvard Law School - while a lot of Americans are 1% or so of the American Indian descent. 5% of American Indian DNA is required to claim to be a member of any American Indian Tribe.
That whole widely publicized episode made her a laughing stock of huge proportions which put her future presidential aspirations not only - way - on the "back burner" - but most likely - her presidential ambitions "bit the dust" for good. Her record of the legislature she introduced or authored while the Senator from Massachusetts is not very impressive.
This particular clip shows how she shamelessly denies the knowledge of her questionable fund raising efforts for which the Senate Ethics Committee currently investigates a complaint against her - which was lodged during the recent Judge Kavanaugh nomination spectacle.
Her opponent to her U.S. Senate Massachusetts seat - Mr. Geoff Diehl - a good looking and sharp contender to the Massachusetts senate seat (A vice chairman of the Republican party of Massachusetts) - brought up that complaint during the recent televised debate. Ms.Warren responded in a retarded manner upon the questioning by the debate moderators which is amazing since on many occasions she acts in an unscrupulously audacious fashion when questioned about her extreme Left future political agenda for the U.S. in front of numerous television cameras. Her presidential aspirations only recently "took a nose dive".
She and her colleagues - the hard Left U.S. Senate Democrats tried to "hang" a distinguished Washington D.C. Appellate Circuit Court Judge - Mr. Brett Kavanaugh during the widely televised hearings when Christine Blasey Ford accused him of an attempted rape in a phony appearing testimony which contained a lot of important discrepancies/lies - on Sept. 29 - 2018 - with all that "circus" quickly followed by a most disturbing display of a bunch of wild Democratic Leftists extremists opposing Judge Kavanaugh nomination to a U.S. Supreme Court; according to a television political commentator - "they behaved in a crazy mob fashion when they wailed and howled like a horde of wildly insane mental patients as they pounded on the massive doors of the U.S. Supreme Court's building". Thus most Americans had an honest look at the true nature of the U.S. Extremists - the Leftists/Socialist' dominated - Democrats - so the American Electorate will express their view on them during the next Midterm 2018 - elections coming up very soon.
In any event - all of us will have a great first week of November 2018 while the leaves change colors as they fall softly to the ground in my hilly area; the smell of the falling leaves and the lovely autumn - fills in the air. Thanks for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721 - we shall meet again - next week - same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
The famous representative of the hard Left faction of the U.S. Democrats - the Senator from Massachusetts - Elizabeth Warren - recently made a big "splash" with her DNA analysis attesting to the fact that she is 1/1024% of American Indian ancestry which she - allegedly - used to get into Harvard Law School - while a lot of Americans are 1% or so of the American Indian descent. 5% of American Indian DNA is required to claim to be a member of any American Indian Tribe.
That whole widely publicized episode made her a laughing stock of huge proportions which put her future presidential aspirations not only - way - on the "back burner" - but most likely - her presidential ambitions "bit the dust" for good. Her record of the legislature she introduced or authored while the Senator from Massachusetts is not very impressive.
This particular clip shows how she shamelessly denies the knowledge of her questionable fund raising efforts for which the Senate Ethics Committee currently investigates a complaint against her - which was lodged during the recent Judge Kavanaugh nomination spectacle.
Her opponent to her U.S. Senate Massachusetts seat - Mr. Geoff Diehl - a good looking and sharp contender to the Massachusetts senate seat (A vice chairman of the Republican party of Massachusetts) - brought up that complaint during the recent televised debate. Ms.Warren responded in a retarded manner upon the questioning by the debate moderators which is amazing since on many occasions she acts in an unscrupulously audacious fashion when questioned about her extreme Left future political agenda for the U.S. in front of numerous television cameras. Her presidential aspirations only recently "took a nose dive".
She and her colleagues - the hard Left U.S. Senate Democrats tried to "hang" a distinguished Washington D.C. Appellate Circuit Court Judge - Mr. Brett Kavanaugh during the widely televised hearings when Christine Blasey Ford accused him of an attempted rape in a phony appearing testimony which contained a lot of important discrepancies/lies - on Sept. 29 - 2018 - with all that "circus" quickly followed by a most disturbing display of a bunch of wild Democratic Leftists extremists opposing Judge Kavanaugh nomination to a U.S. Supreme Court; according to a television political commentator - "they behaved in a crazy mob fashion when they wailed and howled like a horde of wildly insane mental patients as they pounded on the massive doors of the U.S. Supreme Court's building". Thus most Americans had an honest look at the true nature of the U.S. Extremists - the Leftists/Socialist' dominated - Democrats - so the American Electorate will express their view on them during the next Midterm 2018 - elections coming up very soon.
In any event - all of us will have a great first week of November 2018 while the leaves change colors as they fall softly to the ground in my hilly area; the smell of the falling leaves and the lovely autumn - fills in the air. Thanks for clicking our YouTube channel tango3721 - we shall meet again - next week - same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Our Choice of YouTube Vid of the Wk - Fri. Oct. 26 - 18 through Fri. Nov. 02 - 2018!
For the last week of Oct. 2018 - as our YouTube Vid of the Week - we chose an exciting clip published on Oct. 24 - 2018 - by Fox News Business channel - titled "Democrat's Caravan Problem Just Got Worse" - narrated by Stuart Varney who sports a rather unique foreign accent - a cross between a British accent and an Australian one.
Varney describes a huge "caravan" of seven thousand or so of various poor, uneducated but spirited to the max - folks -mainly from Guatemala - but they collect members from other South American countries as they march north towards the U.S. border. He comments that the big group appears well organized, well fed and well lead invasion trying to illegally - breach the U.S. borders.
The viewers' comments range from outrage to anger - all of them opposing the potential invaders - that's how almost all the Americans perceive those people. In a similar video posted a day earlier by Fox News Channel - Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick stated that the U.S. will not allow them in. He said that the illegals will be immediately sent back where they came from. He stated something like "The U.S. will not be feeding, medicating and supporting the illegals on the borders - while many of our own people need medical care, housing, support and help."
Furthermore - tons of potential legal immigrants who wait patiently in line and "play by the rules" - are held back by those others - pushing their way by force - many of them - criminal elements, drug pushers, gang members, human traffickers and other undesirables - hiding among the vast numbers of the other people trying to "breach" the borders.
At any rate - all of us will have a super good last week of Oct. 2018 which is cool, wintery, windy and promising the winter holidays - close at hand.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025
Varney describes a huge "caravan" of seven thousand or so of various poor, uneducated but spirited to the max - folks -mainly from Guatemala - but they collect members from other South American countries as they march north towards the U.S. border. He comments that the big group appears well organized, well fed and well lead invasion trying to illegally - breach the U.S. borders.
The viewers' comments range from outrage to anger - all of them opposing the potential invaders - that's how almost all the Americans perceive those people. In a similar video posted a day earlier by Fox News Channel - Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick stated that the U.S. will not allow them in. He said that the illegals will be immediately sent back where they came from. He stated something like "The U.S. will not be feeding, medicating and supporting the illegals on the borders - while many of our own people need medical care, housing, support and help."
Furthermore - tons of potential legal immigrants who wait patiently in line and "play by the rules" - are held back by those others - pushing their way by force - many of them - criminal elements, drug pushers, gang members, human traffickers and other undesirables - hiding among the vast numbers of the other people trying to "breach" the borders.
At any rate - all of us will have a super good last week of Oct. 2018 which is cool, wintery, windy and promising the winter holidays - close at hand.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Our Choice of YT Vid of the Wk for the Third Wk of Oct. 2018 - Truther Talk Uploaded an Interesting Discussion!
For the third week of Oct. 2018 we chose an interesting video uploaded by a lovely, smart and keenly attuned to the current political events - African American young woman who goes by her YouTube name of Truther Talk. In her video/discussion titled "Ride the Red Tsunami" - Segment 9 - uploaded on Oct. 15 - 2018 - she presents some political theories re: the current political events taking place in the U.S.
One of the very politically astute young participants postulates that if Pres. Trump looses his Presidential bid in 2020 and the Democrats nominate one of their Socialistically leaning candidates who will open the borders, legislate the ban on weapons and heavily legislate in favor of the illegals - the bloodshed is unavoidable.
I - personally - and my associates - an older generation of Americans - naturalized or born in this country - have a lot more faith in our American Constitutional Republic with its safeguards - protecting this nation from the dreadful "mob rule" in any form. The Americans face dangers to their cherished Republic on a regular bases and they conquer the forces of evil. Maybe it's a Divine Providence - at work? Nobody knows for sure but this country has successfully conquered all kinds of dangerous trends. Nobody knows the future - but the history can be a reliable indicator of the future.
At any rate - all of us will have a great new week of Oct. 2018. The colorful leaves are falling, the air smells crisp of the coming Thanksgiving and the winter holidays 2018 right around the corner. We will meet again next week - same channel - same place!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025
One of the very politically astute young participants postulates that if Pres. Trump looses his Presidential bid in 2020 and the Democrats nominate one of their Socialistically leaning candidates who will open the borders, legislate the ban on weapons and heavily legislate in favor of the illegals - the bloodshed is unavoidable.
