Sunday, December 27, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week for the First Week of 2021!

             For this first week of 2021 we will comment upon a light musical video posted onto YouTube platform by a talented vocalist - Olga Mieleszczuk on Dec. 23 - 2020. It's a satirical Klezmer style - Foxtrot - with the lyrics skillfully written by Ms. Mieleszczuk - titled "Borsht/Barszcz - Yiddish Song with a Polish Twist" which she performed recently during Chanukah concert in Warsaw/Poland. 

      She gives concerts regularly for the big legion of her fans in Warsaw/Poland and in Jerusalem/Israel where she lives with her family. Ms. Mieleszczuk has had the same group of gifted musicians accompanying her for quite a few years but she frequently features an instrumental solo by a new musician; he or she also does a duet with her - in addition to her steady instrumentalists. This video has a nice clarinet solo by Ittai Binnum (sounds like an Israeli name of that gentleman) performing with her. 

        It needs to be mentioned that Borsht (a vegetable [mostly beet] - beef stew) has been an enormously popular food staple with Eastern European Jews - thus came a name - "Borsht Belt" - for a string of Catskills Mountains' resorts by New York City - which has been called a "Borsht Belt" due to many New York City Jews vacationing there during the summers. A lot of New York City Jews have Eastern European ancestry and observe some traditions from Eastern Europe.

        In any event - enjoy the video everybody and have a super good New Years Eve 2020/2021. Happy and Healthy 2021 to all! We shall meet here - as always - a week from today!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 25 - 2020 till Fri. Jan. 01 - 2021!

            For this last week of 2020/first week of 2021 - the Holidays - 2020/2021 - we will comment upon the Salem Radio Network radio talk show - "Sam Malone subs for Mike Gallagher" which was on - the whole week from Mon. Dec. 14 - 2020 till Fri. Dec. 18 - 2020. Mike Gallagher has had a nationally syndicated radio talk show for many years. 

       In Pittsburgh, Pa - it comes 9 am till noon on 1250 Am - WPGP - "The Answer" - Salem  Network's Production's radio show. - Mon. through Fri. Since Mike is away on his yearly, week long Christmas break - Sam Malone - a radio talk show host - a really good one - in his own right - substitutes from his regular "gig" - a Houston, Texas - Salem Network's "sister station" - 1070 Am - "The Answer" - where Sam works every day of the week - during mornings.

       Sam Malone doesn't mince words when he comments on the Socialists/Radicals/New Democrats who run (some say "to the ground") - his Texas - place of employment - the city of Houston which became Democrat Blue - in spite of most Texas being safely - a free Red state with low taxes and other - business friendly - legislatures. A lot of people flee the neighboring Blue/Socialist California to run their businesses in Texas. Sam Malone - tells them openly - to "leave their Socialism behind in California when they move to Texas - which some of them don't - but they should."

      Even though the Sam Malone's Salem Network's radio show from Houston, Texas is not nationally syndicated - yet - like Mike Gallagher's radio show - he is ready for the national syndication. He is funny and "on target" just like Mike Gallagher. Moreover - if Sam looks as sexy as he sounds and if he is not married or committed to another woman - he could eat "crackers" in this editor's - bed - at least - three times per week.  It was just a joke - which we used to say when we were young, gorgeous and undefeated - in college - quite a few years ago.

       In any event - everybody will have a super good, fun and healthy - Holiday Season/New Year - 2020/2021! We shall meet again - a week from today during Christmas/New Year 2020/2021 season - which will be happy and fun for all - whatever anybody is celebrating - Chanukah, Kwanza or whatever else anybody is celebrating!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week for Christmas 2020 - week of 2020!

              For this Holidays 2020/2021 - week - we will comment again on Salty Cracker's - hilarious video posted onto YouTube platform on Dec. 04 - 2020. It's about 6 minutes long - quickly generated close to quarter million viewers clicks and it pokes fun in the phony Socialists/Leftist like AOC (Alexandria Occasio-Cortez) - from uber Leftist U.S. congressional district - New York - 14th - part of Queens - full of illegals who vote her in upon her promises of various - U.S. government's funded (read: taxpayers' financed) freebies of every imaginable sort. She is a rising star (a self-proclaimed - ring leader of a "Squad") - the U.S. Congress group of Socialists/Progressives/Leftists/Radicals - who are hypocritical and money greedy - while they profess - the universal love for mankind - a phony mantra of all the Socialists. 

      The title of the video is "Socialist AOC Sells 'Tax the Rich' - Sweaters to Idiots," which is self-explanatory to a great extent. Salty Cracker is a very funny guy who delivers his - trademark - sizzling, sarcastic commentary - spiced with profanities - like a few other commentators/comedians can do.     

        Everybody will have a super good holiday week and we shall meet here - next week - same place - same channel.

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 11 till Fri. Dec. 18 - 2020!

             For the third week of Dec. 2020 - we will comment onto an eight minute long YouTube video posted by a host Salty Cracker to his website - on Nov. 27 - 2020 - titled "Trump Incinerates 'New' Cuck Trying to Shame Him into Conceding". The host of this YouTube website - Salty Cracker - is about thirty - kind of handsome guy in a rugged sort of way; he always comments on the current political happenings. He swears quite a bit - so his videos are not for everybody - however - half a million of his subscribers - including the editor of this column - yours truly - find him hilarious.

      In a nutshell - this video is about a recent news conference during which a beginner journalist/Socialist advocate - as most of them are now a days - got his head "bitten off" by President Trump so Salty Cracker makes fun of  this "newbie's" misadventure - for eight minutes. It would not be funny if Salty Cracker was not extremely talented in the area of delivering hilarious political commentaries.

     At any rate - enjoy the video - Holiday Season 2020/2021 - is here - so let's have Santa Claus generous in every way! Have a good week - everybody - and we will meet here - a week from today - same channel - same place - same time!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - From Fri. Dec. 04 till Fri. Dec. 11 - 2020!

               For the second week of December 2020 - we will comment on the 12 minute long YouTube video by Dr. Steven Turley - posted onto his website on Fri. Nov. 27 - 2020 - titled "Pa. GOP - to Seat Trump Electors - as Sidney Powell Releases the Kraken". Ever since the presidential elections of 2020 - on Tues. Nov. 03 - 2020 - got "warped" - Pennsylvania - especially Allegheny and Philadelphia counties - became the focus of the world attention due to their famous Democratic "machines" - alleged manipulating of the votes to favor the Democrats. The Republicans filed a number of lawsuits - some are still pending. 

        Gregory Stentstrom - an internationally renown forensic computer programs' - specialist - recently testified in court that by examining the computer print outs from Allegheny and Philadelphia - counties - the chances of the legal ballots cast for Joe Biden were less than zero. He presented the court with the materials proving his contentions. Several other reliable witnesses also showed up with sworn affidavits - plus the documents - confirming the same.

        On Fri. Nov. 27 - 2020 - late at night - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania judge - Patricia McCollough - issued a halt on the certification of the presidential electors and a halt on the other elections' results from the aforementioned counties of Allegheny and Philadelphia - pending further investigation. Thus the Democratic presidential electors of Pennsylvania who are ready to vote for the ex-vice president Biden - cannot execute their vote. The Republican presidential electors for the state of Pennsylvania are ready to vote for Pres. Trump. The judge McCollough wrote in her decision that close to 2 million of mail-in votes - out of the ten million of the total votes cast (including the absentee votes) - had their deadlines - unlawfully extended - permitting to exercise that illegal maneuver - by Pennsylvania Supreme Court - while that should have been done by the Pennsylvania legislature and not the state's legal system - "paid for and bought - by the Democrats - according to many such political comments - all over the social media platforms.

        Her order was immediately - stayed - by Pennsylvania attorney general - Josh Shapiro's - (a stalwart Democratic operative) - who immediately appealed judge McCollough order - to Pennsylvania Supreme Court which - again - according to many analysts - is "bought and paid for by Democratic donations". 

