Friday, December 29, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 29 - 2023 through Fri. Jan. 05 - 2024! The First Commentary of the Week for 2024!

            For this cold, windy last week of 2023 - we shall comment on the "double entendre" literary device. It's widely used by most writers and commentators of political ambitions, but it's has - also - been utilized by the political oppositions in various - politically stifling regimes of various sorts. 

      The "double entendre" literary device has been favorite - as well - with the famous writers of children fables on the order of French - LaFontaine and Russian writer - Lomonosov. They use various animal images which resemble the human beings. It's called the "allegory".

     It needs to be noted - however - that many political cartoonists - also - almost always - use the aforementioned - device. 

    The funny political cartoon which we recently - used - will apply to the recent local elections in which the Progressive/Socialist faction of the Democratic party - has won some political positions which will affect the whole state. Little do they know that in order to be an effective, elective representative - they will have to "ease up" quite a bit on their Utopian/Socialistic - goals. The aforementioned objectives which involve forcing the changes to the social structures - frequently lead to drastic results of many kinds. 

     At any rate - to refresh your memory - the political cartoon which we - recently - utilized - showed three little pigs - shivering through their fat butts - (they represent the U.S. Socialist leaning factions) - while a huge, ugly wolf keeps violently shaking Grandma's hut - representing the U.S; with the vicious wolf portraying Socialism. The caption reads - "Be Careful What You Wish for".

     It must be a coincidence that the cartoonist made the three, fat little pigs - resembling the newly elected - local - Progressive/Socialist - political neophytes.

     In any event - everybody will have a good, healthy Happy New Year 2024 - which all of us will celebrate in a responsible manner! We shall meet here a week from today - next year!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023/2024

Friday, December 22, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 22 - 2023 through Fri. Dec. 29 - 2023 - The Christmas 2023 Week!

       For this - unusually warm - Christmas 2023 - week - we shall comment on the "office Christmas parties - tradition". Not to be overly critical or anything like that - but this tradition needs to disappear. While there is nothing wrong in celebrating the season - getting gifts, bonuses and gathering with old friends and the family - the "office parties" are - usually - a disgusting phenomenon with people drinking - way too much - and making idiots out of themselves in many different ways.

      During the 80's the ice dancing champions from Great Britain - the team of Torvill and Dean won a gold medal in ice dancing during the winter Olympics in Sarajevo in 1984 for their superior skills - however - there was a shadow connected with their triumphs. They did an idiotic routine in which both of them "died" on ice. Quite a few imitators also started "dying on ice". 

      Lo and behold - some critics began pointing out that "all this 'dying' on ice is disgusting". Shortly after that - the ice dancers stopped "dying on ice" -  thus "death on ice became eliminated". Death on ice - as a dance routine - was dead.

     We would welcome the tradition of rowdy Christmas office parties - also - to be eliminated to a great extent; many times, during the aforementioned office parties - people/co-workers who - usually - have too much to drink - say things about other people - their co-workers or bosses - which nobody needs to know or care to find out.

      At any rate - Merry Christmas - Happy Hanukkah - Happy Holiday Season 2023/2024 - to all!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Friday, December 15, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 15 - 2023 through Fri. Dec. 22 - 2023!

                  For this "Holiday Season 2023/2024 is here" - week of December 2023 - we shall comment onto a recent hearing held by the U.S. House of Representatives - during which the presidents of the three prestigious U.S. universities were questioned about the rampant anti-Semitism taking place - on a lot of the U.S. universities' - campuses - which came to light due to the recent Israeli war with the terroristic organization - Hamas.

         The three women - the top U.S. universities' - presidents - all "wafted" and made themselves look - openly - inept - in running the top U.S. institutions of higher learning - in front of the whole U.S. and abroad - pursuant to the direct, on target - questioning directed at them by a capable Elise Stefanik - a U.S. congressional representative from the state of New York state's - 21st congressional district.

         She questioned the presidents of MIT, Harvard and UPenn - some of the most prestigious U.S. universities - about the anti-Semitism on their respective universities' campuses - subsequent to which - as we mentioned above - it was obvious to the whole U.S. and abroad - that the aforementioned U.S. universities - the U.S. institutions of higher learning - do not go after the anti-Semites - to defend the Jewish minority students - the way they defend the rights of the African American students and other minorities - thus - again - it merits repeating that they don't protect the rights of the Jewish students minority - the way they protect the rights of the Black students or the rights of other minority students.

        The announcer of the local talk radio station stated that if the word "Jewish students" was substituted by "Black students" - all those university presidents would be fired in a "split second". Moreover - the local media outlets - do not report on the lawsuit filed in court - very recently - alleging the anti-Semitic discrimination against the Jewish student which took place on the campus of a well-known, prestigious, local university - the reporting of which would go against the Leftist slanted narrative of most the U.S media outlets.

        At any rate - everybody will have a good, new - Holidays 2023/2024 - week - and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 08 till Fri. Dec. 15 - 2023 - Part II - Conclusion.

                   Our disclaimer is in place like every time we publish - Any similarity to real people or circumstances are purely - coincidental.

          We shall finish our fairy tale which we started in our previous edition of our popular feature - Commentary of the Week.

          To refresh your memory - the children in Eastern Europe are told of the legend - according to which all the animals on Earth speak in the human voices for only one night of the year. It happens from the sundown on Christmas Eve and it ends when the sun rises on the Christmas Day. 

          In the last segment - an ugly, mean and poisonous Black Mamba female snake slithered down to the river region of New Orleans - by Manchac Swamp - full of alligators and snakes - so she could talk some business with her friend - the Albino alligator. In a nutshell - she suggested that they form a trial, inter-species partnership whereby she would ride on his head and spit venom at their enemies - since spewing venom - is her specialty.

          He agreed - albeit - reluctantly; so, she - situated herself on the top if his head, got reared up and was ready to spew. Then they laughed together a creepy laugh - their trademark.

         "Don't just spit venom - at anybody," said Albino alligator.

         "I will spit at anything I want," the Black Mamba was defiant, vicous and confident - the main traits of her character.

         Thus, the Albino alligator and Black Mamba got totally distracted with their vigorous argument which ensued - suddenly.

         In the interim - the two hunters came up from behind on their boat with their rifles - ready to fire their bulls' eyes - shots.

         It's a shame that their partnership was short lived but - on the bright side of this tale - the hunters got paid for the alligator and for the Mamba - skins.

        Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023


Monday, December 4, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 08 - 2023 till Fri. Dec. 15 - 2023! Part II - Christmas/New Year's Holiday Season - 2023/2024!

                  Allegorical Children's Tale which Can be Applied to Politics and Many Other Situations.

        Our disclaimer is always in place - that any similarity to real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental.

        Since it's the Holidays' 2023/2024 - Season - we shall keep our Commentaries in a seasonal mode for a while. According to Eastern European Christmas myths for children - all the animals on earth speak in human voices - but only for one night of the year - and it happens during the whole night preceding the first Christmas Day - thus - it starts at the sundown of Christmas Eve - and it lasts only until the following sunrise. When the day comes up on the first Christmas Day - they can't do this anymore. It's not that the aforementioned tale was ever "scientifically" examined - but the children's tales have a lot of the elements of that sort.

        Thus, the Black Mamba female snake - the most venomous, deadly and - obnoxious - slithered down to the banks of Louisiana's Manchac Swamp - close to New Orleans - and called her friend the Albino alligator - to come out to the shore which he did. Pursuant to her explaining that she would like to enter in a trial partnership of sorts with him - so she could ride on his head for a while - to protect him - he finally - reluctantly - agreed even though - at first - he was hesitant to enter into any sort of inter-species - partnerships. 

