Friday, December 24, 2021

Out Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 31st - 2021 through Fri. Jan. 07th - 2022!

              For our first commentary in 2022 we will weigh in upon an important event which happened on Jan. 06th - 2021 which was the storming the U.S. Capitol by some anarchists - this time they were - the right-wing extremists - as it appears. The Leftists extremists have done their share of all kinds of violence during the summer of 2020. It's not the Leftist biased U.S. Mainstream Media wants to talk about the U.S. Leftists' political excesses.

        All the U.S. and International Media quickly adopted a Leftist biased attitudes about the Jan. 06 - 2021 insurrection incident - colored by their enormous hostility towards the past presidential administration. They are extremely generous - though - to all the Leftist blunders of big proportions - massively instituted by the current presidential administration headed by Pres. Biden and his team.

       The prime example of the Leftist biased reporting would be an eight-minute-long video posted onto YouTube platform by PBS NewsHour website on Feb. 09 - 2021 titled "Representative Raskin Emotionally Describes Witnessing Attack on U.S. Capitol Jan. 06 - 2021". Rep. James Raskin - A Leftist Democrat - a long time representative to the U.S. Congress from Maryland - talks at length in the aforementioned video clip - about his family tragedy (nobody is happy about it - not even his political adversaries) - referring to his middle son Tommy - twenty-five years old youth - committing a suicide the day before Jan. 06 - 2021. However - while the U.S. press - discreetly - never mentions that fact - they would scream about it if it happened to the Republican lawmaker. 

       It needs to be noted that PBS NewsHour gets U.S. taxpayers contributions - and claims to be "impartial" - still - they turned off the all the comments (afraid of the negative ones - as it seems) - as well as the "dislikes" for this video. 

     Anyway - everybody will have a super good Christmas and New Year's Eve - 2021/2022; we shall meet here in the New Year 2022 - same place - same time - as every week - a week from today!

             Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2022

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 24th - 2021 till Fri. Dec. 31st - 2021!

          The year 2021 went fast - like every year - punctuated by various memorable events which we will not be highlighting since all the news outlets known to mankind and their brothers - are doing just that. Instead - we shall comment upon a news feature presented by the Fox News TV channel on Dec. 17 - 2021 - which was a short interview with the African news correspondent (not named in the aforementioned news clip) - that was conducted by Tucker Carlson - Fox News' TV channel's - enormously popular - Conservative commentator.

     Tucker Carlson - a conservative fire brand - a big star of Fox TV - draws "white ire" from the U.S. and International Progressives/New Democrats/Leftists/Socialists - as he comments upon the inconvenient true facts which they want to "cancel" - including anybody who dares to speak the truth about their failed Marxist/Socialist - oriented - politics. 

     According to the African correspondent we are highlighting - ever since he granted an original interview to Tucker Carlson - a short time ago - Jen Psaki - pres. Biden's press secretary - stopped calling on him during her daily press conferences.

     It's obvious that pres. Biden's administration considers all the African news people - needing to be blindly supportive of their New Democrat/Progressive/Leftist - political agenda and if they dare to speak the truth - they are punished by pres. Biden's administration. The freedom of speech - evidently - only needs to apply to Progressive/Leftists/Socialists/New Democrats.

     At any rate - everybody will have a terrific Christmas/Holiday Season 2020/2021 with the Happy New Year 2022 - not far behind! 

    Copyright@ L. Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 17th - 2021 - through Fri. Dec. 24th - 2021!

             For this - coming soon - Christmas 2021 - week of Dec. 2021 - we will comment upon an important interview by Jan Jeffcoat - the main TV anchor of "TND/The National Desk" (her last name being a lame "alias" - used by famous TV anchors); she superbly conducted the aforementioned interview - with James Golden - radio name - "Bo Snerdley" - a famous talk radio personality in his own right - since being - a long time - screener of listeners' calls - for Rush Limbaugh - a legend of conservative talk radio for many decades who died in Feb. 2021 - with his multi million in size - audiences of listeners/followers in the U.S. and abroad - being currently "siphoned off" among other conservative radio "princes". The interview with "Bo Snerdley"/James Golden - was conducted by Jan Jeffcoat during the week of Mon. Dec. 06 through Fri. Dec. 10 - 2021.

       Jan Jeffcoat may have a lame - on air - TV "alias"/last name - but she presents herself on TV in the most effective, on-target manner. She doesn't allow her good looks to distract from her delivering the news - in a totally professional manner - the sign of an excellent TV news anchor who knows that she is not a star, but the news is the star. 

       The new national news broadcast - "TND" or "The National Desk" broadcasts the news in an impartial manner every morning for two hours - 9am till 11am EST - in most U.S. TV markets - thus balancing the Left leaning U.S. and international news organizations' news presentations. "The National Desk - NTD" also broadcasts in the evenings - 11pm till 12am - EST - as well - with the streaming available in most U.S. TV markets.

      "Bo Snerdley"/James Golding who is a Black conservative - complained to Jan Jeffcoat that he as well as other Black conservatives are treated in most despicable manner by most Black and White U.S. Leftists/New Democrats. Many talented Black conservatives on the like of Senator Tim Scott from N. Carolina or retired Colonel West from Texas - find a lot of helpful political supporters in the Republican party - which additionally drains the Democrats of valuable talents.

      Anyway - with the Christmas 2021 season almost here - we wish everybody who reads this column - most joyous, healthy Holiday/Christmas 2021/2022 - Season! We shall meet here as every week - next week - same channel - same time!   

     L.S. Hadley and Associates 2021

Friday, December 3, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 10th till Fri. Dec. 17th - 2021!

           For this windy with some rain/snow - in our hilly Pittsburgh - second week of Dec. 2021 - we will comment upon Symone Sanders's - departure from her position as a top advisor to Kamala Harris's (the U.S. vice-president).  Many U.S. and international media platforms - had notices about the aforementioned Democratic top advisor - on her way out - as if it was a weighty news item. A lot of political commentators asked, "who cares about Symone Sanders - anyway?"

        It needs to be noted that Symone Sanders finally got some more publicity - albeit - not entirely - of the positive sort. A few months ago - it was rumored that she appeared as a mentor with a political "clout" - to make the current deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre - a full press secretary for the pres. Biden's administration - the position presently held by Jan Psaki - who gets criticized a lot by some U.S. journalists "daring" to ask her hard questions - as she avoids answering them. Many - almost all - the members of the U.S. and international press - constantly - asked the ex-pres. Trump all kinds of critical questions which they don't do - at all - with pres. Biden.

       Not to be overly critical or anything like that - but Karine Jean-Pierre (translated from "snobbish" language to Karen John-Peter) as well as Symone Sanders need some professional advice on how to look decent for the TV cameras. While Karine Jean-Pierre wears tons of bright blue eye shadow which looks stupid against her tan complexion - Symone Sanders' bright red lipstick looks silly next to her - extremely shortly cropped - haircut which shows no bumps of any kind on the surface of her cranium.

       In any event - everybody will have a very good new week - Happy Chanukah to all our Jewish friends - and Happy Holiday/Christmas season 2021/2022 - to all! We will meet here - as always - next week - same time - same channel!

       Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, November 26, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 03 - 2021 till Fri. Dec. 10th - 2021!

                For the second week of Dec. 2021 - the week of official Winter Holidays 2021/2022 - we will comment upon an interview we had with a professional Democrat law maker who just got re-elected to his 3rd term. We asked him why he doesn't want the term limits for lawmakers so they don't make politics their permanent career. They would serve two terms - then they go - do something else. He replied that during their typical first term of two years - the new lawmakers can "barely" can find their respective bathrooms - in terms of knowing "how to make sausage" - that is - how to learn to pass the legislature.

         It needs to be noted that the politicians are eligible to receive the hefty government pension upon completion of only one - two-year term as legislators. This kind of wasting of the resources is unheard of in a business world. A new hire who after two years on the job - still "can't tell his behind (ass) - from the hole in the ground" - could not get any pensions of any sort.