I - personally - and my associates - an older generation of Americans - naturalized or born in this country - have a lot more faith in our American Constitutional Republic with its safeguards - protecting this nation from the dreadful "mob rule" in any form. The Americans face dangers to their cherished Republic on a regular bases and they conquer the forces of evil. Maybe it's a Divine Providence - at work? Nobody knows for sure but this country has successfully conquered all kinds of dangerous trends. Nobody knows the future - but the history can be a reliable indicator of the future.
At any rate - all of us will have a great new week of Oct. 2018. The colorful leaves are falling, the air smells crisp of the coming Thanksgiving and the winter holidays 2018 right around the corner. We will meet again next week - same channel - same place!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
A Youtube Video of the Wk for Oct. 12 - 18 through Oct. 19 - 2018!
For the coming up third week of Oct. 2018 - we chose an Ukrainian folk song - superbly performed by a famous Polish/Ukrainian operatic sensation - a fabulous baritone - a handsome opera singer Pavel Prokopieni. The video - sumptuously illustrated by the snapshots of life in the Imperial Russia before the Red Communistic Revolution bitterly enslaved the Russian people for close to a hundred years. They were happy to unload "their" Socialism like a plague - in 1989 and they don't ever want it back.
Dr. 240252 uploaded this video on Oct. 5 - 2018 and it's titled: "1932 - Russian Folk Song by Pavel Prokopieni - Uchar Kupiec." The title hero's name "Uchar Kupiec" roughly translates to "The Merchant called Uchar". As always the commentary by Dr.240252 is an interesting sketch of life of the operatic singer Pavel Prokopieni - plus the comments of the viewers under the video are also fun to read.
In any event - all of us will have an excellent third week of October 2018 with us having the unusually warm week - here in our hilly, mountinous neighborhood close to New York. As every week we thank all of you for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721 and we shall meet again - next week - same place - same channel.
Coyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
Dr. 240252 uploaded this video on Oct. 5 - 2018 and it's titled: "1932 - Russian Folk Song by Pavel Prokopieni - Uchar Kupiec." The title hero's name "Uchar Kupiec" roughly translates to "The Merchant called Uchar". As always the commentary by Dr.240252 is an interesting sketch of life of the operatic singer Pavel Prokopieni - plus the comments of the viewers under the video are also fun to read.
In any event - all of us will have an excellent third week of October 2018 with us having the unusually warm week - here in our hilly, mountinous neighborhood close to New York. As every week we thank all of you for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721 and we shall meet again - next week - same place - same channel.
Coyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Our Choice of the Vid of the Wk. - Fri. Oct. 05 - 18 till Fri. Oct. 12 - 2018 - "Beto O'Rourke or White Obama".
For the second week of Oct. 2018 - as our favorite Youtube video of the week - we choose an interesting commentary/video by a young, African American woman whose videos/political commentaries have been quickly getting tons of new subscriptions called "subs" by us - the numerous Youtubers of various ages and political "persuasions". She goes by the YT name of Truther Talk - she looks pleasant to look at but not outstanding - however - the political comments which she writes skillfully and delivers smoothly in a nice voice - resonate a lot - with tons of various people of diverse backgrounds who like to think logically.
She uploaded an interesting clip on Oct. 03 - 2018 titled "Beto O'Rourke or White Obama." In a nutshell she points to the utmost superficiality of Texas political senatorial candidate - Beto O'Rourke who campaigns for the coming up Midterm elections of 2018. Beto O'Rourke - a minor Texas legislator suddenly gets tons of Liberal/Socialistic/Soros money from all over the country - as he's trying to unseat Senator Ted Cruz - a typical Texas politician who holds the traditional Texas values of right to own guns, believes in free enterprises - with less government interferance in our lives - while the uber Liberal American mainstream media - loves, loves, loves the Socialistic/Liberal - Beto O'Rourke who professes the opposite social values; the press makes him out to be another God in flesh/Liberator - like they do with the Kennedys Socialistic Political Dynasty which - unfortunately - continues.
Among a lot of on-target viewers' comments under her Truther Talk - under her Oct. 03 - 2018 video - one viewer summarizes the O'Rourke politican campaign - Midterms 2018 - by observing that O'Rourke eagerly wants to be another Kennedy "wannabe" since he sports Bobby Kennedy's hair style with enormous pride. O'Rourke just like Ted Kenndy -has a multiple drunk driving on his record - as well - evidently - as a "hommage" - to his Kennedy idol - a deceased Massachussetts Liberal/Socialistic Scion - Ted Kennedy who drank a lot and - according to many witnesses - abused women - left and right.
The American press consistently idolizes liberals like O'Rourke, the Kennedys Dynasty and other Socialistic leaning politicos; the press never cools their Socialistic affection for those kinds of Leftist politicians - even after Ted Kennedy - inadvertandly or maybe on purpose - as was widely speculated - killed Mary Jo Kopechne - a beautiful young women who worked for him - by leaving her to suffocate in his car after it - crashed into the Chappaquiddick Lake - located close to Kennedy's royal residence - Hyannisport, Massachussets.
In spite of all that - he went on to become a long time Massachussetts Senator - a big Scion/Lion to all kinds of Socialistic leaning causes which hurt the U.S. a lot but - of course - his vast family millions remain intact and keep growing. Many attempts to shed the light on this incident were successfully "squashed" by the powerful Kennedys for a while - but the truth comes out since a lot of people are brave and refuse to be intimidated.
All those ultra rich Socialists don't worry that their all powerful government/new God - they want - will ever bother them or their millions - even if the historical facts tell a different story. The super rich are frequently forcefully "divested" of their money and sent to labor camps of some sort.
In any event - all of us will enjoy this lovely second week of Oct. 2018 when the autumn sheds her leaves from the trees - the colorful leaves fall softly to the ground while the smell of the coming holidays hangs in the air like good perfume in our pretty, hilly city. Thanks and a big hug to all - for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721. We will meet here next week - the same place - the same time - the same channel.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019
She uploaded an interesting clip on Oct. 03 - 2018 titled "Beto O'Rourke or White Obama." In a nutshell she points to the utmost superficiality of Texas political senatorial candidate - Beto O'Rourke who campaigns for the coming up Midterm elections of 2018. Beto O'Rourke - a minor Texas legislator suddenly gets tons of Liberal/Socialistic/Soros money from all over the country - as he's trying to unseat Senator Ted Cruz - a typical Texas politician who holds the traditional Texas values of right to own guns, believes in free enterprises - with less government interferance in our lives - while the uber Liberal American mainstream media - loves, loves, loves the Socialistic/Liberal - Beto O'Rourke who professes the opposite social values; the press makes him out to be another God in flesh/Liberator - like they do with the Kennedys Socialistic Political Dynasty which - unfortunately - continues.
Among a lot of on-target viewers' comments under her Truther Talk - under her Oct. 03 - 2018 video - one viewer summarizes the O'Rourke politican campaign - Midterms 2018 - by observing that O'Rourke eagerly wants to be another Kennedy "wannabe" since he sports Bobby Kennedy's hair style with enormous pride. O'Rourke just like Ted Kenndy -has a multiple drunk driving on his record - as well - evidently - as a "hommage" - to his Kennedy idol - a deceased Massachussetts Liberal/Socialistic Scion - Ted Kennedy who drank a lot and - according to many witnesses - abused women - left and right.
The American press consistently idolizes liberals like O'Rourke, the Kennedys Dynasty and other Socialistic leaning politicos; the press never cools their Socialistic affection for those kinds of Leftist politicians - even after Ted Kennedy - inadvertandly or maybe on purpose - as was widely speculated - killed Mary Jo Kopechne - a beautiful young women who worked for him - by leaving her to suffocate in his car after it - crashed into the Chappaquiddick Lake - located close to Kennedy's royal residence - Hyannisport, Massachussets.
In spite of all that - he went on to become a long time Massachussetts Senator - a big Scion/Lion to all kinds of Socialistic leaning causes which hurt the U.S. a lot but - of course - his vast family millions remain intact and keep growing. Many attempts to shed the light on this incident were successfully "squashed" by the powerful Kennedys for a while - but the truth comes out since a lot of people are brave and refuse to be intimidated.
All those ultra rich Socialists don't worry that their all powerful government/new God - they want - will ever bother them or their millions - even if the historical facts tell a different story. The super rich are frequently forcefully "divested" of their money and sent to labor camps of some sort.
In any event - all of us will enjoy this lovely second week of Oct. 2018 when the autumn sheds her leaves from the trees - the colorful leaves fall softly to the ground while the smell of the coming holidays hangs in the air like good perfume in our pretty, hilly city. Thanks and a big hug to all - for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721. We will meet here next week - the same place - the same time - the same channel.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2019
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Our YT Choice for the Vid of the Wk - Fri. Sept. 27 - till Fri. Oct. 05 - 18 - "Marta Mirska 1948 - Tango - 'Letnia Przygoda' (A Summer Love Affair)".