       But then - he thought that it couldn't hurt to have some kind of protection since being an Albino - he realized that he "stood out like a turd in a punch bowl" - to other alligators - which he knew - were stronger, bigger and longer - than him; it's not that we use any crude language or anything like that.

       In any event - we shall continue this tale - in a few days.

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023


Friday, December 1, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 08 - 2023 - through Fri. Dec. 15 - 2023!

          Our disclaimer states that - any similarity to real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental.

        For this Holiday Season's 2023/2024 - 2nd week - we shall comment upon a wide variety of anti-Semitic, anti-Israel - propaganda/hate - sloganeers - flooding many of the social media platforms as well as talk radio - platforms - who entertain the anti-Semitic talk radio hosts that strongly attract the Israel and Jews-hating - callers who are - usually - of Leftist/Progressive - political persuasion. 

       The one - here - locally - always says the same propagandistic, hateful stuff - each time he is on the air - thus he simply "crams all that hostility - down the throats of most listeners" - as if it's "going out of style". Moreover - he repeats the same stuff - each time he gets a mike. We would like to have as many dollars as many times he boasted on the air about "his brother - the general"; everybody registers that info after the first 50 times - so there is no need to repeat it - ad infinitum. 

       Before this latest Oct. 07 - 2023 - Hamas' attack on Israel - the numerous U.S and global - anti-Semites - who want to destroy Israel - would come out - with their hateful slogans - mostly - in the middle of the night - like cockroaches going after the scraps of food left on the kitchen table; now - however - they're all are out in the open. That may not be the worst of the possibilities - since now - at least - everybody knows exactly - "where they stand".

      All those anti-Semitic activities - came to light - as a result of the latest Middle East armed conflict - pursuant to the terroristic faction's - Hamas's - barbaric slaughter of - mostly civilian Israeli population (est. 1400 - in one day) - living on the border of Gaza strip - on Oct. 07 - 2023.         

      It needs to be noted - however - that Gaza strip's considerable part of the voters - voted Hamas into power in 2005 - subsequent to which - there were no more elections - which is typical of Socialist/Leftist style - repressive regimes. 

      In any event - the aforementioned voters who voted Hamas terrorists in - might have some "strong second thoughts" about their voting choices. 

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Dec. 01- 2023 through Dec. 08 - 2023

                              The Summer "Romance" - On the Political - Rocks. 

       The Summer of 2023 was defining in many ways - in terms of political "turbulences" of many sorts. Thus, the customary disclaimer needs to be in place - "Any similarity to real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental."

      As we mentioned before - our county is divided into two opposing factions just like the rest of the U.S.; the "star" city of this county is Blue/Socialist leaning - however - the neighboring counties are Red or strongly leaning Republican Red.

     Last Summer 2023 - witnessed massive celebrations of Gay/Transgender Pride - all June 2023 long - nonstop. Nobody - in their right mind is against them - especially if they behave in a socially law-abiding fashion - however - tons of people expressed their views on the social media platforms - to the effect that "it was - way too many of those types of celebrations - cramming them down everybody's throats - just like Juneteenth - a new holiday - a few years ago." They were cramming it down everybody's throat - for sure. Last time we checked - there are no special celebrations for normal - heterosexual people - celebrating their sexuality. Nor should there be."

      Not to get sidetracked - but the local talk radio station with their Leftist talk radio host - made - way too much - of an exaggerated "hoopla" over Juneteenth a few years ago. All of that - thank God - fizzled out - so The 4th of July can be celebrated by the whole nation. 

      Back to the Summer 2023 - during which two local politicians - were extremely visible - hugging and kissing - "kissy, kissy - lovey, dovey" style - all summer long - during the aforementioned Gay/Transgender Pride events: one of those politicians - is currently - on the way out - since being - presently - primaried - out of the 117 U.S. Congress's - House of Representatives; while the other one is just starting her new term after winning the smallest, the puniest of the elective victories. There were numerous posts on the social media platforms - linking those two - romantically - since both are - admittedly - gay.

     Long story - short - after the Summer 2023 was gone - so was - evidently - the romance - as it landed "on the rocks" - as it appears. No more "kissy, kissy - lovey dovey" - stuff; what a shame!

    In any event - everybody - do - stay with us! Keep checking our website for new, hot entries!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 24 - 2023 till Fri. Dec. 01 - 2023!

                          Sometimes a Children's Fairy Tale - Explains the Current Political Situation

        We shall start with our regular disclaimer - "Any similarity to real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental".         

        To give our readers an example of a divided electorate - earlier this year - the Socialist representative of this area - which is not supported by - at least - a half of her constituents - was attempting to ingratiate herself with an older lady - her constituent - who is very much opposed to Socialism; the representative smiled her big, obligatory, political smile - at her older constituent. It was taking place during the Chinese New Year's celebrations - earlier this year.

                  To her credit - the constituent who doesn't support the representative in question - didn't say anything like "I hate your Socialist kind - since I witnessed what you did in China" - that was what she told me - a bit earlier as we watched a magnificent dragons' - parade during that sunny day last February. 

        Instead, the older Chinese constituent - said quickly to the Socialist representative - that she doesn't want to shake hands because of Covid - not that the legislator - attempted it - and anyway - the older constituent continued informing the representative that she will not be voting for her. Then she winked at me, but I didn't wink back - instead I resumed my - imaginary - phone conversation - to be diplomatically ignoring the Leftist representative - in case if I ever encountered her in a situation in which I didn't want to find myself.

      At any rate - we saw a political cartoon - about this new political reality - a while back - which showed - three little pigs (the Socialists) shaking and quivering - as a huge - nasty, scary, disgusting wolf - (The Socialism) - kept shaking to the foundation - a flimsy hut (The U.S.). The caption read - "Be Careful of What You Wish For".

      Anyway - not to get personal or anything like that - but the two of the three - newly elected Socialist representatives - could benefit from losing quite a bit of weight since the TV cameras - which they love so much - adds additional ten pounds to their - weight. The third one is sporting an O.K. figure - but according to tons of posts onto social media platforms - she needs to clean up her language so it would make her political discourse - dignified - rather than her - currently - indulging in usage of profanities during her public appearances. 

     Everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet here - in a few days.

     Copyright@ L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Third Thanksgiving 2023 - Special - from Fri. Nov. 17* - 2023 till Fri. Nov. 24 - 2023!

           We shall continue a bit with the topic we touched upon in our last Commentary of the Week - Thanksgiving 2023 - Special II - which we posted a few days ago and which has received many excellent responses. To refresh your memory, we commented upon a local representative to the 117th U.S. Congress's - lower chamber - the House of Representatives. Our disclaimer stands in place - "Any similarity to real people - are purely - coincidental". 

       At any rate - the aforementioned representative - according to many political commentators' opinions posted on various social media platforms - does not represent more than half of her constituents' - vital interest. Thus, the political movement of big size is "afoot" to primary her quickly and elect another representative who - for now - appears - much better. We shall see. So far, the movement is surging ahead - full speed.

       It's worth noting that during the last June 2023 - the representative whom we are profiling - who is - hopefully - on her way out - quickly - did participate in every "gay/transgender" type of event - "known to mankind" - here - locally. (It's not that we exaggerate or anything like that). There were several posts on several big platforms - informing the public that she is gay - indeed. Not that there is anything wrong with that - at all. She could have been gay and an excellent legislator. However - that's not the case. She is a lousy legislator to more than half of her constituents.