       Thus - the world is watching Pennsylvania. If the state Supreme Court will rule fairly - that is - in favor of judge McCollough - the two million absentee and mail-in votes will go to President Trump, and he will get the twenty presidential electors which might put him over the top.

       Unfortunately - the politicized - entirely pro-Democratic party - Pennsylvania supreme court - predictably - sided with the Democrats. The rest is political history. 

        At any rate - everybody will have a super good new week - and we shall meet here - a week from today - same place - same time!

             Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2025

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Our Choice of Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 27 through Fri. Dec. 04 - 2020!

           For the first week of Dec. 2020 - we will continue with our discussion of various U.S. Constitution's - contingencies - in case of the "compromised" presidential elections. When the Founding Fathers wrote the U.S. constitution around 1776 - they were well aware of all sorts of maneuvers designed to mess up the presidential elections. The Electoral College system provides many safeguards against those sorts of dishonest manipulations.

        During his interview about those matters - David Brody - a main political analyst for CBN - (Christian Broadcasting Network) stated during the broadcast of CBN news on Fri. Nov. 20 - 2020 that there is a chance of Presidential Electors - not certifying the 2020 Nov. 03 - Presidential elections for the Biden/Harris Democrat team during their final vote on Dec. 14 - 2020; if that happens that the Electors do not execute the final presidential vote on Dec. 14 - 2020 - then - according to U.S. constitution's instructions - the presidential elections move to the U.S. House of Representatives - where each state votes with one vote. The U.S. Senate will vote with one vote for each state as well - for the vice-president of the U.S. The reason for that would be the currently pending court cases - stemming from the vast irregularities/alleged computer programming - fraud - during the 2020 presidential elections - last Nov. 03 - 2020. 

      According to the U.S Constitution's presidential elections' contingencies - if due to the court cases still pending and the presidential elections not resolved - that is - if the Electors cannot certify the new President - then - if that stalemate continues - the current U.S. Speaker of the House of Representatives - Ms. Pelosi - temporarily - assumes the role of the President. 

       In the meantime - the U.S. House of Representatives votes for the president and the U.S. Senate - votes for the vice-president. At the present time - Pres. Trump has a narrow numerical advantage - in both chambers - since every state of the Union - gets only one vote without regard to the state's population count. The same narrow advantage for Pres. Trump - still continues in the U.S Senate - which will also vote with one vote for each state of the Union (normally each state in the U.S. gets two senators to vote - to enact the legislature - without regard of the population of the state).

       David Brody - stated that the eventuality didn't happen before - but the U.S. constitution - spells out this sort of scenario. Many of those Electors are Pres. Trump's Electors from the numerous U.S. Red states which gave Pres. Trump a sizable popular majority over the Democrats Biden/Harris - in the U.S. Red states - (mainly the fly-over U.S. states) while the team of Democrats strongly veering towards their Radical/Socialist branch - had a slim popular advantage in the U.S. Blue states (coastal areas/big cities). Seventy four million U.S. voters voted for Pres. Trump in 2020 presidential elections. Even though - Biden/Harris Democrat team - has had (allegedly) over all - popular vote majority of about five million - (weak, anemic mandate which is still in question) - in the U.S. Electoral system - that doesn't matter much.

      The swing states - decide - and they are - Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, N. Carolina, Georgia (the only Red state which flipped Blue - during this election 2020 cycle - the only one - even though the Democrats were hoping that Texas and Florida - would flip as well) - it looks like chance of that happening anytime soon - would be the chance of the proverbial "snowball in hell" - for now - anyway. Every state of the Union gets the amount of presidential Electors equal to two senators for each state plus the number of representatives for each state plus the three electors for Washington, D.C. get added to the total of the presidential Electors - thus there are 538 presidential Electors. The presidential contender absolutely must secure no less than 270 Electors. Tyra Ross wrote a good book titled "Why We Need Electoral College".

      If the presidential Electors decide not to certify the 2020 presidential elections during the final vote of the Electors on Dec. 14 - 2020 - for Biden/Harris presidential team - it would be a risky move - since the U.S. Leftists would - almost certainly - immediately riot in many Democrat controlled cities - galore. The U.S. government might have to declare Martial Law (U.S. Military's enforced - massive lockdown) for a while - to restore order in the country. However - according to many political analysts - even if Biden/Harris team takes over - still there is no guarantee that the U.S. Leftists will not riot - should their Radical/Socialist demands be - not immediately implemented - which may not happen.

      At any rate - everybody will have a super good first week of December 2020 and we shall meet here a week from today - same place - same time - same channel.

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023



Saturday, November 14, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 20 - 2020 till Fri. Nov. 27 - 2020!

            For this cold, third week of Nov. 2020 - we will complete our analysis of the U.S. Electoral College and its role in choosing the U.S. president. As we mentioned last week - David Brody - a political analyst from Christian Broadcasting Network stated in the CBN YouTube clip posted on Nov. 05 - 2020 - that the states could pick their own Electors who would - in turn - vote for their own presidential choice.

        It's our understanding of the U.S. Constitution's provisions for final certifying of the U.S. presidential candidate - the provisions call for the states' chosen Electors to follow the presidential candidate's party affiliation - thus the electoral votes would be awarded to whoever won the states' popular vote - thus the majority rules but not directly; this arrangement avoids the "mob rule" situation where the majority of direct voters might choose to elect some dictator. The Electoral College members of each state (the size of the state determines the amount of the electors) - are supposed to follow their party line - however - there are quite few "unaffiliated" electors who could switch their votes - not that they do it - but they could.

        Anyway - by Dec. 14th of each year - the Electoral College - takes the final vote (just a formality) and issues a certification so that the new president elect - can start transferring his Executive (presidential) power. However - in the U.S. system - the Legislative power (congress and senate) also has a lot of pull; that's the second arm of the U.S. power. The U.S Supreme Court - the third arm of the highest power - the Judicial power - has the "final" say. The U.S. constitutional system has a lot of checks and balances written into the U.S. Constitution.

       At any rate - everybody will have a super good Thanksgiving week - coming up - very soon - and we shall meet here again - a week from today - same channel - same time!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 13 - till Fri. Nov. 20 - 2020!

           For this - unusually warm - third week of Nov. 2020 - we will comment on a segment aired by CBN (an enormously popular Christian Broadcasting Network) on Fri. Nov. 06 - 2020 which was also posted onto YouTube's - Christian Broadcasting Network website - on the same day. The clip is seven minutes long and it contains David Brody - CBN's - brilliant political analyst explaining the possibility of the U.S. Electoral College action - in view of the huge snag/Dems cheating - appearing during the last week's - presidential elections on Nov. 03 - 2020. The CBN YouTube video - we are discussing - is titled - "Election 2020 - CBN - Chief Political Analyst David Brody Digs In," which was posted - as we mentioned earlier - onto YouTube platform on Fri. Nov. 06 - 2020.

       Essentially - in a nutshell - what happened on Nov. 03 - 2020 - according to Dennis Prager - a famous political commentator - was the following: After Pres. Trump secured major victories in Florida and Texas - the states with most Electors who determine the Presidential choice - suddenly - some Democratic cities which - according to a lot of commentators - manipulated their computer programs to favor Biden/Harris team; the Democratic machines' dominated cities - like Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and some other Dem cities with the corrupt Democrat political machines on the night of Nov. 03 - 2020 - utilized "votes' dumping" in order to change the outcomes of the presidential elections 2020. 

       According to many social media political analysts - the "doctored" Democratic machines - went into the action - during the late night of Nov. 03 - 2020 - in order to change the elections' outcomes in various states - favorable towards Pres. Trump - to force onto the American people - their choice - Joe Biden/Kamala Harris team - the ex-normal Democrats - turned Radicals/Socialists/New Democrats. 