For the last week of Sept. 2018 - we chose a lovely Tango uploaded by Dr. 240252 on Sept. 24 - 2018 titled "Marta Mirska - Tango 'Letnia Przygoda' (Summer Love Affair)". The composer and the lyricist - Jerzy Boczkowski and Janusz Odrawaz - respectively - were not well known - nevertheless - they did a good job.
The big star of this video - however - is the silky, warm alto of a singing star - Marta Mirska - a talented and a beautiful performer whose smooth voice and excellent phrazing in deliving the evocative lyrics - made one smile. Her songs played a lot on the radio during many summers of my childhood and adolescent years - which now appear exclusively beautiful in my memories since a lot of time - have passed.
For many years Mirska was a reigning Queen of Polish radio, of the performing stages of all kinds - and she has also sold millions of copies of her various hits. In the 1940's and 1950's - her legions of fans were counted in millions.
Sadly - her many life's passages, crossings and challenges including prolonged bouts with alcoholism left her penniles, destitute, forgotten, sick and alone - abandoned by all - at the end of her life. Some young girl - maybe a special angel of some sort - came by to visit - so Mirska didn't die - totally alone.
Those kinds of sad stories - unfortunately - happen to quite a few performers but a lot of them get better with age like another famous Queen of Polish Song - Slava Przybylska who still looks great in her eighties and still performs. Her famous Tango "Farewells" from the Polish movie by the same title - has always been one of my most favorite and loved Tangos. The lyrics and the music sound great to me - I could listen and listen to this Tango and never get tired of it.
At any rate - all of us will have a super good first week of October 2018 - coming up very soon. The year is coming to an end - unbelievable - how fast it went. The cool autumn arrived quickly in my hilly "corner". Thanks - as always - for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721! We meet again - next week - same place - same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
The big star of this video - however - is the silky, warm alto of a singing star - Marta Mirska - a talented and a beautiful performer whose smooth voice and excellent phrazing in deliving the evocative lyrics - made one smile. Her songs played a lot on the radio during many summers of my childhood and adolescent years - which now appear exclusively beautiful in my memories since a lot of time - have passed.
For many years Mirska was a reigning Queen of Polish radio, of the performing stages of all kinds - and she has also sold millions of copies of her various hits. In the 1940's and 1950's - her legions of fans were counted in millions.
Sadly - her many life's passages, crossings and challenges including prolonged bouts with alcoholism left her penniles, destitute, forgotten, sick and alone - abandoned by all - at the end of her life. Some young girl - maybe a special angel of some sort - came by to visit - so Mirska didn't die - totally alone.
Those kinds of sad stories - unfortunately - happen to quite a few performers but a lot of them get better with age like another famous Queen of Polish Song - Slava Przybylska who still looks great in her eighties and still performs. Her famous Tango "Farewells" from the Polish movie by the same title - has always been one of my most favorite and loved Tangos. The lyrics and the music sound great to me - I could listen and listen to this Tango and never get tired of it.
At any rate - all of us will have a super good first week of October 2018 - coming up very soon. The year is coming to an end - unbelievable - how fast it went. The cool autumn arrived quickly in my hilly "corner". Thanks - as always - for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721! We meet again - next week - same place - same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Our YT Vid of the Wk. Choice for the Wk. - Sept. 21-18 through Sept. 28-2018!
We chose a terrific video produced by Don't Walk Run! Productions - titled "Abolish Ice Because Feelings" posted on YT platform on Sept. 17 - 2018. The producer of these politically astute and funny videos who calls himself Andrew - the Senior Political Strategist - appears on a screen as a commentator; his job is hard - but on camera he looks relaxed as if he is having fun and he radiates a super sense of humor which makes his remarks - on-target and funny.
You will enjoy this video because it has a lot of effective arguments against abolishing the U.S. Immigration Customs Enforcement Agency - ICE - which keeps and "eye" on the U.S. borders for various criminal elements and illicit drugs, so they do not "seep-in" into our country. Lately - however - the newly emerging Leftist/Socialistic leaning politicians are urging the abolishment of ICE.
You will enjoy this video because it has a lot of effective arguments against abolishing the U.S. Immigration Customs Enforcement Agency - ICE - which keeps and "eye" on the U.S. borders for various criminal elements and illicit drugs, so they do not "seep-in" into our country. Lately - however - the newly emerging Leftist/Socialistic leaning politicians are urging the abolishment of ICE.
So far - those new Socialistic/Communistic leaning politicos along with their "friends" - the older - "closet" American Socialists who called themselves Progressives - are all beaten to the pulp by the American voters in the most recent as well as in the past U.S. elections.
The new and old Leftists/Socialists/Progressives - have been always consistently, severely rejected by most American voters during the current 2018 primary elections - as well as in the past major elections - barring some deeply Blue/Hard Left/Democratic states like California/New York/Illinois - which currently and always - have suffered the results of their failing Socialistic policies which cause them to badly "hemorrhage" their valuable taxpayers who bolt, bolt, bolt - en masse - to the neighboring Red/Republican states which are not perfect but much better than high-taxes, high crime infested deep blue Left leaning Democratic states.
We will meet again - the same way - same time - next week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
The new and old Leftists/Socialists/Progressives - have been always consistently, severely rejected by most American voters during the current 2018 primary elections - as well as in the past major elections - barring some deeply Blue/Hard Left/Democratic states like California/New York/Illinois - which currently and always - have suffered the results of their failing Socialistic policies which cause them to badly "hemorrhage" their valuable taxpayers who bolt, bolt, bolt - en masse - to the neighboring Red/Republican states which are not perfect but much better than high-taxes, high crime infested deep blue Left leaning Democratic states.
We will meet again - the same way - same time - next week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Our Choice of YT Vid of the Wk - 3rd Wk of Sept. 2018 - "La Cumparsita - Xavier Cugat & his Waldorf Astoria Orchestra - 1946."
For the third week of Sept. 2018 - we chose a video uploaded by Dr. 240252 on Oct. 10 - 2014 which presents an amazing orchestral arrangement of a classic Tango "La Cumparsita" composed by an unkown Uruguayan composer - Matos Rodrigues around 1920. The Tango instantly became an international sensation which made Matos Rodrigues - famous all over the world.
This magnificent version - brilliantly orchestrated by a famous Latin band leader - Xavier Cugat and his Waldorf Astoria Orchestra - keeps an even, ten beat measure for the dancers. The vocals - done superbly in English by Dinah Shore - a terrific vocalist - presents this classic musical piece in a top notch manner.
We need to add to this splendid mix - super effective visuals from Art Deco Epoch of various dancers doing their Tango in an evocative manner - so we arrive at the terrific video. The viewers comments under the video are also interesting to the max - including the one by yours truly - main editor of this column. (Not boasting or anything - mind you.)
In any event - we know that all of us will have a really good third week of Sept. 2018. As always we thank you all for clicking our YT channel - tango3721. All of us pray for the Hurricane Florence to quickly disappear in the ocean while the beautiful even if a bit rainy fall arrived here in our hilly neighborhood! We shall meet again next week - same place - same "channel"!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
This magnificent version - brilliantly orchestrated by a famous Latin band leader - Xavier Cugat and his Waldorf Astoria Orchestra - keeps an even, ten beat measure for the dancers. The vocals - done superbly in English by Dinah Shore - a terrific vocalist - presents this classic musical piece in a top notch manner.
We need to add to this splendid mix - super effective visuals from Art Deco Epoch of various dancers doing their Tango in an evocative manner - so we arrive at the terrific video. The viewers comments under the video are also interesting to the max - including the one by yours truly - main editor of this column. (Not boasting or anything - mind you.)
In any event - we know that all of us will have a really good third week of Sept. 2018. As always we thank you all for clicking our YT channel - tango3721. All of us pray for the Hurricane Florence to quickly disappear in the ocean while the beautiful even if a bit rainy fall arrived here in our hilly neighborhood! We shall meet again next week - same place - same "channel"!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Our YT Vid of the Wk Choice for the 2nd Wk of Sept. 2018 - "Ted Cruz Leaves Dems in Schock with this Clinton Bombshell!"
For the 2nd Week of Sept. 2018 we chose a funny video by Ms. Gotcha News Network titled "Ted Cruz Leaves Dems in Schock with this Clinton Bombshell!" which she uploaded on Sept. 05 - 2018. It turned out that Ms. Clinton wanted to quickly appoint several liberal U.S. Supreme Court justices who would "stretch" the U.S. Constitution in favor of various Liberal/Socialistic/Globalistic leaning programs which are strongly advocated by some Liberal/Socialistic leaning American politicians - mainly from the blue/Democratic states. They are perceived as a threat by more conservative American politicans with their constituents who vote in the so called red/Republican states.
Currently the Democrats became "hijacked" by their hard Left/Socialists' faction. The American voters will "speak" about it during the upcoming Midterm 2018 elections coming up on Nov. 06 - 2018 and they will voice their dubious opinions re: Socialism - trying to creep up into American mainstream politics - during the following the Midterms - presidential elections of 2020. Tons of political observers feel that most Americans consider "Socialist" brand - terrifying and ugly - and will reject it - "en masse".