      Speaking about the June 2023 with its tons of various celebrations of "gay/transgender" pride - many posts onto the various social media platforms stated that "it was way too many of those celebrations as if - they are cramming them - down everybody's throats." B.T.W. - the same types of comments were expressed when the suddenly - new holiday "Juneteenth" - a few years ago - was hyped to the excess - "down everybody's throat" - again - according to many such comments posted on many social media platforms. Thankfully - all that "fizzled out". July 4th is a national holiday celebrated by most of the U.S. population. Not to get sidetracked - or anything like that.

      In any event - it was good when June 2023 - finally - ended. 

      Wishing everybody a terrific, fun and healthy - Thanksgiving 2023!

      Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023


Monday, November 20, 2023

Second Thanksgiving 2023 - Special - from Fri. Nov. 17* - 2023 through Fri. Nov. 24 - 2023!

                       All Is Fair in Love and War - but also in Politics - which is Usually - Local!

        We shall start with our standard disclaimer which reads - "Any similarity to real people - are purely coincidental".

        At any rate - our city had primary elections in May 2023 in which a female candidate - barely won - she is a young Socialist with numerous tattoos and a ring in her nose - who - subsequently - denounced her previous affiliation to reiterate strongly - that she is a Democrat. Really? She won a minimal primary victory - certainly far from winning any kind of any political mandate. 

       On her victory night - another local Socialist who openly professes her Leftist/Progressive/Socialist political affiliation as she - allegedly - serves her constituents - in the 117th U.S.Congress's - House of Representatives - kept hugging strongly the new winner; the congressional representative kept  screaming - presumably - to celebrate - the new winner's political victory - however - the representatve's speech was - evidently - directed at her own constituents - since the aforementioned speech - which was laced with her pronounced lisp - was screaming rather than speaking; most of her constituents - as we mentioned before - claim that she does not represents them properly at all; and b.t.w - she should fix that lisp - using speech theraphy - taking into consideration how much she gets paid from the constituents in renumeration and in many generous - benefits. 

       Here is what she screamed at her constituents during that night of May 2023 - primaries: "all you - haters - we won - all you - haters - we won!" - a classy political speech - worthy of a U.S. congressional representative - no doubt about it!

       Lo and behold - a few months later - however - the original winner who denies that she is a Socialist - absolutely avoids in any manner - that openly - Socialist member of the 117th U.S. Congress's - House of Representatives - since - evidently - now - that congressional representative is a big "political liability" since she - currently - has a formidable political rival - a savvy candidate who will - successfully - primary that screaming Socialist with a lisp - out of the U.S. House of Representatives - of 117th U.S. Congress. The screaming representative's political opponent is getting tons of momentum and support of every kind!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Asociates 2023


Friday, November 17, 2023

A Commentary of the Week - Extra Thanksgiving 2023 - Edition - from Fri. Nov. 17 - till Fri. Nov. 24 - 2023!

             We will comment on some political headlines which caused a lot of sensational comments - due to the memorable global events taking place in October 2023 and November 2023 - respectively. Thus - the Israeli declaration of all-out war - with the terroristic political organization Hamas - the ruling body of the city of Gaza - took place on Oct. 07 - 2023 - following the Hamas's - incursion into Israel from the city of Gaza - on Sat. Oct. 07 - 2023. 

       The aforementioned - Hamas's terrorists - incursion into the state of Israel and subsequent massacre of 1200 Israelis - mostly civilians - on Sat. Oct. 07 - 2023 - caused many different political factions in the U.S. and abroad to "show their true (political/anti-Semitic) colors".

      Almost all the members of the "Squad" - a small group of the U.S. 117th Congress's House of Representatives' - Democratic representatives - who openly profess their Socialist/Progressive/Leftist - political slant - attempted to "justify" Hamas's terroristic activities - which the President Biden's administration - didn't "take lightly" - at all.

     On Oct. 11 - 2023 - President Biden's Press Secretary - Karine Jean-Pierre (translated - Karen John-Peter) - torches the "Squad" members of the 117th Congress of the U.S House of Representatives' - "Hamas's Excuses" - as "repugnant and despicable". 

      At any rate - Happy Thanksgiving 2023 - everybody!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

A Special Edition of Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 10* - through Fri. Nov.17* - 2023 - U.S. Congress Rep. from Michigan - Rashida Tlaib - Censored by her Colleagues!

          Twenty Democratic reps of the U.S. House of Representatives - the lower chamber - of the U.S. Congress - joined almost all of their Republican colleagues - as they voted on Thurs. Nov. 09 - 2023 - to censure U.S. Congress's Democratic rep. Rashida Tlaib; the only Republican who voted against it - was a Republican Rep. Massey from Kentucky - who usually "stands out like a sore thumb" - according to many of his Republican "co-workers"; anyway - as we mentioned above - on Thurs. Nov. 09 - 2023 - the U.S. House of Representatives voted to censure - Rep. Rashida Tlaib - in another words - they voted to slap in the face - their - Congressional colleague - a Democrat/Socialist/Leftist - a U.S. congressional Squad - Member - Rashida Tlaib from Michigan - described by many commentators on various social media - platforms - as the most virulent and hateful - anti-Israel, anti-Jewish - anti-Semite - in history of the U.S. legislature.

      They were generous in not taking away her congressional committees' - assignments - the way they did when they censured - another U.S. Congressional rep. - the Republican - Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia - a few years ago. Still - a censure is a big slap in the face - since only 20 U.S. legislators - were censored - to wit.

      With our usual disclaimer in place that - "Any similarity to real people - is - purely - coincidental" - we assure our readers that we have - here - in our town - also - a lot of local, anti-Semites - mini local celebrities of sorts - who love to "spew their anti-Semitic, cockamamie conspiracy theories - which always end up in hating on Israel, Jewish Americans and Jews - in general"; they use the talk radio platform - thus they can attract the haters like themselves - "to crawl out from the woodwork" - in order to spew their hostile political propaganda - galore - since they quote some writers who always write - for money - "fiction" - which - of course - fits - the narrative of the "conspiracies' advocates" -  fiction which masquerades  as "non-fiction".

      At any rate - stay tuned for some more "profiles" of various political - pseudo - "folk heroes" of various sorts!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - Extra Commentary - Elections Nov. 07 - 2023 - Special!

            For this special Commentary of the Week - we shall comment a bit upon the results/consequences - of the recently held Elections (Nov. 07 - 2023) in the Allegheny County in which Pittsburgh, Pa. - a famous, hilly city - occupies a central place. Pittsburgh - according to many political comments on the Twitter, YouTube platforms - among many others - "is shot through" with the Leftists/Socialists/Progressives - politicians - who couldn't get their own Leftist/Progressive/Woke - political platform - because many voters distrust them - therefore - they took over the regular Democratic party which causes a big - temporary split in the party; however - many political analysts - are sure that the Woke political movement is toxic, temporary and it's - already - well on the way out - like any other temporary, political, phony - "fad".

       Outside of Pittsburgh - the suburbs and neighboring counties are not "taken over" by any Leftists/Socialists/Progressives - who - by the way - ruined many cities like San Francisco, Chicago and others - according to many political commentators who post their political comments of that sort - onto many political platforms. Similar political phenomenon - takes place in the city of Philadelphia versus its surrounding suburbs.

      Back to Allegheny County - in which the city of Pittsburgh's voters - of the Leftist/Socialist - political preference - barely managed to elect/squeeze through - to a position of a new County Executive - who makes business decisions involving $3 billion dollars per year - a 37-year-old - Progressive/Socialist - who barely got enough votes to win - and while she swears up and down - for now - that she is a "normal" Democrat - she can't be trusted - according to two political commentators/well-known local talk radio announcers. She can't change her "leopard's spots" of a Leftist/Socialist - according to the same, two well-known - Pittsburgh's talk radio announcers/savvy political commentators. 