      Florida - did away with a lot of their corrupt practices - mainly the "ballots' dumping" - currently - still actively used by other states. After the 2018 Midterm elections in Florida - the corrupt Democratic Brower County got cleaned up a lot. Brower county was - for a long time - the criminal spot where they stole the elections for the Democrats - mainly - by "ballots' dumping"; it's the same infamous Brower County - one of the most corrupt elections' places - where they attempted to steal Florida's - Gov. DeSantis' - elections in 2018. Thank God - his margin of victory was too high for them - to steal his election. 

       After those important midterm elections 2018 - Florida's - Gov. DeSantis - cleaned up the Brower County - to a great extent. The same thing needs to be done - immediately - to the voting systems of Philadelphia County - Pennsylvania - and Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania's - Allegheny County - (B.T.W. those two are strongly suspected of stealing presidential elections 2020 from ex-president Trump in favor of Biden/Harris Democrats - which turned Socialists/Progressives); the aforementioned counties strongly resist any legislatures which will make voting honest and transparent - by calling those - "voter suppression laws". 

       The brilliant American constitution - has predicted those possibilities of fraud and attempts to steal the elections; thus, the fascinating constitutional - contingency plans were put in place - involving the Electoral College people - the states' - arms for the certifying/checking the presidential elections' results. 

      During the 2020 presidential elections - Biden/Harris - have not been certified until the - pending litigations filed by Trump's lawyers - in multiple swing states were decided by - frequently - biased against the Trump team - judges.

      Everybody will have a good, new week - and we shall meet here - next week - same place - same channel - same time!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates - 2024

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 06 till Fri. Nov. 13 - 2020!

              For the second week of Nov. 2020 - we choose to comment upon a short video clip posted onto YouTube website by Fox News on Oct. 30 - 2020. The title is self - explanatory - "Americans are Frightened - the Dems Are Leading Us into Socialism". Its a short video - only 3 minutes 37 second long and it has a commentary by Ronna McDaniel - a national chairwoman for RNC - (Republican National Committee). She says exactly what needs to be said in an effective, brief manner - the way she always does. Most viewers' comments agree with her statements.

       Needless to say - Ms. McDaniel gets attacked by the Democrats who lately - turned Radical/Socialists; case in point - Donna Brazile - a colorful Democratic pundit who gave Hilary Clinton the questions - illegally - ahead of the important presidential debate in 2016 - told Ronna McDaniel a few months ago - "Stay - the hell - out of Democratic politics" - during Chris Wallace's - Sunday Fox news - discussion of the two U.S. political parties' - program during which the commentators discussed the two American political parties. It was - indeed - a classy comment for which Brazile - subsequently - apologized. Many current Democratic political pundits - feel a need to patronize and excuse Donna Brazile since she - frequently - makes an ass of herself.

       Ms. McDaniel is a niece of Mitt (Willard) Romney (a current senator from Utah) - a position he won - thanks to Pres. Trump's - endorsement; Romney being an ex-presidential candidate - is the most famous RINO (Republican in name only) in the U.S. for the dubious reason; he is the only Republican senator in the U.S. history who voted to impeach - the same party's - president. There were two phony articles of impeachment in Jan. 2020 - Romney was the only Republican senator - in all the U.S. history - to vote on a single count - still - since he voted to impeach Pres. Trump during the drummed up impeachment trial in Jan. 2020 - Romney has this dubious distinction.

      Even though Ronna McDaniel and Mitt Romney are related (she is his niece) those two are - politically - at the opposite stances. In a nutshell - as the U.S. approaches the most important presidential elections of 2020 - about half of the electorate already voted early - roughly - 80 million out of 160 million estimated registered voters. Thus - 80 million still have to cast their ballots - in person - on Tues. Nov. 03 - 2020. Long story short - all kinds of commentators - keep "spinning" their theories on every political platform known to mankind - but the final results will not be known some time after the election night.

       At any rate - everybody will have a very good - election 2020 - week and we shall meet here - a week from today - same channel - same time - same place.

           Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - First Week of Nov. 2020 - from Fri. Oct. 30 till Fri. Nov. 06 - 2020!

              For the first week of Nov. 2020 - a very important week - we choose to comment upon a funny video by United Spot - a satirical website - posting videos onto YouTube platform - which are hilarious and generate hundreds of thousands of viewers' - clicks and likes - galore. The one which we highlight for the first week of Nov. 2020 - is titled "The Final Debate" - lasts three minutes and was posted on Oct. 22 - 2020 - immediately after the final presidential debate between Pres. Trump and his challenger - an ex-Vice president - Joe Biden.

        The viewers' comments run overwhelmingly against Biden in this funny video which quickly generated 30 thousands of viewers - within minutes of its release. According to many Internet analysts - in a nutshell - Pres. Trump - succeeded in making Joe Biden talk - during the final debate on Oct. 22 - 2020 - thus - Biden revealed - his Socialist agenda for his next presidential term in the U.S. - which will - most likely - not happen - since the prevailing majority of American people don't want Socialism (which never works in any country in which it was tried - by the way).

        Rush Limbaugh - an enormously popular radio talk show host with 60 million of listeners every day - stated on Fri. Oct. 23 - 2020 - that all future plans to take over the U.S. and change it into a Socialist/Authoritarian giant - on the like of Red China - by the New U.S Democrats turned Radical/Socialists - are being - openly - attempted by using whipped up fears of Covid - 19 (Corona Virus) - an exaggerated plague - blown up by the Main Stream Media which pulls for the New Democrat/Socialist ticket Biden/Harris - while the same MSM - (Main Stream Media) - also screams about climate change - hysteria (Green New Deal - Radical/Socialist legislature co-sponsored by Kamala Harris in 2018).  According to Rush Limbaugh - The Main Stream Media - is not even hiding their biases for Biden/Harris ticket - with its Socialist/New Democrat - agenda. However - the overwhelming majority of American people can clearly see through it and they will vote decisively for Pres. Trump's - America - which while it's not perfect - by no means - still - it beats three heads - the Socialist behemoth like China - which is replete with its many labor camps and jails - among other Big Government measures designed to repress and kill - their political opposition.

       Jennifer Horn - another famous talk show host - out of Los Angeles - an expert on California politics for many years - is very familiar with Kamala Harris - a New Democrat/Socialist - an ex-attorney general for San Francisco. Ms. Horn who has had a huge following of daily listeners for many years - commented on Fri. Oct. 23 - 2020 - that Kamala Harris (A vice-Presidential choice of Biden) did an enormous damage to California people while she was an attorney general for a few years. Long story short - Harris needlessly incarcerated tons of first time minor offenders/most of them the African Americans (even though she claims to be one of them and speak for them) - which caused an avalanche of hardened criminals to be released - since the California penal system doesn't have enough space to contain both of those groups. Moreover - while Kamala Harris was an attorney general for San Francisco - she repeatedly refused to admit some exculpatory evidence which would grant a new trial to a death row inmate who was subsequently granted a new trial and was acquitted. However - that exculpatory piece of evidence was ordered to be released by a judge and not by Kamala Harris. 

       Her political career was enabled by her long time lover/political partner - Willie Brown - a married, ex-mayor of San Francisco with whom she was romantically linked for many years. However - according to Christian Broadcasting Network - after Ms. Harris achieved her political goals - she publicly announced that "he was an albatross around her neck".

        In any event - everybody will have a super good - new week and we shall meet a week from today - the same time - the same channel - the same place!

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 23 till Fri. Oct. 30 - 2020!

           For this last - Halloween week of Oct. 2020 which has had a few biting, cold nights - typical for our hilly area - we choose to comment on Mike Huckabee's (the popular ex-governor of Arkansas) - YouTube video titled "This is Bad News for Biden" which Huckabee posted onto YouTube platform on Oct. 16 - 2020. It's only six minutes long but it quickly generated close to a quarter million viewers' clicks with the viewers' comments running heavily against the latest exposures of the scandalous behavior of the ex-vice-president's Biden's son - Hunter. 