In any event - all of us will have a good and fun second week of Sept. 2018 - which is hot and humid in my hilly neighborhood but the lovely fall is almost here! Thanks for clicking our YT channel tango3721 and we shall meet again in the same place - the same time - next week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
Currently the Democrats became "hijacked" by their hard Left/Socialists' faction. The American voters will "speak" about it during the upcoming Midterm 2018 elections coming up on Nov. 06 - 2018 and they will voice their dubious opinions re: Socialism - trying to creep up into American mainstream politics - during the following the Midterms - presidential elections of 2020. Tons of political observers feel that most Americans consider "Socialist" brand - terrifying and ugly - and will reject it - "en masse".
In any event - all of us will have a good and fun second week of Sept. 2018 - which is hot and humid in my hilly neighborhood but the lovely fall is almost here! Thanks for clicking our YT channel tango3721 and we shall meet again in the same place - the same time - next week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Our Choice for the YT Vid of the Wk - "Bizimkilar: Ray Charles - Hit the Road Jack (Folk Cover)" - Sputnik.
For the first, Labor Day Week of Sept. 2018 - as our Youtube video of the week - we chose a quirky video/cover/take off - on Ray Charles' great, all time hit "Hit the Road Jack" titled "Bizimkilar: Ray Charles - Hit the Road Jack (Folk Cover)" uploaded on May 18 - 2016 by a YT video producer who calls himself "Sputnik" - most likely from Russia and who uploads many interesting videos on various, diverse topics.
Bizimkilar - a group of talented musicians, actors and singers/comedians from Azerbaijan - does a great job of making fun of the eternal hit by Ray Charles - "Hit the Road - Jack" - while at the same time - showcasing their tremendous musical and comical talents. We watched it three times and each time some funny details came to light which point to vast talents of this group of Azerbaijanian performers.
The viewers' comments under the video are tremendously interesting as well - and come from many different countries - so enjoy the video - everybody - its different, funny and well received since it garnered close to three million "clicks" in about two years.
All of us will have a super good first week of Sept. 2018 which is a Labor Day Weekend - one of our most favorite holidays next to Thanksgiving. After The Labor Day - the gorgeous fall is close. We shall meet again - next week - the same place - the same time - the same channel.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Bizimkilar - a group of talented musicians, actors and singers/comedians from Azerbaijan - does a great job of making fun of the eternal hit by Ray Charles - "Hit the Road - Jack" - while at the same time - showcasing their tremendous musical and comical talents. We watched it three times and each time some funny details came to light which point to vast talents of this group of Azerbaijanian performers.
The viewers' comments under the video are tremendously interesting as well - and come from many different countries - so enjoy the video - everybody - its different, funny and well received since it garnered close to three million "clicks" in about two years.
All of us will have a super good first week of Sept. 2018 which is a Labor Day Weekend - one of our most favorite holidays next to Thanksgiving. After The Labor Day - the gorgeous fall is close. We shall meet again - next week - the same place - the same time - the same channel.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Our Choice for the YT Vid of the Wk. for the 4th Wk. of Aug.2018 - "Phil Mudd Triggered by Paris Dennard Over Security Clearance on CNN Live!"
Ovation Eddie a funny producer of satirical Youtube videos - uploaded another hilarious political satire video on Aug. 21 - 2018 - titled "Phil Mudd Triggered by Paris Dennard Over Security Clearance on CNN Live!" As we mentioned before - Ovation Eddie splices together current piece of news with comedic fragments of various movies or TV shows - to make fun of the people in the news - mostly Liberal/Socialistic leaning politicians or their pundits.
Phil Mudd - a white, middle aged, well educated appearing contractor with a security clearance was engaged by CNN to give his take on neccessity for the security clearance being allowed to remain with the people employed by the government even after they leave the government service - unlike the normal corporate procedure which ends the clearance after people leave the company.
Paris Dennard - a black ex-analyst for Pres. Bush was presenting logical and clear arguments attesting to the President Trumps' obvious legal standing in revoking the security clearances of individuals who "politicize" their clearance like Mr. John Brenner - ex-CIA head who issues tons of offensive, politically biased
Mr. Mudd became visibly enraged upon hearing Mr. Dennard's logical arguments - so he proceeded to scream unrelated statements at Mr. Dennard who never lost his cool - thus making Mr. Mudd's outbursts pointing to his explosive personality. Phil Mudd's ranting "show" was picked up by countless social media platforms as well as by the major radio hosts who have millions upon millions listeners. Youtube alone had over a million clicks broadcasting Mr. Mudd's verbal outbursts. We would venture to say that his reputation as a dependable contractor and his ability to secure clients will both be dampened for a while even if the Liberal leaning American media gave him a huge pass on his questionable behavior. If a conservative commentator made such a big ass of himself or herself - they would be screaming "hateful racist" - to no end.
In any event - all of us will have a very excellent 4th week of August 2018 which continues cool in my hilly "turf". We will be together - next week - same place - same time!
An important note - unfortunately - evidently due to some - ostensibly - copyright issues - but more likely - because Ovation Eddie website had anti-Leftist slant - the website got removed by YouTube in July 2019; YouTube is owned and controlled by Google Giant - also rumored to have a strong pro/Leftist bias.
An important - happy note - to the best of our knowledge - Ovation Eddie's YouTube website - has - subsequently - come back to YouTube platform - better than before!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Phil Mudd - a white, middle aged, well educated appearing contractor with a security clearance was engaged by CNN to give his take on neccessity for the security clearance being allowed to remain with the people employed by the government even after they leave the government service - unlike the normal corporate procedure which ends the clearance after people leave the company.
Paris Dennard - a black ex-analyst for Pres. Bush was presenting logical and clear arguments attesting to the President Trumps' obvious legal standing in revoking the security clearances of individuals who "politicize" their clearance like Mr. John Brenner - ex-CIA head who issues tons of offensive, politically biased
Mr. Mudd became visibly enraged upon hearing Mr. Dennard's logical arguments - so he proceeded to scream unrelated statements at Mr. Dennard who never lost his cool - thus making Mr. Mudd's outbursts pointing to his explosive personality. Phil Mudd's ranting "show" was picked up by countless social media platforms as well as by the major radio hosts who have millions upon millions listeners. Youtube alone had over a million clicks broadcasting Mr. Mudd's verbal outbursts. We would venture to say that his reputation as a dependable contractor and his ability to secure clients will both be dampened for a while even if the Liberal leaning American media gave him a huge pass on his questionable behavior. If a conservative commentator made such a big ass of himself or herself - they would be screaming "hateful racist" - to no end.
In any event - all of us will have a very excellent 4th week of August 2018 which continues cool in my hilly "turf". We will be together - next week - same place - same time!
An important note - unfortunately - evidently due to some - ostensibly - copyright issues - but more likely - because Ovation Eddie website had anti-Leftist slant - the website got removed by YouTube in July 2019; YouTube is owned and controlled by Google Giant - also rumored to have a strong pro/Leftist bias.
An important - happy note - to the best of our knowledge - Ovation Eddie's YouTube website - has - subsequently - come back to YouTube platform - better than before!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Our Choice for the YT Vid of the Wk for 3rd Wk of Aug. 2018!
For the 3rd week of Aug. 2018 as Youtube Vid of the Week we chose a hilarious piece by the YT video producer who calls himself Ovation Eddie who uploads the funny clips which he cleverly joins together with some current events commenataries. On Aug. 13 - 2018 he uploaded a short clip titled "Jim Acosta Colbert Show - Stares in the Mirror aka Stuart Smalley".
The famous CNN reporter Jim Acosta habitually screams "provocative" and idiotic questions at Pres. Trump and his press rep. Sara Huckabee Sanders. Many other reporters who behave normally expressed the opinion that Mr. Acosta makes a "spectacle" out of himself. When the reporter aspires to be a star of his story - his work suffers along with his professional reputation.
The video we are highlighting features the ex-senator from Minnesota - Al Franken's clip of a Saturday Night Life's skit in which an ultra liberal legislator was still a comedian with his comedian's career taking a big nose dive with the similar thing happening to his political career; he was forced to resign from the U.S. Senate following the sexual harrassment incident which came to light last fall 2017 - due to "Me Too" avalanche - which subsequently - subsided quite a bit.
The humorous video we chose - makes fun of Stuart Smalley - portrayed by Al Franken during the Saturday Night Live times when he was still a comedian. The character of Stuart Smalley was totally in love with himself - staring at himself in the mirrow and seeing a "God in Flesh" - while other people saw an idiot - the situation similar to Jim Acosta's "antics" - according to the social media platforms.
In any event - we will have a super good 3rd week of Aug. 2018! We shall meet again - same channel - same place - same day - next week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
The famous CNN reporter Jim Acosta habitually screams "provocative" and idiotic questions at Pres. Trump and his press rep. Sara Huckabee Sanders. Many other reporters who behave normally expressed the opinion that Mr. Acosta makes a "spectacle" out of himself. When the reporter aspires to be a star of his story - his work suffers along with his professional reputation.