      They further add that "they can't trust anybody with a nose ring and a big tattoo". To their credit - they didn't mention the "overbite" of her teeth - Hillary Clinton's - style. Since the "politicos" love to be in front of all sorts of cameras - they have to pay the price of notoriety - which can be exacting.

     At any rate - stay tuned everybody! We will continue with our profiles of local and national "politicos".

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023


Sunday, November 5, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 15 - 2023 through Fri. Dec. 22 - 2023!

         For this cold, crisp - almost - early winter week - we shall continue a bit with some "local mini celebrities" who - at times - become a big embarrassment to this area in front of the national audiences. We need to mention - first - a "real political celebrity" who - according to a comment by the local talk radio announcer - made on Nov. 02 - 2023 -"Spews idiotic non-sense"; he is referring to our U.S. Vice-President - Kamala Harris - "spewing idiotic nonsense - galore - in claiming that as a result of the recent Mideastern conflict - the U.S. Moslems face a large uptick in persecution". The local talk radio announcer further maintained that - contrary to Vice-President's Harris's asinine statistics - the American Jews with their number being - statistically - much lower than that of the U.S. Moslems - have - recently - suffered 400% increase in hate crime related - incidents. 

      We will - of course - insert our disclaimer - as every week - "Any similarity to real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental." 

      So that's how the big time, national political celebrity is making an idiot of herself - according to the aforementioned - well known announcer for the local talk radio station - as well as - according to many comments of that nature about her - posted on multitudes of social media platforms. 

       There is no shortage of the "local mini celebrities" - here - as well - who are also - making themselves look idiotic - on many occasions - according to tons of such comments expressed on various social media platforms. So here it goes: A few months ago, a local "mini celebrity" who loves to be in front of any camera - for some unknown reasons - donned a bright, red-colored - truly idiotic looking costume - complete with a red hat matching the rest of the shining, sparkling, crimson colored - completion of his - attire; long story short - the outfit looked ridiculous in its presentation - according to the numerous opinions/critiques of the program.

     The same commentators who weighed in - upon his bright red wardrobe that day - speculate that his crimson attire in front of the cameras on that day - signify his strong political affinity for Marxism/Socialism which has always used the red color to symbolize its various political and otherwise significant - activities of many kinds.

    Stay tuned for more colorful profiles - have a super good - new week - everybody!

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 08 - 2023 through Fri. Dec. 15 - 2023!

        For this cold, windy, blistery week of the early winter 2023 - we shall comment upon a U.S. Congressional Rep. - Summer Lee - whose U.S. Congressional district Pa. 12 - includes Pittsburgh's - Squirrel Hill - 15217 - heavily Jewish part of Pittsburgh, Pa. where a few years ago - on Oct. 27 - 2018 - 11 Jewish worshippers were gunned down in a Tree of Life Jewish Temple - where they came to worship on that Saturday morning.

     Before we continue our comments re: the aforementioned U.S. Congressional district Pa. 12 - allegedly - represented by a Leftist/Socialist - Summer Lee - we need to mention that we shall be profiling various local "types" who aspire to be famous - on the order of a woman we mentioned last time - who obsessively calls all the local talk radio hosts - most of whom - either ignore her persistent calls to the stations or politely dismiss her - pursuant to a brief, obligatory conversation with her - meaning - politely - "get lost". 

       However - as we mentioned before - she never gives up her political anti-Semitic verbal venom - especially in view of the fact that one of the local talk radio hosts - shares her Leftist/Socialist political agenda which always includes an anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, anti-Jewish - planks. The aforementioned woman/obsessive caller to the local talk radio - for sure - has "sharpened her claws and fangs" since it's a Halloween 2023 - season.

      At the present time - however - when the Mideast Israel/Hamas conflict plays out - millions of decent people who abhor the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel - political propaganda - also make their political agendas and voices - known.

     In any event - while our legal disclaimer is in force which reads - "Any similarity to real people or circumstances are - purely coincidental" - we shall continue our comments about Summer Lee - a U.S. Congressional rep. from Pa. 12 - U.S. Congressional district. 

     On Mon. Oct. 30 - 2023 - during the morning radio show hosted by a nationally and internationally famous - radio personality - Hugh Hewitt who has 75 U.S and foreign radio stations in his syndication - thus reaching - at least - easily - 50 million listeners - severely criticized Summer Lee's Leftist political agenda which comprises her anti-Semitic/anti-Israel - political positions. Moreover - his guest that morning - Selena Zito - a Western Pennsylvania resident - a constituent of Summer Lee - also "blistered" Summer Lee's anti-Semitic political stances. In addition - Selena Zito who is a respected political commentator for Wall Street Journal, Washington Examiner as well as The New York Post - newspapers - applauded the fact that Summer Lee's - is being "primaried" by a formidable political opponent - who will get tons of Squirrel Hill 15217 - Pittsburgh's - support of every kind - no doubt about it and even if they might not - immediately - succeed - Summer Lee is extremely distrusted and disliked by most of her constituents in Pa. 12 - U.S. Congressional district. 

    Stay tuned everybody - we have some other colorful, local "mini celebrities" - to profile!

   Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


Monday, October 30, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Dec. 01 - 2023 through Fri. Dec. 08 - 2023!

          For this cold and rainy week of the beginning of the winter 2023 - we shall continue a bit with our talk radio - personalities - thus the disclaimer is in place as every week: "Any similarity to real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental."

      Last time we mentioned an obsessed woman - caller/listener to the local talk radio station who calls the station all the time - with most of this radio station's talk radio hosts - politely but quickly - disposing of her calls - after a brief verbal exchange; the notable exception being - of one of the talk radio hosts - who is of the obvious Leftist slanted - political persuasion - thus - his anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, anti-Jewish values - are identical to those of the compulsive/obsessive woman caller - we are highlighting; therefore - their hating onto the Jews and Israel - under the pretext that both of them love the Palestinian people - all sound phony, disingenuous and insincere. 

       Both of them falsely claim that while they despise - the Zionism and Israel - they do "like the Jewish people". That's what all the haters proclaim - now a days and always - actually. Those two - must be sharpening their fangs and claws - galore - this time of the year - each time - before they get onto the airwaves! Halloween 2023 Season - must be their favorite national holiday!

       We promised to give you a profile of a new - caller/hater with a raspy/abrasive/ugly tone of voice who started calling the station recently - with a slightly different sort of a disgusting and skewered - political propaganda. His political "mini speeches/rants" - however - have many shades of the hostility towards the Republicans and blind love for the Democrats thus his - alleged -"facts" are frequently skewered and manipulated to support his phony political arguments. 

       However - many truly knowledgeable callers/listeners - frequently - knock down and effectively - repudiate - his bombastic and - often - ridiculous - political arguments - which always last - way too long - each time he gets his raspy/abrasive voice onto the airwaves. 

      At any rate - stay tuned - everybody - for some other "profiles" who disgrace this area! Next time we will "sprinkle" some local Leftist politicians into this "witches' brew" mix - with many of them becoming truly - a national embarrassment to this area!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 24 - 2023 through Fri. Dec. 01 - 2023!

          For this beautiful, fall 2023 week - close to Thanksgiving 2023 - we shall continue to comment upon the various callers/listeners to the local talk radio station - for a change - since we touched upon some talk radio hosts of this talk radio station which we will not be naming. We shall focus a bit on various compulsive callers/listeners who call obsessively to our local talk radio station's - talk radio hosts - with the disclaimer firmly in place which reads: "Any similarity to real people or circumstances are purely coincidental." 