        It's a consensus of many keen political observers that the past business people or past military personnel - make the most effective legislators - not the parasitic "pencil pushers" - the political hacks - looking out mostly - for advancing their political careers.

       At any rate - everybody will have a very good, new week and we shall meet here - as always - a week from today - same place - same channel!

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 26th through Fri. Dec. 03rd - 2021!

            For the - coming soon - first week of Dec. 2021 - we will comment upon Nancy Pelosi's (a powerful Madam Speaker of the lower - more numerous - chamber of the U.S. Legislative body - the U.S. Congress) - finally able to pass a huge, transformational, expensive bill - Build Back Better. The aforementioned gigantic legislation is called by the Democrats - "a big help for American people" while the U.S. Republicans and Independents (a big block of U.S. electorate) - call it "governmental take over of our lives - Socialist style - from the cradle to the grave".

      Ms. Pelosi couldn't direct "her" Democrats in Congress to vote the way she wants them to vote - this time around - the way she was able to do in the past - since this time "her" Democrats fought each other like crazy - for a long time. The Socialists/Leftists Dems in her party - openly opposed her and their more moderate U.S. Democrats/colleagues in the House of Representatives - as they fought about Build Back Better legislation. 

     The U.S. congressional Socialists/Leftists - headed by Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders who openly admits his admiration for ex-Soviet Union Socialist empire who killed their political opponents - Left and Right using their phony court system - plus other U.S. congressional Socialists - the Squad - Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Occasio-Cortes in addition to more of the Leftist representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives (most of whom are openly anti-Israel/anti-Jewish) - opposed Ms. Pelosi since they wanted more benefits - more money spent to the oblivion; nevertheless - this bill will be "massively cut in size and scope" - when it gets to the U.S. Senate where the Dems can't loose any votes; but as it stands now - several Democratic senators openly oppose this monumental power grab by the government - bill - while many more Democratic senators - oppose it as well - but are not as public about it. 

     In any event - everybody will have a super good Thanksgiving and a good first week of December 2021! We shall meet here - as always - as week from today - same channel - same day!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 19th till Fri. Nov. 26th - 2021!

           For the coming up shortly, important Thanksgiving week of Nov. 2021 - we will comment upon the arrival onto the U.S. political scene of a newly visible, pres. Biden's - press secretary - Karine' Jean - Pierre'. However - before we get started on her - we need to thank all our Veterans for their service to our country (Nov. 11 - 2021). We work on our commentaries - a week prior to their publication. 

       At any rate - a week or so ago - Karine' Jean - Pierre' took over  the duties of Jan Psaki - a regular - press secretary to pres. Biden - due to Psaki testing positive for Covid-19 in spite of her mask and double vaccinations. The aforementioned Karine' Jean - Pierre' who has been a deputy press secretary - as it turns out - was - literally - "jumping out of her skin" to take over Jan Psaki's position.

      Low and behold -  according to many political commentators - Karine' Jean - Pierre' - which translates from the "snobbish, elitist" language - to Karen John - Paul - has acquired a powerful ally/mentor - currently serving as an important advisor to pres. Biden. Her name is Symone Sanders - she is a big, big woman, well spoken - with a tremendously shortly cropped hair - no visible hair on her skull - thus her shapely skull shows its lack of bumps. The hair style still - looks ugly.

      In fact - not to get sidetracked too much - her hair style looks - exactly - like the one which Arianna Pressley - currently sports - the same ugly hair style - no visible hair on the skull; Pressley is the U.S. 117th Congress' - representative from the Massachusetts district - which was represented by an ex-president John Fitzgerald Kennedy. 

     He would be - undoubtedly - "spinning" in his grave if he saw how the new U.S. Democrat party splinters - into the "normal" Democrats and the Progressives/Socialists/Leftists - to which Arianna Presley belongs - as a member of the 117th U.S. Congress's - Socialist/Marxist - "Squad" which should be voted out of U.S. Congress - the sooner - the better. They had suffered huge defeats in the recent November 2nd - 2021 - important U.S elections to crucial political positions.

      In any event - everybody will have a super fun Thanksgiving 2021 and a good Black Friday - Holidays 2021/2022 - shopping! We will meet here next weekend - come "hell or high water" - as they say! It will be the same channel - the same time!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 12th through Fri. Nov. 19th - 2021!

            For this chilly week - one week before Thanksgiving 2021 - we will comment upon the British prime minister - Boris Johnson's sarcastic comments to the American CBS - "super star" - Margaret Brennan - right before she took a long maternity leave before she delivered her second child. We are not questioning the fact that Ms. Brennan is a knowledgeable and seasoned newswoman - however - she frequently carries herself on the air - in front of multitude of TV viewers - as if she was "God's female, main advisor - of sorts".

       In any event - a few months ago - during her interview with the prime minister Johnson whose blond mane is always close to his eyes - as it "dances" across his forehead as if some hair spray would not come useful to him - she took on her frequent tone of superiority for no special reason. She might have forgotten for the moment that the global news is a star of her broadcast - and not her - even if she is an attractive, cocky woman.

       Anyway - prime minister Johnson - put her "in her place" since he is used to hordes of "smart and pushy" reporters trying to put something "over him". He made her look like an idiot and it all happened in a nuanced manner - but the viewers didn't miss it. Suddenly - Ms. Brennan changed into a proverbial "fire hydrant" from the pampered poodle who doing his daily "business" onto the fire hydrant.

      All our readers and followers will have a very good week before Thanksgiving 2021 and we shall meet here - as every week - next week - same place - same channel!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021 


Saturday, October 30, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 05th till Fri. Nov. 12th - 2021!

         For this first frosty week of Nov. 2021 - we will comment upon a short - almost a minute - long - video posted by a hilarious, new YouTube website - Epoch US News on Oct. 30 - 2021 (Sat.) - titled appropriately in a self-explanatory manner: "Kamala Harris Fails to Fire up the Crowd". The viewers' comments are mostly derogatory toward the Vice-president Harris. The clip quickly generated over 4 thousand viewers' clicks. 

       Her short speech is designed to recommend to vote for Terry McAuliffe (a Democrat - who's been in politics "forever") who is - currently - loosing in the early polls to Glenn Youngkin (a Republican businessman whose political career just began with a "thunder") - this first political battle will take place in coming up Virginia's crucial governor's races. These elections - coming up in a few days are a referendum on an ex-president Trump or current pres. Biden. It looks as if Biden will loose and so will the Democrats in upcoming national elections. 

      Vice-president's short speech featured in this video points to her speechwriters - being absent - for sure. Still - she should be able to write her own short speech as a past California attorney general. During the aforementioned speech - we are highlighting - the small group of present listeners - "softly" booed her to which she seemed oblivious. She has been severely ridiculed and criticized - frequently - on every platform like YouTube and others but she appears to ignore it. One wonders how that's possible.

       In any event - everybody will have a super good Halloween weekend and we shall meet here - as always - next week! Same place - same channel!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021




Friday, October 22, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 29th 2021 till Fri. Nov. 05 - 2021!

             For the last week of Oct. 2021 which went like a blink of an eye; the same way as it zooms by every year. We shall comment upon a short clip presented by a new YouTube website called Epoch U.S. News which quickly gathered a lot of subscribers in a short time. The video which was posted on Oct. 20 - 2021 - is only about a minute long and its titled in a self explanatory manner: "Psaki Gets Nasty and Refuses to Answer Reporter's Question". 

         Jan Psaki - pres. Biden's press secretary - supposedly - needs to answer hard questions from the press - the way Kayleigh McEnany (ex-pres. Trump's press secretary) fielded questions from many hostile Main Stream Media reporters who - by the way -  disappeared from the scene - now - since they don't want to criticize pres. Biden. CNN's Jim Acosta - would be the best example of the MSM (Main Stream Media) shrinking from criticizing pres. Biden. 