The video we are highlighting features the ex-senator from Minnesota - Al Franken's clip of a Saturday Night Life's skit in which an ultra liberal legislator was still a comedian with his comedian's career taking a big nose dive with the similar thing happening to his political career; he was forced to resign from the U.S. Senate following the sexual harrassment incident which came to light last fall 2017 - due to "Me Too" avalanche - which subsequently - subsided quite a bit.
The humorous video we chose - makes fun of Stuart Smalley - portrayed by Al Franken during the Saturday Night Live times when he was still a comedian. The character of Stuart Smalley was totally in love with himself - staring at himself in the mirrow and seeing a "God in Flesh" - while other people saw an idiot - the situation similar to Jim Acosta's "antics" - according to the social media platforms.
In any event - we will have a super good 3rd week of Aug. 2018! We shall meet again - same channel - same place - same day - next week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Our Choice of YT Vid of the Wk for the Second Wk of Aug.2018 - "Rough Night for Ocasio Cortez'es - Middle America Endorsements - Crash and Burn!"
For the second week of Aug. 2018 - we chose an interesting upload done by the lady whose YT name is Gotcha News Network who specializes in reading in a charming, unique way - the political clips posted on Internet by various sharp political commentators. She uploaded a funnny video on Aug. 08 - 2018 following the Tues. Aug. 07 - 18 - congressional primary elections in Kansas, Michigan, Missouri and Ohio - with Ohio - holding special elections since the Republican legislator resigned - thus in Ohio - they have to do it all over - again in the midterm elections in Nov. 2018.
Over all - it was a decent night for both - Democrats and Republicans - however - the newly "unmasked" American Socialists who were previously hiding uder the name of the Progressives - had a horrible defeat - for the Party as well as for their newly "annointed" rising star - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez plus the Socialists she endorsed.
Evidently most American people simply abhorr the idea of Socialism/Communism because following these primaries in which Ocasio-Cortez and her Socialists experienced massive defeats at the ballot boxes - the social media platforms covered the American Socialists/Communists with tons of "mud" and ridicule - consistently - on all the numerous social media platforms - with most of those severe criticisms - well deserved. Nobody forgets that the Socialism/Communism is responsible for many innocent people/political opposition - dying in their political labor camps and jails of various kinds. The oppressive, Socialist Chinese government - currently suppresses their people by giving them so called "points" without which the people can't even get on the bus.
John Kennedy, III - the great grandson of a Socialist leaning Democratic Legend - an ex-President John F. Kennedy - received the same kind of treatment - ridicule all over the social media platforms - after his famous speech/rebuttal of Pres. Trump's - State of the Union Address in Jan. 2018 - during which his chapstick was smeared all over John Kennedy's III's face - so his political carreer - went far to the "back burner" for quite a while.
In any event - all of us will have a super good second week of Aug. 2018.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Our Choice of the Youtube Vid of the Wk - 1st Wk of Aug. 2018 - "David Harris, Jr. - News".
For the first week of Aug. 2018 we chose a magnificent video uploaded by David Harris, Jr. on Wedns. Aug. - 01 - 2018 - titled "News". David narrates in a fascinating way his recent ordeal in Northern California's deadly Carr Fire which lasted more than a week and devoured ar. 700 houses, killed 6 people, destroyed thousands upon thousands of acres of woods. As of Aug. 01 - 2018 - the Carr Fire has subsided a lot and is under control of the brave firefighters from ten states who - in many cases - worked double and triple shifts - before getting off.
David has a Youtube following of close to forty thousand people - mainly from the U.S. but quite a few people follow him from Europe, Australia and other far away places. All of us - his followers - prayed a lot for him and his family - and their house. We sent him our messages of prayers and encouragement via Youtube.
As of Aug. 01 - 2018 - according to his "News" upload which we expected impatiently - his house, his family, his animals were not touched by the fire which - currently - subsided to a great extent and is under control of the firemen. The firemen who fought that calamity - are heroes - and several of them - died in accidents which were caused by this Carr's Fire's fierce nature.
David asked for some funds for his elderly neighbor who lost his wife and 2 grandchildren so - we - David's Youtubers collected for him twenty thousand dollars in two days and we also contributed sizable funds to the Red Cross unit which was helping a lot with with that horrible Carr Fire.
After you listen carefully to David Harris, Jr. Aug. 01 - 2018 - upload - titled "News" - you will understand the urgency of his message concerning the current political situation in the U.S. As Larry Elder repeates in his - enormously popular - nightly radio show - "America - we have a country to save!"
At any rate - all of us will have a super good first week of Aug. 2018 which contiunes rainy in my hilly "corner" close to New York City as it threatens "flash flooods" in the low areas. They could sure use our excessive rain in Northern California.
As every week - we thank all of you for clicking our YT channel tango3721 and we meet again next week - same place - same time!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
David has a Youtube following of close to forty thousand people - mainly from the U.S. but quite a few people follow him from Europe, Australia and other far away places. All of us - his followers - prayed a lot for him and his family - and their house. We sent him our messages of prayers and encouragement via Youtube.
As of Aug. 01 - 2018 - according to his "News" upload which we expected impatiently - his house, his family, his animals were not touched by the fire which - currently - subsided to a great extent and is under control of the firemen. The firemen who fought that calamity - are heroes - and several of them - died in accidents which were caused by this Carr's Fire's fierce nature.
David asked for some funds for his elderly neighbor who lost his wife and 2 grandchildren so - we - David's Youtubers collected for him twenty thousand dollars in two days and we also contributed sizable funds to the Red Cross unit which was helping a lot with with that horrible Carr Fire.
After you listen carefully to David Harris, Jr. Aug. 01 - 2018 - upload - titled "News" - you will understand the urgency of his message concerning the current political situation in the U.S. As Larry Elder repeates in his - enormously popular - nightly radio show - "America - we have a country to save!"
At any rate - all of us will have a super good first week of Aug. 2018 which contiunes rainy in my hilly "corner" close to New York City as it threatens "flash flooods" in the low areas. They could sure use our excessive rain in Northern California.
As every week - we thank all of you for clicking our YT channel tango3721 and we meet again next week - same place - same time!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Our Choice of YT Vid of the Wk for the Last Wk of Jul. 2018 - "John McCain Gets Booed Loudly at the Turning Point U.S.A. H.S. Leadership Dinner."
For the last week of Jul. 2018 - we chose a funny political video uploaded by Madamme Gotcha News Network on Jul. 25 - 2018 titled "John McCain Gets Booed Loudly at the Turning Point U.S.A High School Leadership Dinner."
John McCain - a longtime Arizona's liberal Republican Senator - who unsuccessfuly ran for President in 2012 - has been harshly critical of Pres. Trump's policies which during our volatile political atmosphere gets him boos and worse from the Trump supporters while the left leaning Democrats do not give him any special favorable notices of any kind - either.
He truly does not care what he says or does since his diagnosis of untreatable brain cancer excuses him from fullfilling even his minimal duties in the U.S. Senate. Several political commentators opined that he needs to resign so the governor of Arizona can appoint another senator to do his job. In the private sector - if a top executive gets very sick - the company replaces him. The government should be run like a private enterprise - in many justifiable circumstances.
In any event - everybody will have a super good last week of July 2018 which so far has been on the cool side in my hilly, picturesque neighborhood. Let's keep it this way! We shall meet again - next week - same place - same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
John McCain - a longtime Arizona's liberal Republican Senator - who unsuccessfuly ran for President in 2012 - has been harshly critical of Pres. Trump's policies which during our volatile political atmosphere gets him boos and worse from the Trump supporters while the left leaning Democrats do not give him any special favorable notices of any kind - either.
He truly does not care what he says or does since his diagnosis of untreatable brain cancer excuses him from fullfilling even his minimal duties in the U.S. Senate. Several political commentators opined that he needs to resign so the governor of Arizona can appoint another senator to do his job. In the private sector - if a top executive gets very sick - the company replaces him. The government should be run like a private enterprise - in many justifiable circumstances.
In any event - everybody will have a super good last week of July 2018 which so far has been on the cool side in my hilly, picturesque neighborhood. Let's keep it this way! We shall meet again - next week - same place - same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Our Pick of the Most Interesting Vid of YT for the Third Week of Jul. 2018!!!
We picked an interesting Video on Youtube posted on July 18 - 2018 by a much respected, prolific Youtube video producer - a middle aged lady with a "silver" voice who reads various short press entries accompanied by the corresponding TV clips. She frequently laughs as she reads with her laugh also charming in an unique manner.
Her latest post is titled - "Judge Jeanine Weighs in on Brennan and Trump Presser!" The lady "Gotcha" - the producer of those clips goes by the YT name of Gotcha News Network since the Liberals hate her with a proverbial "apoplectic" intensity. The truth makes various Leftist/Liberals - political propagandists - furious - since they constantly spin and stretch facts to fit their Leftist/Socialistic political agenda which most American people truly - despise.