      Anyway - for quite a few years a certain woman/caller keeps calling many talk radio hosts of this station. Most of them will take her calls - then get rid of her - politely - from the air waves; they know her political conspiracy theories - almost all of which - come down to her - obvious - hateful attitude towards the state of Israel and the Jews - by extension. 

      In addition - she - however - is not averse to talk about her personal life - to the variety of the radio hosts - most of whom - don't give a "rat's pajama" about the details of her personal life's events - the details of which do not belong on the air waves - anyway - especially if they are of the gruesome and disgusting nature.

     As we mentioned before - most of the radio hosts - politely - get rid of her calls but she is a persistent type - not easily dissuaded by many other callers to the station who state that they "can't stand her - with her air of superiority permeating her calls -  thus they find her calls - annoying to the maximum."

     At any rate - since the Oct. 07 - 2023 - Israeli/Hamas conflict started - her favorite talk radio host - also an anti-Israel, anti-Jewish political advocate - an apologist for Hamas's political agenda - simply adores her calls to no end - since her hostile, anti-Semitic propaganda spewing - evidently - sounds like "music to his ears". She - loves to call his talk radio shift - like a fly loves a sweet honey strip.

     There is another talk radio host - not an anti-Semitic type or anti-Israel proponent - who - for some mysterious reasons - kowtows - to her calls to his talk radio shift. When she talks to him - on the air waves - which seems to be one of the biggest "big highs" of her existence - she tempers a bit her anti-Semitic, anti-Israel rhetoric - but she still manages to "spray" some of her anti-Israel, anti-Jewish political venom - nevertheless.

     Stay tuned because next time we shall profile a bit - a new, compulsive/obsessive Leftist caller to the talk radio station who "gathers his facts" skewered to his rabid Leftist political agenda.

     Anyway - everybody will have a super good new week. We pray for Israel and contribute to them while the U.S. House of Representatives just elected a new speaker - thank God - so help is on the way!

    Thanksgiving 2023 will be here in a blink of an eye!

    Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 17 - 2023 through Fri. Nov. 24 - 2023!

        For this beautiful Fall 2023 - week - during which the leaves are changing colors while the smell of wet leaves brings the reminder of the coming soon - Thanksgiving 2023 and the Holiday Season 2023/24 - not far behind - we will comment upon about various conspiracy theories which richly abound during these politically tense times. As every week - we insert our disclaimer: "Any similarity to read people or circumstances - are purely coincidental". 

      In any event - we mentioned before - various talk radio hosts entertaining the shifts of the locally popular - talk radio station. Lo and behold - one of the hosts who is of the obvious Leftist/Socialist - political persuasion - loves the political conspiracies - moreover - he provides the facts which he digs up to support the aforementioned - wild political conspiracies. 

     He has a favorite caller/listener - however - who constantly/obsessively - calls the station whenever he entertains the talk radio shifts - other radio hosts are not eager to listen to her "drivel".  The annoying caller in question - is - evidently - simply - dying to put their "two cents worth" over the airwaves. 

     The same caller is truly - taken over by multitudes of conspiracy theories of the wildest sorts. Many listeners find that caller - annoying to no end - with that "familiar" voice sounding like "the nails down the chalkboard". 

     The Leftist radio host - though - appears to be totally fascinated/enamored - with that conspiracies' - spinning - caller/listener - who clearly demonstrates - though - that every one of their political conspiracy theories - leads to hating upon the state of Israel and all the Jewish people - by extension. Needless to say - that just makes all the Jewish listeners' - collective skins - crawl.

     At any rate - everybody will have a very good, new week and we shall meet here - close to a week from today! Thanksgiving and Holiday Season 2023 - are coming very soon! As every week - our thoughts and prayers go to people of Israel as well as any innocent civilians - caught in a crossfire of the recent Middle East War which started from the terroristic Hamas of Gaza Strip - unleashing its murderous spree - upon the innocent Israeli civilians on Oct. 07 - 2023 - who happened to live in Israeli towns - bordering Gaza Strip!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 10 -2023 through Fri. Nov. 17 - 2023!

            We are doing our Commentary of the Week a bit earlier due to the Hamas terrorist's incursion and subsequent - massacre of the Israeli civilian population on Oct. 07 - 2023 - in the Israeli towns neighboring the Hamas ruled - Gaza Strip whose 2 million Palestinians elected Hamas in 2006. Many political commentators claim that Hamas's electoral victory came with a lot of political violence.

        In response to our last Commentary of the Week - we will do part 2 - at this time. As we mentioned before - the disclaimer is in place - "Any similarity to real people and circumstances - are purely coincidental". 

        At any rate - the Leftist talk radio host we talked about the last time - constantly "works" with a steady, mainly anti-Semitic caller/listener - who is not averse - however - to "spew" their political venom - against some other political elements as well - with which they disagree. They find some alleged, true sources on YouTube to support their cockamamie conspiracy theories - truly "off the wall". 

       In spite of many criticisms which this listener/caller - constantly faces - to the effect that they are self-righteous, and blindly in love with themselves and their warped - politics - nothing seems to phase them - they plow ahead with their arrogant and false - cockamamie conspiracy theories. 

       Everybody will have a super good, new week. Our prayers, thoughts and best wishes go to the Israeli people, the Americans stranded there - many of whom - not Jewish as well many foreign visitors caught there. 

     We also pray for the innocent Palestinians - the ones who don't support Hamas - who are - however - currently - caught in the crossfire caused by Hamas's massacre of the neighboring Israeli towns - on Oct. 07 - 2023. Many Palestinians were forced to vote for Hamas - which used violence in 2006 elections - according to many political analysts. The massacre of innocent Israeli civilians by Hamas terrorists - on Oct. 07 - 2023 will not ever be forgotten. 

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024


Monday, October 9, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Nov. 03 - 2023 through Fri. Nov. 10 - 2023!

           For this glorious - cool, crisp and sunny Fall 2023 - week - we shall comment a bit upon a local talk radio host - thus - of course - the disclaimer states: "Any similarity to real people or circumstances are purely - coincidental."

      We mentioned before something about the local Leftist talk radio host - who strongly believes in self-promotion; evidently much confident in his looks and general political activities - thus - being always - a dapper - snappy dresser - an energetic publicity seeker - with an elegant handkerchief in the lapels of his suits. Sometimes - however - the colors of his suits look - goofy/strange. 

     He loves to be in front of the TV camera but as we all know - it always adds - at least - 10 lbs. of weight - due to its wide angles; thus, a stocky person will appear - heavy. A slightly short neck - usually - looks quite a bit shorter - all due to the wide angle of the TV camera. 

     Anyway - until recently - he was appearing in the short, local TV promotional clip - whereby he interviewed in a boring manner - mostly - local writers - "hawking" their latest books. It was a tedious broadcast which was recently - "canned" - anyway. 

     He is not a good looking, portly old guy - to begin with - however - to the Israelis and the Jews who listen to his broadcasts on the local talk radio station - he looks like a big but short-necked alligator - snapping at them vigorously - while it flashes its big teeth.

    The reason for that - being - that he has his favorite listeners/callers - Israel haters who also hate the Jews - in general - calling the station - constantly - ad nauseum - every time he is on the air - with their venomous, half-truths - anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, anti-Semitic propaganda pieces. In general - they are of the Leftist/Woke/Socialist - political persuasion.