        Not to get side tracked - but Acosta who was always virulently "barking" at an ex-pres. Trump - (according to the opinions of many political commentators posting on various social media platforms) - suddenly disappeared from the White House press room. Evidently - now - that he is reluctant to criticize pres. Biden - the  proverbial "cat got his tongue".

       Anyway - back to Jan Psaki's press conference clip which we're highlighting - only two journalists (Emerald Robinson and Peter Doocy) asked her tough questions which happens in many of Psaki's press briefings. This clip - however - is a typical example of Jan Psaki acting in an arrogant and incompetent fashion - the way she usually does (according to an avalanche of the viewers' comments under this video and under other videos of Jan Psaki's news conferences).

      At any rate - everybody will have a super good, new week and we shall meet here a week from today - same time - same channel.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 22 - 2021 through Fri. Oct. 29th - 2021!

           For this last week of Oct. 2021 (sunny but cold) - we chose to comment on the hilarious - even if vulgar video posted by Salty Cracker onto his YouTube website on Oct. 14 - 2021. It's about 6 minutes long and it quickly garnered 190 thousand viewers' - views (clicks). The title of it is "Totally Not Coof" - and it's about a recent hospitalization of an ex-president - Bill Clinton. About 5000 viewers' comments quickly appeared under this clip - with most of them - not friendly to the ex-president Bill Clinton - to put it mildly.

     YouTube has had quite a few reports of Bill Clinton "dying" a few years ago - as they posted his unflattering photo in which he looked like a corpse - before the undertaker put the make up on it - so the deceased would look distinguished in the coffin - for viewing. 

      As always - Salty Cracker uses salty language as he comments on his website - nevertheless his subscribers  must like it since he has close to 700 thousand of them on the YouTube platform as well as close to a hundred thousand on

      In any event - everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet here - as always - next week - same channel - same time!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct.15th through Fri.Oct.22nd!

              For this stormy but unusually warm - week of October 2021 - we will comment onto a short video clip (2 minutes long) - posted on the YouTube platform on Oct. 08 - 2021 by the Forbes Breaking News website (close to a million subscribers) titled appropriately - "What Do You Make of These Really Terrible Polls?". The video shows Pres. Biden's press secretary - Jan Psaki - ineptly fielding the tough questions from the U.S. press regarding Pres. Biden approval numbers - currently - slipping badly downwards with the American people. Whereas - at the beginning of Pres. Biden's administration - in Jan. 2021 - American MSM (Main Stream Media) - was very kind to the new president Biden - now - however - they are not so accommodating anymore.

       According to many political analysts posting their political opinions on various social media platforms - Biden Administration policies are causing a big time inflation - big problem for most U.S. citizens which is a huge draw beck for the current presidential administration. In addition - the U.S. southern borders - presently - "avalanched" by illegal drugs and various questionable illegals "creeping" into the country - en masse - while the overloaded border patrols are overworked - don't help the Biden administration's - poll numbers - either.

       At any rate - everybody will have a very good week and we shall meet here a week from today - same channel - same time!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 08th till Fri. Oct. 15th - 2021!

           For this nice even if a bit cloudy - week of Oct. 2021 - we shall comment upon a Tango video clip - which we do at the beginning of each month. We picked to highlight the unknown "Tango Noemi" composed by an obscure Tango composer - Mario Verrua. The video was posted by Dr. 240252 on Dec. 30 - 2017 - onto the YouTube platform where he has over 50 thousands of subscribers. It's 3 minutes long -  titled: "Tango Noemi - 1929 - Saxophon Orchestra DOBBRI".

       Dr. 240252 is an erudite and funny commentator upon many cultural icons in Europe and on the International scene. His commentaries - written in an interesting, brief form are a wealth of information - given "in a nutshell". Moreover - the viewers' comments by his YouTube videos - are answered by him in the same - snappy and interesting mode.

       In any event - the Fall 2021 is here and - as every year - the month of October goes by entirely - too fast! We will meet here - a week from today as every week. Happy Fall 2021 to all!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 01st -2021 till Fri. Oct.08th - 2021!

            For this lovely first week of Fall 2021 - we shall comment upon a super funny, new video posted by our friend - Salty Cracker - onto his YouTube platform - "Salty Cracker" - on Sept. 25th - 2021 - Sat. It is titled "Two Fully Vaccinated Hosts from 'The View' Catch Coof". "Coof" is the new slang expression for Covid-19 virus - as it turns out. The video clip we are highlighting is only about 6 minutes long but it quickly generated close to a hundred thousand YouTube viewers with their comments - extremely blistering towards "The View" - ladies co-hosts - all of whom proudly profess their respective - uber-Liberal/Socialist political persuasions - every day of the week while they do their show.

       Salty Cracker - the host in his middle thirties is very funny - however his humor is raw and unpredictable - not for everybody. One either likes his brand of satire or dislikes it. There is no middle ground. He does have close to 700 thousand steady subscribers on YouTube - so he must be doing something right.

      In any event - everybody will have a nice new week. Happy Fall 2021 to all! We shall meet here as every week - same time - same channel - same day of the week!

      Copyright@ L.Hadley and Associates 2024


Friday, September 17, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 24th till Fri. Oct. 01 - 2021!

                For this lovely last week of September 2021 - a first week of Fall 2021 (it falls on Wends. Sept 22 - 2021 this year) - we will comment upon a short video uploaded by a YouTube website - Sky News Australia on Mon. Sept. 13 - 2021. The aforementioned website currently counts over 2 million subscribers. The video clip we are highlighting is only about 2 minutes long; it features some catchy background music while the large subtitles relate an incident with Pres. Biden which happened on the date the video came out - or the day before - during his news conference in Idaho. 

       Pres. Biden went off the script - so the White House techs - cut off his feed. The title of the clip explains the essence of the incident: "White House Cuts Abruptly Media Feed as Biden Goes off Script during Idaho Event".  The viewers quickly gave this video - close to 2 million clicks with the viewers' comments - mostly by the Americans - running in the blistering spirit towards Pres. Biden - as usually.

         It needs to be noted - however - that Australia - according to international media clips - currently exercises a lot of goofy, repressive systems about their Covid-19 dilemma - while their lockdowns and other exaggerated measures against their population - evidently - don't bring any drastic improvements to the situation.

         At any rate - everybody will have a super good new week - the last one for Sept. 2021 and we shall meet here again - as always - next week - same channel - same time!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021


Sunday, September 12, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 17th through Fri. Sept. 24 - 2021!

          This week - mostly nice in hilly Pittsburgh - we will comment upon a short video clip by a new YouTube website - gaining tons of "viewers' clicks" - even as we write this commentary. The aforementioned website is called "Biden Gaffes" and it quickly generated over a million of viewers' "clicks" since it was posted on Sept. 05 - 2021 - during the Labor Day weekend. The video is only less than a minute long and its titled is totally self-explanatory: "Biden Nearly Passes Out at the Podium".

      The viewers' comments are mostly critical of Pres. Biden - and that's being extremely generous to him. Speaking of huge generosity - according to many political commentators - Main Stream Media - usually calls various President Biden's incidences showing his advanced dementia - "gaffes". They would never be that magnanimous to any other president - especially towards the ex-president Trump.

        Anyway - everybody will have a very good new week and we shall meet here - as every week - next week - same place - same channel - same time!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 10th through Fri. Sept. 17th - 2021!

            For this nice September 2021 - week - we shall comment upon a good YouTube video uploaded by an excellent Polish Tango website - Tango Nuevo. At the beginning of each month we will comment on some good Tango productions - just to take a little break from politics. For this month we picked a 3 minute long Tango video posted by a Polish Tango website - Tango Nuevo. It's titled: "Milonga Krakowska Lottery" since the teachers and advanced students of this workshop draw lots on who will be their showcase partner. It was posted on August 21 - 2021. 