        Not even mentioning Hunter's drug addiction problems - essentially - Hunter was paid a lot of money by China and Ukraine when Biden was a vice-president under the ex-president Obama's - tenure. Biden always denied knowing anything about his son's "shenanigans" which - Biden maintains - were not illegal; however they were - undoubtedly - questionable. Anyway - the latest news story broken by New York Post - one of the oldest New York newspapers - on Oct. 14 - 2020 - claims that Biden knew exactly what his son was doing - since they have thousands of emails taken legally from Hunter Biden's abandoned computer which he left at the repair shop for a long time - without paying for the repair. 

         Lots of "shady" stuff came to light after examining of the aforementioned laptop's hard drive. Rush Limbaugh - a famous radio personality whose daily radio show has close to 60 million listeners every day - commented during his - Thurs. Oct. 15 - 2020 - radio show - that "whatever huge amounts of money Hunter secured from China and Ukraine - (no doubt because his father Joe Biden was a vice-president) - had to be split 50/50 with the pop - Joe Biden - just like the mafia families operate." 

        In the meantime - the U.S. and International Main Stream Media which openly "pulls" for Biden/Harris - Socialist ticket - is trying their best to "bury", minimize or ignore this story. However - it backfired - big time - during the week of Oct. 14 - 2020 - when Twitter and Facebook refused to allow the links to it from New York Post article. The Washington, D.C. lawmakers got mad and will subpoena - in a very short order - the communication giants which so far have been enjoying the so called "230" status that makes them immune to any responsibility for their risky moves. Since they act like publishers they should have the same liabilities/responsibilities as the publishers have.

        At any rate - everybody will have a super good and fun - Halloween week and we shall meet here - a week from today - same time - same channel - same place.

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 16 till Fri. Oct. 23 - 2020!

           For this beautiful Fall 2020 - third week of Oct. 2020 - we will comment upon Jennifer Horn's - a Los Angeles radio host - political observations - which were posted on YouTube - when she substituted for another famous radio host - Seb Gorka who does his popular radio show out of Washington, D.C. On Fri. Oct. 09 - 2020 Jennifer Horn - who normally - does her daily - enormously popular - radio show out of Los Angeles - was substituting for Seb Gorka. You can find that segment on YouTube if you put in the search bar - "Is Pelosi Really Talking about Biden with the 25th Amendment Jennifer Horn". 

        Being a native Californian - she is thoroughly familiar with California politics which she considers - mostly corrupt and - frequently - deadlocked - due to the total domination of the single political party - the Democrats. Jennifer - is a total pro whose voice and commentaries as well as her effective interactions with various sorts of callers to her radio talk show - makes her daily show - riveting.

        On Fri. Oct. 09 - 2020 she first analyzed Nancy Pelosi's - the most powerful Democrat in the U.S. - move - to establish congressional commission to bring down the future U.S. presidents as well as the current one - using the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution - which can be used when the President becomes incapacitated; however - as all the Constitutional provisions - it has a lot of checks upon it - so it would require 2/3 vote by Congress and Senate to move it. After that Jennifer Horn commented on Kamala Harris and her California style - Leftist Extremist brand of politics.

        Jennifer Horn called Pelosi's move - "twofer - wrap around - smear" maneuver used by Pelosi and other Democrats; the last time they unsuccessfully attempted it - was when they tried to smear Justice  Kavanaugh in 2018. Jennifer Horn even played the tape with Nancy Pelosi - shamelessly - describing her - Democratic tactics -"twofer - wrap around smear". This time they would like to smear - a current president - Trump - as well as his challenger for 2020 presidential elections - an ex-Vice president to Obama - Joe Biden - who according to many political commentators - is just a "place holder" enabling the extreme Leftist - Kamala Harris to quickly replace him; Biden's - Vice-presidential pick - Kamala Harris - a new California senator - was chosen by him and the Dems - to attract all the  Extremist/Socialists in the Democratic voting block. Biden - according to many comments on various platforms of the U.S. and International - social media - suffers from severe dementia which he controls by medications that work only for a while.

       At any rate - Jennifer Horn describes Harris as a Leftist extremist - who will stop at nothing on her way to power. Horn knows Kamala Harris's California Leftist politics - first hand. We won't even mention Kamala's long time affair with an ex-San Francisco mayor - Willie Brand - who built her political career. The California press extensively highlighted Harris's appalling treatment of Willie Brand's wife - which Main Stream Media - tactfully chooses to ignore - but we will not go into those private matters. What's more important is that Harris was appointed - not elected - to almost all of her political positions.

       In  any event - everybody will have a super good week and we shall meet here - a week from today - same place - same time - same channel.

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 09 till Fri. Oct. 16 - 2020!

             For this - lovely, crisp fall - third week of Oct. 2020 - we will comment upon Madame Nancy Pelosi's (the most powerful Democrat in the U.S.) - interview with Margaret Brenner - from weekly news show "Meet the Press" - aired on CBS network on Sun. Oct. 04 - 2020. First of all - we are happy to report that Ms. Pelosi acquired a new set of dentures. If you recall - we mentioned recently that Ms. Pelosi's - old denture made her frequently speak with the pronounced - lisp. The new denture - however - which she is sporting currently - eliminates the lisp - instead - the new denture makes a pronounced "clacking" sound.

         When my brother and I were little - we used to count the number of clacks emitted by the various dentures wearing guests - whenever our parents invited some older folks . Anyway - back to Ms. Pelosi's interview by Margaret Brenner who as a Leftist journalist - was extremely kind and soft towards tough and seasoned - Chairman Pelosi - who effectively evaded all the important questions concerning Ms. Pelosi's stalling in Congress the important Covid-19 relief bill.  Margaret Brennan as an openly - Leftist journalist would never ever be nearly that generous to the Republican politicians or Pres. Trump.

        According to many posts placed onto various platforms of social media - the Leftist journalist in the U.S. and the international journalists - with most of them being openly - Leftists/Socialists and as such - they are extremely soft and generous to the Democrats/Progressives/Socialists - politicians - while they eagerly jump like a bunch of hungry Piranhas onto any politicians or celebrities with whom they disagree - especially the people who support Pres. Trump.

        At any rate - everybody will have a good week and we shall meet here - a week from today - same channel - same place - same time! 

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. 02 - Oct - 2020 till Fri. Oct. 09 - 2020!

          For the lovely, beginning the glorious, fall scenery - second week of Oct. 2020 - we are commenting upon the irreverent but funny video uploaded onto the YouTube platform on Sept.24 - 2020 by a hilarious - even if vulgar at times - host - Salty Cracker. He has almost half a million YouTube subscribers and this 7-minute video quickly generated almost half a million viewers' clicks. It's titled - "Leftists Scream at Trump while He Pays Respect to Ruth Bader Ginsburg". 

        The host is a ruggedly handsome guy in his early thirties, and he delivers his snappy commentary in a skillful manner which could be classified as - casual and vulgar. It's not any classy writing by no means - but it's hilarious - so it works; YouTube is the medium which picks up the sincere spirit and nuances - notwithstanding - the language which might be vulgar at times - still it's funny.

        The viewers' comments are entertaining even if they are irreverent. We mentioned before that Justice Ginsburg had a lot of detractors - mainly due to her views on abortion. Anyway - one of the viewers wonders if "they packed her body into dry ice - being that she 'lays in repose' in Washington, D.C - and it's warm now". There are some other disrespectful phrases used by other viewers who comment under this video - but it's America - the celebrities are a fair game even after they leave this Earth.

      Anyway - everybody will have a super good second week of Oct. 2020 and we shall meet again - as always - next week - same place - same channel - same time.

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - From Fri. Sept. 25 till Fri. Oct. 02 - 2020!