    At any rate - everybody will have a super good, new week and we shall meet here - next week - as every week. All of our thoughts and prayers go out this week and always - to our Jewish and Israeli friends - violently attacked on Saturday Oct. 07 - 2023 - by the Hamas terrorists - elected by the people of the Gaza Strip in 2006. We also pray for the Americans stranded there - lots of them - not Jewish; our prayers also go out to the Palestinian people who reject Hamas - but were forced to vote for Hamas in the elections of 2006 at the Gaza Strip - (conducted by Hamas - using violence -according to many political commentators).

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023

Thursday, October 5, 2023

A Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 27 - 2023 through Fri. Nov. 03 - 2023!

          For this last summery week of Oct. 2023 - we shall comment upon Senator John Fetterman's - state of mind as well as - we will bring back some flashbacks from his 2022 - bruising and ugly -  political campaign against Dr. Mehmet Oz - a polished international celebrity who would - for certain - do a much better job for the voters of Pennsylvania than Fetterman currently does (not even mentioning his idiotic attire which he - insists on wearing to the U.S. Senate sessions). 

       The Pennsylvania voters - evidently - chose to vote for Progressive/Socialist Fetterman - even if he turned out to be a semi-invalid - with his U.S. Senate staff - doing nearly all of the work for him. All this is happening - while the U.S. taxpayers "are forking over their hard-earned money in taxes - for his upkeep in the U.S. Senate where his numerous staff members do - almost - all the work for him," - according to many political comments of that nature posted onto many social media platforms.

      Everybody remembers that Fetterman had a massive stroke after the 2022 primaries which should have prompted him to resign. The political campaigns are not for anybody "faint of heart." There was a widely circulated video clip - around that time - of another Leftist/Socialist legislator - Malcolm Kenyatta from Philadelphia area - verbally devastating Fetterman - during an encounter/political debate. Kenyatta cut into Fetterman like a "knife into butter".

      Pursuant to his stroke - Fetterman started showing many signs of mental deficiency. Who can forget the memorable local debate between him and Dr. Oz - during which he "bode everybody 'goodnight'" at the very beginning of the program while he totally confused the names of Philadelphia Eagles football team. 

      Moreover - the local moderator advised Fetterman's team to turn the TV cameras onto Fetterman's "good side" which did not prominently - "showcased" a big lump on his neck.

      Still - many Pennsylvania voters - evidently - voted for him. Now - however - that the borders are overrun with tons of illegals from the numerous countries of the world - while the prices of everything - are much higher than before - they might have second thoughts whether to vote for the Democrats - again - this time around.

      In any event - everybody will have a super good, new week and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week! Happy October 2023 to all!

     Copyright@ L.S. Hadley and Associates 2024


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 20 - 2023 through Fri. Oct. 27 - 2023!

        For this - unusually warm - week of October 2023 - we shall comment a bit upon some local talk radio hosts - therefore the disclaimer is firmly in place - "Any similarity to the real people and circumstances - are purely - coincidental".

      As we mentioned before - we have here - a locally popular - Leftist talk radio host who - in spite of having higher education - speaks "jive" when he does his radio shifts. The other African American talk radio host - does not do it but his radio voice is not only - not excellent - but somewhat abrasive. We will talk about him in another column.

     Back to "jive" speaking local Leftist radio host who - evidently - wants to "curry favor" with all the "jive" speaking listeners. He loves, loves, loves to quote - frequently - gruesome crime statistics which the white people perpetrated against the Blacks - in the past. Naturally that kind of talk attracts many white people hating - callers and - of course - it gets on the nerves of everybody else in the listening audience.

      In any event - everybody will have a super good, new week. We are wishing our Jewish friends - most Happy Sukkot - Fiest of Tabernacle - Holiday which lasts a whole week!

      L.S. Hadley and Associates - 2023


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Oct. 13 - 2023 through Fri. Oct. 20 - 2023!

            For this lovely, fall 2023 - week in - soon coming up - October - we will comment on the Sebastian Lucas Gorka's top talk radio show - with him - currently - being one of the most famous radio talk show hosts - with hundreds of radio stations in the U.S. syndications - and with the numbers of them - still growing. He has a pronounced British accent and his daily radio talk show - attracts millions of listeners. A lot of them call to his radio show.

       Quite a few of them - in fact - dislike him and his conservative politics - thus they try to offend him on the airwaves. However - he has got a lot of practice on how to handle various adversaries - having a long career in the diplomatic service as well as an instructor in various higher levels of the military academies. 

      He also offers an interesting feature in terms of - in depth - interviews with various writers, politicians and other prominent thinkers of the day. An additional, important perk of his radio show is his promoting quite a few books which he has written - by mailing them to many callers who have something meaningful to say.

      In any event - everybody will have a super good, new week and we shall meet here a week from today - as every week!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Oct. 06 - 2023 through Oct. 13 - 2023!

            For this - beautiful, cool and sunny week of almost Autumn 2023 - we shall comment a bit onto the local radio personality thus the disclaimer is in place - "Any similarity too real people or circumstances - purely coincidental." 

      As we mentioned before - the talk radio makes it easy to recognize the attitudes of the respective radio hosts - as well as it's easy to ascertain a lot of their personal traits after one listens to them for a while. The television or film camera tends to do the same to the people who "love to be in front of it" for various reasons.

      In any event - our local talk radio station acquired a radio host - a while ago - who started his career in talk radio after doing other media jobs in which he could follow the script so the camera or microphone could not "focus" on the personal traits - even if the film or TV camera can pick up the personal attributes of the person who "loves to be in front" of it - as we mentioned above.

     However - since the aforementioned radio host started in this format of talk radio - it became obvious that he "likes to play" both sides of the issues - in another words - he "likes to sit on the fence and play it safe" - as far as the current hot topics of the day - are concerned - which are - usually - risky since a lot of them are of political nature. 

      Anyway - the aforementioned radio host - rarely - takes a stand since he likes to "sit on the fence" - as we mentioned earlier - which can get on many listeners nerves. He likes to be "wishy-washy" - in another words - he likes to be with "them and with us."

     We overheard two sports professionals a while back - commenting on this sort of attitude; in essence - they said something to the effect - "if you sit on the fence too long - some parts of your body will get sore - it's time to come down from the fence and join a team".

     At any rate - everybody will have a super good, new week - best wishes of Healthy, Happy and Prosperous - New Year 5784 to all our Jewish friends and we shall meet here - a week from today!

    Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023



Friday, September 15, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 29 - 2023 through Fri. Oct. 06 - 2023!

        For this - absolutely - glorious week of - almost officially started - Fall 2023 - we shall continue with the radio talk hosts. This week - we will comment on the legend of talk radio - Hugh Hewitt. Of course, a big time national "brand" like him - delivers every day. He is hard to emulate - still there are some annoying quirks which we would like to highlight. 

      Hugh Hewitt has an assistant - Dwayne Peterson who has been with him a long time - still - the way we see it - Hewitt talks to him and about him - way, way too much. He started that dubious trend of talking to his assistant - way too much instead of concentrating on the invited guests. Unfortunately, that trend was massively taken up by a lot of famous and not so famous "talkers".

      The radio host needs to come prepared for his several hours on the air - and while the short exchanges with his "producer/glorified phone operator" may not be annoying - many famous "talkers" on the order of Sean Hannity and others - spend - way - too much time - talking to their assistants - on the air.

      At any rate - everybody will have a very good, new week and all our Jewish friends will have a Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous - New Year 5784 - the New Year's Eve is on Friday Sept. 15 - 2023 - this year - while the first day of the New Year 5784 falls on Sat. Sept. 16 - 2023!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2024

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 22 - 2023 through Fri. Sept. 29 - 2023!