       The aforementioned Tango workshop/event was held in the breathtakingly beautifully designed - Craftsman Guildhall in Krakow - Poland. The organizers of Tango Nuevo Polish Tango organization hold the international workshops for advanced Tango dancers - twice per year; each workshop ends with an exhibition by the good, accomplished Tango experts/participants.

       The female partner - Marta Strada follows an expert lead of Szymon Nowak - an accomplished, tall Polish dancer with thick long hair (romantic touch). She is good in her own right - (notice her dancing shoes - sensational). She knows how to expertly follow the lead but maintain her tone and spirit - all at the same time. Their dance was well executed and fun to watch - it was a good upbeat Milonga (the faster cousin of Tango) - the uncredited male vocals did their part.

        The only suggestion we would make is that Marta Strada keeps her fingers together which she did most of the time but towards the end of the dance - she opened her fingers - which looks at bit - as if she was "clawing" into her partner's back.

        In any event - everybody will have a good, new week. We hope that all had a fun Labor Day Weekend which ends the Summer 2021. Goodbye summer storms - welcome beautiful Fall 2021! We shall meet  - as every week - same place - same channel - almost the same   time! 

               Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 03 - 2021 till Fri. Sept. 10 - 2021!

               For the second week of Sept. 2021 - we will comment on a super funny video posted onto YouTube platform on Aug. 27 - 2021 by the satirical website "The United Spot". It's only a minute, 23 seconds long - but it packs "the punch". The title speaks for itself - "I Could Lie 500 Times" and the cover of the clip shows Joe Biden playing an electric guitar - dressed in a ridiculously looking - costume. It quickly generated 43 thousand viewers' clicks with their comments - blistering Pres. Biden - as usually.

       In addition - this humoristic website always presents the Vice President - Kamala Harris - wearing solid knee pads - reminding the U.S. electorate about her "rich" past. Her famous affair with the ex-San Francisco mayor - the California Democratic political legend - Willie Brown - has been widely covered in California press.

       Moreover - the aforementioned website "The United Spot" - has a remarkable pool of talents imitating the voices of the political celebrities - they lampoon. The viewership to "The United Spot" has been increasing - steadily - if not in the meteoric fashion.

      Anyway - enjoy the video - everybody and have a super good new week; we shall meet here - as always - a week from today - same channel - same place - same time! 

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 27th till Fri. Sept. 03rd - 2021!

             For the last week of Aug. 2021 - we will comment upon a funny YouTube video uploaded on Fri. Aug. 20th - 2021 by the enormously popular YT website - "Sky News Australia" which is only close to a minute long but it quickly generated about a third of a million viewers' clicks. The title is self explanatory - "Joe Biden - 'lame duck' Moron after Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal".

       This recent Biden Administration's political debacle with the videos of  the thousands of Afghan Americans and Americans trying to get the hell out of Afghanistan - splashed on every screen known to mankind - effectively ends Joe Biden's long and - some political analysts say - useless - political career. Moreover - he is taking most of the new Democrats/Progressives/Socialists - with him - out of the American political arena - for a long, long time.

       In any event - everybody will have a super good last week of August 2021. The fall 2021 will be here soon! Hurray! We shall meet here - as always - a week from today - same place - same channel - same time!

      Copyright@ L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 20th till Fri. Aug. 27th - 2023!

            For this stormy, tumultuous third week of Aug. 2021 in our hilly Pittsburgh - we shall comment upon the satirical video posted by a funny website specializing in biting political satire. The United Spot - publishes tons of its clips on their YouTube platform; this one was posted on Fri. 13th of August - 2021. 

      The aforementioned website immediately registered 50 thousand viewers' clicks under this 3 minutes long  video clip; almost all the viewers' comments ridicule Ms. Nancy Pelosi - their favorite target. The video packs and lands a lot of punches directed  at an elderly stateswoman - Nancy Pelosi (a Speaker of the U.S. House of Representative - a super powerful political position). The title of it - says a lot about the content - "Nancy Is Stepping Down but Who Will Take Her Place?"

         The video producers of this piece always do a super hilarious job of parodying and ridiculing the current political and general - celebrities of the day - in the U.S. and abroad. We mentioned before that Ms. Pelosi stated on numerous occasions about her ignoring her wide spread  ridiculing of her her, her family and her political position (super Liberal/Leftist/Socialist). Frankly - we find it somewhat hard to believe. 

        At any rate - everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet again - as always - here - same place - same time - same channel!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Friday, August 6, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 13th - 2021 till Fri. Aug. 20th - 2021!

            For the third week of Aug. 2021 - we will comment onto a 5 minutes long video posted on the Ben Shapiro YouTube platform on Fri. Aug. 06th - 2021. The title of it says it all in a nutshell: "Biden Blames Florida's Ron DeSantis on Covid Surge - DeSantis Hits Back". Governor DeSantis receives tons of free publicity from Pres. Biden's "gang" - no doubt about it. The video quickly generated 57 thousand viewers' clicks - prevailing majority of them - supporting Ben Shapiro's viewpoint. 

     Ben Shapiro's quick wit and on air ease as he delivers his blistering political commentaries established him as a formidable political debater who "thinks quickly on on his feet" then "lobs his verbal grenades". We stated before that his good looks and youthful energy - both enhance his presentations. Needless to say - his global fame earned him tons of followers as well as the multitudes of the Leftists/detractors who - for sure - aspire to imitate his impressive debating techniques. Fat chance - a few people are as talented as Ben Shapiro.

     In any event - everybody will have a good new week and we shall meet here - as always - a week from today - same channel and same time.

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021


Saturday, July 31, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 06th through Fri. Aug. 13th - 2021!

          For this "lucky" second week of Aug. 2021 which will end on the "lucky" Fri. Aug. 13 - 2021 - we will comment on the funny - even if not most sophisticated in the world - satirical video uploaded onto YouTube platform by the website - Salty Cracker - on Sat. Jul. 31 - 2021. That YouTube site has close to three quarter million followers on YouTube and also has several hundred thousand viewers.

       The clip is ab. 6 and a half minutes long and quickly generates over ninety thousand viewers' - clicks. The title is self explanatory and tells about the whole gist of this video - delivered in a funny manner by the host (thirty or so year old guy - ruggedly handsome - we think). Nobody who approves of Pres. Biden would like this title - let alone this video presentation called: "Dementia Joe Caught Eating Random Crap Hanging off His Chin".

      At any rate - everybody will have a super good second week of August 2021 and we shall meet here - as always - a week from today - same channel - same place - same time!

     Copyright@ L. Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week for the last week of Jul. 2021!

            For this important last week of Jul. 2021 (lots of important U.S. news as well as the international news - happened) - we shall comment upon a 5 minute long video posted onto YouTube platform by Ben Shapiro's website on Sat. Jul. 24 - 2021. The video immediately generated close to thirty thousand of viewers' clicks since its title says it all - "Ben Shapiro Responds to the NPR Hit Piece". 

         Ben Shapiro's new book titled - "Authoritarianism Threatens Our Future - How the Left Weaponized America's Institutions Against the Dissent," -  says it all - in a nutshell. NPR News organization - claims to be impartial -  however - even though it's partially supported by ours - the taxpayers' - funds - it strongly veers towards the political Left/Socialist/New Democrats' - agenda - the party currently headed by Pres. Joe Biden and V.P. - Kamala Harris (a well known California Leftist/Socialist - according to California press).

       In any event - everybody will have a very good last week of Jul. 2021 - and we shall meet here - again - as always - same day - same time - same channel.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 23 - 2021 through Fri. Jul. 30 - 2021!

          For the last week of July 2021 - we will comment on the five minute long video uploaded onto YouTube platform by by Fox News on Jul. 16 - 2021 - titled "McEnany 'My Mouth Dropped Open' when Psaki Said This" - the video clip which has some other Fox TV hosts expressing their outrage at the notion that federal government will dictate to big tech like Facebook - what to put on their platform.