           For this lovely, sunny, crisp first week of Oct. 2020 - we choose to comment on another video by Mr. Reagan posted onto his YouTube channel on 09-19-2020. It's titled: "Leftists Loose their Minds over RBG (Ruth Bader Ginsburg's) Death". Last week we commented on Mr. Reagan's (his YouTube's name - his real name is Chris) video - reminiscing how the Democratic women went "ballistic" over the U.S. Supreme Court confirming Judge Kavanaugh in 2018 during the widely televised U.S. Senate hearings which the Democrats turned into a "circus". Who knew that the Democrat women will be "going wild" again so soon?

        Ruth Bader Ginsburg - an uber Liberal Supreme Court Justice - died on Fri. Sept. 18 - 2020 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. She was eighty seven years old and always resented any suggestions of retiring but as they say - "cancer - usually - wins at the end" - especially when one is eighty seven years old. She was idolized by all the Liberals and most of the legal scholars, practitioners and experts - for her vast legal knowledge - however - her stand on the late day abortions - earned her a share of the detractors - as well.

       At any rate - enjoy the video everybody - even if it's about 12 minutes long. It goes fast - literally - zooms by. We shall meet here - a week from today - same channel - same time - same place.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2022


Saturday, September 12, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 18 - 2020 till Fri. Sept. 25 - 2020!

                For this almost last week of Sept. 2020 - the week in which fall 2020 begins on Tues. Sept. 22 - 2020 - we choose to comment on the sophisticated video uploaded by "Mr. Reagan" - YouTube website hosted by a good looking - Latin type - guy in his early forties. His website has a quarter million subscribers since he writes and delivers excellent political commentaries in a polished and engaging manner. 

        He was interviewed last year by a popular radio talk show host - Joe Pegs - who has a popular radio talk show on the weekends with a huge radio audience. "Mr. Reagan's" real name is Chris Brown or some Anglo-Saxon sounding name like that. This video was uploaded on Sept. 12 - 2020 and its title is: "Why Trump is HATED by Democrat Women". It's ten minutes long but it goes fast. It quickly generated 21 thousand viewers' views with the viewers' comments running overwhelmingly against Democrat women.

          Not to get sidetracked - but a bunch of Democrat ladies - of vehemently anti-Life - pro-Abortion political persuasion showed their "true colors" during the 2018 protests against Judge Kavanaugh nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court during Sept. 2018 U.S Senate hearings. The aforementioned ladies kept pounding onto the Supreme Court massive gates as they howled like some highly agitated wild animals. Enough said. Every news station in the U.S. showed those disturbing images.

         In any event - everybody will have a super good third week of September 2020 - the week in which the fall begins on Tues. Sept. 22 - 2020. It always goes too fast! We meet again - a week from today - same channel - same time - same place!

                  Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020


Monday, September 7, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - From Fri. 09 - 11 - 2020 till Fri. 09 - 18 - 2020!

               For this, important second week of Sept. 2020 - the "9 - 11 - 2001" - celebrations week - we choose to comment on the short, - 2 minutes, 11 seconds long - video posted onto "Let's Be Frank" YouTube website - hosted by an attractive, Latin looking host in his late thirties - Frank - who uploaded this video on Sept. 07 - 2020. 

       The video is titled "Kayleigh McEnany  Shreds Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Again!" and it quickly generated close to quarter million (217 thousand) - viewers clicks - with their comments running overwhelmingly against Ms. Ocasio-Cortez - a new U.S. congressional rep from the 15th congressional district (Queens - New York City) who openly admits to being a Radical Socialist - taking political contributions from the Socialist billionaire/Globalist  - George Soros - who according to many political analysts - espouses the overturning of the current U.S. system - in order to institute the U.S. as the totalitarian, global empire on the like of the modern China who is a Communist behemoth imprisoning the political opposition like Yuigurs - left and right - in order to "re-educate" them to follow the governmental directives - where they might die "by accident" if they refuse to be "re-educated" - according to many political observers' comments posted on tons of the social media platforms. 

        Ms. Ocasio-Cortez - a new leader of the current Socialists/Radicals in the U.S. congress is either strongly reviled or worshipped - while the "Let's Be Frank" political persuasion runs towards the first possibility - we mentioned above.

         In any event - everybody will have a good, second week of September 2020 and we shall meet again - a week from today - same time - same place - same channel. 

         Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Monday, August 31, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 04 until Fri. Sept. 11 - 2020!

            For this Labor Day week of Sept. 2020 - we will comment on the - about 5 minutes long video - uploaded by Fox News on Aug. 30 - 2020 - titled "Judge Jeanine - Left Chaos Will Only Increase with Police Defunding". An ex-judge Jeanine Pirro (attractive and young looking - in spite of being over sixty years old)  has been a Fox News commentator for several years and - according to many viewers - her common sense approach to the current political scene resonates with millions of viewers.

        A couple of years ago she "dared" to step into the dangerous "den of ultra rich (some say - hypocritical) media liberals" - the  TV home of several ladies - hired commentators employed by the old and tired Liberal news features show - "The View". Long story short - in a nutshell - she got not only shouted down but even physically accosted for which Whoopi Goldberg - the head honcho of "The View" - subsequently apologized to Judge Jeanine (that's how she likes to be called - as if it was her screen name). Not to say anything negative - but according to many viewers' comments placed on the various social media platforms - Whoopi Goldberg needs to retire already - notwithstanding her past, glorious career in the movies and on various, numerous stages.

       This new video by Judge Jeanine rings with a lot of common sense which the uber Liberals/Socialists - despise - since they claim that the "feelings matter more than facts". Ben Shapiro - another "common sense" commentator with an enormously successful website "Daily Wire" has quite a few videos ridiculing the New Democrats/Radicals/Leftists mantra - "Feelings over Facts".

       In any event - everybody will have a super good Labor Day Weekend's - first week of September 2020 and we will meet again - a week from today - same place - same channel - same time!

       Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2020

Monday, August 24, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 28 - till Fri. Sept. 02 - 2020!

             For this hot last week of Aug. 2020 - we choose to comment on the satirical video posted onto YouTube platform on Aug. 23 - 2020 by a comedy website "The United Spot" titled "Release the Mail Trucks". The clip is only 3 minutes 16 second long and it pokes fun at the current, powerful Democratic party's - speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives - Madame Nancy Pelosi who is close to eighty years old and widely rumored - "on her way out - to give power to 'new' Democrats/Radicals/Socialists". 

      She stated a few years ago that she - allegedly - doesn't pay any attention to many - who massively ridicule her for a lot of different reasons. Really?

      The video quickly generated over twenty thousand views and three thousand "likes" with the viewers comments - totally against the Madame speaker. One female viewer states that Ms. Pelosi's blurry, lisp injected - speech - is a result of Ms. Pelosi's numerous cosmetic facial surgeries. 

      Joan Rivers - a famous comedienne - cracked many jokes about the facial surgeries to enhance the youthful looks; while ironically - she - herself - underwent tons of cosmetic surgeries on her face - to render her almost unrecognizable to her earlier photos.

    Ms. Rivers - subsequently - unfortunately - died - as a result of botched up anesthesia - preceding her cosmetic, Botox injecting, procedure which is - generally - considered - safe.

    It's ironic that one of her popular jokes - went something like: "this famous movie star who shall remain nameless (then she names her) - underwent so many cosmetic facial surgeries that each time she sits down - she can hardly move her lips - to smile."

    In any event - everybody will have a good last week of August 2020 and we shall meet here - a week from today - same time - same channel! 

        Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Monday, August 17, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - From Fri. Aug. 21 - till Fri. Aug. 28 - 2020!

            For this beautiful last week of Aug. 2020 - we choose to comment on the YouTube commentary by Bill O'Reilly posted by his website on Aug. 13 - 2020 titled - "Bill O'Reilly No Spin Thoughts on Kamala Harris". It's a little long video (17 minutes) but it goes fast. The viewers' comments run against Kamala Harris (Joe Biden's recent choice for vice-president) who is "uber" Liberal/Socialist senator from the heavily Leftist leaning - California. Joe Biden got totally "taken over" by the Democratic party's - Radical/Socialist - minority wing for which the Democrats will pay a heavy price at the next important elections - presidential elections of 2020 -  the way they always do - according to many political analysts.