        Since we commented on the talk radio host of national prominence last week - we shall comment on a couple of African American talk radio hosts - here - locally. As every week - our disclaimer is firmly in place - "Any circumstances or people - resembling the real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental".

     At any rate - this one gentleman/radio host - from time to time - indulges into coming up with the broadcasts which are - generally - angry - on the borderline of being - vicious - towards many different groups of listeners - as well as towards - the station management plus towards his co-workers who make more money than he does.         

      Those angry - and not the most pleasant for listening - to the vast audiences - broadcasts - are - usually - followed by his "oh - so sweet, nice demeanor galore - pure sugar and spice - super nice - attitude" - broadcasts - while the other ones - evidently - "need to be quickly forgotten and disregarded - by the vast audiences - it offended?". Really? Fat Chance.

    The other gentleman - the African American talk radio host - has a tendency to go on and on and on - again - about his most favorite topic/specialty - the sports - for a very long time - while the other half of the listening audience - needs to "do something else" or what? Perhaps - he should designate certain days of the week - as mostly sports' days or something.

    Anyway - everybody shall have a very good new week and we meet here - a week from today as every week!

    Copyright @L. Hadley and Associates 2023

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 15 - 2023 through Fri. Sept. 22 - 2023!

         For this hot - hopefully - the last hot week of the remaining Summer 2023 - we shall continue with the talk radio hosts - national and local. During the last few years - Carl Jackson - an African American Conservative talk radio commentator has seen - an almost meteoric rise in his talk radio career.

      In a nutshell - after doing a successful talk radio gig in Orlando, Fla. - for a while - he started to substitute for several talk radio giants on the order of Mike Gallagher and Dennis Prager

      Carl Jackson found a job in Orlando, Fla. - pursuant to him transferring there from California - where he was - briefly - in trouble with the law. From his Florida radio job - he started to substitute for national talk radio stars on the order of Mike Gallagher and Dennis Prager. 

        After that Carl Jackson took over Larry Elder radio show by Salem Natwork which ran 7 or 8 seasons - thus accumulating the listening audiences - counting millons of listeners.

     Of course, those aforementioned talk radio stars - helped him quite a bit - however - his commonsense approach to the U.S. national and international policies - needs to be - mainly - credited with his tremendous success in a relatively short time.

     As we mentioned before - the talk radio industry is extremely hard to - effectively - break in - and stay in - with a considerable measure of success. There are many reasons for Carl Jackson's success - but it needs to be noted that he never resorted to "blaming his past failures" of which he had quite a few - on the "prevailing racism in the U.S'" - and he chose to not to entertain any anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish, anti-Israel - propaganda slogans and phony political maxims.

     On the contrary - he frequently mentions that Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Prager (both Jewish scholars in addition to their tremendously successful work in talk radio) - helped him a lot - to achieve the "national brand" of his U.S. - lustrous - talk radio career.

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - a Bit Early for this Labor Day 2023 Weekend - from Fri. Sept. 08 - 2023 through Fri. Sept. 15 - 2023!

             For this beautiful - almost Labor Day 2023 Weekend - we shall continue to comment on the local talk radio hosts - "mini local celebrities" - which are doing the talk radio shifts for the local talk radio station. The disclaimer is in place - as every week - "Any similarity to real people or circumstances - purely coincidental".

         Last week we mentioned a couple of talk radio hosts' - "misadventures" in a local talk radio land. This week - we shall comment a bit on one of the gentlemen who has been around the local media for quite a while. In addition to entertaining the shifts for the local talk radio station - he also appears on the local TV programs - doing the short city features - so he is well known/recognized - in this area. A local "mini celebrity of sorts".

        I can't say that he especially "rubbed me the wrong way" until he started to propagate for Socialism during his radio shifts - which turned me off - needless to say. Moreover - he maintains erroneously that the Scandinavian countries are Socialist regimes - which they are not. To wit - their representatives hate to be called Socialist countries. All their top representatives always maintain that they are simply capitalist economies with extra-large safety nets.

       A month or so - ago - the aforementioned radio host - wore a totally pukey looking, bright blue outfit when he was doing his local TV "short". The neighbors wondered if it was to commemorate in some manner - the Pride Week or what? Some suggested that maybe that bright blue color was to give "homage" to the U.S. Blue states which are - close to the Socialist economies.

       Not to get sidetracked or anything like that - but our colleagues at another successful talk radio market - relate to us - that their Leftist radio host - leaning towards the anti-Israel, anti-American Jews and anti-Jews - in general political positions - also - donned "eccentric" looking attire - recently - during his on-air, short presentation; in addition to his "costume" - he also attracted a lot of unfavorable attention - by attacking the Jewish religion, Israel and Jews - in general - without giving anybody a fair chance to present their respective positions.

       At any rate - everybody will have a super good, long Labor 2023 Weekend and we meet here - about a week from today! 

      Copyright @L.S. Hadley and Associates 2023

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Sept. 01 - 2023 through Fri. Sept. 08 - 2023!

               For this lovely, first week of the beginning of the school year - as every September - the kids of all ages - will be - refreshingly - out of all the public places. Anyway - this time we shall comment - again - on some things going on at our talk radio station with the customary disclaimer - of course - that "any similarity to real people or circumstances - are purely coincidental".

         A few months ago, the station - suddenly fired a radio host who has been with them close to 14 years (evidently quite a few listeners must have liked his "style"). Our group of neighbors mostly disliked his "microphone" style for a lot of reasons - the main one being that he - customarily - went on - way too long on any subject - especially - his family members were talked about - on the air - a lot more than anybody would be interested to hear - secondly -he stuck to the topic like a proverbial "chewing gum to the shoe sole" - way too long.

      Still - the way they fired him was amazing - his name was quickly taken off the schedule; then after a few weeks - a short notice on their website stated something short - in response to many listeners asking about him; the station informed the listeners in a short statement to the effect that "whenever the station fires anybody - it's to save funds." They would never do it like this - had he been a minority or gay.

       Speaking of which - another radio host was given a "royal to the max" - send off - with a proverbial "red carpet and orchestra" treatment - with all the station bosses doing the lengthy "tributes to their vast accomplishments while working for the station". It needs to be emphasized - however - that they were only with the station - for two short years - with no outstanding accomplishments of record - of any sort.

       In any event - everybody will have a super good new week, and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

      Copyright@ L. Hadley and the Associates 2024



Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week from Fri. Aug. 25 - 2023 through Fri. Sept. 01 - 2023!

         For the last week of August 2023 which is always nice since it indicates that the new Fall is near - we will continue to for a bit with some callers/listeners to our talk radio station. Again - our disclaimer stands firm - "any similarity to real people or circumstances - purely - coincidental". 

      The talk radio station in our town has quite a few listeners - some of whom - call the station regularly - thus - they become "mini celebrities of sort" - in their own right. At times they talk about each other's comments to certain radio hosts - which can be funny.

      Today - however - we shall continue with two callers who "spit political sludge" against the listeners who disagree with their political positions - some of which - are extreme. The woman that we mentioned before - currently - tactfully - refrains from constantly calling the radio hosts. It's good to take a break from her always annoying - but frequently - obnoxious - political radio "lectures" as if she won several Nobel prizes or equivalent.

      The relatively new - gentleman caller - with an awful, hoarse - sounding voice - continues - too frequently - with his "avalanche of hostility" - in the shape of - way too long - political lectures - directed against the listeners who disagrees with his extreme Leftist political positions. Some Leftist radio hosts - however - use him to "hose political venom" - instead of them.

     At any rate - everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet here a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2024


Thursday, August 10, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 18 - 2023 through Fri. Aug. 25 - 2023!