       Facebook reacted with fake anger since they do support the current ultra Liberals/New Dems' - policies of the current party in power (albeit not for too long time to come since all the pollsters predict big defeats for the Democrats in the coming major and minor - elections).

       The Conservative leaders in the U.S. Senate expressed their indignation (righteous) about the Big Government attempting to exercise censorship - against free speech - for the sake of the safety.

      In any event - everybody will have a good week - while Summer 2021 zooms by quickly. We shall meet a week from today - same channel - same place!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 16 - 2021 till Fri. Jul. 23rd - 2021!

          For the third week of July - 2021 - we will comment upon the YouTube video posted by Ben Shapiro website on Jul. 08 - 2021 - onto YouTube platform - titled "Shapiro React to Gay Men's Choir' - 'We Are Coming for Your Children' Viral Video". It's a 6 minute clip which caused quickly ab. ten thousand viewers comments of every kind - but basically agreeing with Ben Shapiro who has two young sons.

       Ben Shapiro "stirs" up a lot of commotion with his weekly YouTube videos. He became a legend commentator on many platforms with YouTube being one of his major ones. 

       In any event - let's give it some thought - and everybody will have a super good new week of the Summer 2021 - going very fast! We shall meet here again - as always - a week from today - same channel - same time!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 09th till Fri. Jul. 16th - 2021!

              For this - mostly hot -  but nice - week of July 4th - we will comment on the video posted onto YouTube platform by Fox News website which has several million subscribers - on Jul. 03 - 2021 which is ab. 8 minutes long - but it zooms by - titled appropriately: "Leo Terrell Blasts Lori Lightfoot's Leadership as 'Shameful'". The Fox co-anchors Tammy Bruce and Emily Tokagna together with a famous civil right attorney - Leo Terrell - blast the leadership of the Chicago mayor - Lori Lightfoot. She has been elected two years ago and even Chicago Tribune newspaper is extremely critical of her leadership or lack thereof in terms of drastic increase in homicide.

         Chicago's - notoriously high - crime rate is up 50% since the mayor have been following the Democratic "guidelines" on mismanaging the big cities - big time - run - mostly by the Progressive/Democrats. She claims that her numerous critics are "racists and homophobes" since she is openly - Lesbian. Leo Terrell is a black lawyer of sterling reputation - so her excuses are nonsense.

        Anyway - everybody will have a super good 4th of July and the whole week; we shall meet a week from today - same place - same channel - same time!

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 02 till Fri. Jul. 9th - 2021

           For this still - not too hot - first week of Jul. 2021 - we will comment on another video posted onto YouTube platform by Ben Shapiro website (it has close to 3 million subscribers) on Jul. 25th which is 9 minutes long (goes fast) - titled "Addled Biden Creeps Out America while Kamala (Literally) Waits in the Wings." As we mentioned before - Ben Shapiro delivers his punch commentary with an easy - mastery. His good looks don't distract from his message.

        The video quickly generated close to two hundred thousand viewers' clicks with the viewers' comments - mostly - blistering towards the current Presidential administration. You will - most likely - enjoy Ben Shapiro's latest production and will keep checking his YouTube website.

       Otherwise - have a good 4th of July coming up soon - everybody - and we shall meet here - as every week - same time, same place - same channel!

       Copyright L. Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - From Fri. Jun. 25th till Fri. Jul. 02 - 2021!

          For the last week of Jun. 2021 - we will comment upon a hilarious video posted onto YouTube platform by Ben Shapiro - a bright political commentator whose website has over 3 million subscribers. He knows how to deliver a punch/commentary in front of the camera plus the fact that he is handsome doesn't hurt at all. The video we are commenting on - was posted on YouTube platform on Jun. 14 - 2021 and it's 8 minutes long but it goes fast. The title of it: "Cringe - Shapiro on Biden's Insane Antics at G7" explains it all and it quickly generated half a million views. 

       The recent Summit conference in Switzerland - between Pres. Biden and the heads of European Union and the Russian pres. Putin - was not a success. According to many political commentators - Biden didn't negotiate anything of substance - for the U.S. 

       However - Ben Shapiro even included a clip by Tony Blinken - a current Secretary of State - complementing Biden on - his purported  - recent successes in foreign policy. He - diplomatically - does not even mention the recent debacle of V.P. Kamala Harris visit to the only Golden Triangle - South American country - the only one - which let her in - Guatemala. The other two - Honduras and El Salvador - didn't want her in - notwithstanding the multi million dollar funds she would offer. (The U.S. taxpayers' hard earned money - that is.) It needs to be mentioned that the people of Guatemala had welcomed her with the banners which read "Go Home Kamala", "Go to Your U.S. Southern Border", "Trump Won" and stuff like that.

      In any event - everybody will have a good, new week which will have much better weather for us - here in hilly Pittsburgh where we had some violent storms. We will meet here - next week - same time - same channel.

      Copyright@ L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 18th till Fri. Jun. 25th - 2021

             For this lovely third week of Jun. 2021 - we will comment on the video posted on YouTube platform by Ben Shapiro's website on Jun. 08 - 2021 titled "Watch - Kamala Harris Melts Down after Being Confronted over Border Crisis". It's five minutes long and it quickly garnered close to 700 thousand viewers' - clicks. Ben Shapiro - a brilliant, young and good looking political commentator frequently catches the Leftists' - ire - since they hate the facts and numbers presented to them in such a way so they can't "spin" them to further their Marxist ideology which killed millions of people in every country it was tried after they win a single free elections which is the first one and the last one for those countries.

       Back to the video which comments on Kamala Harris - the U.S. current Vice-president who recently visited several Northern triangle - South American countries - El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras - the main places which send the U.S. the avalanches of illegals with the situation becoming critical since Pres. Biden took office in Jan. 2021. Ms. Harris went to those countries - very recently - to - ostensibly - solve the "root causes" of the invasion of the illegals - (read - to offer millions of dollars to the corrupt governments - again - with the funds paid for by the hard working U.S. taxpayers - the millions - being "skimmed off" by the corrupt regimes - anyway).

        Long story - short - due to the border patrols overburdened with that increase of the illegals - many criminal drug cartels - "slip" into the U.S. - their illegal drugs and gang members. It needs to be noted that some U.S. Congress's lawmakers - the Progressives/Socialists/Leftists - currently in Congress but hopefully - voted out - very soon - from the U.S. Congress - strongly support the avalanches of the illegals - invading the U.S. borders. The Democrats need some new voters since the mood in the country indicates that they will be voted out of power - come the next elections cycle.

        In any event - everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet here - next time - as always - a week from today - same time, same place, same channel.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun. 11th till Fri. Jun. 18th - 2021!

           For this beautiful third week of June 2021 - we will comment upon a funny, biting and on-target video uploaded onto platform by the website "America First with Sebastian Gorka" on Fri. Jun. 04 - 2021. It quickly generated a sizable audience. You find it easily by clicking on the "channels" when you go on the search bar - then enter "America First with Sebastian Gorka". Dr. Sebastian Gorka uploads a lot of interesting, exciting videos. This one is about 7 minutes long and it features an interview with a cool, young African American - Maj Toure. The title says it all - "Black Guns Matter - BLM Is Money Laundering Scheme." 

       During the video - Maj Toure - explains how Black Lives Matter - launders the money for itself - with the contributing members - getting "fleeced". Recently - the press was full of stories about Patrisse Cullers - the main founder of the aforementioned organization - which point to Ms. Cullers buying for herself several Los Angeles mansions in a good neighborhood for which she paid several million dollars (collected from the members - no doubt).

        In any event - everybody will have a super good week of the beginning of the Summer 2021 - and we shall meet - as every week - a week from today - same place - same time - same channel.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jun.04th trough Fri. Jun.11th - 2021!