        Bill O'Reilly has been an astute political observer for many years so his analysis of Kamala Harris's politics - is on target. When Harris was running in the U.S. presidential elections last year - she failed miserably after another contender - Tulsi Gabbert from Hawaii - totally devastated her during the crucial, televised debate after which Harris's poll numbers cratered to the bottom of the earth - following Gabbert's pointing out Harris's many major failures as an ex-attorney general from San Francisco. 

       Each time the Democratic party gets "hijacked" by the Leftist/Socialists - the subsequent major U.S. elections make the Leftists/Socialists - crash hard. Thus - according to many analysts - the coming presidential elections in 2020 should put the American Leftists - "in their place" - until their next attempt. The American electorate has always been anti-Socialism/Totalitarianism that makes today's China - a huge Socialist/Communist - Behemoth - which kills their political opposition - Left and Right - without any reservations - whatsoever.

         At any rate - everybody will have a super good week and we meet again - a week from today - same time - same place - same channel!

         Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Monday, August 10, 2020

Our commentary of the Week - From Fri. Aug. 14 - 2020 till Fri. Aug. 21 - 2020!

               For this hot - third week of August 2020 - we choose to comment on the short video (2.8 minutes) posted on the YouTube website on Aug. 04 - 2020. It was presented by a political website "Let's be Frank" and it's titled "Keyleigh Mcenany Destorys A.O.C. - Again". A Latin looking commentator/host - Frank who appears in his late thirties/early forties has been acquiring a lot of on-air, camera polish and a lot of subscribers.

       This video deals with the new Pres. Trump's press secretary - Keyleigh Mcenany's - successfully repealing the various attacks by the hordes of Main Stream Media - people - who should not be called journalists since they are - openly - the "mouthpieces" of the new U.S. Democrats who became Radical Socialists.

      The viewers' comments lean heavily against the  A.O.C - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - a new Radical/Socialist congressional representative from New York's - 14th congressional district who became a "ringleader" of the new Democrats/Radicals/Socialists in the current 115th U.S. Congress. Most of them will not be re-elected for another 2 years since the majority of the American electorate does not want the Radical/Socialists in the government.

      In any event - enjoy the video and have a good new week. We shall meet here as every week - a week from today - same time - same channel - same day!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Monday, August 3, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 07 till Fri. Aug. 14 - 2020!

             For this lovely - not overly hot - second week of Aug. 2020 - we choose to comment on the Tango dance posted onto YouTube platform on July 28 - 2020 by the website "Tango Nuevo TV". The video is about five minutes long - titled "Tymoteusz Ley and Agnieszka Stach - Una Fija -MayDay Milonga". The top pair of Polish Tango dancers chose a masterpiece classic Tango by Carlos di Sarli - a famous Argentine Tango composer - titled "Una Fija (Glorias de Ayer) loosely translated to "A Look at the Yesterday's Glories". 
       Their performance presentation looks top notch - from the smallest details like her exquisite dancing shoes - to their posture and moves. While Agnieszka dances as beautiful as she looks - all the ladies focus on Tymoteusz who also is a master of the moves - but while he looks sizzling sexy - hot, hot, hot - he doesn't seem to be too impressed with his personality. He is the kind of guy who attracts the most discerning and classy ladies. When I was in college we used to say something like "this kind of fellow could eat the crackers in my bed - any night of the week."
        At any rate - everybody will have a super good second week of August 2020 and we shall meet again - exactly a week from today - same channel - same time - same place!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Monday, July 27, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 31 - 2020 till Fri. Aug. 07 - 2020!

            For this hot - first week of Aug. 2020 - we choose to comment upon a funny video uploaded by a satirical YouTube website - "The United Spot" on Jul. 26 - 2020 - titled "Vote for Joe or You Ain't". The video is about a minute long - it pictures Joe Biden with African American hair style - corn rows - generously adorning his gray hair with the voice remarkably resembling that of Biden - doing a hilarious rap tune - essentially pandering to the Blacks and crawling on his belly - for the African American votes. The video quickly generated twenty thousand viewers' clicks - with the viewers' comments running totally against Mr. Biden - as the viewers ridicule him - galore. One viewer suggests decorative, gold teeth used as a jewelry by many African American celebrities. 
        Yes, folks - the mental dementia as - currently - demonstrated by Mr. Biden on many documented occasions - does not help him to seek the highest office in the land in the U.S. - where one has to be extremely sharp mentally and "think quickly one one's feet" to prevent a possibility of a global crisis in this age of instant communications. 
       Mr. Biden - an ex-vice President who was in power for 8 years with Mr. Obama - an ex-president - during which both of them did a lot to divide the U.S. - according to many political observers - but - at least - at that time Mr. Biden - had most of his faculties - somewhat intact - in spite of him being an old "political hacks" - forty years in the U.S. government. Now - however - Mr. Biden clearly shows many signs of dementia and he can't even read his teleprompter - on many well documented occasions.
       At any rate - everybody will have a super good first week of August 2020 and we shall meet a week from today - same channel - same time - same place!

      Copyright@ L. Hadley and Associates 2020

Monday, July 20, 2020

Our Choice of Commentary of the Week - Fri. Jul. 24 - 2020 through Fri. Jul. 31 - 2020!

             During this - still hot but not overly humid and unbearable - last week of Jul. 2020 we choose to comment on the Pittsburgh's oldest talk and news radio station - KDKA. It employs various radio talk show hosts with a diverse political persuasions. Our favorite is Rob Pratte - who is moderate, erudite - fair but decisive.
      This morning - Mon. Jul. 20 - 2020 - he asked the callers to express their views about the upcoming presidential elections - Nov. 2020. The almost even amount of callers expressed their either negative or positive views re: Pres. Trump (a couple more were in favor of Pres. Trump) - which is indicative of the division of the American electorate. 
      However - upon the mistaken assertion by one of the pro-Biden callers re: Biden's alleged ability to "unify" the U.S. - another caller reminded the listening audience that ex-Pres. Obama with ex-vice Pres. Biden - had eight years in power - during which they - definitely - far from "unifying" the U.S. - instituted the largest divisions of the U.S. electorate - according to many political observers.
      In any event - everybody will have a super good last week of July 2020 and we shall meet a week from today - same channel - same place - same time!
      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 24 -2020 through Fri. Jul. 31 - 2020!

            For the last week of Jul. 2020 - we will comment on the radio morning talk show broadcasted on the Pittsburgh's oldest talk and news - radio station - KDKA. One of the hosts - Rob Pratte is not only enormously engaging and erudite - but he also has a gift of common sense as he talks to the callers with various degrees of anger - at times.
        This morning - Jul. 20 - 2020 - Monday - Mr. Pratte asked the Pittsburgh callers about their opinion about the upcoming presidential elections - Nov. 03 - 2020. For the allegedly - Biden's - Pittsburgh's market - the number of callers almost was evenly divided - with a couple of more callers arguing in favor of Pres. Trump's policies. However - the most idiotic argument re: Mr. Biden's - unifying the U.S. - potential - should he win the elections - was answered by a caller who reminded the audience that for the previous 8 years when Mr. Biden and Mr. Obama were in power - they did absolutely nothing to unify the U.S. - on the contrary - they deepened the divisions.
       In any event - everybody should have a good last week of July 2020! We shall meet again a week from today - same place - same channel - same time!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Monday, July 6, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 10 - 2020 till Fri. Jul. 17 - 2020!