            For this rainy and cool but beautiful week of August 2023 - we shall continue with the radio talk shows' - the callers and the hosts. Again - as every week - the disclaimer is in place - "Any similarity to real people - purely coincidental".          

      As we mentioned before - some callers are obsessed with calling certain radio hosts - but they call the other ones as well - at the aforementioned big talk radio station which we are not naming. The listeners - in the meantime - get very familiar with the steady callers and their political agendas.

          There is a certain woman caller - constantly calling the station's - talk radio hosts - wanting to share her "three cents worth" of her political theories - with a big radio audience. Her political agenda changes - however. Recently - she was totally fixated on comparing the state of Israel to Nazi dictatorship by quoting some obscure anti-Semitic, anti-Israel - books and articles - no doubt - written to support hers and other anti-Semitic, crazy conspiracy theories of many sorts. She was obsessed with maligning the state of Israel - for quite a while - which subsided a bit - in recent weeks. Many people pointed out to her that her anti-Semitic "activity"/fixation - is as obvious as a proverbial "nose on her face."

      Lately - though - she has been vigorously propagating for her big political goal of - not re-electing Pres. Biden for the U.S. presidency in 2024. Needless to say - her intense calls get on many listeners - nerves - galore - not necessarily - just the Jews who might not be thrilled to listen to her "spewing her anti-Semitic, conspiracy theories." It needs to be noted - however - that she also - frequently "works the nerves" of other talk radio hosts as well as the nerves of many listeners who frequently state so - when they talk to the radio hosts. Nothing seems to discourage her - though. She is deeply dedicated.

        Recently - a relatively new gentleman caller - "arrived onto the scene" of talk radio. He "spews" another sort of hostility to the vast radio audiences. He loudly proclaims his strong hatred of ex-president Trump - which also gets on the nerves on many listeners - as well as on the nerves of many talk radio hosts. Many listeners who call the talk radio - inform the hosts about it.         

       It's not that they are necessarily - "Trumpers" or anything like that - but the aforementioned caller's abrasive voice and long, long lectures - will "work" - anybody's nerves. Many of the listeners - confirm that - when they talk to the radio hosts about various subjects - but mostly about politics which had always been divided but the divisions came to the surface with the massive use of social media platforms - in the recent years.

      In any event - everybody will have a very good week and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

      Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 11 - 2023 through Fri. Aug. 18 - 2023!

             For this cooler, more pleasant week of Summer in August 2023 - we shall continue a bit with some radio talk shows hosts. As we mentioned last week - each one of them appeals to a different "block" of listeners who get familiar with their voice - their "vocal mannerisms", "various vocal spiels", "vocal tricks" and so for. Their personalities' traits as well as their political attitudes - become familiar to the listeners who listen to them and their - on air, on radio - "gab". As every week - we insert the disclaimer that "any similarity to real people - purely - coincidental".

      The aforementioned - radio talk shows - hosts' - political views become obvious - and if the chunk of the audience agrees with their views - their voice sounds bearable to them - even if it's somewhat abrasive in nature. On the other hand - if the radio talk show host attacks certain groups of population - their voice sounds to the "offended" parties" like "fingernails scratching a long blackboard - non-stop". 

      Unfortunately - during the last few years - the anti-Semitic - anti-Israel political propagandists - have been spewing their warped, one sided "political views" with more open acceptance than before. Fortunately - the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel waves of propaganda - come and go - in the U.S. and abroad just like various political propagandists - do.

      In any event - the political propaganda's - "flavor of the day" - filters down to the talk radio - its talk radio hosts - and other mass media platforms - thus it's crucial that many sides of the political arguments have an unhampered access to all the platforms.

     At any rate - everybody will have a good, new week and - of course - we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023


Friday, July 28, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Aug. 04 - 2023 through Fri. Aug. 11 - 2023!

            For this hot, hot, sticky week of Summer 2023 - we will continue to comment upon the local radio talk shows' - hosts - with the disclaimer - however - "Any similarity to the real people - purely - coincidental." As we mentioned before the radio talk genre can be an interesting source of local news as well as a good analysis of the national news.

     All the talk show hosts talk a bit about their personal lives as they relate to the issues they cover - however - some of the talkers - get hooked on talking about themselves - as if most of the listening audience - really - gave a "rat's pajama" - once they start overdoing it.

     This one talk radio host - we shall not be mentioning his name or the name of the station - loves, loves, loves - to talk about himself when he presents his analysis of current events - he does it - just like the legendary, the youngest U.S. president - to assume the U.S. presidency - Teddy Roosevelt - (only 42 years old when he became the president of the U.S. upon the assassination of Pres. McKinley - who was shot by a crazy anarchist in Buffalo, New York - at the Pan-American Exposition - on Sept. 06 - 1901). 

      Not to digress too much or get sidetracked - but the anarchists - are not a new phenomenon in the U.S. politics - i.e. - the U.S. Marxists/Leftists/Anarchists recently rioted violently during the Summer of 2020 in Seattle, WA.  - after which most of them received "a slap on the wrist" by a Leftist judge in Seattle, WA - while in Washington, D.C. - the Leftist judge (no doubt - whose campaign was financed by a billionaire Socialist - Soros) - was handing out excessive sentences for the Jan. 06 - 2021 rioters - frequently - even exceeding the recommendations of the prosecutors - according to many political commentators expressing the aforementioned comments onto many social media platforms.

     In any event - Pres. Teddy Roosevelt' oldest daughter - Alice Roosevelt Wentworth - used to comment that Pres. Teddy Roosevelt "simply loved to give himself tons of publicity - he was a bride at every wedding, a baby at every christening and a corpse at every funeral".

    At any rate - everybody will have a cool, pleasant week and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every week!

     Copyright@L.Hadley and Associates 2023

Friday, July 21, 2023

Our Commentary of the Week - from Fri. Jul. 28 - 2023 through Fri. Aug. 04 - 2023!

        For the first week of August 2023 - while the Summer 2023 continues in a mostly cool - mode - which is great - we shall continue with commenting on some talk radio hosts and their methods. Last week we mentioned that the talk radio hosts have certain followers of the listeners - who sometimes - listen to the multiple hosts but - at times - they call certain hosts - to express their - well established - political opinions. Thus, the people who listen to the talk radio stations get to know the steady callers to the stations - as they easily recognize their voices and opinions - for the most part. The callers come and go - as well as the radio hosts.

      Sometimes - the talk radio stations decide on the "overhaul" of their established schedules as well as the hosts. For example - last year - the local, well-known talk radio station - the exact location of which - we shall not mention - changed their line-up in a big way - and got rid of several radio hosts. 

      In today's warped political climate - the management had to make sure - that all the "getting rid" of frequently - nasty - in their on-air presentations - hosts - had no "racist overtones" of any kind - not matter how awful the aforementioned - radio host - may come off to the listeners who strongly disagree with their one-sided political propaganda. Consequently - all the getting rid of the abrasive and obnoxious - elements - had to be justified by "losing the income" for the station - which is not hard to do - thank God for small favors - (the last comment - editors of this column).

      While the aforementioned talk radio station was executing this big overhaul - one of the part-time hosts - strongly espousing his Leftist/Socialist/Marxist - political persuasions - was heavily lobbying to get a full-time position with the station - and for this goal - he was - actively - recruiting his Leftists listeners - so they would "bombard" the management with the appeals for his full-time employment. All those aforementioned, tacky efforts - fell flat on its face with a big thud.

     At any rate - everybody will have a good, new week and we shall meet here - a week from today - as every we do every Friday.

     Copyright@L. Hadley and Associates 2023