            For this cold - as of this writing - second week of Jun. 2021 - we choose to comment upon a short video uploaded by Sebastian Gorka's - - channel - America First - on May 29 - 2021. The clip is only about 4 min. long with the title ""Yes, they're Socialists. Nigel Farage on Newsmax". Seb Gorka is a famous political commentator - an ex-top adviser to an ex-president Trump. It's easier for us to find Seb Gorka's channel on - by choosing "channels" rather than "videos" on the search bar. The video - quickly generated close to 700 hundred viewers' views - immediately after it was posted. There are some fascinating comments under it. You can read the comments after you join which is easy to do and it's free - if you like YouTube - you will enjoy

         The exciting, interesting video we're highlighting features Dr. Gorka's and Nigel Farage (an ex-Brexit party chief) in United Kindgom as both of those erudite gentlemen comment upon the Socialist movement in the U.S. They also talk briefly about an ex-prime minister of Britain - Margaret Thatcher and her ideas about Socialism (she said that it works until all the rich are quickly made poor - in a short order - something like that).

        In any event - everybody will have a super good new week after a great Memorial Day weekend and we shall meet again - as always - a week from today - same channels - same time - same place.

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 28th through Fri. Jun. 04 - 2021!

             For the lovely, first week of June 2021 - we will comment upon an interesting - even if a bit long (18 minutes) - video uploaded onto platform (a super fun platform which gives YouTube - a big run for her money). The title of the clip is: "Not Everyone Wants to Hear This" and it was uploaded by Rose Unplugged (her screen name) - her real name is Rose Tennant. When you try to find it on - search for the channels - not videos and enter in the search bar - verbatim Rose Unplugged (unplugged - one word).

     In the video - she is skillfully interviewing some doctors - regarding the Covid - 19 - vaccinations. Rose Tennant is a well known political commentator and a radio host - who gained a national prominence after she successfully substituted for Sean Hannity - a big star of radio talk - when he was away - quite a few times - actually - and she always "rose to the occasion". She has had several successful radio talk shows around Pittsburgh - consequently - she is quite well known in this area.

     In any event - everybody will have a super good first week of June with the Memorial Day - full of fun picnics of every sort. We shall meet a week from today - same time - same channel!  

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 21st - 2021 through Fri. May 28th - 2021!

            For this last week of May 2021 we will comment upon an interesting video uploaded onto YouTube platform on May 8th - 2021 - by Ben Shapiro - a famous political commentator (a good looking, sexy guy) in his early thirties. He has several million subscribers since he is a well known commentator. Maybe he is the best of them since Glen Beck - another superstar of political commentaries said about Ben Shapiro the following - "His ability to debate the issues - will make his opponents feel that Ben made them appear - naked to the skeleton."

      The video is eight minutes long but it goes fast. It's titled "Ben Shapiro Reviews Biden's First 100 Days as President". The clip quickly generated over 300 thousand views with the prevailing majority of the viewers who commented under it - agreeing with Ben. He was not overly generous with appraising Pres. Biden's first hundred days in office since he advanced almost all the failing (F) grades in several most important categories - like Immigration, National Debt, Race Relations - with the exception of Foreign Policy for which Ben gave him an overly generous D. Most people would disagree with Ben not giving Biden an F in that area - especially taking into consideration the fact of Biden not - immediately - condemning the Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists financed by Iran - who have been bombing Israel since the skirmishes escalated a lot - lately.

      Anyway - everybody will have a super good week. We have been having some cool - not too hot - spring days - here in our hilly - "turf" and we like this kind of weather - the bothersome heat - can wait. Don't forget to click here - a week from today - same channel - same time.

     Copyright@ L. Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week from Fri. May 14th - 2021 through Fri. May 21st - 2021!

            For the third week of this year's cold - May 2021 - we will comment on the short, 3 minute long video uploaded onto YouTube platform by the channel called "NewsNOWfromFox" on May 5 - 2021. The long title of the clip reads: "Stay out of our state! Gov. DeSantis warns protesters (rioters - editor's note) not to come to Florida to riot or they will face consequences".

      The video quickly generated close to half a million viewers' clicks with thousands upon thousands of "likes". The commenters wholeheartedly agreed that all the protests need to be peaceful but they were nothing of the sort last summer; during the summer 2020 - massive protests in many American and foreign cities - quickly degenerated into riots with looters "helping themselves" to merchandize in the upscale stores while the rioters - burned and destroyed the private businesses as well as the government buildings - with many of those businesses owned by "sweat, tears and hard toil" of minority business owners - the minorities which the protesters - purport to support. 

        All those awful events took place while the Democratic governors and mayors of the aforementioned, numerous cities - tactfully - "looked the other way" for a long time - as they tried to placate the looters and rioters. The uber Liberal/Socialist mayor of Portland - Oregon - Ted Wheeler - lately - informed the Marxists/Leftists/Rioters that they will go to jail if they attempt to engage in destruction of any property (the way they did during the summer 2020).

       It didn't work for Mr. Wheeler to try to "placate" the Marxists/Anarchists descending on his town Portland - Oregon - according to many comments posted onto many social media platforms. Ted Wheeler had to change his residence's address several times since the Marxists/Terrorists - turned against him - as they always do.

       Governor DeSantis and a few other governors clearly state that they will not tolerate violent protests in their states. The number of those states is growing as we write this column. 

      "It's about freaking time!" - according to many U.S. and foreign - political analysts/observers.

       At any rate - everybody will have an excellent week and we will meet a week from today - same time - same channel!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024



Friday, April 30, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. May 07th - 2021 till Fri. May 14th - 2021!

            For this - unusually cold - second week of May 2021 - we shall comment on the video uploaded by Fox News Business channel on Apr. 30 - 2021 (Fri.) titled "Harris Holds Economic Event in Cincinnati" which is 50 minutes long. The strongest attraction of this upload are the viewers' comments under it. The video quickly gathered over 6 thousand viewers' clicks with the comments - mostly - totally "blistering" to Ms. Vice-President Harris and the Democrats. The viewers/clickers - remind Ms. Harris - among other embarrassing things (politics being a tough game) - that she needs to be at the Southern Border. The viewers' commentaries appear as funny as they are cutting - though. The smart saying goes something like - "Those in Power have to have a lot of tenacity and thick skin of all sorts". 

       Before he started his presidential campaign - Joe Biden heard a lot of comments of offensive but true - kinds - from various political pundits of all varieties - the main one being something on the order of "he must really want it badly to be ready to put up with various cruel but accurate 'criticisms' of every imaginable kind".  How true!

      Anyhow - enjoy the video - everybody - as you will  have a super good week. We shall meet here - as always - a week from today! It will be - same channel, same time!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 30th through Fri. May 07 - 2021!

              For the first week of May 2021 - we will comment on the short (2 minutes long) YouTube video uploaded on Apr. 24th - 2021 by the popular website Forbes Breaking News - titled "Joni Ernst - The Democrats Are Showing Their True Colors". The clip quickly generated 25 thousand viewers' clicks with the comments under it - heavily criticizing the current Leftist leaning Democrats in the present 116th U.S. Congress.

         According to just obtained internal polling done by the Republicans - the Congressional elections in 2022 (every two years - midterm elections) which will end the 116th U.S. Congress - will put a stop to the Leftist/New Democrats/Socialists' - temporary movement - in the present U.S. House of Representatives - which most voting American people along with a  majority of the U.S legislators at every level - detest. Consequently - they will vote heavily against the current Democrats in power - which usually happens - anyway - in midterm elections - notwithstanding - the present U.S. House of Representatives (the lower chamber of the U.S. legislative body) - being currently - "heavily infested with Leftists/Socialists/Marxists - New Democrats" - according to many such comments posted onto the numerous social media - platforms.