        During this very hot second week of Jul. 2020 - we choose to comment on the video posted onto YouTube platform by a political YouTube website "Let's Be Frank" - on Jul. 06 - 2020 - titled "Chicago Mayor Destroyed by Kayleigh McEnany - Again". As we mentioned before - the host of this popular website - an early middle aged, attractive Latin guy named Frank - delivers his commentaries in a professional manner - most of the time - however - he likes the close ups of his face while his lower teeth are uneven. One viewer commented last year that Frank needs "some serious dental work on his lower teeth if he likes the close ups of his face."
      At any rate - back to this video of which the title explains sufficiently its contents since the last weekend - the Fourth of July 2020 was deadly in Chicago and other American cities run by the Leftist/Democrat mayors - largely due to the urge by a lot of those Democrat mayors - "to defund the police". Lori Lightfoot - the first openly Lesbian Leftist/Democrat mayor of Chicago found herself with "an egg on her face" after her urgent calls to "defund the Chicago police" - caused a sudden spike in the already high - Chicago crime rate which literally - "went through the roof" during the last hot - July 4th 2020 - weekend.
     In any event - everybody will have a super good second week of July 2020 and we shall meet a week from today - same place - same time - same channel.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Monday, June 29, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - Fri. Jul. 03 - 2020 till Fri. Jul. 10 - 2020!

             For the second week of Jul. 2020 - we choose to comment upon the funny video titled "Saturday Morning Funnies" posted on YouTube platform on Jun. 27 - 2020 - by the United Spot - the popular satirical producer who pokes fun at the current, political "super stars". The upload is 2 minutes, 21 seconds long and it quickly generated in excess of thirty thousand viewers' clicks. The viewers' comments run - "blistering" to Ms. Pelosi - as always - who - purportedly - never pays attention to any voices criticizing or ridiculing her.
        The producers at the United Spot - satirical YouTube website - have been focusing lately on Nancy Pelosi - the well-known Democratic - Speaker of the House - the lower chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives. Her national approval numbers have been consistently low - they never get higher than 28% or close to that number - ever since she resumed her long time post of the powerful speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2018 - after the important U.S. national elections - which kept the Republicans in charge of the U.S. Senate - but the U.S. voters returned the House of Representatives - to the Democrats by the advantage of only 19 or so more Democrats than the Republicans in the current U.S House of representatives (the lower chamber) of the current 115th U.S. Congress. 
         All this present balance of power - will change - after the crucial national elections in 2020 which will determine whether the present Democrats - taken over by their Radical/Socialist wing - will win the Senate and the Presidency. In any event - Ms. Pelosi - who is almost 80 years old - wants to retire from politics very soon - she only wanted to be the Speaker of the House for the last 2 years of her "rule". Her time in politics will be ending very soon - one way or another.
         At any rate - everybody will have a super good second week of July 2020 with the Fourth of July weekend - terrific. Lets not have too much noise to freak out the animals of all sizes! We shall meet here - as always - next week - same channel - same time!

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 26 - 2020 - till Fri. Jul. 03 - 2020!

               For this first week of July 2020 - the week just preceding the Fourth of July - 2020 - weekend - we choose to comment on the news feature presented on Thurs. Jun. 18 - 2020 by Lauren M. Johnson - titled "Your Life Matters - Also". It was posted onto the CNN Television Network website - which is totally surprizing - to no end.
       Normally - CNN Network which used to be called Clinton News Network - presents strongly Leftist/Socialist/New U.S. Congressional Democrats' - supporting - political propaganda materials - thus this news clip was totally amazing. 
       It related the fact that very recently - in the state of Tennessee - two black ladies paid for the breakfast of the white sheriff's deputy present in the restaurant where they were having breakfast. The black ladies posted a big note so that everybody could read it. The aforementiond note stated something to the effect: "Black Lives Matter -- but so does yours. Thank you for your service. We paid for your breakfast".
       That note and the incident were - both - widely publicized in the mass media and on many public media platforms. The well-known local African American radio talk show host - during his Weekend of Jun. 20 - 2020 radio show - commented that most black people do not condone when some of their "brothers and sisters" - currently - engage in the looting and other ridiculous, violent, self-serving illegals activities of Summer 2020 - Riots. 
     In fact - those sorts of opinions were clearly expressed by most callers - black and white - during the three-hour-long radio talk show during the weekend of Jun. 20 - 2020. 
    At any rate - everybody will have a super fun first week of July 2020! We meet here - a week from today - same channel - same place!
   Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Monday, June 15, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 19 - 2020 till Fri. Jun. 26 - 2020!

              For this - fourth week of Jun. 2020 - we pick for our commentary of the week - a satirical, short video (2 minutes, 27 seconds) - uploaded by a popular satirical YouTube website - "The United Spot" on Jun. 14 - 2020 - titled "The Support" which ridicules the most powerful U.S. congressional Democrat - Nancy Pelosi who stated repeatedly that she doesn't care when people make fun of her or what they say or write about her. It's possible to be that "blaze" - but highly unlikely.
       We have mentioned before that Ms. Pelosi - who is worth close to $200 million - has finally acquired new dentures - a few weeks ago - which have considerably softened her blurry speech. However - as we listened to her - the other day - when she was answering/evading as much as humanly possible - the questions of some journalists - it became obvious that she "didn't part" with her old dentures since her speech sounded not clear at all - as if she had something in her mouth as she spoke - the way she usually sounds (according to many such opinions expressed on various social media platforms).
      The satirical video which we are commenting upon - postulates that Ms. Pelosi's blurry speech is due to her excessive consumption of various alcoholic beverages - galore. In view of the fact that she got totally upstaged/neutralized by the "Squad" faction of the new U.S. Democratic/Radical/Socialist/Leftist party in the current U.S House of Representatives - the lower assembly of the 116th U.S. Congress - her alleged - excessive drinking would make some sense.
      At any rate - enjoy the funny video - everybody - and have a super good, new week. The summer 2020 officially starts on Sat. Jun. 20 - 2020 - so let's have a really good, new summer 2020! We will meet here - a week from today - same place - same channel!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week for the Third Week of Jun. 2020!

             This week we choose to comment on the radio talk show presented by Salem Media Network on Jun. 09 - 2020. It was hosted by Sam Malone - a prominent radio talk show host from Houston, Texas who was substituting for Mike Gallagher the same famous radio talk show host - out of New York City. Both of those gentlemen have a vast following of listeners who rarely miss their daily, three hour long, interesting - radio talk shows.
      Sam Malone was interviewing Louis Gomert - a long time U.S. congressional representative from Texas. Both of them express themselves in clear terms - in the fashion of "tell it like it is - don't beat around the bush, tell the truth" - spirit. That fact doesn't get them too many friends in the U.S. Democratic/Progressive/Liberal political camp which lately took a turn towards Radical/Socialist/Leftist - political persuasion.
      Louis Gomert stated that the rich heads of American corporations aspire to be a future, tiny ruling elite after they "transform the U.S. into a Socialist behemoth on the like of China who kills the political opposition or imprisons them for a long time". According to Louis Gomert - "little do they know that they will be used for their assets - then they will be either 'mysteriously disappeared' or imprisoned in the vast massive detainment/jail systems on the like of the ex-Soviet Union's - Gulags/vast prisons' nets."
      In any event - everybody will have a super good third week of June 2020 and we shall meet here - as always - a week from today - same time - same channel.

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - 2nd Week of Jun. 2020 - from Fri. Jun. 05 - 2020 till Fri. Jun. 12 - 2020!

               For this second week of Jun. 2020 - we shall continue with the satirical/hilarious YouTube website "The United Spot" gaining subscribers as we write this commentary. To wit - they have more than seventy thousand YouTube "clickers" - eagerly waiting for their new videos. "The United Spot" people have several funny voice comedians - imitating the voices of the current political celebrities.
           Their recent video - uploaded on May 29 - 2020 - about two minutes long - titled "House Speaker - You Are Amazing" - powerfully lampoons - Ms. Nancy Pelosi - the highest political persona - supposedly - in charge of the U.S. House of Representatives which has now - a small Democratic majority.  The famous Madame Speaker - the Democratic "powerhouse" has lost her Democratic - influence as far as keeping her Democrats in line is concerned - the way she used to do. Now-a-days - Ms. Pelosi got totally blindsided by her radical Democratic/Socialist - colleagues.
          In any event - everybody will have a super good second week of Jun. 2020 and we shall meet here - a week from today - same channel - same time.
         Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024  

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 29 - 2020 till Fri. Jun. 05 - 2020!