At any rate in this clip - an ex-Judge Jeanine Pirro - a Latin looking, beautiful, smart and super convincing political commentator - a loyal supporter of Pres. Trump - who gets thousands upon thousands of positive comments on various platforms of social media - answers various Trump haters in a way that makes them look like idiots; they are perceived as such - according to the millions of comments posted on various social media platforms - by millions of American people as well as many foreigners who wish that they had a leader on the fashion of Pres. Trump - instead of the Socialistic, ineffectual head of state - like Justin Trudeau of Canada - whose Socialistic government is currently in power but on shaky grounds - with lots of Canadians ready to vote the conservatives back in - according to many posts on various social media platforms.
In any event - all of us will have a very good third week of July 2018 coming up very soon. We meet again - next week - same time - same place!
An important note:
Shortly after we published this column - an ex-Judge Jeaninne Pirro was cursed out, spit at, screamed at, chased off the set - by a Liberal Icon/A Prominent Democrat - Whoopie Goldberg who has been leading "The View" for a long time - an ABC talk show - with a totally Liberal/Socialistic bias. The social media has tons of comments either condemning Whoopie Goldberg's angry outbursts or making fun of her - the aging celebrity - "has been" - who needs to know when to "get the hell out of the spotlight" while the going is good - at the right time.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Her latest post is titled - "Judge Jeanine Weighs in on Brennan and Trump Presser!" The lady "Gotcha" - the producer of those clips goes by the YT name of Gotcha News Network since the Liberals hate her with a proverbial "apoplectic" intensity. The truth makes various Leftist/Liberals - political propagandists - furious - since they constantly spin and stretch facts to fit their Leftist/Socialistic political agenda which most American people truly - despise.
At any rate in this clip - an ex-Judge Jeanine Pirro - a Latin looking, beautiful, smart and super convincing political commentator - a loyal supporter of Pres. Trump - who gets thousands upon thousands of positive comments on various platforms of social media - answers various Trump haters in a way that makes them look like idiots; they are perceived as such - according to the millions of comments posted on various social media platforms - by millions of American people as well as many foreigners who wish that they had a leader on the fashion of Pres. Trump - instead of the Socialistic, ineffectual head of state - like Justin Trudeau of Canada - whose Socialistic government is currently in power but on shaky grounds - with lots of Canadians ready to vote the conservatives back in - according to many posts on various social media platforms.
In any event - all of us will have a very good third week of July 2018 coming up very soon. We meet again - next week - same time - same place!
An important note:
Shortly after we published this column - an ex-Judge Jeaninne Pirro was cursed out, spit at, screamed at, chased off the set - by a Liberal Icon/A Prominent Democrat - Whoopie Goldberg who has been leading "The View" for a long time - an ABC talk show - with a totally Liberal/Socialistic bias. The social media has tons of comments either condemning Whoopie Goldberg's angry outbursts or making fun of her - the aging celebrity - "has been" - who needs to know when to "get the hell out of the spotlight" while the going is good - at the right time.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Mike Gallagher's nationally syndicated - radio talk show on 1250 Am - Pittsburgh, Pa - WPGP - "The Answer" - 9 am in Pittsburgh, Pa - Market - Blisters the Left Leaning, Long Time - Democratic Chicago Senator Dick Durbin.
Mike Gallagher - a famous conservative radio political firebrand/commentator - a prominent radio talk show host - broadcasts from New York City every morning 9 am - till noon - he is heard on the Pittsburgh, Pa. - radio station - WPGP - 1250 AM - "The Answer" - also 9 am till noon. Mike has a slightly raspy voice and his long time running radio talk show - doesn't mince strong words when they - at times - answer hostile/ignorant telephone comments during his three hour long - show. Some of those extremists/individuals who telephone his radio show - badly need their noses "rubbed" in their Liberal/Socialistic/Globalist political agenda which would drive even the rich countries like U.S. to poverty - in a short time - the way it does in other wealthy countries. Each time those Leftist/Democrat/Liberal/Globalist/Socialist fringes spout their nonsense/drivel - people like Mike Gallagher know exactly how to get some sense into their heads - in a most effective and convincing manner.
This morning - July 10 - 2018 - Mike commented on various, wildly divisive, violence inciting comments made by an old political hack from Illinois - a wildly Liberal/Leftist leaning Illinois Senator - Dick Durbin - regarding the new U.S. Supreme Court nominee - Judge Brett Kavanaugh from Washington, D.C. Many people in Chicago strongly oppose Senator Dick Durbin and his Globalist/Socialist agenda which contributes to many additional problems plaguing that city.
According to many Chicagoans - Durbin needs to retire as soon as possible - the sooner - the better - since he's been an ineffective, divisive - extremely Leftist/Globalist leaning Illinois senator for - way - too long. According to Mike Gallagher - Senator Durbin advocates for the Socialistic Left to an alarming degree. The other Illinois Senator - an army veteran lady without legs - Tammy Duckworth - is not nearly as crazily Left leaning as Durbin is - even if she is Leftist/Socialist.
This morning during his July 10 - 2018 radio show - Mike Gallagher quoted Durbin as saying that the ICE agency is full of "incompetents" which couldn't further from the truth. Mike Gallagher almost had a proverbial "apoplexy" on the air over this statement since Mike heads a big charity fund which pays sizable payouts to widows and orphans of any servicemen killed in the line of duty - including many ICE agents - who loose their lives - protecting the U.S. borders since tons of criminal, drug dealing elements enter the U.S. via the southern borders.
At any rate - have a great third week of July 2018 - everybody. We hope that everybody had a good 4th of July. Our weather here - around hilly, picturesque Pittsburgh - surprised us with flash floods and massive but short - power outages - which passed - for a long, long time - thank God! Thanks - as always - for clicking on our commentary every week! We meet here - in the same place - same channel - same time!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
This morning - July 10 - 2018 - Mike commented on various, wildly divisive, violence inciting comments made by an old political hack from Illinois - a wildly Liberal/Leftist leaning Illinois Senator - Dick Durbin - regarding the new U.S. Supreme Court nominee - Judge Brett Kavanaugh from Washington, D.C. Many people in Chicago strongly oppose Senator Dick Durbin and his Globalist/Socialist agenda which contributes to many additional problems plaguing that city.
According to many Chicagoans - Durbin needs to retire as soon as possible - the sooner - the better - since he's been an ineffective, divisive - extremely Leftist/Globalist leaning Illinois senator for - way - too long. According to Mike Gallagher - Senator Durbin advocates for the Socialistic Left to an alarming degree. The other Illinois Senator - an army veteran lady without legs - Tammy Duckworth - is not nearly as crazily Left leaning as Durbin is - even if she is Leftist/Socialist.
This morning during his July 10 - 2018 radio show - Mike Gallagher quoted Durbin as saying that the ICE agency is full of "incompetents" which couldn't further from the truth. Mike Gallagher almost had a proverbial "apoplexy" on the air over this statement since Mike heads a big charity fund which pays sizable payouts to widows and orphans of any servicemen killed in the line of duty - including many ICE agents - who loose their lives - protecting the U.S. borders since tons of criminal, drug dealing elements enter the U.S. via the southern borders.
At any rate - have a great third week of July 2018 - everybody. We hope that everybody had a good 4th of July. Our weather here - around hilly, picturesque Pittsburgh - surprised us with flash floods and massive but short - power outages - which passed - for a long, long time - thank God! Thanks - as always - for clicking on our commentary every week! We meet here - in the same place - same channel - same time!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Our Choice for the YT Vid of the Wk for the 2nd Wk of July 2018 - "Communist Queen Ocasio-Cortez Fights Back when Exposed as a Fraud!!!".
As our choice of the YT Video of the Week for the 2nd week of July 2018 - we picked a cool video by Madamme Gotcha News Network titled "Communist Queen Ocasio-Cortez Fights Back when Exposed as a Fraud" uploaded on July 03 - 2018. The lady who uploads tons of politically consequential YT clips goes only by her Youtube name of "Gotcha News Network" since the Democratic Liberals/Leftists can be vitriolic - in today's volatile political atmoshpere - especially when their frequently shady political tactics are exposed so they stand naked in the light.
Last week the Leftist main stream media went totally "ga-ga-goo-goo" excitied with joy over a young waitress, Latina - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - who had a puny primary victory (only 20% of Democrats bothered to vote - with the main election still ahead) - a very weak political event for her - after which she triumphantly proclaimed herself a Marxist/ Socialist - thus her Democratic political power broker opponent - Joe Crowley - got his nose "rubbed in it" with the rest of the Democratic Party. They are both from the heavily left leaning Democratic New York state district - and yes - it was the same, middle aged Joe Crowley who planned to unseat an old Democratic political "dinosaur/hack" Nancy Pelosi. Ocasio-Cortez got a few more Latin votes than Crowley since the demographics of their district - changed. Identity politics on full display!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez kept repeating her left leaning Socialist/Marxist message through all the Leftist leaning American media outlets - and she stated that she is "ready to fight" - according to her interview with Chuck Todd in his "Meet the Press" broadcast - last Sundy July 01 - 2018. Even though most Democrats are "closet" Leftists - still - her openly Socialistic/Communistic talk was met with an avalanche of angry responses on all the public media platforms - from all the smart people belonging to all the American political parties.