         Back to the video - Joni Ernst - an attractive but distinguished looking lady - an ex-air force pilot - presently - successfully represents the state of Iowa - as the popular U.S. Republican Senator. Her constituents with their solid, conservative values - oppose their "next door" neighbor - Illinois - who has become a Socialists/Leftists' -  "failed paradise" - because of their long time - Leftist/Corrupt Democrats' - Chicago style - politics - which - currently - makes the city - almost insolvent - due to their extravagant - politically motivated/frequently unjustified and wasteful/ -  spending of every imaginable kind.

       Anyway - everybody will have a super good first week of May 2021 and we shall meet here - as every week - a week from today - same channel - same time!

       Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2021

Friday, April 16, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 23rd through Fri. Apr. 30th!

              For this - cold/rainy - last week of April 2021 - we will comment on Sam Malone's broadcast on Apr. 16th - 2021 - as he substituted for Mike Gallagher - a nationally syndicated radio show host who broadcasts in Pittsburgh's Pa's - WPGP -1250 AM in the morning. Sam Malone - a popular radio host from Houston, Texas - 1070 AM - Salem Network - "The Answer" - was broadcasting nationally from his Houston, Texas - radio station. Sam interviewed several interesting experts and he - generously - added his own, satirical comments which we will highlight.

         To make a long story - short - Sam Malone "transplanted" himself 28 years ago to Houston, Texas from his native Philadelphia who turned into a "Leftists' Nest" - according to him - thus he found Houston, Texas - much freer - albeit - not without some Leftists - there - as well - "mismanaging Houston" as he stated during his other substituting gig. 

        Today - Sam interviewed - a famous political analyst - K.D. McFarland who explained the "holes" in Pres. Biden's recent foreign policy moves. She always clearly points out the Dem's blunders - especially the recent "open borders" - debacle. Sam also talked to Steven Moore - a well known economist who also frequently criticizes Pres. Biden's domestic economic moves - on a lot of talk shows; Steven Moore especially points out that shutting down the Keystone Pipeline - deprived thousands of Americans of their well paying job.

        Towards the end of his radio presentation which went fast - Sam Malone added a few of his own commentaries to the effect that "those 'Wokes' - New Dems/Socialists - now - using the excuse of pandemics - sit in their parents' homes basements, smoke dope, watch the questionable TV - while they get their stimulus money - which strongly discourages them from seeking any useful work. They wouldn't be able to get any decent jobs anyway - since their useless college diplomas would not help - but the U.S. taxpayers are paying for their college education - 'through the nose'. The Dems know that if they try to take away their money - the 'Wokes' won't vote for them so that's why the Democrats want to bring the illegals - to vote for them - 'just in case'."

        Sam Malone is funny and opinionated - for sure - but all of you will have a super good last week of April 2021 and we shall meet here - as every week - a week from today - same place - same channel.

        Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2021


Saturday, April 10, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 16th till Fri. Apr. 23rd - 2021!

             For this lovely, third week of Apr. 2021 - we will comment on the short video (about 4 minutes long) posted onto YouTube platform by the new but growing in popularity website -  called "Artur Pavlovski TV" - on Apr. 04 - 2021 which quickly gathered close to 122 thousand - viewers' clicks. The comments under the clip run in favor of Pastor Artur Pavlovski who took a strong stand in protesting again Canadian police's - illegal intrusion into his Calgary, Canada - church's sanctuary - during his massively attended - religious service on Apr. 02 - 2021 - during the Easter 2021 - weekend.

        The Canadian law specifically prohibits the police entering the church's sanctuary with their weapons - brandished - and that group of policemen with one service woman - prominently exhibited their guns - moreover - their uniforms (the high, Nazi style boots) - indicated their aggressive, fighting mode. Secondly - the police needs to secure a legal warrant - issued by the judge of the local jurisdiction - in order to legally enter the church's - premises.

       Pastor Artur Pavlovski prohibited the police officers to enter the church's sanctuary without a warrant - in addition - he called them "Nazis, Communists and Psychopaths". They left the church - but Pastor Pavlovski consulted the local lawyers who have assured him that the Canadian law was on his side. In the interim - the video went viral - with Pastor's Pavlovski's appearance on Fox News causing a lot of people questioning the Western governments like Canada's - using the Covid-19 fear - to intimidate people from attending their churches' services.

       In any event - everybody will have a super good, new week and we meet again - as always - a week from today - same place - same time!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 09th till Fri. Apr. 16th - 2021!

            For the third week of April 2021 - we will comment on the short (3 minutes long) YouTube video uploaded on Apr. 02 - 2021 by Blaze TV - YouTube website which is headed by a famous conservative radio talk show host - Glenn Beck. It quickly generated close to 200 thousand viewers' - views. The clip is titled: "Psaki Snaps and Gets Nasty with Reporter for Asking Legitimate Question." Jan Psaki - Pres. Biden's Press secretary sports red hair and an annoying habit of not answering the reporters' questions or "distorting the truth" in a big way. 

       The YouTube viewers who comment on her frequent appearances - are not overly kind. One of them called Psaki "Little Red Lying Hood" and we quote one of mildest comments. Anyway - in the video we are highlighting - Jan Psaki - is rude and nasty towards two young reporters who ask her about a calamity currently taking place on the Mexican border regarding the illegal minors entering the U.S. The U.S. government recently appropriated 86 million dollars to house them in the hotels - close to the border. The homeless U.S. citizens - especially the poor U.S. army veterans could use this kind of help.

       Thousands of unaccompanied illegal children are entering the U.S. due to Biden's - decree - as soon as he took the office. While the border patrol people are busy with that huge group - whose parents paid thousands of dollars to criminal guides/human traffickers - "the coyotes" - tons of illegal drugs are entering the U.S. border towns. Criminal elements also slip through while the border patrols are piled under - busy with the illegal children.

       At any rate - everybody will have a super good, new week. We had some unseasonal, cold weather at the beginning of the month. Hope that everybody will have a Happy Easter 2021 and we shall meet here - as always - a week from today - same channel - same place!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Apr. 02nd till Fri. Apr. 09th - 2021!

             For the second week of Apr. 2021 - which includes Easter 2021 - we will comment on the 5 minutes long video posted by Fox News onto the YouTube platform - March 26th - Friday. The title of the clip is "'Fleisher - 'Bewildered' - Biden Had to Read Answers from Script". The upload deals with Pres. Biden's first news conference after 55 days of being inaugurated which makes it the longest absence of the aforementioned news session by the American president - in recent history.

       Numerous political commentators postulate that the time of the news event chosen by Pres. Biden for the most unusual spot of 1 pm in the middle of the afternoon - would indicate his mental decline due to the onset of dementia which manifests itself frequently by him "sporting" many "gaffes". He frequently says things which indicate his mental deterioration - while the Main Stream Media - generously covers up for him while they always "jumped" onto the ex-President Trump for less than perfect moves of any kind.

        Moreover - during the long awaited - news conference which took place on Thurs. March 25th - 2021 at 1pm - Pres. Biden called exclusively on the Leftist/Progressive journalists who normally ask him easy questions. In addition - he constantly consulted his notes while answering the questions. Furthermore - he totally ignored Peter Ducey from Fox News - the only one who dares to ask Biden some probing questions. 

        The American and international press was not that generous to ex-President Trump at all. To the contrary - they were usually - hostile, and endlessly - confrontational.  Amiche Alcindor - a Leftist presidential correspondent from NPR - who frequently called Pres. Trump's voters - "white supremacists" - calls Pres. Biden - "a nice guy".           

        At any rate - everybody will have a nice second week of April 2021 and all the friends who celebrate Easter shall have a beautiful Easter 2021. We will meet here - a week from today as every week - same time - same place - same channel! 

        Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021


Saturday, March 20, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 26 - 2021 till Fri. Apr. 02 - 2021!