                For this first week of Jun. 2020 we choose to comment on a satirical video posted on YouTube platform on May 25 - 2020 - by a comedic website "The United Post" which specializes in caricaturing the current political superstars. This one ridicules Hillary Clinton and other political celebrities who routinely perform many semi-legal maneuvers designed to enrich themselves. When anemically questioned about those sheningans by the MSM (Mainstream Media) who is friendly towards the Democrats who lately veer strongly in the direction of Socialism - the Dems alwys find some lame excuses which the MSM - "eats up". The video is funny - only 2 minutes long but features most of the current political Democratic "superstars" and their dedicated "apostles"/the so called - journalists - now a days. It quickly generated close to twenty thousand viewers' clicks.
      In any event - everybody will have a super good, new week while we meet here - a week from today - same channel - same time.

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 22 - 2020 till Fri. May 29 - 2020!

              For this last week of May 2020 - which includes the Memorial Weekend 2020 - we choose to comment on the satirical video - uploaded by "The United Spot" - a YouTube video producer specializing in lampooning the current U.S. political superstars. They frequently - make fun of Nancy Pelosi - a powerful speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives - the lower chamber of the U.S. Congress.
          The title of the new video we are highlighting is "Free Money for You" and it ridicules Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Chuckie Schumer - the New York Senator - the minority leader in the U.S. Senate - who frequently appears with Ms. Pelosi - in real news clips and in the satirical videos. This short production (2 minutes long) was uploaded on May 16 - 2020 and it quickly generated more than 18 thousand viewers. The viewers' comments run harsh (as always) towards these two top U.S.politicians featured in this video.
          In this satirical video clip (hilarious - as all of them) - Nancy Pelosi still wears her old denture which gave her a pronounced lisp which - whoever does her voice in "The United Spot" videos - exaggerates a lot. That comedic device make the videos caricaturing Ms. Pelosi - super funny. However - we have noticed as we watch the current news - that Ms. Pelosi - has - recently - gotten a new denture now since her speech sounds a bit more clear - sans the old denture lisp. Its about time she spent some money for a new denture since she is worth - according to some conservative estimates - no less than - "north" of 200 million dollars.
        No wonder that she - ostensibly - professes her Leftist political convictions - albeit - she doesn't openly advocate for "the redistribution of wealth" which would reduce her 200 million - drastically - to zero. Evidently she feels that as a rich "Champagne Socialist" she will always be OK with her fortune. She is massively delusional on that issue - as well as on some other political realities - according to many posts on many social media platforms. She needs to enlighten herself on how the Leftist Socialists - forcefully "redistribute" the wealth of their rich but naive advocates - on the likes of Ms. Pelosi - once they grab the political power.
       An any rate - everybody will have a terrific, long Memorial Day 2020 - weekend and we will meet a week from today - same channel - same time!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - From Fri. May 15 - 2020 till Fri. May 22 - 2020!

             For this lovely but cold - third week of May 2020 - we choose to comment on a political video (close to 10 minutes long) posted by a Leftist news outfit - CNN - which used to be called derisively - Clinton News Network. It was published on YouTube platform - on May 6 - 2020. It's titled "Chris Cuomo Jokes with his Governor Brother - You Are Single and Ready to Mingle".
       It generated over a million viewers' clicks with the viewers' comment running a wide gambit - some ladies' - who - perhaps - dream of dating a newly single - gov. Cuomo made some favorable comments - however some of the comments were blistering - stuff like - "Chris Cuomo - a 'self-absorbed' - farce."
        In essence - according to Megyn Kelly and Rush Limbaugh's comments on the talk radio on Tues. May 12 - 2020 - Governor Cuomo along with a few other "Blue" (heavily Democratic) states' governors - totally dominated by their uber Liberal spending "to the oblivion" - fiscal policies - now - see a golden opportunity to save their states from insolvency by using the funds - ostensibly - needed for expenses of Covit-19.
         Rush Limbaugh also stated that "one way or another those Blue states' Democratic governors will stall and hamper their respective states' return to opening their businesses - to discredit Pres. Trump's administration. They - currently - they have an excuse of - ostensibly - protecting 'public health' as if people can't think for themselves". 
         Rush Limabaugh has close to forty million listeners who tune in every day to listen to his commentaries. Limbaugh's three hours long daily radio show goes fast like a blink of an eye as opposed to the aforementioned - Andy and Chris Cuomo video on which we are commenting this week. Both of those famous brothers are visibly - totally impressed with their fame and celebrity - notwithstanding a lot of negative publicity of all kinds which - follows this kind of notoriety.
         At any rate - everybody will have a super good, new week and we meet here a week from today - same channel - same time!

         Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 08 - 2020 till Fri. May 15 - 2020!

                For this third week of May 2020 - the month of Covid - 19 - hysteria in the U.S. - continuing - we picked a funny video about quarantine - uploaded by a musical YouTube website - Randy Rainbow - counting 340 thousand subscribers. The main force behind the spirit of this production - is Randy - a young - gay/transsexual looking, talented vocalist who does his satirical, musical videos as a throwback to the U.S. pop music of the 60'ies with him being the main star of his website's productions.
                This video is 3 minutes long - was uploaded on Apr. 06 - 2020 and it's titled "Andy - Randy Rainbow Song Parody"; it quickly generated almost 2 million viewers' clicks (1,7 million) and it's essentially - a corny, smaltzy, cheesy - but gentle parody which is admiring in tone - towards Andy Cuomo - a governor of New York state - who - currently auditions every night - to replace Joe Biden who - unfortunatly - shows an advanced demenetia which the Main Strem Media tries to "bury" - of course.
        The humor in Andy Rainbow's productions is not nasty, vile and lacking any funny elements - like most parodies of Pres. Trump's administration's - done by the new Left/Democrats/Socialists with the Main Stream Media being their "mouthpiece". The other side indulges in those practices as well - to be sure - however - the new Left/Socialists/Democrats - are constantly deploying tons of despicable devices on many social media - platforms.
        In any event - everybody will have a super good, new week and we shall meet again - a week from today - same time - same channel.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2020

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Our Commentary of the Week - From Fri. May 01- 2020 till Fri. May 08 - 2020!

            For the second week of May 2020 we choose to comment on a snappy political video uploaded by a political website - "Red Eagle Politics" on Apr. 26 - 2020. This website - hosted by a youngster with an acute sense of brisk political commentary - is quickly becoming a big sensation. The video we are commenting on - quickly generated 16 thousand viewers' - clicks with the viewers' comments mostly making fun of Joe Biden's - the Democratic presidential candidate's - numerous gaffes due to his huge, recent memory lapses. The clip is titled aptly: "Biden in Trouble - New Evidence May Sink Biden's Campaign".
       The sexual misconduct allegations by Tara Reade who worked for his office for nine months - in 1993 - received a lot of additional credibility due to several people coming forward to support her allegations. None of those people had anything to gain by doing so - other than them wanting to tell the truth.
       However - the double standard of the Main Stream Media is appalling; they "bury" all the unfavorable news concerning the Democrats/Socialists - while they openly engaged in a hostile, lying campaigns against Pres. Trump's presidential administration, other Republicans and anybody who questions their Progressive/Socialist political agenda. Most of the so called journalists - now a days - with some notable exceptions - became Leftist political activists even though they still call themselves - journalists - God only knows why.
       At any rate - the youthful narrator of this website - went back to his casual look which fits him better than the "stuff shirty", professional appearance - he tried. One way or another - he is an excellent, talented commentator who will go far in his future career.
       Everybody will have a super good new week and we shall meet a week from today - same day - same channel - same time.

       Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024