A lot of people placed a recurring message on her Facebook page which reads like - "she is a damaged goods because we don't want another, mini-me version of Hillary 2.0 or Barak Obama 2.0 running for office." Youtube is full of the American people's strong opposition comments opposing her political agenda which is - openly - Socialistic/Communistic. They also point out her anti-Israel and anti-Semitic political attitudes since she closely associates with many virulent anti-Semites who "crawl" around the New York City and the state of New York.
In addition - she blatantly lies about her purported "working class, humble ascend to political prominence" while in reality - her family is rich since she went to school with Chelsea Clinton where the yearly tuition is at least - north of forty thousands dollars per year. She is a typical Marxist elitist who needs the political power of the government - to their disposal - like Count Dracula needs fresh blood - to oppress the rest of the society after giving them a few, free - token - handouts. Looks like most Americans of all ages and political persuasions have a lot distrust and disdain for the Socialistic/Communistic type systems - which bring misery and suffering to the countries who "practice it".
In any event - we hope that everybody had a good 4th of July. Long live the Constitutional Republic of the United States! As every week - thanks a million for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721 and we meet again - next week - same place - same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
Last week the Leftist main stream media went totally "ga-ga-goo-goo" excitied with joy over a young waitress, Latina - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - who had a puny primary victory (only 20% of Democrats bothered to vote - with the main election still ahead) - a very weak political event for her - after which she triumphantly proclaimed herself a Marxist/ Socialist - thus her Democratic political power broker opponent - Joe Crowley - got his nose "rubbed in it" with the rest of the Democratic Party. They are both from the heavily left leaning Democratic New York state district - and yes - it was the same, middle aged Joe Crowley who planned to unseat an old Democratic political "dinosaur/hack" Nancy Pelosi. Ocasio-Cortez got a few more Latin votes than Crowley since the demographics of their district - changed. Identity politics on full display!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez kept repeating her left leaning Socialist/Marxist message through all the Leftist leaning American media outlets - and she stated that she is "ready to fight" - according to her interview with Chuck Todd in his "Meet the Press" broadcast - last Sundy July 01 - 2018. Even though most Democrats are "closet" Leftists - still - her openly Socialistic/Communistic talk was met with an avalanche of angry responses on all the public media platforms - from all the smart people belonging to all the American political parties.
A lot of people placed a recurring message on her Facebook page which reads like - "she is a damaged goods because we don't want another, mini-me version of Hillary 2.0 or Barak Obama 2.0 running for office." Youtube is full of the American people's strong opposition comments opposing her political agenda which is - openly - Socialistic/Communistic. They also point out her anti-Israel and anti-Semitic political attitudes since she closely associates with many virulent anti-Semites who "crawl" around the New York City and the state of New York.
In addition - she blatantly lies about her purported "working class, humble ascend to political prominence" while in reality - her family is rich since she went to school with Chelsea Clinton where the yearly tuition is at least - north of forty thousands dollars per year. She is a typical Marxist elitist who needs the political power of the government - to their disposal - like Count Dracula needs fresh blood - to oppress the rest of the society after giving them a few, free - token - handouts. Looks like most Americans of all ages and political persuasions have a lot distrust and disdain for the Socialistic/Communistic type systems - which bring misery and suffering to the countries who "practice it".
In any event - we hope that everybody had a good 4th of July. Long live the Constitutional Republic of the United States! As every week - thanks a million for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721 and we meet again - next week - same place - same channel!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Our Choice for the YT Vid of the Week for the 1st Wk of July 2018 - Gotcha News Network - "Red Hen Owner who Booted Sarah Sanders Just Got Nasty Taste of Her Own Medicine"!
For the first week of July 2018 - we picked a funny video uploaded on Jun. 27-2018 by an undisclosed lady with a magnificent voice who goes by the YT nickname of Gotcha Network News. She - astutely - keeps her real name discreetly hidden because according to her true statement - "the irrational hordes of extreme Leftists/Liberals behave in an increasingly crazy manner". Last week Maxine Waters - an old, loud mouthed, extremely Leftist rep. from Los Angeles, Ca. district - urged the "harrassment of Trump supporters" bordering on - barely stopping short - urging the violence against the Trump supporters.
The video which we are highlighting - mentioned above - deals with the extreme Leftist owner of a restaurant franchise "Red Hen" who not only refused service to Sarah Huckabee Sanders - Pres. Trump's Press Secretary - but she proceeded to follow and harrass Sarah and her family into the other restaurant to which they went. The rightfully outraged reaction to this kind of truly Fascist, unlawful tactics - put a well deserved pressure on the Leftist "Red Hen" franchise owner.
In any event - we know that all of us - fair, just and good people will have a great first week of July 2018 with the 4th of July coming up which is always a lot of fun. Keep your fireworks safe and away from "spooked up" domestic animals! As always thanks whole bunch for clicking our YT channel tango3721! We shall meet again next week - at the same place!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
The video which we are highlighting - mentioned above - deals with the extreme Leftist owner of a restaurant franchise "Red Hen" who not only refused service to Sarah Huckabee Sanders - Pres. Trump's Press Secretary - but she proceeded to follow and harrass Sarah and her family into the other restaurant to which they went. The rightfully outraged reaction to this kind of truly Fascist, unlawful tactics - put a well deserved pressure on the Leftist "Red Hen" franchise owner.
In any event - we know that all of us - fair, just and good people will have a great first week of July 2018 with the 4th of July coming up which is always a lot of fun. Keep your fireworks safe and away from "spooked up" domestic animals! As always thanks whole bunch for clicking our YT channel tango3721! We shall meet again next week - at the same place!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Our Choice for YT Video of the Week for the Last Week of - Jun. 2018 - Fri. Jun. 22 - 18 till Fri. Jun. 29 - 18!
For the last week of Jun. 2018 - we chose a video by a young, handsome, black journalist - David Harris, Jr. - titled "Mexico, Obama, Germany, Refugees and Israel!" - uploaded onto his YT platform on Jun. 19 - 2018. David Harris, Jr is an athletic looking black journalist with terrific communications abilities. If he wishes he would have a great political career potential since his concern for what's currently happening in the U.S. - comes through - loud and clear. He writes his commentaries in most snappy, crisp and exciting manner. His analysis of current events sparkles with clarity and common sense.
In the video which we picked - David Harris, Jr. points out to the numerous "fake news" outlets - totally ignoring - the ex-President Obama's caused - many incidents where his "versions" of enforcing the U.S southern international borders' laws - on many occassions - separated the illegal aliens from their children - while they make a big deal when Pres. Trump attempts to enforce the illegal borders crossing laws which call for separating the children from the adults who commit the crimes.
Mr. Harris also talks about the U.S. finally leaving the United Nations Human Rights Council which it re-joined at the urgent request by an ex-President Obama - the totally anti-American and anti-Israel United Nations' Council which while - heavily financed by the U.S. -consistently issues its totally biased resolutions against U.S. and Israel while it constantly ignores other countries' blatant violations of human rights of every imaginable kind.
We understand that Mr. Harris is - getting a lot of push-back from some black Democratic politicians on the order of an old political Leftist "hack" who needs to retire after serving since 1987 - Mr. John Lewis - a long time congressional rep. from Atlanta, Georgia district - who sheds "crocodile tears" over the illegal aliens' - kids separated from their illegal alliens parents on the southern U.S. border while in the U.S. plenty of American children whose parents are in jail - have to depend on private charities to give them some support since the American taxpayers are "squeezed dried" by all the political party "hacks"'s various expenses - on both sides of the political - isles - with the Democrats - traditionally - quick to spend the taxpayers money like "there is no tomorrow."
At any rate - all of us will have a super good last week of June 2018 which is always a beautiful first month of the summer for everybody. Thanks for clicking our YT channel tango3721 and we will meet again in the same manner - next week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
In the video which we picked - David Harris, Jr. points out to the numerous "fake news" outlets - totally ignoring - the ex-President Obama's caused - many incidents where his "versions" of enforcing the U.S southern international borders' laws - on many occassions - separated the illegal aliens from their children - while they make a big deal when Pres. Trump attempts to enforce the illegal borders crossing laws which call for separating the children from the adults who commit the crimes.
Mr. Harris also talks about the U.S. finally leaving the United Nations Human Rights Council which it re-joined at the urgent request by an ex-President Obama - the totally anti-American and anti-Israel United Nations' Council which while - heavily financed by the U.S. -consistently issues its totally biased resolutions against U.S. and Israel while it constantly ignores other countries' blatant violations of human rights of every imaginable kind.