           For this first week of Apr. 2021 we choose to comment upon a lovely video/song uploaded onto YouTube platform by Olga Mieleszczuk's website on March 16 - 2021. The video is only 3.37 minutes long but it's fun to watch - it could be longer. The title of the upload is "Hebrew Folk Song - Erew Shel Shoshanim" which loosely translates to "Evening of Roses". The Israeli composer and lyricist - are not world famous - but their work speaks volumes for their talents. The composer Yosef Hadar and the lyricist Moshe Dor - demonstrate their mastery when one listens to this simple, poetic song.

       Ms. Mieleszczuk's soft alto never disappoints while her steady four musicians - showcase her talent while showing their skills as well. Ms. Mieleszczuk has had a guest musician for a while - Ms. Marta Maslanka - a talented Polish lady who adds a distinct flavor by playing cymbals - a rarely performed instrument which sounds nice. The viewers' comments are interesting - especially the one in which the commenter explains that this song started out as lullaby but became a love song.

       In any event - everybody will have a super good Passover Week - with the wishes for Happy Passover 2021 (the first night of Passover - this year falls on - Sat. March 27 - 2021) - to all our Jewish friends and Happy Easter - to all our Christian friends with Easter 2021 coming only a week later. We shall meet again a week from today - same channel - same time - same place!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 19th till Fri. March 26th - 2021!

             For this "first day of Spring 2021" - week of March 2021 - we will comment on the short (3.38 minutes long) YouTube video posted by Fox News on Sat. March 13th - 2021 - titled "Stephen Miller - It Was so Painful to Watch Biden Get through Address". Stephen Miller - an ex-advisor to ex-pres. Trump makes some remarks re: Thurs. March 11 - 2021 - 8pm - address to the nation - by a current president - Biden - a year after the U.S. economy was "shut down" - in March of 2020 - following the recommendation of Dr. Anthony Fauci - the main health advisor to ex-pres. Trump and current president Biden.

        In a nutshell - Stephen Miller totally ridicules pres. Biden for appearing mentally and physically - deteriorated. Moreover - according to Mr. Miller - Pres. Biden's message to the U.S. people is "morbid and depressing" - promising "a small gathering of a few people during the coming Fourth of July national holiday". Biden's mental state is currently - much worse than it was even a month ago - according to many such opinions expressed on many public media - platforms.

       Moreover - many political commentators - voice the view about Kamala Harris - the Socialist/Progressive - vice-President and her group of Radical/Progressive/Leftists - not only making the important U.S. government's decisions for Biden - but she (Harris) "cackles" her annoying laugh (with even Hilary Clinton's "cackle" taking a second place) - upon her dream of replacing the ailing Biden - very soon. 

       At any rate - everybody will have a very good "first day of Spring 2021" coming this Sat. March 20 - 2021 and we shall meet here - a week from today - same channel - same place! Happy first day of Spring 2021 - everybody!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 12th till Fri. March 19 - 2021!

            For the third week of March 2021 - we choose to comment upon YouTube Fox News website which uploaded the 11 minutes long news clip on March 05 - 2021. It's a news fragment of "The Five" - Fox News nightly feature which hosts five news anchors. The video we are featuring - quickly garnered close to a third of a million viewers' clicks and it's titled "'The Five' Torch Biden's Border Security as Migrants Sport Shirts with his Name".

       From the moment Joe Biden assumed the U.S. presidency - his administration began to open the Southern borders which were kept much tighter by an ex-president Trump. The Democrats want to flood the U.S. with all kinds of low skills - illegals - who will vote for them. They are opposed to letting into the U.S. well educated, legal immigrants who might vote for Independents or Republicans. 

       Thus the avalanche of illegals are flooding the U.S. through the Southern borders - they are Mexicans, South Americans and other nationalities who come to the Southern borders with the purpose of either illegally entering the U.S. or make a phony "Asylum claim" while in reality they are "economical migrants".

      Many of those illegals send their children - alone - with the smugglers/traffickers on the journey which is not only risky - but dangerous; they don't care. The actions of those misguided parents and others like that - result in an increase of borders' activities of various drug dealers and and other criminals of that sort who frequently also use them as "mules" to smuggle illegal drugs into the U.S. - in addition to charging them a flat fee. The illegals also slip into the U.S. through the Northern Canadian border as well - but less of them.

       The low skilled illegals create a big problem for big cities like Chicago where many employers can take advantage of them so there is a lot less of legal work for Americans - moreover - the "fixed income" or "low income" Americans - compete for benefits with the illegals. They have to share their honestly earned benefits with the illegals - while the local politicians have vested interest in letting the multitudes of illegals cause problems in the cities.

       In any event - everybody will have a super good third week of March 2021 - the spring is almost here! We shall meet here - as always - next week - same time - same place!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2021

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. March 05th till Fri. March 12th - 2021!

               For the second week of March 2021 - we choose to comment upon a 24 minutes long YouTube video uploaded by a political website "Forbes Breaking News" - on Feb. 26 - 2021 - titled appropriately - "Kevin McCarthy Rips American Rescue Plan as 'Pelosi's Pay Off Bill'".

         The video quickly generated close to a quarter million viewers' clicks with the viewers' comments - mostly against Nancy Pelosi's "pork laden - legislative monstrosity - which has only 25% - at the most - funds related to Covid-19 expenses while the rest of the gigantic mixture of funds - are designated to 'bail out' the extravagant, politically motivated, unnecessary - expenditures by the Progressive/Democrat/Socialist - dominated Blue states of the U.S - the main unfair beneficiaries being - Illinois, New York and California where the Democrats are mismanaging their states to the max. Those - aforementioned - Blue U.S. states would 'go under' - if they were not bailed out since they lavishly reward their political allies - at the expense of the American taxpayers."

         Kevin McCarthy (a nice looking Republican Party minority chief) made this speech in the U.S. Congress's - House of Representatives - a day before the CPAC - Conservative Political Action Conference - convention began in Orlando, Florida which took place this weekend from Fri. March 05 till Mon. March 08 - 2021. The ex-president Trump was a big hit. This video is a bit long one but the first part flows very well.

         In any event - everybody will have a good second week of March 2021 - the spring is close - almost all the snow melted. We shall meet here - as always - a week from today - same channel - same place!

         Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


Saturday, February 20, 2021

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Feb. 26th till Fri. March 05th - 2021!

            For this first week of March 2021 we choose to comment onto a Fox News video uploaded on Fri. Feb. 19 - 2021 titled "Ric Grenell Slams Biden's Foreign Policy". The YouTube clip we are commenting upon is 8 minutes long but it goes fast. A handsome, sexy Ric Grenell (unfortunately for the ladies - we all know that he is gay) is interviewed by Fox correspondent Phil Caputo - according to many - a little, puny looking and acting - "closet - flaming Liberal" - according to many - as we said before. He - literally - "twists himself into a pretzel" - so his virulent Leftist bias - would not be obvious.

        The video quickly generates close to 9 thousand viewers' clicks with the comments - generally making fun of Phil Caputo. Ric Grenell is first openly gay - highest U.S. governmental official - to date - who served in Trump Administration as an ex-CIA chief. He is currently an adviser to several ex-President's -Trump boards. In this video - he strongly criticizes Pres. Biden's foreign policy - which according to Mr. Grenell - leaves the U.S. - vulnerable to Communist China's - massive global aggression.

        Not to get sidetracked or anything like that - but - ladies - isn't Ric Grenell - a good looking celebrity or what? I know that some of you - attractive ladies might want to "test" if Ric Grenell is "really gay". You may find out that he is "bi-coastal" - though - or something like that. Still - with the way he is attractive - you wouldn't be getting exactly a "short end of the stick" - unless his partner is jealous.

       In any event - everybody will have a really good first week of March 2021! The spring is not far - but we still have snow and icy roads with cold weather still here in our - hard to drive - hills. We miss flat Chicago, but we do the best we can. Let's meet here - again - a week from today - same place - same channel!

       Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024