We understand that Mr. Harris is - getting a lot of push-back from some black Democratic politicians on the order of an old political Leftist "hack" who needs to retire after serving since 1987 - Mr. John Lewis - a long time congressional rep. from Atlanta, Georgia district - who sheds "crocodile tears" over the illegal aliens' - kids separated from their illegal alliens parents on the southern U.S. border while in the U.S. plenty of American children whose parents are in jail - have to depend on private charities to give them some support since the American taxpayers are "squeezed dried" by all the political party "hacks"'s various expenses - on both sides of the political - isles - with the Democrats - traditionally - quick to spend the taxpayers money like "there is no tomorrow."
At any rate - all of us will have a super good last week of June 2018 which is always a beautiful first month of the summer for everybody. Thanks for clicking our YT channel tango3721 and we will meet again in the same manner - next week!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Our Choice of the YT Vid of the Wk for the Third Wk of Jun. 2018 - "Polish Tango Argentino - My Precious (Mily) Ordonowna - Chor Dana - 1929".
For the third week of June 2018 we chose for our Video of the Week - a lovely Tango uploaded onto a YT platform by Dr. 240252 on Aug. 19 - 2010 titled "Polish Tango Argentino - My Precious (Mily) - Ordonowna - Chor Dana - 1929".
Hanka Ordon-Tyszkiewicz a multi-talented, beautiful Polish movie star, singer, dancer, lyricist was born in Warsaw 1902 and died in Beirut, Lebanon in 1950. Her career was wildly successful - in Polish movies, producing hit records to which she frequently wrote the lyrics in addition to singing. Her magnificent phrazing in delivering the lyrics more than made up for her lack of an outstanding singing voice. She also appeared in top notch Warsaw theatrical productions so she was famous and celebrated - from 1925 - 1939.
Her private life - however - was tragic. Her marriage to a handsome, rich and influential Count Michal Tyszkiewicz was unhappy because his aristocratic family rejected her while she found herself missing her prior professional life and career in Warsaw. She left her castle/residence and went back to Warsaw where her affair with Igo Syms - a dashing, handsome Polish movie star - almost landed her in jail because Syms was arrested as a German spy.
Her husband came to her rescue so she didn't go to jail but both her husband and she found themselves in exile because when the Communists grabbed power in Poland after the Second World War ended - the Communist government severely persecuted the aristocracy. She died in Beirut, Lebanon as a result of severe Tuberculosis when she was only forty eight years old.
It's a good thing that she left a lot of her works for the legions of her fans - sometimes - three generations of families who love her songs. In addition - a lot of new fans get to know her works through Youtube.
Anyway - all of us will have a very good third week of June 2018 which so far is cool and rainy (beats the heat waves) - in my hilly neighborhood close to New York City. Thanks for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721 and we meet here next week - on the same day!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
Hanka Ordon-Tyszkiewicz a multi-talented, beautiful Polish movie star, singer, dancer, lyricist was born in Warsaw 1902 and died in Beirut, Lebanon in 1950. Her career was wildly successful - in Polish movies, producing hit records to which she frequently wrote the lyrics in addition to singing. Her magnificent phrazing in delivering the lyrics more than made up for her lack of an outstanding singing voice. She also appeared in top notch Warsaw theatrical productions so she was famous and celebrated - from 1925 - 1939.
Her private life - however - was tragic. Her marriage to a handsome, rich and influential Count Michal Tyszkiewicz was unhappy because his aristocratic family rejected her while she found herself missing her prior professional life and career in Warsaw. She left her castle/residence and went back to Warsaw where her affair with Igo Syms - a dashing, handsome Polish movie star - almost landed her in jail because Syms was arrested as a German spy.
Her husband came to her rescue so she didn't go to jail but both her husband and she found themselves in exile because when the Communists grabbed power in Poland after the Second World War ended - the Communist government severely persecuted the aristocracy. She died in Beirut, Lebanon as a result of severe Tuberculosis when she was only forty eight years old.
It's a good thing that she left a lot of her works for the legions of her fans - sometimes - three generations of families who love her songs. In addition - a lot of new fans get to know her works through Youtube.
Anyway - all of us will have a very good third week of June 2018 which so far is cool and rainy (beats the heat waves) - in my hilly neighborhood close to New York City. Thanks for clicking our Youtube channel tango3721 and we meet here next week - on the same day!
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
Sunday, June 10, 2018
A Pittsburgh Russian Theater Presents a Special - "Songs from the Popular Soviet and Russian Movies-1930 till Present".
On Sat. June 09 - 2018 - Anatoly Shvartsman presented a multi-media show - a tribute to the Soviet/Russian songs from the Soviet/Russian movies from - roughly - 1930 till today. The conveniently located venue of a small concert hall at the JCC of Squirrel Hill (an exclusive part of Pittsburgh, Pa.) - actually turned out to be suitable location for this presentation.
According to our reviews' spirit of keeping our numerous "clickers/readers" attention in focus - we shall follow our popular in Chicago - formula. At first we shall point out some areas in which the show could be improved - then we will "sing the praises" of the numerous, successful parts of the show.
The whole presentation was a little long which consisted of over two hours with an intermission. An hour and a half with an intermission would be quite enough. In addition - some group numbers were also too long - since they "dragged" - while most other long group numbers were funny and sparkling.
My favorite piece was a song done professionally by Tatyana Khelemskaya titled "Love is a Magical Country" from the Soviet movie titled "A Cruel Affair." The lyrics strike a strong cord with all the people who experience love - which is at least ninety seven percent of all the humans. The lyrics go something like "Love is a Magical country where everybody is either a traitor or a backstabber - sooner or later". We venture to postulate that the lyricist's - Mr. Ryazanov's love life was not going entirely smoothly. The whole package - however - the lyrics plus the music plus the vocals - all came out - really - top notch. It was a sad song -nevertheless - which will provoke some pondering on the nature of love - one of the biggest "highs" of human experiences.
A lot of excellent love songs talk about the "fleeting" nature of love and happiness. A famous, celebrated, beautiful, multi-talented Polish chanteusse - Countess Hanka Ordon-Tyszkiewicz (b. Warsaw 1902 - d. Beirut, Lebanon 1950 - ("Ordonka"as she is affectionately called by millions of Poles - her permanent fans) wrote lyrics to her famous Polish love song from 1929 titled "If You're Fond of My Caresses" - Youtube's presentation of 240252 on June 09 - 2018 - the lyrics say something like "Our lives go like a moment when strongly in love - you will have a few beautiful remembrances - when it's over - always too soon."
In addition to some sad songs - the Pittsburgh Russian Theater Presentation also offers tons of joyous Russian/Soviet pieces which make one's heart - sing with joy of living. Several folk songs presented - were the so called "chastushkys" which capture the spirit of Russian folk musical expressions - to which the audiences invariably - respond positively - especially people like me who know the rich Russian and Soviet - cultures.
Mr. Anatoly Shvartsman needs to make a second and a third part to the shows themed - famous songs from famous movies - perhaps an international theme might also be an interesting concept.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
According to our reviews' spirit of keeping our numerous "clickers/readers" attention in focus - we shall follow our popular in Chicago - formula. At first we shall point out some areas in which the show could be improved - then we will "sing the praises" of the numerous, successful parts of the show.
The whole presentation was a little long which consisted of over two hours with an intermission. An hour and a half with an intermission would be quite enough. In addition - some group numbers were also too long - since they "dragged" - while most other long group numbers were funny and sparkling.
My favorite piece was a song done professionally by Tatyana Khelemskaya titled "Love is a Magical Country" from the Soviet movie titled "A Cruel Affair." The lyrics strike a strong cord with all the people who experience love - which is at least ninety seven percent of all the humans. The lyrics go something like "Love is a Magical country where everybody is either a traitor or a backstabber - sooner or later". We venture to postulate that the lyricist's - Mr. Ryazanov's love life was not going entirely smoothly. The whole package - however - the lyrics plus the music plus the vocals - all came out - really - top notch. It was a sad song -nevertheless - which will provoke some pondering on the nature of love - one of the biggest "highs" of human experiences.
A lot of excellent love songs talk about the "fleeting" nature of love and happiness. A famous, celebrated, beautiful, multi-talented Polish chanteusse - Countess Hanka Ordon-Tyszkiewicz (b. Warsaw 1902 - d. Beirut, Lebanon 1950 - ("Ordonka"as she is affectionately called by millions of Poles - her permanent fans) wrote lyrics to her famous Polish love song from 1929 titled "If You're Fond of My Caresses" - Youtube's presentation of 240252 on June 09 - 2018 - the lyrics say something like "Our lives go like a moment when strongly in love - you will have a few beautiful remembrances - when it's over - always too soon."
In addition to some sad songs - the Pittsburgh Russian Theater Presentation also offers tons of joyous Russian/Soviet pieces which make one's heart - sing with joy of living. Several folk songs presented - were the so called "chastushkys" which capture the spirit of Russian folk musical expressions - to which the audiences invariably - respond positively - especially people like me who know the rich Russian and Soviet - cultures.
Mr. Anatoly Shvartsman needs to make a second and a third part to the shows themed - famous songs from famous movies - perhaps an international theme might also be an interesting concept.
Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2018
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